null Hun lhmr IJHI lmmnldmcmnr Untnvlo mul Mru our wlll lu LIlldl ol hunl nl luv hall lllllflfl uhlrh llw lJnIlrnnt mrmur wlll nuull llnl IIIMIWM Flnwrr umn Itnlrllnlmnrnl manna Tim Fullvnl nlm lnclmlu unlur pnrmlu nn Bnhmlny nlurn Inn lrnlurlnl TV Alnr erlmln Ilnnry II wrll n1 llnwrr mm umls Vrnll cnmlvnh Ilml vlnnm mul Hm irnml Plum II II Frllny rvlmu 11m mnunmcrnl parndr MA luran lmh flowers 1anle mm llml 23 hand rmd mom Hum mo majorrllu II Plplclnl In mm lor Him mllrl lhmugh llu lawn The Knmpmlnll Trnmpcl nnml will be lenlllml In llm Fullvnln mml Flnrnl Farm July Ilmllnn In nm unnlo wlll he mlnrlully re hrurnltd III llnl llrmnp lun Frulhnl ol Fluwerl Juno l0 July Nelson of Ike null Tele phone snld Thu Barrio ex change hm miles or under ground circuitry whch Inn oul Ilko lha vulns in your hunds the slit vnrlu up 1700 pairs oi wlm In each cahlc The 6idcr pipes an vltrlnrd and the new onm are nsbcslox cement mules Lame nsslslnnt city tnglnmr said the city has 5406 miles sanitary svwcn valued at $2851370 and 12 miles of storm sewers Mr Lmï¬n Iald To replace these today would be double lhe The Kempenfelt Trumpet Band To Play At Brampton Festival flle trons are clhhone cublm sanitary sewer and Mom sewers Beneath the street of Barrie are buried treasures with value of millions of dollars but dont start digging or them or ynu will run into lmublc Theres Treasure Beneath Streets MUSIC AND DRAMA nri but two the many activities that cripplud children an SYLVIA MITCHELL MM tawn conducts an Improqu driving lesson with Michael Lo llnskl Tomnko during press Nllllu Pnlll HI lml lmuplwll Mrllumy 9L pm lhlnu lnwyrr hem Ilnw Hm MnnluulTnnon tutor Hmuml I75 lunnrr mlur EL anllnn Anlliran fhurrh In Ihmnnmn Mnnmnl Nu loylJnuph Hynn lnxmllmr pmldrnl ol Hm In lrrnnllnnnl lnnmmvrlmnn In In 1m Irll In pull In In min 72 AIM7m wukly mm mm milHull The hull whlrh on In no publlc will omurc mutan In In mullc MM Kcnnry and Ill OKIMHL rm mfllnnnl Salm hrnllmnl IOIINWI Ill he on hand llumuxhnul llm Icrdhnl lo nulal vllllorl HIM Illll nrndy And erly Km nrdy wlll lurln Judxo lhu Flowcr Qlflfll funlrsl cable damaged it Could causu an entlm mHan he city to be wllhoul serv ce Many of them are men lIul srrvimx sudl polite firm and public ullllllur Mr ansou said We tould nmcr bcxln lo cstlmm 0m vnlue our underground cir cqu or ho number ol mile of circuits Wherever prncflcul Um clrcuiu will be burkd My mnsldcr It wise send man to check Vo know where he cables are but we are not always cxndly suro mm In clvphonc conversation when In person Ll mm to dig Ml MIA Mr Nelson said Any mm mmnany or person Wands lo dig lhcy should call wlcphonu repair Kind out there cable buried nearby The majorfly of these cubic are underground tnughl at Blue Maunlnin Camp near Colllngwood The camp will be opened or publlc In radio day The Onlnrin So ciely tar Crippcd Childrenl Blue Mountain Camp near Cal llngwwd DEATHS Vllllnm my AGRICULTURE SOCIETY Dam of Dlrcclor ol llnrrla Agriculture Socldy mcnla Ma ovrnlnu nigh oclock In ha anurlmcnt ol Agrlmllura om Colllcr mm OIEN hlIASONS Open mm for Mark has and mnskl unxo will ulmd lhlx spccflan all day Sunday Ex amlnnr Photos Russ Davey exucllhrc sme nry lhc accepted lho chmue and said how much ho ucsluro and the time and organ lznllm hut made It possible Mr nppmlnlcd dlcque was prcscnlcd by Don Campbell president of he Simeon North Young Liberal Association In the YMYWCA Building Fund ycsnrduy uncr D00 Young Liberals Donate To PIGGY BACK ride In one at the Junior campers real