Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jun 1963, p. 7

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neaov so our the 10th Merrett Alliston organis annivorsaryc aka at Littles Iliil Wt birthday party last night are trom lelt Mrs ing oilicer 10 years ago Mrs Ernest Lackie Littles Hill W1 president lor 196351 Mrs Littles H111 WI Mark 10th Year HOLLY StaillLittles Hill Womens Institute members took time to reminisce about the past alter their 10th nonl versary dinner here may night it wu served to Holly United Church Sunday School room with some at the charter members iolnlng the present members in the celebration Among the head table guests were WI area president Mrs Russell Mcllwain Phelpstan South Simooe district president Mrs Wice Bccton Itlrs Merrctt Alliston organ izing ollicer tor the branch 10 years ago Mrs Henry Brown first president and Mrs Em est Lackie 196m president at the Littles Hill branch Visitors included Mrs Will iarn Berry lorrncr mernlzcr who now lives on Highway 90 and charter member lmm Toronto Mrs Leighton Slessor During the program following the saladplate banquet Mrs Lackle noted that our of the charter members have died in the leyoar period since the branch was formed They are Mrs Robert King whose en thuslasm and planning got the branch launchcd Mrs Alex Kenwoli Mrs Ivan Keaweil and Mrs llcrbcrt Loughced itlrs Mellwaia Mrs Wice and Mrs Merrctt commended the Littles Hill branch on its achievements Mrs George McCorrisIon Knock enterssln ed the members with recita tion and several readings Since tth was tho last gather ing until September an abbrev iated business session dealt with items needing attention now PEOPLE AND PLACES Phone Eileen Olson or Audrey Coulson PA MS ilorace Heap oi Chadies Road will sail Irom Montreal today aboard the Empress at Canada iordan extended holiday In Eng an AFTERNOON PARIY Mrs Ernie Wollendcn enter tained members at St llildaa group oi Trinity Anglican Church Guild at her summer residence at Bass Lake yesterday alter aoon Among those attending were Mrs Norbert ltloran Mrs William Woiicndcn Mrs George Northway Mrs Ray Smith Mrs linrry Young Mrs llarold Trap ncli Mrs Borysluk Itlrs Lou Graves Mrs An More Mrs letcr Wed Mrs Allan Gray Mrs Bruce French Mrs ivan lteevie Mrs Don Magoo and Mrs Ken Glenn all oi Iiar rte Mrs George Ilcil and Mrs Jne Ogdm oi liars Lake were also among the gusts BRIDAL SHOWER miscellaneous shower was held at the home at Mrs Mndigan Sanlord Street In hone or at brichclcct Miss Eileen Oitrlcn Cohostcsscs ol the party Included Mrs Mcrl Coul tcr Mrs John Workman Airs Anath West and Mr Jim Drummond pink and white decorated basket hold the show er slits GucsLt Included Mrs Inccllo Airs II Senrraw Miss Fay Myers Mrs William Edsel Mist Janet Travers Mrs George Spearn Mrs Clare Robinson Alisa VI lcrry Mrs Perry Mrs Douius Mrs Graham Mooney Mrs Met calt and Mrs Travers The hriderelcct Is the daugh trr oi Timothy OBrien and the laia Mrs nltrten oi Vic larla Street The bridegroom elrct John imtlo la the son at Mr and Mrs laccllo oi Itit ti llarrlc wedding will take plara In St Marys Roman Catholic Cinlrrh June 29 0W0FClTY IUESTR Among the outotctty goods who attended the open house so crptlon held at the home ol Air ner Mr and Mrs Dollis Mr and Mrs Troyer all at Capreol Mr and Mrs Cooke Mr and Mrs Glca son at Richmond lliil Ellison Benton Mr and Mrs Roach ltir and Mrs Porter Grovenhurst Gordon Dunn Paterborough ltlr and Mrs Dennis Burlington Itir and Mrs Rouchcy Hamilton Mr and Mrs Shoa hnn Tilisonburg ltlr and Mrs Levesque Pcnctang Air and ltlrs It Leonard Cal llngwood and Mr and Mrs Itlencini Angus FIRST VlSlI TO CANADA When Mr and Mrs Ara thur Pristlck at Hull Yorkshire England arrived In Montreal aboard the liner ihc Empress oi England it marked the be ginning al the couples first visit to Canada Their arrival had an other very spcelal meaning to Itlr Arthur Prlssick since it was the Ilrst time he had seen his brother Robert In more than to years The Yorkshire couple are now spending threemonths holiday at the