Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jun 1963, p. 14

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in lllbzhl lulmlrr Xl Allnml murml men lull Dr Em llm In MI nhnlnnl lwullni IIII rmuvl In mm lrlnrlrl unhul lnur mum Nollml Nwhlnn mm leanu Iur Vlrpziuinnl an llmk III mmul Ilrlrnl In IIIllI Iumr Iuhly hil hll rul hum In Mrl hum jnnuml In 10 llw ram Ilmlnl IDl Mnlkmm IIINNI Ind Vml ml Im Inllvlvl nul llul um lwwml lurk and IN llw ulxlh nlm Pumnl Immrml mrr llw IKM mm In llmmy Caler hom md In Timelflm lumlmn rnlnell vml fiyrmnw hltln hrltl InIr numlrrn dhlxlml Itan lry mm lnu Mlulunnml Vlrnlnlnnn lllflnln Illnnnl nulrl Huh um Arknnm wkmlnn mm by lrllnmlnn Tmrlm ln polln ul MIAMI Ind Krnm hlnaml ll mumllrlp pr th Inn nul In llu hollnm 01 Im nlnlh lvlnlnn In mm Joe Mlnhslll nml nnlvmu vlc lmy uwr annnln Maple tall In lhu Inlrrnnllnnfll INIqu lmclvhiucr an Drnvlll tnuld nil hnu nkkrll hemr Hm Ml MI mm hnmrr Um ANI wl or Hnrhrxlvr NI Wlnll Tnullny nlnhl ll ASSNIA PM In the mom gnma Man urchl Mamd 20 ML In rnrklnx up lopsidm 2111 win over erm Dan Dravitz Beats Leafs With Homer Hillrrmt Juvmllu bulk up whopping 110 lead over om in the rim game lhcn fell apart In Orillin AlDNd In In the 11rd and uvcn In the mm In uarlng 1715 wln Drillln and Monarch amtr1 ed with vlclorlu In las nighln Ladiu Softball Leann doublb hmdcr Quocnl Park Im surprised that the two leagues dont have better harmony Personal feelings should be put aside and for the good of both leagues an agreement on thls and other touchy subjects should be reached Its the fault of the two leagues or not getting to gather and working out an agreementi Situations like this are bound to come up and with nothing on paper whos to say who is right and who is wrong Monarchs And Orillia Win THE BAR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY Perhaps it is unfortunate but the two leagues have never met to discuss things of this nature be lieve this should have been done long before this and then wegl have somethtn by which to base decis ton There are other pro lems also and believe be fore the start of next season the two leagues should get together and finalize few rulings So thats the story from both sides Now Ill alter low personal views THERE IS absolutely nothing we can do There is no agreement between the two leagues and nothlng In our constitution to prevent sus ended layer in the Intermediate league signing wit sen or club Als far as were concerned MeCann 15 just another ayer This isnt fair on the part of the senior league said an official of the intermediate loop They should show some respect for our league and uphold our de cision After all we have many players who will be moving up to the senior teams and they should extend that muc courtesy towards us Now comes the other side of the story Jim Shortt president of the senior league issued the following statement Dont blame McCanh Hes anxlous to play softball and when he was extended the opportunlty he had no reason tn refuse He felt it the senior leagug had no objection he shouldnt worry McCANN WAS handed threegame ban by the ln iermediate brass foil wing an argument with umpire Ah Bowen during Se eduled contest at Queens Park McCann didnt take the decision lightly and when Plaza invited him to signphe inked the card quickly file also didnt waste any time getting into the Plaza neup Officials of the intermediate loop are up in arms over the decision of the senior league to lpermit Bernie McCann suspended Ciarkson Hotel payer to per form with the senior Barrie Plaza team before his sus pension was lifted Theres considerable rivalry going on between the senior and intermediate aoitbail ea uea This is probably no secret to those who have een following the circuits over the years but the intermediate