£J IvvhHrllni nu lull unw Ik my llm you Im In mu nu mm mu so am mm mum munlh mum pa AM mu ink In rm 6mm Im mm mm mm Mam In umb cl ID vau um Barrle is wonderful place The pew ple are excellent The supported our faussnto the limit ll never forget em Those words were spoken with nil sin ceriiy by Major James Gillespie who this week is leaving the command of tho Barrie Corps Salvation Army or an Id mlnistrative position in Toronto When we asked for he the citiz ens reall came through never or et thatI Mora remarks from Major Gil esple who has been resident of Banll only three years We contrast them with remarks made by another newcomer to Barrie young journalist who has been resident of this communit about the same length of time as the Sa vation Army leader Theres something really wrong with the people of this place They should be doing their dutK and res ending better to reuse suc as this remarked bitterl at the end of the first week of the cam Canadas main economic pmhiem in volves competition in the world trade market For various reasons many of the goods and services we produce have not been sufficiently competitive either at home or abroad Naturally high level of unemplo ment has resulted To this may he addc our serious imbalance in inter national payments Dcvaluatlon oi the dollar undertaken by the government one ear ago as matter of urgency has mproved the com etitive position of our exports and on which compete with im om but has had the unfortunate ei ect of in creasln domestic prices and of reducing per cap ta living standards There hsve been profound changes in world trade patterns since the end of World War Two The present both prob lems and opportunlt es or Cnnadl All of these must be resolved into meeting eompetitlon both in price and quality It is elementsry to understand as our busi ness leaders do that if competition oi other countries with much lower Mar and other costs is not met Csnsdnl liv WAR DAYS 10 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner June 24 1943 Fed eration oi Agriculture has shown great progress since inception in organizing iarmers oi Canada Simcoe County branch told at annual picnic in ring watcr Park Wood Ailiston ected Breakian ioliowin urgent appeal Superintendent Gor on it Foster mcoe County Council allotted another $1000 per month to Childrens Aid So ciety Walter Coutts elected pre sident Barrie Lions Club Leslie Chittlck elected vicepresident Barrio Kiwanis Club succeeding Loitree moved to Fort William llarry Coleman completed 20 years an treaaur er of Simon County 11W Bro Dr Robert Sprott installed oiiicerl oi Kerr Masonic Led tor Slat time Largo Party irom ire Parliamentary Assoc ation visited am Borden where they were received by Commander Brig adier Spencer ED uadron Lender Allan Lam ort hiPi oronto named senior admin strativa oilicer for Ilth tatipn Camp Borden Two HOW TO SPOT GENIUS Hrnnlfonl Exposllor In It not possible In npol II In earl Mano nnrl develop Iho crcallva Indlvl unls among the rlxln ldu of youth In our schnnls th cvlurncu quï¬uln Um they lrml Io Inparnla human from the puck AUnlvmlly Culllnrnll nludy nl genulnnuflfrenllvo pytrmrnrniin nlra soldfm rcscimdrlrom hay on wn Icparnlu occasions Sundnr On one nccaxlnn was Rosa Sm lh In the Can Depehd On Barrie When The Cause Is Just nllrl Canadas Economic Problem Annï¬nd hoeM um um rm um nwlmmt on NI lo Dunn of mm In mm Innm1 llulldhn mm IINNITI All IIIIIIOI will ILIIQIII mm It MIHKIIDN II All MHIIAI DOWIILI Walls Publisher The Barrie Examiner Tï¬afrie Examinrr Published by Canadian Newspapers limited 16 Hayfield Street name Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE OTHER EDITORS VIEWS er Brian Slalght Genml Manager THURSDAY JUNE 1m 4m pnlgn when the returns Were slow In up Peatinfl We from to take the