home at Air and Mrs Robert Prisslrk The Lar Shanty Ilay The amazing part at meeting was that they recognized each other lmmcdia tcly They claimed they would have known each other any nhcrc GUILD IARTY Airs Gordon Brown rntcrinln members oi SI laans Gro oi Trinity Anglican lurrc Brown lirst president at the Littles Hill branch and Mrs cha Totttnham South Simcoe district president Ex aminer photo Mrs Lackie asked members to bring small jars oi ism or pickles to the September meet Ing to be distributed later to shutvins Conveners reports were giv en by Mrs Clarence Fisher citizenship Mrs Victor Willis agriculture and Canadian indus tries and Mrs Jim Leighton cards and greetings Minutes were read by Mrs Henry Moore Mrs Hob Prile described the WI deiegntes recent bus trip to Guelph to meet the president or the Asso ciated Country Women at the World Mrs Clarence Fisher agreed to help as tall girls club lead cr tor the tail lirst aid course the club girl stands on guard The training school or course leaders Is in the latter part at August For the WI senior project this tall course In preparing desserts Mrs Bob Pride and Mrs Leo Dykstra volunteede to attend the twoday training course lor leaders In October Guild at her summer residence at Leonards Beach poivluck supper and an evening or bridge and games was eaioycd by guests Among those attending the event on Monday evening were Mrs Fred Buckinnd Mrs It Asquith Mrs ll Smith Mrs lteid Mrs Jan Dyek Mrs Jack Duval Mrs Dob Ficwrliing ltirs MacDon ald Mrs Amy Vair Mrs Ted Neilleton Mrs WII son Jebb Mrs Tcd Fraser Mrs ltarvlc Mrs Froud Winners oi games were Mrs tiarvie and Airs Fraud Mrs Nettlcton and Mrs Vair wcro bridge winners HOME 10 SCOTLAND The Empress ol England is popular vcssci this year or per sons travelling to and lrom liar rie On July Mrs Alex Cam cron oi Mldhurst will sail lrom Montreal aboard the Canadian Pacillc liner en route to Scot land In Montreal to wiish her bon voyage will be her soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Jer ry Dunlap who will be en route to Iiarrto toilowing their hnncy moon in Nova Scotla When the THE RARRIE EXAMINER7 WEDNESDAY JUNE 196 Spacewoman Asks For World Peace MOSCOW Reuters so member Italian delegation walked out of the Communist supported Second World Con grass at Women hesday to pro test against an allegedly anti Wéstem address by Cuban delegate The Italian group which also teit the hall Monday during Japanese attack on the United States said both addresses at tacked Western poileles Ii though It was the stated aim at the cunlercnco to unite women varying militant views tor joint action The 2000 delegates mm 113 countries including Canada later heard Russian space woman Valentina Tcreshkova deliver plea for world peace Miss Tereshboka told the dele gates that having seen the earth Irom space she could not imagine it covered with ashes The Wycarold iormer textile worker whose lather died lightv lag in the Second World War said her mother always urged her to light for peace so titers would be no widows no orph ans Work On Quilt lit UCW Meet Crown Hill United Church Wo men held the Juna meeting at Mrs Tucks home President Mrs Dunsmors opened the meeting With Hymn sci loilowed by scripture read Ing with Mrs Sutton assis ting report oi the previous meet ing was read by Mrs ll Swiiser étd business discussion toliow Mrs Gough gave humor ous reading on Proper Busin ess Procedure The remainder oi the alter noor was spent on applique work on quilt top Mrs Sutton and Mrs Gough were appointed to pur chase material tor tea cloths Mrs nick served rclrcshmeats Britain Undertaker Hay Fever Study LONDON CPIHay lever sullerers in Britainoil snees ing snultllng 500000 at them are relieved to team that this summer practical program at research is under way to dis cover which areas allcct them worst The mlsnamed allergy which isnt primarily caused by hsy but by pollen released when certain grasses are in flower Is amused in Its unlucky vic tims cach ycar with tho ltrst warm scented days at summer Until now doctors have