Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jun 1963, p. 19

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Berg Mr and Mrs PM of ravcnhursl Mr and Mrs Ken Stevenson Ind chlldrul Brent and Kirk Qak Ridges visited Ihelr lrnnd inrenls Mr and Mn Ivan Stev nsnn Sunday leilarx with fl lencuck were her znndaon nos Lane and MLu Mor gun Ivy Mlss Marla Linn ur imnddaughlcr of Cookslown Hie Barrie And Mr Ind Mgs 0er Bl Bay hint also Blll Cripps Ind gong Young lnronln Mr And Mrs Sam Eenhnm 3nd chlldren Kim Ind mm George Conklln Toronto Ind mke Shore Drlvm Mlnola who filed last Wedneadly Iltur call alum whlle drlvini 111 car on Brndtord Stu wan Hummer re Ifiient here for levoul yenu He wu uluatly the nut to Irriva 111 tho spring and the Inn to Cleave in tha lull 11 net Johnlon Cllfl Rand hu relumed alter two wtekn vtslt with friend and relative lntlurontav Mn and Mrs Lulle Whtly motored ta Detmlt on Fridny tq spend the weekend with the latlcra uncle Joseph LIPnlnte Mr and Mn Normn W511 at Texunto ware recent visitors It the bums at Mr And Mn ngram Falwiew Ave cncrntor ln lhe plrk hlvl been deliberately knockad over and cnnllderlni the weigh um brlckx lhe dame mun We been dorm by more than 0M person Ian had lhat leclllua of lhls klnd erected lhc expensu ol mldenlu are da mazed In lhls wllful manner ZSome Improvement was mude tn lhc roadx last week by an fpnllwunn nl nnd sand wllellnAY IUNI AM mu Mann Club mun Im my Nmnmu on Kiddo un Illnuwny CHI Pm 4m ilfl 30 ll00 ILH mo Ilse Po 3le ll 30 DC 300 15 mm mummy JUN pm Sun nu uo rom rm 5le Hum Dlull J30 nucnmm Hound up mumI All1n Nl necllom of bricks which Iqrmedl hallway pm thy In Rccenl vhltnn wllh Mr and Mrs Ivan Slevenmn ware Mr pm Mr Wane ngyd uLSdpm AROUND SEMCOE COUNTY EMINETS POINT By ALLAN INGRAM By MRS LAVENDER ll ynur curl wmhu lpam mnmonu Th stun Ill Sou gum lelm llllnl ElmerHahn CDC TV Null Wt Spam NI mm IT My Edan mood AM 1077 II It huml In llm THERI IS NO CHAIOI FOR THI IIRVICI TELEVISION PROGRAMS DRIVEYOURSELF CARI AND TRUCK CLOWES CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 hm none In Wluhlm visit My Benhupg plreuu WI lad to report Mn Norman leunel II prolrenlu IvorW In the Ray1 Victor Epilln PM holdlnl Ill Com munILv picnic an Clown Ichool ground on Slhndly Human oclock July 29 Supper Ind game Included nveryanm welcomm TOTTENHAM Mr and Mn Walter Splcker wurl mm honor tho home ml Ion Ind wile Mr Ind Mn Don Splckar hlwl on June 11 The occlllon wu their waddan anniver llry Connrnlulaflonn In Mr Ind Mn mm Wilson who man ly eclebnnd their 25m weddinl Inglvgr 10 II ILII HM 00 IL LID ma ozone wxcu Mn Maillon and daugh ler DI spun lul week In on with her pmms Mr Ind Mnu 7V Bart Niaklrk hu completed hll secnnd year Ike Univer Illy Toronto with mend class honan am the clam Inn of Mr And Mn John Nleklrk Coplrgtnllll Afiather Tollenhlmu young men Tom Mlle Ion of Dr Ind Mn Huh undying medlclne rum Fred McLean attended 1h llvadny union of county coypcll 1117 Harris Jul wank Mr Ind Mm Lloyd Leann Mn Wllmer Palmer Ind Mm Andemn called Thursday the home Mr Ind Mn sunny Llndsey or Wuhan and vlfiked Mleutqu 1mm Mr and Mn And Schltmln and why 11 men to mike lholr home In Vlncouver Mn Schnun wanted the Towns Rulmnt Ilnce coming here Mg Echljmln II yllh 1h RCAF Mn Robert lhomlon Mn levey Simpson Mrs Brnoks Ind Mrm che wera Rum ln luncheon lbs United Church Yemen Noblelon Int Tun Oral McClain Betty McClaln and Helen Slnclllr were hlxh Icorerl lnr two wln ul lhe mlxad Irlple bnwllnl luurnl menl held In Alllndnie Suurdny lPom Damn cd nunoh Gun mu ru 1mm Gun mu Ham Imo mm hr NI llIUIIDA Ill non aF 88 aSSSSSéS man Mama 11 um cmm Imm Our muu mamy nmn Kiddo Innu um um mm In comm cum num Imam mm Al nu mu Mann cm Mun rumn dun nanny Th annn Ipm munr um um To mm mmmn gunn Nun mu mm cnmnn Th Dlhniln num Unmuchlblu on TV Nun wuum Suml NI Mom Cumdur nl mm min Anbnm Dnka lllnnul CBC NI Nun Fulfill Inrll Mbvu Winn Eounln xi mu MN All run In mm mm hum an AM now In Cunnlcl cnmm num mm mn In In mun We mm Cluh Ll ur mum in Irm Dmll The In many mm Mum mm may um ml Hm In Mull BARRE TORONTO mm BOWDEN Mr and Mn Joseph Vernon Ind buy vlalled Mr and Mrs Fred Vernon and Kevln Bruce SENSE Mr Ifid ME Lloyd Connoll of Weston and Mrs Fred Star Bunruby BC wen cnll Openlnl land kin dia mands PcrIccl cnrd play wuld he relnllvely my you could no In our hands The dilficully ln marl