Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jun 1963, p. 22

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any 192 knfliykl 52 XML ll hymnr Klug mm II mmlulrd mmmnn lrr aml dllll rnunm IN mylhwnl highway Iynlun In Aunun Naw mmmmdanl In llnynl Mllllury Cullen In KIMInn luctmh Dril errln MA lAIrh ol WW ma will In promoied In Iln ml lloulcnnnHolonI Ind WM nuluml MM wul ul my hudqmm MI Own Illh Mud uu mu wwmnel in 0b an um mu Hrli II WrMI Town and mun wlll he nwoOnInl dwuly unrlmnndrr gnum Aux ll he wrccrdn Hm Mer Kenna lml mun MTAWA mnm 0H mm film lum trim mw upmlnern Irmy hem qunflrn MM Mr nncr mulled Turk day lhnl he mndo nilempl In Indncr hlu lrllaw nrcrnnrl la make My drclllou whnhwwr In Ihu luulum mu hm no In to lll Ihrlr vnlc Hill had hrld no tlllclmlnm WHh 01hr uuvnrnnu Abolll 1qu mm whllc wn under comldmllon would suggest that there must be writers with the caut ag Io cammlt themselves on tho lmporlant Issue which face In all and In dellvulng the keynota address at the annual Cahndlgh Aulhors Assnclatlon Innrpcclcn when who carry on Iellconsclous mom loxuc about lhelr own gmwlng palm as literary hypo chnndrlacs who hang Ihcir mor bld anxittiu about lhemsclvc Ind their environment an the exquscxrfor plot need author who will dare more lhnn lhe nrmull wrllm and will present the public wilh pravocallv pl lure cl Immunin us we stand on tho brink disaster nr on lhe Ihmhold he arcnlul era In hlslory he told lhe tonvenllon Cnrlclon Unlvcully xrxassas CONCERN In olhcr bus um cinlinn txprcsscd concern re jtcllon by tho Canada Council muns or financial mix nnca for tho unoclnuonl out ch manque Game Card xovemnr lhu Ilock exchange nlnco um And nuw rhnlnnnn the board wu lesllylnl In own dc lrnca In ML Iaslum null nnnlnu um uchnnle and Mr Gnnllncr By RUSSELL ELMAN OITAWA CPJnhn Wyllle Mankenl novelist and critic charged hlesdny that far loo many at todays serious novel In all Into the culegory at nnApcglpxs Nménal rrésldml Dr Helen crmhlon cammrnlinz in hcr 10on CmA cadeltnd In In 52100000 null or dum ue dulled nxudny he had ever consnlred wllh xavcrnou of lhe Toronto Stock Exchnm excludn wlllmd Pnslunl mm lhc brokcrnxalbmlnm cxclmnu wlmdrcw proud Mr lmlum Iv mlnr Ind unplath IL Duly and Company In hbru nry Mr Imlum tonlcndl van lrrnlrd unl 1y Iumr lng on lncoml Ind Injury Loluil ypulfillnm Army Olficers Gpitflflppointments Denies Shut Posluns Out The Japanese barque Knlwu Maru unlurled her nil in heavy downpour as she nailed Into the harbor The Knlwo wsiters Today OnionPeelers Wants Vital Issues Presented WET SAILS IN THE DOWNPOUB Alan Simmer Tornnlo Iree lance playwright and ahnrt slury writer uld It was pracll cully useless limit In Ihe prl vnlelyawned ilallnn or TV network market Russ Ollawn freelance writer anld ponlblll lies dn exist for when wllh the local ilallans Generally he xulullnn la lhe marketing problem was lo chnnncl ma right malarial to II person who nucdcd ll annual report on the council decision not tn aid the Canadian Aulhor and Bookman ald am bewildered for It seems very loollsh country Ihalflruluses to loner lta auth on panel discussion an radio and television writing drew both rain Ind criticism or he ub lclymwncd CBC he pr nci pal market an Canadian writ EH Not only ls thnlr prozrlm mlng deplorable but they do pracllcally nathln to lunlln ll Cnndlun wrler nr pu lnrmnr he said We have to 1091 to the CBC Mam used as Lralnlng ship or sailors wishing to join the merchant marina Shu paying an eightday visit to Vancouver CP Wirephmob II Illl lIlIlMONI THERE WILL BE NO lONG DISTANCE CHARGES ON All CALLS STARTING JUNE 30th BETWEEN BARRIE and 0R0 In the Ipstbnony Bzirla wen defined cnlutalner hon In taverns and nightclubs who would with customer at lnble and wllcll them to buy lhem drinks WASHINGNN AP The Senate Investigations subcom mittee accused mum the Amzrlcln Guild of Vmely Art LsL AGVA hlesday of conniv lnx with International vice rack zls which held some Mid members of un union mm Can ada In literal bondage Senator John Medellin Dem Ark tho subcommfllea chairman In report to the Senala urged that the labor de Ennmenl om on AGVA muncleaning whlch he uld he unlonl ofliclnl Lhow nu sign atlampllng lhemselvu The subcamrnluea based report finding on lullmony re celved In public hearlng In June 1961 but llld It has seen nn evidence since than my Intent to clean up wndonns 7m repéit deal at length wllh an alleged rccmflmenl BKHII In Camd through In OTTAWA CWPrlma Mlnll ler Peanon bu prupoxed ed enl provlndll contorence an penslons and nluud wzfllr Ichmel rnvlslon of beneflu for widows ow rulan use with dependent ch11 en for orphlns mum of mullnl conccfll fur edml and pmvlnclll govern menu WOULD RMSE QUESTION Sines the Inclusion of these Hb mutation