largely caniincd their researches to the laboratory and to individual at lergy tcsts Iiut Dr Frankland head oi the allergy department at tho WrightFleming Institute In London says whiia antihistn mine treatmcntstablots or In Jecilonscan reduce the sym toms the only certain remc is to keep away tram heavily pollinaicd areas liner docks in Grconnck Scot land Mrs Cameron will he met by her lather Rohcrt Flynn whom she hasnt seen tor 11 years She will spend the sum mer visiting with relatives and lrlcnds in her native Dundee Scotland Mrs Cameron who is soloist at the United Church in Mldhurst looks lorward to singing In tho lIlim Church in Dundee where she wits once choir member and vocalist TRY EXAMINER WANT ADSl PHONE IA lllll MIDDLEoAGED WOMAN OVER 75 UNDER 60 cnpnhlo mcrtlng public to work it in Monday thru Friday in local area lor national cosmetics company Write cxpcr Irnccctc lies The Itarsle Irisminer LINCOLN SHOES cntsr GAY Cotton ahiits styled with ncrarLGs re erisrv caNautaNs EXCITING SUMMER SHIFTS 577 Rag 3749 casytowear button lronti Colours lul abstract Paisley or cool strl de signs in blue red green god or brown Patch pockets and salt belt Sizes 10 to 18 VALUES 10 39 HOODED aumrs In cosy lioccceiincd cotton Drawstring hood and lront pouth poca kct styling with long slcevcsi Ribbed cult and waistband Summer shades White or gay Doys aim SlitL hits or grey Enquire lan Zeilera Easy Credit Plaasi FUN TIME COORDINATES SPECIALLY PRICEDI 299 399 SUMIIIERY MIX OR MATCILMATES in crisp Seersucker strips and matching Bediord Cordt Styled to flatter these sep arates are the smartest Summer togs everi Gay pink or blue with white stripes Sizes lit to ll SEMISCOOP POP TOP In solid shade with attractive stripe and button lront trim Back button closing SIIEATII SKIRT Slimming vertical stripes with horizontal lront trim Covcr ed belt and buckle back kick pleat and sidezippered CHARGE it No oowu PAYMENT FUN IN THE SUN SALE SPECIAL FOR GIRLS REG 99 Quality cotton with lriily lront skirt and thered bodice beautiluiLv embroidermil Elasticized back lit yellow or mint Sis es to It KIDDIES SHORT SETS SIZES IJt CRISI HARD WEARING AND EAS ll WAEIIARIJZI Theyre pretty toot Youll want 20 to tally several sets at this tiny price Savo over Glitlix Attrarlive irtngod top at woven printrd cotton or cottonknit matched with sturdy lupiln shorts Six lovely shades 137 and Mrs till Gleason nl Mcirou Avenue on tho oc mlon oi Mr lionsnns retire ment wcro Mr and Mrs iirrnnnn Montreal Mr Carlhy Klilnloe Mr Mrs ll Mnlulre hlnilmry Mr anti Mrs tiiromn Ile lroit erhtgan and Mrs it Hanson and Mrs it ilmon Mr and II Fluid Mr and Mrs McFadden MilI Jarho Ntllll van all at Torool HAVE OVER 10 IIIHA RATIN IANTIX IIWIM TIIUNKHI lnpuior square log honrh boy slyla tsilh drawstring wart and mm on rmt llinrk royal or While 5er in IS Alamo SAVE up 40 ON WHITE SUMMER SHOES 70 SALE Now IN Pnoosess VALUES TO NOW ONLY vatuss To an NOW ONLY 688 in RAVINRII 0N MENII COTTON IIIIAI TRUNKII lloscr style in wide rhnlro at plaids Drawstring waist mass ANKLE ombrd cotton imltlo pocket and rationknit trlplo roll style rrtnlorrcd host and too White support HtIa In srrs lit to it 69° NYLON ATRETFII TOOTLETS REG Ito Full lnotlrl with margrip hoot Sanlllred ilrlgr Fits Illrl lie to it VISIT OUR NEW ENLARGED LOWER SALES FLOOR 391 157 77 VALUES T0 79a NOW ONLY Eli It llAivAAOAAl li tilfll Alt stion strel Btrung aluminum handles Nontostc onl rust INAIIIATEII PICNIC JUO that of roilii liali ailnn airs Unbrrahahil lining Onomt guaran es IIIIIIIL IILLIRS LTD 60 DUNLOP 51 nmm MmN COME EARLY FOR THE BEST SELECTION LINCIILN SHOES no 55 DUNLOP EAST PA lJIST MENS and WOMENS Corrective SHOES I0 SUMMER HANDBAGS To Clear 10 are Inaiiamzms 398 II no toriilall Shampoo Hair Treatment and MI 13 FA 93594 ll Mary ltnrl COTTON CROP 70M tor the Imml Mtui Smart styles In wide choice oi prints and solid colours Blue to it NWT TI Rllltwl rotlmkottiniet ht matching Cotton Chino shorter lmerttyle lippmd pot eta Aul retains Ilse to it ammo

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