deal He primarily In dl unminl haw lhu unseen hand no dlvldrd are II can when Wcsl hml only Ilny clue In zuldo hlrn la the prayer dcslslnn Bl lhc crucial pulnl cum was In our spam hnvlng opened with lurcan lwo hld Sum plnym mth unrrcl wlm lhu Iwo hd4 Hum 50th didnt quit have 1nt In awn hand but by and Inn nnl many would cmltln hll chum will cishad lhrel dlnmnnd Ind Ihllltd to rump Declar tr wnn wllh lha cm and ne THE LIGHT TOUCH ay HAL BOYLE NEW YORK ANThings column mlgh never know Jae dlqn oppn hl mall Men dun throw your old double breasted suits awn Dealgnm predlfl theyl bupnck nylounext mil Surely llp you cnmunler shnrk whlla bathing ex perls say one lhe best ways to frighten away In slick your hand under wu tcr and shout as loud as you can of course this dwsnl workyou may lose yaur head DAILY CROSSWORD red 01 rcadlnl modern Helium Maybe youd like to cuddle up with US gov ernment booklet enlilled mclhud or the Dynnmlc De Iarmlnallon ol the Eleclrle chlcclric Ind Plcmlcclrlc Consnmls Quurlz nghly rccummcndcd for in mmnlacs Slgn over Tomn Chinese bar In W4 Please Iry la prablemslungin Longevlly an life ex pectancy 2000 years ago was only 18 ears Scientist Ire hop ul lhal In the next century llta 5an I20 yam wont be unusyal our qunluble nntnhlu not dzuylng that women are foolish God Almlgmy mad hem mulch the men Gcorue final Em dealer Bolh aide bun Itch Imp Tlnmun Tord 1533 Pun Pm IiiEar IL MAIyin Mldo Mud 15 cm mu lawn 11mm Mumm Mmlhlng scotch mun nunI In lnnum 21 valn flu whnnwnod ll humld Clufltr In In wlnh lnummmi IL Expunn l1 Amman Dont Lose Head Over Mere Shark Annmmy lusmu Whether Amman Famukn in mm DOWN 10mm hurl uniII WEST mi mmn HOLLOWS CONTRACT BRIDGE um 31 +9109 mm on on non soum mama Hun on vulxlcrable Tommy Chens In Vcslchcsler Ila puke your NORTH In Mam on It lex rnmh arm JIM Irma ll rmmwn 1ka lum 11mm MI Lulu mu mm Noll 0m mAmu Xrlnuu men or 10 MIth mum Fold who Paula 1ka in luun nmuu lllltk Onlhl in By JAY BECKER North INT Mr and Mn Young Dunedin were vllllml on Sun dny with Mr Ind Mn Pol Mr and Mn Jame mm of Weston wen vlsltarl Wed nesday evenlnzal Mr and Mn James Smllhl home era at Mr Ind Mn an dont home on Sunday evening AK 4A 512th now led hls last rum and 95 had In find the proper dlscnrd He hnd In clmm bc lwnm unuunrdln lhc klng 01 clubs or lhc queen mum zucsscd rlnhl when ha discarded club nnd lha nulcnme was um Suum went down one In louse he club dhcflrd mm xucxkbul was an edu tnlcd Incas Bust md dlmrdcd nu 245 mm In um urder Ind Way lhcrcluro knew bu runner hml no vn nu In he urlhcrmnro knew Illnl 12ml did not have he lhrco Thl meant that dcclnm had lhn AKJ Ind Ulnl lhu hrnrt had lo Kunrded Al any cnsL Tnmolmu Ind mnlrld nod mull In 11 would rubahly lose an olhcr Iritk un es lhl queen of hearts loll when he later cuth the AK declded In play 11 MI Innup In In hope hu deleml might maku mistake In d1 cnrdini Mm he had cashed lnur more rounds at trumps on which Vcs dlscurdcd din mnnd and club and East lha 2+5 of hearts lhll bccamu the posillon Milan Rtnlll unwr 1mm mm Ill Ala II llmu MA youre genius or don your hrnln makes up only about two per cent your bogy welghli null 0mm We have good new or bculnlks lnday London llrm has developed new brush specially deslxned remove sluhhom knot and hlrdx nest mm moustache and boards The 9110 at companion Every day US induslry de velop 25 new consumer prod dumbbut only one becomes salts sum Thercl nothlnl newx Thu Romans are mde with In ventinLlhq raadglde ngqul In ancient Lime wvmen hardly regarded Ihe birth twln bltssed event Early modlcal Iclenco held lhal lwInl couldnt be the of 5prllnx the who lather Seelnl red Emotional lcn sion nllecls vlslon It literally panlble for you to become lempornrlly bllnd wilh ram Nnéharze or parkihi chariot overnight res waler for lhe horses anun oddlllu Insccu an mcnliuncd in Iha Bible as llmcs camel cun drlnk 25 gull or water In half In hnur Rabbits dunt per npiru There are man than 7000 dlflcrenl kind of antshut only take on kind In ruln plcnic nan 7W Nor 09 5010 81 And Mi Nwllllh Inlla Nlullul Mlnl ll PHUEMH mnum iuu South wool Wool ow Tam 10 You Imam EXAMINER WEDNEIDAYIUNI 1m II wt fawn 7mm mm mot roanr mmr Wé Mlakr mu mu AGAIN TWO TURN 1V Ii flh HUSBAND HEAR 50 MU AND wow so LmLE lidM um mum 70 mm Mun mm uu rm mmum AMIRIMYTKK V013 TWO wma om HIM Mm

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