lea gue appears to be making better than average et fort to improve and win some of the seniorfana With SPORT AT GLANCE nl Jmlunllvlll were Softball Loops In Controversy By RICKFRASER 11qu Jlm nHIlAm onlan mllrrltd lwn dnuhlu and mm 1le In IIIImmi lnl run In clnhm lnnln with lwohun Il In nmu nnwd lulu mm Im In Mnul Inns by min Cln rlnnnll LL lllrhll llnhlu 00min rt nlu vmn 110m lam nl mnhr luun rm Iry ImMInl Anulu Anuln In our hll In IN vlrtvry II III AMMMTZI IHHM Ntlhmlu no 7L mmn hurLAVulrlo Dalil mum Ill Tvlplrl Illnlnn Wnlhlnl Inn Iimni nunsun flnnlnn mil Alllmn 11 Mulrnne Hon ll 00 Wagner Knllnr D11 2M Ilnhlmnn CM II YulnukL IN 267 nunsMllmn Mlnnuoln Rum 1mm lnAllllon 50 lllllMnlzanv 90 Donhln Power mumml rumI Mllonoy cmcm nny fillkrwlbKnulll mu Hume nunsH Almn IL 810er nunflablnwn Cln china 2L Clcmcnln th Dnvll IA Whfle Grnnl St Santa Chl RumH An II THE A5OCMTED Nlflnnll Run mum lnlL Anon IWhile BALL smé BALI LEADERS Amrrkn léwer Mlnnunln Aaron Mllwauku n7 Prl Lulu 2M 25 lloulnn PRESS PtL An lld Jll Nrw ank Chinno mum Mlnnmln Alum1m Clavelund 1m Anzrln Knnuul Clly Dolmll Wuhlnalnn mm way Ch nuhl 55 or To 14 ll New York Jnrkmn 57 Philadelphia McLlsh Illhburnh Friend ma ilmrl mudy Phlln nl llfllburuh Only nma Ichrdulnd Amnlul uln Pittsburgh 11 17 J71 Phllndclphla 32 ID New York 23 45 JBI Hi Houston TI 165 16 Ruum Tunay Chlcnzu New York Phllndelphln Pittsburgh Lo Annie Clndnnntl Houmn Milwaukee Sm Franclsm Sn LOUII Pnhlbla Pflthm Todly Sun Francism ODoll Io1 It SL Louh Slmmonl 74 In Anucltl Wlllhll 1H III Clnclnnnll Mnloncy Ill27 llnuxon Bruce It Mll wnuku 5le yw st Lou L05 Angel San Francisco Cinclnnnll Chlcnxo Milwaukee Pittsburgh Phllndclphla New York Houston conronvmu mmwr at Truclove Elmvale and Plaza are tied with Slcwarll Garage or top spot In the league all having 10 polnls Edgar is only two DDan of flu pace In the first nCAF meet whlle Elmvalu Mn met In MIL No games are on lap lu nighl Quacns Park In Sminr Softball Lenxue Hy THE CANADIAN PRESS Nullonnl flyin Theysmashed out la Mia Ins night lo 01an up 132 wln nver Clarkson and In lhelr lust VI was lhescvcnlh win 01 1th season or Smllha and they now have poluls Iwn more Hum op when they cmshed Barriu Jaycces 188 last night Shear Park And the way Smilh have been hllllnx he past two games hey look determined to slay on op Two Senior Tilts On Tap SmthgDalry bmke He or first place In the Inlermedlnte Sam aye wllhSIrpcge Co graacanf finance smiths Humble JCS To Take First Place The Hlllcresl School Girls sonball team which caplered the elementrynchool champ Ionshlp this week pictured above They are ram loll to BAjBALL scam5 wl mm 1024600 4129597 Mom 12 4130571 4231575 40 so Mz flame Edgar Barrie Plazn nnq Truolove the second 507 J71 l0 JBI Hi 165 16 Gm nub Mum mm mu Colupubux Allnnln Indianpoll Alkamnl Jurisunvllln Columbus Syrnruse Hullnlo Rochealrr lllchmnnd Tomnlo Vickrrxhnm 61 unhimm Delnck Mchrmkk nl Lo colts anlnck Am Hrlde lwlnlllhl nnm nundny Wnshlngtun nl Knnsn Dclrnlt nl Mlnncsnln New York Chlcnuo Clvvclnnd nnslan Only anu lchldukd lnlrrnllhnnl Lune Nurthrnl Dlvlllan nd umos 11 nl Minn Manrohud NSl Dnlrnlt Fuul 32 Minna nnln Sllumuq 511 Washlnnlon Rudolph 39 or Dnnirlx IH KDMRI City Vickyrxhnm 156L Wnshinglun Kansas City Baltimore In Angelo Prubhlr lllchrrl lndAy New York Fnrd mm Chlcn Peters NEW YORK ANCanada has cnnlrlhulcd few shmdauls In Amurlcan hlg lcnzue hm hall but nnne have hnd Iuch IIghIight Ms cprosion was grand slam home run by Zcilke whn came In pinch hit for Dickson In the Innlng Fnrrnghcr allowed wflh annlhcr homer and pilchnr Russell made It lhrne In rnw when he rounded lhe base wIlh lhn hlrd xlrnight SOFTBALL CHAMPS Smiths scored two runs In lho first and two In lhe erd or 44 lead Jnyceu came back with single run he third and Inuth to