ls contained In June an letter to the lo provin ch premlen Thu letter ml tabled In mo Commons me any Mr Pearlon hired the egre mlm to reply whether an conference In Iceeptlble Alter ha gem lhesn replies he would suuest dnta or hummer euca Mr Pemon referred to the government plln announced ml week for Clnndl pen Ilnn plan Bu he slid fill by Mull will not be annual to meet num lner other closelyMuted pmho em Canadian Girls Spirited AwaY Toronto Manager Is Doubtful Pearson Proposes Welfare Confab BOHPANV CANADA mm clrlum ull up at yumu num ulw nun1w In nywnlua lum Mu Ann you mg mm an on Jun IM llnll Ind nu In no runmun um am mu th Ion rhnlu IAIIII rulmux la 0m llmrll nhl ma no will or 0m mlmhol may tunm emgloyrneni Izency linked with AG The girls were recruited with ioise promises oi teaching them career the report said it churned that tome ol the alrlx were forced into prostitu tion and held In litenl bond Ila by mobster night club owners in Hurley Wil and Col umel City Ind In Toronto Needay Art Bur less branch manner oi AGVA slid The It the mailer is he have to acreen appli unu end certiiy lo the United Slates immigration the hey Ire leziLimIle He said the lorean detect undcslnblu Ind under an aim Even axon dance In said have lo 5an lb union they have been booked Into law ana us nightclubl Also Involved wu the ques don joint ledenbprqvlnclll momma lor disabth allow ances Ind old In Instance dinedcoal penxlonn or film and to 70 mice to neemint Mr Pearson added Thu am reaned to ex lore 01m minus paulbmtlex ow ever need not dolly lmmedinu steps or the Improvement or our older citizens Beside Ila llld why would American lumen wnnt mommies from Toronto they It union their own down BEE sound like poor lamp to write nnv benefit In tedml pmlram would ulna jurisdlcdonnl 07m mewwum 111 Inmyolnlonlhlalnn cm which requ you full consult atlon Ind discussion batman laden Ind provincial govern ments In order um lime to appmch an be worked Ho Indicated that Ottawn would nvul lo the pmmaed comm whn ha ln mind or web benemu proposed Innad puuinn 131 Mr Pumn noled lint uv ml pmvlndnl uovemmanu in dicmd io lormer prime minis ter Dieienhnker that the wen willing lo luv the juriui clinnnl quulion oluliied Upholllerlnl In On uni Iml NM Jun Elde BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK BeIuLul 81mph Fm Elamm FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Phonl PA Hm BARRIE BRADFORD 51 EATON Special VIKING I963 AUTOMATIC DEHUMIDIFIER Special Price nth lmll on and of whm lmmldlly rim and falls llcmnv up In OALmNH of moisture per day No lnnlal Inllon required Jun plug ll in llolpl pmlrtl IMII Irnm Ilflnl up kup dam Ind llndnu mu mum Ntdurn Ilullnl at mm mm In llrlpl mm rlnlhu 1mm mlldrw llrlpl pmlnl luvnlluu hum mini Wllh Automfllc Humldlnn Placed In the BASEMENT lhln Ichumldlflcr nhnuld cllmlnnlu mual odour In rec room stared bookn ur nllurc elc STAIRS helps protucl urnllure nml furnlaillngn from dunnnm rcvonl Ilmwm nml dogrulrmnlwolllqmfi TOMA HUMDITAIMM ITS EATONS 11 Flbcrnlu BO Wlll lake up 25 Imp molar 56 helm cablcl demonslrnlor model mg 49900 EATON Wukoud Splclll for fWaterlexWType Cookingl Slain and acidresistant cookwnra that helprelaln cod value Wide rolled rims Insert covers Black plastic knob and handles Easy to clean lplcca set um um an MaL saucepan 964m double er 19201 dutch oven For With 25 HP Vlklng Motor Elodrle Boa weigh 285 lhs Mad cnpnclly 720 lbs Boat Include windshield slccrlng cables lights Rug 900 Sm 3000 12 Flborglu Boat Rog 21900 Snvo 3000 Only SAVE $20000 12 Aluminum Ban 123300 EATON Wukond Spulll 14 Fiberglus Runabout Save $10400 SAVE UP TO COOKWARE SETS GARDEN SUPPLIES APPLIANCE DEPT MAIN FLOOR 50 Hardware anv Main Floor Outdoor Shop Maln Floor Greally Reduced 99 Sperm pleca ul Len Windshield 2388 WEEKEND SFECIAL 1129 299°° 8900 189°o PLANT SOIL SEEDS GARDEN STICK PLUS SAVINGS on Offer MElMAC Dinnerware Specialv blPiece Set 2699 mummu Mayan pattern 53 ecu service or Including lullalto teamed dinner plates men plum In Turqualse PLUS tumblerl Not lllusmled Wicca MELMAC Melulna DInnenun Hal Is above 8mm nervlco or PLUS tumbl EATON Special MELMAC Mann Mm 1L1 vtmlile benulllul MIL Supcror connruo tinn and llnlshlnx with all pieces preclllon CHI mined and lrcalcd will wcnlhcr rcslslanl wood preservative Tabla Ind benches have slmnu tubular alumlnum lramu old flu or lrnnspofl lHOfl at llorau Lock llrmly In open poalllon Pc 5d lela Appmx wx29xl hlnh Burhu 60lllxl um EATONS Spulll Prlu uch PICNIC TABLE Rog 995 EATON Wukond Spoclll ouch Only Summer Then alurdy door are dual or summer comm Dmflully Reduced to Clolr Hurdwaro Dam Emmom Floor California Redwood SCREEN DOORS Outdoor Shop Mlln Floor 17 95

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