mun IM Illchy Mann llldnwly murmur mg Surllll mu no mu rum mm Von nm Kinny run1 Nun mm DI Pllydlh Unloucmbm TV NI ulnar hum Nun comm Illnvn By IO THOMAS HOLLYWOOD MPLA line old pannerihlp Min renewed In new miscBen Dnle and Pull Henreld Thayn back lanlhu lulu than Imuxlnl Indepsndently these dayar hey returned In their nld acllnz zmunds Wir fllnier This time Henruid II ncllnl Belle who In playing Ir lbs Itlrrlnl lulu Karl Idea her ludlnl mam Ill really marvnllnul to In woan with Bella rum and In hlva Junk Warner pm Mr arm Around me and ray Paul rm to have you back raid Hamid Simply marvellousr He Indeed reams be hippy man II he emblrkr on the compllcnled llmr which wlll require apllLscreen Ind other hlckery or Bellel dual Me Be In no Lyn direcunl luv TELEVISION PROGRAMS Ynu umembcr the two cigar cues Ol course you do How Plul sentimenully thud lwa Ihem Ind handed Bell on In ha unnbuhedb sentimental Now Voyuer um ma he retext thing In happened In Amokan until tho mu Up yu umu IIVEII HI Conkay who present ed the nineties to winners Jlrn wn Immplnled by his Jlmu Cnrrutheu Ivy Public Schml wu man the 25 arm student mm 81mm Ry who receiyed lCthIrlMPl during the County Caundll Juno unlon Jim having plnced 51 In 61on Ichoola with IV teacher or lever received Ehehqu 19 lromWarden Al qu mum AT THE MOVIES Mr and Mn Guam Dnvls attended the whim finale at Couchlchln Park Oril Mn Honiy Humor II In Lon fen Ontario when her mher Ierloully Ill By MRS wxmznnmon Henreid Back With Warner pr Directs BetteDavis CFTO CHANNEL CKVR CHANNEL Club hm lha Mo um 10 Inc urvlmu um my Tm huun Mon mm anuln mmf Gum mu Mamar cm an PM did He has um dl ruled co Hitchcock In Icon of other ï¬lmed 1e vmnn own He mu let in an 0ch Ilonnl ï¬lm Ml mm The Four Hommm the Apocalypu Alfrtd Hitchcotk called hlm shortly Iflerwlrd El wu Im derzolnl In opzrlllun Could In direct television how wu supposed to do mu want ahead for me II III um would ulher ht running 1mm mw ncurwml he luv tho prnvlew he ltold bl lhll II whl Tht wu mlly wInl Inter ested me must when turned ha Audemy In Wanna nId Nealeborn Henrzld But nuleclad my dam to dImt Iar nm In VIennu Ihan In bout gen Ind Now York and ï¬nally my The big chunk Ml emit mm nIter he hm med In bomb cal 19900 Beqmom How did hl Edy the phm uer cum cmnn Tall ma um um mu mm and non unume Mum JMHIHI mu union hm TORONTO lnl done low model mm Ind 1070 television thaws Yawm Al taken Ipprecinunnlnr his Ichllvement Jim wlfl ro IV cheque from El Township durinl thn undul uon my exerdn In no held In Ivy School on June am Mr Ind Mn mm Dlvla Rev Buyer and Mr Ind Mr C6011 mum sum ed the unvelllnl memorlll plnquu At Fllrvtllcy In muncry 01 Elm Steele um um mem ber FaxHuman for Simon County In ml Mr Davin chllrmnn the Slmcou County Twrln Ind Indunrm Commluu Alshlea In volllnn Innu mac Nun Nu Wlflhl luv umpowm Amhu $353 Nun wmnu Dr Kuhn Eggguv Hamn mother Mn Lorna 93 chow BARRIE Ilch an Gum wul um MM ClJlunl co wmu vmoll It In of Mlml can IV Dnltruln 1tu llmvlo Mum AM The Lo mm 50th overall ed with our naimmp Ha dldn quill hlvo In Value or the bid Ivcn lhnulh he Ind hll pmnzr Wm IreHut lhlI bld tonvtnflanllly request or MIDI lo bld lnnr Iuil Wul mm m3 lAnnlml mum llouldol IN wn not ha tied like Advnnuu the allulllon Saulh javaruli mimm Mf ï¬rm at all Damn can DAILY CROSSWORD Velï¬ Junglmu I9 un ggenlnl Indca Ipldu ll hlnd Wllgllyed bolwten Gm Erllnln In Lebanon dur In In European chumplanlhlpl In 1m 11 hlddln ll both mm was very Active but hi not uncammnn when and ï¬lly lawn inï¬ll Mn impuls quan INS Mrs Jcmn Mrs Kendrick Mrl KInnn Mn Mnlone Mn