narrow he margln but the mat caved In an Jnyccu In the link when Smflhs scored nlne runs Ward Head Of 7anadians Pitcher Wayne Russell allow ed his last start which saw hlm rack up 11 strikeouts with sovmhlt xo slrlkcoul perform ance lwn starts have humped oppos mg pltchcr for total 29 L5 LIMIT right iron row Louise Ai kin and Vivian French se cond raw Mary Head nuih Moor Mary Lawrence Pai ricia third row Richard Mumnn Mk Jaclmmvlllo ppd nlvlulon 29 50 34 no mum 2m 77 II 5410 2942 WL mum 41mm 41 41 an Lox And 400 13 my MIL Md Mc mm Gorn My Onl In Inr Hm mm with 3th wnllu um 25 Ilrlkcnull In ZS unmu llawnlinld ham In Vrrnnn And new llvinn In llallinx lllllx nllL MM won four mu and 101 In or Knnnm City He hlnnkml lhu lmnl hllllnl lln Inn H501 my 17 or only Ahlilnal Taylor Mom hn hnen vlunhle pilchnr Im Ihbjcc and plow Cnnflnnls In ll mu hu rccnrd will ll walks and J7 Imkenull pm HM Raymund lmm SI lrnn Qua has rrcnrd and six snvu nr lhn Bravu He has pllchrd In 19 games wnlkcd lfl Ilruck out 31 And 105ch MS earned run average thc mm Verdun Qua 111 at In win his first gum Ho lust one while appearing In In lumen walking 13 nnd mik lnu on 11 Vnrd who has hlt xnlcly In hls In games lmlllnn 301 with l2 doubles lriplcs hom ers um 41 Ill He wn ob tnlncd from Bnlumnre 11 win lcr Vnrd bnrn In Mnnlml 23 year ago hands list of seven nnllve Canadian now playan In the majors The nlhm are pilchm Claude flaymond and Run Pith the Milwaukee Hrmcs Hon Taylor flu SI Luuls Cnrdinnls Tod Howsflcld at lhc Kansas City Alhlcllcs Km McKenzie and Tim Hark nos at lhu New York Mots ouklandinn runkie sbasnns as Pek Vnrd lhe Chicago While Sax lhird lmscmnn Jack Elhringlun and Tom Gar ner allcncd lhcir batting aver age lnr Smltha wilh lhrce Ml each Russell hnd homer and lnple Zeilke had pair of doubcs and Fnrraghcr added siqglc lo Mshomcr Smiths werent lhmugh yal lhey pounch out our more hils and scored five run in the seven th lnnlng Jayme ndded lhelr final run In the sixth Bob Lines Dick Farhes Jnhn Mano and Tubman were lhu vlclims Smllha battlna har mac home run When the smoke clear ed 14 ballet had trolled la the plate rmmmuu 28 018pm WASAGA BEACH SPEEDWAY Boswell mach Melnllia West Janet Knux Beverly Sim mans Llndn Grimson Chris una Stewart Peggy Hall oma Marten and Mrs Mur Lamb mi Bnyd racked ui 13 strikeouts are 13p Zen 111de hlls It was the third straight win or Stewarts and left the league standlnu with our mm led or lop spot Slaw ml than me lead with ma Inva Healing Barrie Plaza and Elmvale all wllh llva vldorles good for 10 points Edir has 1th mm Icadofl homer by shortstop Iqu Game in the bottom at the ninth inning spoiind Butch Boydabid or shutout inst night at Edgar but the stocky righthander turned in mother great performance in posting 54 Victory or Stewml Gurus aver the Edgar RCA squad SteWarts Gain Share Of Lead Boydf Starsf Eoyd didnt We up more lhan one hlt In any lnnlng and was well on Isway In his shut Boyd gave himscii bigger working margin in sixih in hing when In ciouled his home run with ma Cutting on base George Falconer saved in he ninth for 64 Sinwafll lead Ralph Knapp went the lanw or Edgar He walked he lirsl two batters In the firs tuning and Slewanl conveer them Into runs or 14 mar gin Boyd led oi the second with slnglc advanced on an error and sconzd on Lorna Amslmngr sacrifice fly Curlls was me only Edgar halter to reach Bayd for mu hits He had double and ain ze WWW hall at Slewafla eight hill with two gnoh The blast qldnl snake uh speed ball artist He stmck out Knapp and alter Del Peck reached first an an error Boyfl llnIshed Ihe game by striking out Hob Curtls and Doug Fu ser out golng Into the bullnhj me nlnlh But Gaynex found pitch he liked and sun It or the circull

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