word of Major Gilles and of those who have long been resident or native of Barrie This place is exactly 110 years old as say ante incorporated communliy this ym It has lon record of roud Ichievs men and iorlcal bsc ground For many years its growth was not spectacu lar except in the past decade or so but it steady and it never looked buck wa Major Glllesple was nu doubt refera lng specifically to the Salvnllon Army annual fund mugs whlch were sop rats from 1351 nlled Appgnlli 5nd Anolher duo in l1exblllyn third on mm or new experience And ourll In uhllty lo duw on Inner rcsnumx Ind Kuvrrn wonknoml Trullva topic wu quml do no fence humu vn In wllh rid view but kcup Ihomwlvu mcnlal rrcupllvo lhls mly make lhtln nppur dlnorglnlml lo unplo wlm Ilka everylhlnr In be My 111 out of lhln warning Innnlrr nllen comm In nrlglnal Ippmnch lo prnhlem BLESSINO TO NEIGHBORHOOD mnnlml motto In an old Inyln lhnl who plunlu cunlm mlnr on the borlmod But It In la Irue at anyone who don 71than lo Imp hln nwn hull and Inwn or gnrdnn in order In plraalng mnrc hlmxell no Ion rnnltrrlnx blculn on lhu nelgh Ln ï¬Ã©iuliï¬rt Elveh the xiiw Suildtiii onCo11gr SL twqyegrs asp But the iééorï¬s ihrliwftrf thc cause is just and needy Barrio clllzenl over more than one hundred years have not failed lug standard must go down ths trlde deficit will get worse and so will unem Flame ln hls address to the annual meeting of Canadlah Pacific Railway nharehold President Crump called for freer trade pollcles and or All aeclors the economy to work together for the welfare of the nallon There are obstacl es not only polltically but through the continued struggle bntween mlnlgement and labor But it remains essential that all elem ents of Canadian soclet face this prob lem realistically and wl houi further da lay li requires much higher and ever im proving productivity in our industry ma ure responsibility in organized labora approach to wages and fringe benefit du manda concerted effort on the pari of Canadian firms to develop new markets and new products realization by all con ernad of the vital im ortanca oi costs And Canada must as ir Crum polni ed out lake full advantage in ii ht of Canadian Inlereala of force workfn in ctlha direction of freer multilatera ra Soï¬a of you who In new citizens in this community plem take nets Marcath to the rescue in the other Delaney in the Lady Dell County Council heard about aerlous con gestion prevailinÂ¥ in hospitals of Simon Varden Orville odd appointed commit tee to look into matter also committee to design and erect memorial for coun tya centennial Lt George Fricke oi Barrie now on active duly in Norlh Airica with US Army Medical Corps CNR announced suspension of popular ahoofly aummer trains ihil year due to war Carnival held in Barrie Arm oury on Salurdayby Armoured Corpa WA raispd oycr $3900 to unher welfare among families and provide smoke for overseas troops llrl Worlhlnmon and Mrs John Graham coconvaned ev enL Warrant chartering Sen Cldet Cor Kern enleli presented by De pnr men of aval Services following par ade to Barrie Armoury Ll William Bell was flrsf commlndlni officer Oth er officers of corps were is Edwin in eson Cl ion lox Dick Mkey Rosa milh word Norman Dr lflrrrie DrIVGZVCi Se mour Fl lng aim Leighton lnrka Ind Plot Ofllcer Fred Stevenson nl Burln Mr Cadet Squadron were taking qunlllylng courxu in Trenton cncn lllmluro mllhumnllcn Ind olhcr leldu turned up nomo cluu Onu In In dependents nhown mman urou pressure In conlorm ly Ihc indopem cnlmlndcd my llltlo Illcnllon to nuch Ihrnsm an hvcrybod doin It or Wlul wllpeopl Yet non Whu will peoplu Yet htlr non flnnlormltyh kept yd koundn mch Ullnunwnrb dfm and bohlvlur OTTAWA Camdal most dynlmlc and enlhmlnllc pm vlncIII premier hII been enliv znlng Parlhment ï¬ll with one