Only Mrs Coward and Mn Shefï¬eld mended he WA donn ery nnnual In MInealng lm week Mr and Mn Ernest Culnn mama In Eldy over um week en 29 um Wemnd vlllton wllh Mr Ind Mn Pedllngham were Pod linlhnm Ind Mr and Mrs Cin rey of Tlllsonburz Mr and Mn Murray Bell and It Slreelsvllle spent Sun dly with Mr Ind Mu Emu Eljgmm Eu duler Normsoulh vulnerable mm on nus OKJIOII 60 an Mr and Mrs GilHe Blldwin spent Sgtqu In Pelerbomuzh Rllph Snider wen any In ngyngu ng yml Mr m1 Mu William stayner vlslted Mind In flu vll day 51 MRS ERNEST GASTON Mr Ind Mrs Arthur Snider were men vlslmu In Peter horyuzh Thu Blnlom tum pllyad 1h um nm of the season Iulnu Slroud on Juno And last Th Icnro wu Strand Ivy Th Pen Wu mm um um me or the nelson Jun 26 Imus strand Good luck boys Jqu uul nu In umSoukh 81mm Juvenfllo 51 thmdlgmes Now that Huh wheel flnlsh 0d lnr summer hoflduy and public lchocl hn us this week the hill wa BALL wwu Sewll the half boys at camplnl down It the river on he Em Township Plrk mop my Lets hope In mosqullal dont nl them up Parry Soundrmn nu week end the ham their daugh ter and Ionbrim Mr and Mn Earl Held On Saturday Mr Ind Mn Chaplin and Mr and Mn lrl Reid Inend the Humm Iog night O9 Inflood 8Mhi¢ CONTRACT BRIDGE cniiqu Btllnu ID Comm mm mm Count An If at unfm no go IA BY JAY BECKER mama SITII Tommy 13 Inn1d mt ulllcd lhu mulur Gudcner wu Abll lo dhurd hm hum 1mm dummy on hll Ion club And Gm Brltnln hnmd mo point or mmu WV Wes led the queen oi Ipndu En Mk the are cnlchln lha Hun and India II dlmcnll lo lace Wen with In no cam on tho blddlnn rclumed tluh In hop pnlnar hld In no Norlh with good bun lhcn bld live dllmnnda Ind South lmbued wllh he Iplrll In occulnn hid alx toum lhll had wnlncl licking lwa ncu bul Glrdener mldo lh llnyhow 11 Britlxh South mom thouth there wu load chance or ï¬lm when Nurlh Gardener Jumpod to lure diamonds Imxlaul to flop hurt lendhomaduhhom Md three helm Millia Icmnd able wllh Brillsh palr nnw NorthScull lha bidding Weill Eu Boym 37m North munm wen down on 100 pointswhen Eu led the spade and nhlfled In hurt Norm with Mdy lnlervened with trade and the Lebanue dllmonds whlth certInly lempllnl undu clrcumxllncex Coldwner Mix Lenl Whlle Aber deenshlrt Scnuand Junior Im an urchin delezm 1m one lmup eight Junior lumen mm the Brflhh Illel spending hm monlhs vhmu mm In vlrlou parts Out arlo She Is Ipcndlnx two In North Slmcne on with Mr Ind Mn Don Robertson And one MI Mr And Mn Dan Hell um pusBun KHISKI Mrs Ken and Allend ed the Cherry Creek Reunion It Illa uhool last mumy Mr pnd Mn Chnrlle Boulhby Mission Clly BC And Guam Sawyer Ind sun Harvey of Port Dover were week nï¬ quest of up Th YP Union Churchill puloul alum met It sand Kneeahlwa Sunday avenlnl June 23 Miss Jean Spence plann the pm 93 9r ghls meet nu ml mm hlz wu lhu In meellnl until III mu mus run Ke ra weaver Mn Sawyer Mrs Todd Mn Nesbm Mr Hulhu Mrs Curran Mrs on Mrs Alle This was mole occasion when Iho president or the ACWW Mn Beekhofl Arsocmed Country Women or he World spoke to up of 3600 ladle In the Phys cnl Ed ucauou Buildlnznl Ontario rlcullnrll College Guelph Mr and Mn Archlblld of Toronto were weekend VlAIlOll ismmun Toddl 11w ladies mm GIIlnrd We mens lnxlltuto who travelled by bus Io Guelph with the strand Insutula my up Mn Mr and Mn Rv Rel Ind all were II the Slmcoo Caunly Fudemlon Atrlcunure Rural Church Service at Pmbylerhn Churchon June ladies 1mm mum wu By Mm May ma local mum who had attended Chmy Creek School wen vhnm It the union on Saturday It the uth round MM ALLEN CROSSLAND XII GILPORD uhld in North wn tho HARM EXAMINER rmmmr 1333