Iran on hot day at Blue Mountain Camp The mum CANN DONT MISS FREDDY CANNON THE DARDENELLA WASAGA BEACH ON JUNE 30m ITS year lmm June Jo In Nnv In ll Lake Slmcac District PROVINCIAL PARK Wanna Bench Prnvlnclnl Park will be placed In lull opcnllun lomumw wllh our cnlmncu mnnntd Ilmllnr lull Itnlofl and lnrmnl pnlk mlmnru Ice put In effect FoilWing tho Allcmoon gab In programme proscnullun lo lho vlcwra will tnke place at Grnvcnhurstx wellrknown Mus on the Barge Thu Muskaka Lnkns Lifeboat Inca Trophy will be nwnrdcd la the winning Mayor and crew the evonlng per ormance he Mnnllnuwnblnz Conan Band In Gull Lake Park calmc evznl be held In lhc shadow of the chwun and Snxuma slcnm shlps now lllcd up marina museum and mumant ha Lllcn Wnlcr Skl Team will demanstrnla Lhelr 5li and the lhrllllng Stall Llne and Gmnd Valley Sky Dlvm wlll parachute mm Illcraft to Mt arms la the lgay mu um yum Parry Sound Orillln and Bane hnve been Invited to match on and mix it up wllh Muskoka crew on the day In quesflon Program will sun the waeylronl As many Onknrlo peep qual uy Muxkokn summer ml dnnu three lawn or cities on side Muxkoka are being given he ngportunlty to compglarcnch Brambridge Huntsville hula Port Carling and Port Sydney Mayors have all lndlcntcd their willingness to contest the man Inge of Mayor Gerry Slmmanx of Gravcnhursl and IL Board of Trade mains manning the Hers and atalwarl members of hair Ire departmenu on lho om an and la the nrumenl of Whos best on the Muskokn Lakes will bersetllcd BARBIE TEEN TOWN Axequel to the famous annual OxfordCambridge boat race rapidly taking shape under the eponsorshlp of he Gruvenhursl Board of Trade The lifeboat of he famnus old Muskoka Lake Steamship at Gravenhunt are being pressed back Into active service or unique event In be held on Mmkoka Bay on Civic Hol weekend Aug mu le Dunn und lll nlhy Ind mnny olhm 0n Inllxmlu run mum or In New Ovlennl Freddy Cnnmm wlll be 1111an III hlu lpllwlu Vlrlfk Tnlnlmlll Muln Invite Barrie To Compete In Boat Race Musqua ayaxj 25 cox camp 15 conducted by the On tario Society For Crippled Chil dren and ï¬nanced lamely lshrohugh the sale of Easter en Appnring On Tho Sumo Show llnlo Cum Ind tho Conlull THEY WILL BE APPEARING AT SAL JUNE 29th Former mrithnncil Rom Calcdon Em and Toronlo worm also pmml Interment aervlce Al Phil lipa CMlldI Weston on Mon day June 17 was conducted by Bishop Snell coadhmr the Dlocue of Toronto and Rev Warlng of Wallace bura nwremllnz the parish of Wycbridze were Mu Haw 1rd Lummls Mn Glndyn Leon nni Mr Ind Mu Cameron and Mn my ï¬gklcy mam 011th College Toronto and an ordained mln Isler or 40 yum Mr Holden survived by two daughtmv Mrs George Webb 111mm Wnllaccburi and Mn Peters Ellccn or 0mm and our xrnndchlldrgn Since his mircmml Rev IL lloidcn servtxi honorary nssislnn minister in he 1m ishe of St Mnrka Parkdnla Tomnlo and at James Wari imburz in which dimeh he misud wiih tha Easier Com munlnn this your other parishes were St Jmncs Cnledon Enst St Pauls Bethany and St Geor ges Gnud Alllndale Mr lloldcn or yam prior his retirement but been reo ior of the parishes oi Wychridxe and Toy and wu well imawn in Midland and area REV HOLDEN Funeral service or Rev Holden ea wa held St James Anglican Church In Wal Iaceburz June 18 conducled by Rev Warlng Theinmle Khan Club has completed painting new cabin All Iha children who are an abled looom to this camp or two or three weeks are indebted to the service clubs who under write Ihe cost oi the sleeping cabins said Miss Hazel Salmon