ol1a pqlodlq vlgu HI hu Irayed but Ml lrlh hn not zmlened and IIII bnln chums nut ldnu and commenu Ind quip ha Ilridu up Ind down Iha room like mle slyufayd pufpm Tho all project skint Ihlpo In hll mlnd nuw ll lo crou in Nawloundlnnd world belting premiere uth flsherlu nuvlmlon Iumanshlp deep lea enIL noï¬rlnz and eleclronlu Hon Joseph Smaiiwood premier of Newloundiand now rater ll our Iecond acnior pre mier with it unbroken year in cities he in exceeded only by Aihema Premier Ernest Man nlnl who he just celebrated hie nth canaecutive year in oi ilce with another eiectnrai tri umph But delpill hie record at oiitical durability and admitr atrative achievement tor the imh pruvince to enter ConiedA eralion hair still the drivinl iarca which Ottawa iirst knew The Happy Little Guy with the BI Bow Tie who war the unimpran ot the 1m negotia Hana qr that entry No country In had lhl ldu of IIIle lnlnlnl Ill llsh mnen mu ul ndvanu lechmloxlcl development leioundllnd who nharu border Illa grcnlul llshlnz mund long known to chlcrn dvlliullon Ihould lend the way In Axplolllnn mg nevg leoundllnd Ichoal xhlll hIVI lhe rutHun ol bclng lh In arid pverxthlnl In ï¬g wllh lhhlnl lucMn he Inl ell lechnlquu known In the warld Ind naver on mnnlh out data lazy pmmlled when deï¬nny hII plan Ila mt Why KM updnflnu norm lnry when Newfoundland mu or 1le cenlurlu been lha lllc ccnlul bun or Ixhcrmm in hindUna ln Imlll down uked The handIlnn celled by tho mechnnhnl lrlwl eqmpped wllh In alnclrnnlc mumr whlch Ihowl lhu mh Adunlly helnl taught In lho lrnwl hl uld The dnry ll bolh Illum mn Ind uncomrnrlnhh lla Ildll hnllonnl prldu lmlul Ihll Ntwloundlnnd Ihuuld nu In bthlnd lha many IonInn an Inn whkh lend hundreds in mldtnl madcm mm run In In lhl hounllhll uh hnrvm an hrr Grunt linnll fluuln for ulmplr nndl hi1 modem Inclory ahlpL lvuulllnl lhlpl which ulrh ml park um huh In lmpmvtd know lcrln Ilnlanl our award In Ipln Ilu wmld lncruulmur hm hm molwlcmn nlcd lhl mullan pomllllun uplm ML On worldwlxlo mm In Illnll Iln vmlnlrm In In Ind lulllrlrnl plulrlu In ml mir ono nuluhly lmuln um be oh lnlnul mm nudlly lrnm ML 59 lm world need mptnud IIIHMII nl lllhllll Illh Ind err nullde Iuvhu IL AI um nl ndvnnml Ihlnllnl rm ll up Mr Smallwml monllnnud lhl nod procuva ll wnumplnllnl Humour mndo Ivy ulndlnl up uhola uh 0m tllmlnnllnl mule um lluvorod Nthav In nvormm lb Wedhm IUIM pl hold lownil Ihs lute lhh flnl nnluully lelouml lndl mmnmrnl lhInIu low Inth nl Nuwloundlnmlm Tnhmloly In nu mm war In ml dun number cl Man In In loulIl um NEW PROBLEMII OTTAWA REPORT PATRICK NICHOLSON Happy Little Guy Still Has Bounce SHIFTED EMPHASIS Industry an alumlive Newfoundllnderl must look to the ï¬sheries lo rovld them wllh well aid peanut work For Hm quality Lha Hsh Industry must be upmded by inlrodudnu new methods 01 canth the ï¬sh and selling lhem In the consumer Premier Smallwood plan tn sand mm to comb the world or ldeu which 1113 all wlll result 1n the openlng of hi warldl um uplodm lechnl CI training Ichohl or inher men By JOSEPH MOLNER MD Du Dr Molud Lu Whh ler my enllrl Iamlly came down with nu on Alter lhl nlher Are there Any precnu tlnnary measure we can Inks l3 nvold repelluon MM Sump Iuch the In rule Ipply Io virulcnl Inlzrllon In lhe household halal lhe tick one Krep him In hll mom and dont let olhm vlall hlm no me lherl Ire ptnly of tissues lo cover the moum whllu muzhlnu wiping the now etc Thu used mm should be pm In plpgr bag ln ha clue of flu and other ruplnlory dinnm lha germ In lrnnlmlucd In dropch molslure nucy Ara nvlslhle You dont no Inylhlnx when putlcnl lOuflhl Ind flan you dont when names but In Iny draplrll are lhm MI En hack to Ihn old example rum nn your alum nlnlslul lhrm enuuuh or clun lnx Thl lvu ynu In Men at how murh momma II yruenl Nance mulh can expel llmuundl nl dmpldl much an IMI clrryinl mlnny ol vlruu pnrurlu whlch no no lhnl Ill nrdlnnry mlnnv mp0 wnul mull lhrm Vlflhle Tlklng And even ordlnnry hrrnlhlng wlll Inllrr hue trngl You uvml and lhey lppl lo dluml olhrr nu loo Tplklng And hrrnlhlni wlll gtrml rauzh Anyonn Min lor pnllenl ullu added ely by um mult which an bl lm pmvlwl mm an old handkrr thlrl WI 11mph yr ll mum dulmnm TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Iioril Iqbal bed unlm SATURDAY June 29 Pknlc Tables 51h Drinking Wnlor Tollovl Swimmlng lep Ior Unloldlng Bum Outlines Steps To Avoid Ilu MINESING PARK HIGHWAY 26 AT EDENVALE TO THE PUBLIC OPENS my Khan Ibaolulely Metnary Buldtl Ivaldlnl nmunl cnnucl you au Inmullcnuy thus my pretty well out of mean or cough rapze Wash your hand lruqutnlly and nlwnyl immediately IIlIf caving lhe Ilck room Vlrum Ipparenuy cannot mrvlva very long nun In an envlmnmenl whlch exmly lfllll ham you hnva plckcd up ha arms an your linucu probably doe Hula gnod to wnh ynur hand 15 or 30 mlnutgl lnlrru Everyono in tho household should gel Implu ml Avold lnllnuo ruledpmnn hlu halter mlxlancc nxnlnll luvd 111 mme be hnvcnl munlioncd Hu Vlcclna beau It II 100 III once the Illmu llrlkcl hnuuhold nut kup In mind or nut mum Im Tlu vicdna hu Impmvcd by uddluon cl Ilrnlnl nl vlmm or vuclnl II In Summth or Oclnbcr wnr vldu mlxlmurn Immunily In lhl munl llu unmn leurl on hnvlnl luo mm Almul mnnlh apart In numqucnl yum mule homer uch lull prohuhLy will bu lufllclenl Dur Dr Mulnm am mlId dlnbcllc wllh Almnnl nur mnl blood lunar Ind Med only on plll day W0 II In pol nlhla or In MI con lo ol honey Ilonry ï¬lmy bum mi dnnl lhlnk bl Ml nny plu In fllnlmlcl uHrl Howuvrr you lublrltl In cul nl Imou urbnhyvrlla In mm Mixer lmll wwm Imounl of It mlghl In to inltd By THE CANADIAN PRES Canadan Liberal unvem men rode back Into omen In In unprecedenud Allan lIcLaPacmc Iweep 14 years no todnyln INDlo ra pu lhalr min of election vlclories whlch begin In ms The mural took 191 mm In the 232m House exceedan 1h pnvloul rec nrd 175 member elected in the old 1mm Home Tha number 01 ml had been Increased to like In Newloundland Ind num ber 01 new cansllluenclu wtGran Kenneth Mac donnld Cmudlun palnler wu born June 27 TODAY IN HISTORY LONDON The London County Council Ihroulh two oi lin spec lnl mmmltteel hu IIVIII lirm and dellnlte thumbs down Illnei to the utilization ol ultrMnod ern method ol trnmporetlon which would nee the nlr end the river to relieve the city traffic problem These two com mittees in Joint report eve their vlew on the poeeihiiliien at using hellooplern hovercreil hy drololle end monorail nyetem to lake trelllc oil the congested streets But to etch cure in lindinn were decidedly in the negative Becnnee this Dondone tree ort inciiitlel will continue to an behind those ol mnoy cltiel on the eonilnent oi Europe which have made provieion or leul helicopter nervicel one the nee mnnorell nyetem to link nirports with city when There in ior Instance regnier helicop ter rervice between cliie like Bmeeelr Ameteidlm Bonn Co logne end Pnrie and they ere well pelronlzedl Since these Ilr ernit can lend on emell hellporu located in the centre ol the cit lee they are considered real tllhmeaavere by lrnveliere who use em The view of the Londonï¬ounly Councll committee is lhIl Lon don In unllkely to bus hell port In the nrexeubla future There ll of coune ImIlI heu ccpler nation on the Thlmu ll Bumm but It hII only llmllw ad un Ind lI conï¬ned to Kw min landing place or lb lered nellco an could never Ierva II use for commarcIIl hallpapter Iggvlcqs acomm reportnull that because ma can and character lbs helicopter It can only play vary minor pm in London pmenxer Irlnsporl REPORT FROM UK Tumnlo One wondered Prim Mlnlnu Peanon wn kceplnl an eye on the