dlreclor oi the Blue Morgntnin Camp fur Orippicd Children as she showad visitor around the zrgundi yeterxiay Blue Mountain one of Ilve camp In Ontario run by the society In amputation with 223 provincial service clubs Visit ing ham from two oclock In the nItemoon until 5b In the evening Picnic arm are wall as and beverage will be serv the VlrnuhleV visit the cm will be in for an educational sur Mfg pp continued The average person might not flunk that he children are capable of doing what they do think manypl lhqsa who take The general pu is lnlar an interesting and rewarding expedence snld Jerry Moran of the social Toronto stall He was speakinl members of the press and communications media at special prevlaw the camp yuterdny mug sunpmsn By CHRIS ENGLISH Enmlnu sun Reporter visitors to an open hnuse unday anemoon It Blue Mam lain Camp 511 mlle west at Coulngwood wfll see 72 handl capped children participating In the acflvluu of normal camp lng day The camp Ll run by the Omanlo Society for Crippled Children ï¬nd financed by splint Ema Seals Service Clubs ProvicTe Cottages For Children AT CAMP ron CBIPPLED CHILDREN OBITUARY YOungsteifs Eggcqting surprise Ranng Nip éuuonmbi COLLEGIApEST nouns nurse and counsellor recrullzd mm unlvmlllc across Ontario work the 71 rhllrjrcn Thlx ml rullo ul lupcrleory help lo child cova to in the boy lo b2 even lha kitchen Ila are from ed into mvlce tho In SLCDUNSELLOM Although only two munsellon sleep In the cahlm with lho thfldten our or llvn are assign ed In with en When wo T6 home it may be er154 in that the children keep their cabins in such good shape shu noted The Kiwanis Club Cniiinxwood donated huge new guin christened Finn which is awarded to the cleanest cabin each day 111m in quiia riv niry and pride of accompiish ent evident when Ping hi MONDAY through SUNDAY The mampern Ilsa 730 In Inc morning We ccrulnly dont have to at them up In the morn Ing Theyre ready six The My job to keep them In the cabin whlla the caunsLIlors as about trying to few more minutes mat continued Ml Salmon npproxxmake those the other cabins In the camp However their spanking newness and color are constant dough to us and Min Salmon Colorful window boxes decor aie the yellow cabin which com rlsu iwn rooms each sleeping our children connected by the bathrooms and private sleeping quarter lur two Mai members FAEIILITIES named Bear which sleeps eight children and twn midin counsellorst It brings to two the number of units whose erection and maintenance underwritten by tplar gluh It was settled that they would compromise and only Imagine that they were lying their shoe laces At the end the 5011 one boy laughed as he sald that thoyght that hi were too ugh may One bay suggested that the song might be accompanied by tying ones shoe laces Another suggested that he would tie his neighborsi third cast his vole for tying the vivaciqu Mia MsLBchilnllsiioq lam 230 pm to 530 pm 700 pm to 930 pm ADMISSION 317 Public Swimming DAILY AUEION SINGING The qllrict earl uiteanuan of norma campng ay was broken at three pm yesterday when 72 Junior boy brimming with energy and high spirits emerged mm my perind in their cabin The counsellor girded themselves ior nation the various tribes Apache Mn hawir Biackioot and Cree were given their aitemoun activities One trnupe hustled all to music gession tn the mainlodze Under the direction oiBonnle McLachIan they engaged in highsplriicd rendition at Ii youre happy and yuu know it shout ale with variation which included shakan hands