lrlp gucbcc menuoned hen yum Vlic well might hlVl Far ï¬ould mun Iulun trouble or lm Thus hlva brought the law en province lulelhfl at Ihem to know uch other and brought oul common Inleh at In common problgml Tradillonally hlslnrlcally gremlerl of Canadal province ave not mad In unlly There have always been div Ilom betwch hem whlch hava weakened lhclr Ilandl milm Ollnwn Recently lhe flnl mm in thnnzlni Ihls have bun Man no annual conference we mlm which have been held for 01th xcnn Mr Lcuu loll Impruv Alon ha hoptd he wnuld On Iarlo Iupporl lur MI mam demand on 0mm Bu ha unlly displnytd Ly Premler nobaru Ind Premler mm In Quebrc could In much morn Illnlflclnl thin wen lhue men wan obvinusly vc Ilncercly planed Io be In cl or And It wu equally Mom lhu both peranally wen very lnlmmd In scum Cun Idll lwo blues province wqulng lonlhqr Mr Rahlrlhefl in eellnl ha Mt we needed mm unlted Clnldfl and um hl would CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS announcc nlw public mvlco hanm to In publhhod each wuk on pug of 112 martin Examiner QUEENS pm MEINTYRE H000 Unity Premiers Could Hit Ottawa Tums Thumbs Down On New Transports ROTNMAN 0V FALL MALL CANADA LIMITED mr InclInn rlub nr mlrly In pllnnlnl III em public lmml pluu Mum or wrllu COMING EVENT EDITOR TM llAllIllK EXAMINER hr your lllllnl Illm llmll your annmmccmenl lo null Im DON OHEMIN an lnmullng lnfovmallvo Mullml In lho luNl Inliml mining Salurduy July 5M publllhld onry SATURDAY IIIDNI IA um WildU For presmt uy lha helicoplcrl ucllvmel no In 1hr London am in concerned mun bu conï¬ned to dump MIMI Evan then tho mmmllteelxgj Sly II will Iva rm to plum Inz Ind nmenlw prohlbml Until noise at then nlrcnfl can In kepl downlo an Iccepnbleu level the ngon County Cmnmlljy will monin up la the building commmln ballpark In L0 011 in lpiia of the not that ihejf hovercnit hu roved itself luv uteiui means trnnapartltionj Icrou the Bristol Chlnnol Indw hit tourist pnsuenzer lervlcax by hovercraft will soon bu 0pm utinl on the Thomas tho LCC not imprmed by it possibil me man oi river tumu port it committee ha mohair the conciullon ihlt tho hoverv4 croft could not on uncluin exï¬ pioitud on tho Thumel it will 44 thtrdora be iniemiin to men the value oi ihe serv belnl utlhiished by the Denny Com pnnyo hovermlt when it oper lies on lite river this mmmer Objection are also rulsedda the use hydrolulls or flu reason Ihat they would be men Iced by flblnm an the rlvexj and might have lrnuble passing under bridle It or near high water The objections are at lean man Vllid than those In ed mm the hellcopm Ind nuvercrlfl The report ml very uth dmlculllea In ldopllnl manor n11 mu Ind mm London Airport quote tha Londonw Transport nylnz um than would be additional dlfllcullles beeuse the narrawnen of mm meal And the problem 01 Inlerchnnle of pamnun lie1 tween hllhhvel mum and lhc undzrzmund railway hurtfully won luwurdl lhal logs Itwu warmlnz xperlencl mulching the two men mm in hnmlony Mr unllcd Quehcc and On lario would be powerlul Inrca Iolacu llln Iulura ngollallgm Over Ihe yum lha luck 01 unlly In the provinces and luck at agreement on prime de mands has made the Mural overnmcnll tank In nenolln Hum euler Fm Ouawuv however lhtra mlxhl ha nnt quit In much warmlh divldcd one of mum ll Ilwly caller to handle thin unltcd one than had boon umnu unity In His provincu Canad might luv and rhll ovcr edu IlLH time But Instead thin lrend Inward more cenlralfltd can lrnl hm cnrrlcd an cumpan livcly ungheckcd 0sz the next while ollavu wlll hnvu lo schedule very im portant nelollullnnl with In provlncu nut Jun red Ind Id mlllenY Mln Ihlll not II It hrud nlann hul hy every word unit pracudelh out nu mouth GotMI Nrn from ha mllerlnl flu Iplrllull Ind receive lhu pence whlch puwlh all undermndinl BIBLE THOUGHT