clap Einz hands and ongs neigh in Ides OPENS SATURDAY and mgklni umorou COMMUNITY SWIMMING POOL GROVE STREET NUDEle TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS FHONE PA lflll Interested member the public will have an opportunin asses the scope that way Ills on Sunday aflcrnoon Through nEurplng ex 1mm the handicapped child nds Ingw wny of ureg Here he ï¬nds the mollvnllon In try mu hnrdcr He he come more lndcpmdul and even learns to give hand to those many hypdlcappcld than he Miss Helen anlnce supervis or oi tho iive camp run by ihe Ontario Socion or Crippled Gliidren mid lhc physically handiwppcd child ï¬nds himself doing lhlnxs camp which he had not bought possible since Hm emphasis is on parliclpn oh ere were 16 handL capped childmn accommodated during the aummnr Full map nclly ol bed will be main Mncd through the out period lhls ycnrk rcn will be malntalncd through an the summer JunJor girl will com or two weeks follow ed by xenlor buys and then sen ior girls each or period of lhgec weeks Thls uflmnl to Michael dig nity required him pretend not to hear for those law second so important to he male ego third group was busy driv lng can and wagons along the paths the play period up plred one hurlused counsellor Sylvia Mltchell called Mich no brlng the car back ll time In music and drama Along the wallol the centre were shelvesl ul jmuan men made out of stullegl paper bags They will be Incorporated In speclal night In the camp when the theme wlll he visit to the moon noted Miss Brown assist ant to Miss Burgess Am and malt supervisor Vlrignla Burgess snld lhal mak Inx objccu ul panely was popu lar They get mat kick out muklng nsh Irnys boats and so an on their own We send them out lo glazed and than the kids have something to lake home and shnw of to their pnrenls she snld he an and crniisccnire three table of boys were busy making dpuppels 0I oi paper has ml or the directinn ui Sun dra Anne Brown Later they provided their allows with show complete with geslures and diniague AFTERNOON on EVENING Wumor Pummlng i5 25 35c MIp SI mu lmvum mm Ilyle N14 30 lo lly Jnxlllm ml Fnrnylh In vmlcly vl cvluun pnllmu Ind Ilylu 295 lo 495 Coal cnnyrnro comm range of mxlur Ind body Ilyln MEN Popular Icnzlh Ihorls by Jun cn Dcacnn Bros Idea 01 lawn Dl comm MENS Cool llncna All wool Lropiclly lcrylcne nnd wmk etc In vnrlcly summer thud MEN SWIM IRUNKS vLsmn deepen your expexlenoo and open your heart Hnwnver pnoriucs are prior Illcs hand me lo chain One at them k5 warn than the others remarked project one to widen vlean deepen your expexll an open youxhem ucilva and we simply havent the star to keep track Ihem they were to wade in the bay said Miss HazelSalmon camp supervisor reiurn visit to the music room laund one ui the boy con ducting an orchestra arm horines sticks Irinngies cym bals mnrncas drums and hand clapping live oclock the boy wera carrying on with heir enerllea seemingly unexhnustcdi The visitors were perspirinz ircely and dragging their feet WALKING SHORTS mu ywl m1 elghl boys They were nccomg mauled by six camp perlunnei Reinlorccmcnis stood mund iilu haul and other were in charge oi the changing house Tha buy wcre linaling on their backs holding the side of pool and kicking EXDCH menling with setlng undcrwaier or hlnwlng bubbles other were being guided ihrnughlhe water by counsellor ln no cnse was child unwalchcd ClllLDflEN SUMMER SLACKS SPORT SHIRTS In the Swimming pool wen SUMMER coomns $4 $5 $6 15mm 395 to 795 Mm EN 795 to 1695 495 lo 995 For rm out