DEM Tin1m mum un ml hm lw Inward durlng mu llne phrnlcnl ownlnnlhm ll III wh lrru Ivy 1h lupulmanl nl Mllll In Nara Smlln Am Illa Ilodnv lmum nnly lur num lmIIImI In lml nl Hm 11 unmrn In NMIRLMII mlmlwln hm ranr TM numhrr anrn Irulrvl Ilmo llyu urn lxrgnn Jump mm Mm In Ilm 15000 In up 1m mama Iv tlmlmx pvnvlnrn ullnl rrlnlniy In rnullne Inmnlu ml luv lncmml mm per mu 7a mu HALIFAX CWA lilmilc In uprmlw In hn Um ctod Jlnl wllh uvlnz lhu Hm of Many 100 Nnvl Srnlln wmnrn Ihu Inflmd cnnur lhu Imnb Thu MNHMI Mrlely nI NUVI 510 mulor Hm Illrrdlnn Ilnlxlu nmmlnllnl Jlohlnmm lnmltlml ulrmm cumr dnlrcflan pmmm IMI Ihnn lhrn your an and llxrnuzh lhln 15000 unmrn lmu lwl cyluln 9r pull mwnr lnL Vows Exchanged At June Nuptials Pap Smear Test Has Saved Livestf 100 NS Women THE ENGAGEMENT becn nnnnunccd Mlu Carol Ann Klnsnlln daughter Mr Ind Mn Georg Klnulln Bnrrlc lo Gtrnld Drcmle Ian Mr and Mn Anthony Do cula of nmlo st Mnryl Human Catholic Church Bnr rle will he Ihn Inlllnu or flu wcddm on July In Photo by In Cowper Given in marriage by her ia lner the bride wore floor length gown pcau do aoia lm of classic design The bodies oi the dress ieaiured soilly rounded neckline The billowing Iklri tell to chapci rain The diapel length veil oi iulln illus ion was held by headdress of niiy oi the vniiey The bride car rieqn cgggdo circd roses can Campbellrwu mud hnnor Her znwn wns aughler Mr and Mrs Russell Realm of Noluwn The brldezroaml arena Mr and Mrs Charles ally reside on Gunn Street Harris 55an com wedding lrip to Ottawa fol lowed the wedding Miss Ruby Loulxa Renlncr and Edward Churler Kelly In Trinity mu In Church Archdeacon Allan Reed performed lha atternoon peromony against backgmund lettan spring flawers In var aï¬d rlhgtjesof plnk MR AND MR5 EDWARD CHARLES KELLY PLAN SUMMER WEDDINGS IiiHI In mum UV man he mm um llvnllnrnl In um lmmal mm mumny mm um Any run um mm In PA H277 lnlvml warmm II alum mm pntmly XI and Iurl my In no lmllrnflon mm lhc mde ullnlannn by bar lnctnr ml mum II dr olnpl Dn Hole sun lulmll Hum 114 wumrn In mm mm Ill umllugnnml cervlul um rrr tllhcr rurnhlc nr Incurnblh T1er In mod non In bo llnv ml lnlllul Ievnlnpmrnl lulu mun yull Durln lhll lnlvml will will pmbnbl nd ml he 97 dtkrlrd hut yur 50 war tund Nona lhn cm wm ml Thou cum vlvlunlly mo fer cvnl curable nml mumnl lvu Invrd 1n maul um lTIFflI lull mm mm II mullno and llwm um nrllher Ilum nnr 5an null dlr no Dr Inwn Id IhllnMc Inlormnllon mm all or North America Indium uncrr nl lhn Womb had de vrlarml In man llml mm VIII Wolllll Mu VIM DAmbrmio flank mm by Elle ol Comm Cum NIH ALICE CUNNINGIIML will becoan lhu brlda of John DAmhmln It momlnl cert many II 51 Mnryl Ilomnn Catholic Church on June 23 The brIdMled lhn daughler Mr Ind Mn LN of nn Barrio bridezroom elccl hi Ion ol Mr and Mn Vim DAmhrmln iho couple will freslde on Ben czy Slml an mum mm tha wcddlnu trip The bnde travelled in sky blue lllk sheath gown accnnlod with white accessorch and cor lezalod aqu ol plqk Asnlxllnz the brldclmoml mother was mixed In manic printed blue gown enhanced with comm while mum mg plqkgueelhenrl roses fluelvlng guests In the Parish Hall the hrldol mother were helze 311k null with mulchan ac cessories and carnage of branza any my mums The bridegmml brother Da lmar Kelly was but man Glen May ol Brlmton the bride lrooms brotherMm and Ver non Renluer Nouawa brother tbs bride were ushm ngczmoN shackan plnk lullela sheath wllh ovenkln ol pastel plnk or ganza with matchan pillbox headdress Her bouqual wu pink Iweblhglrg rum mm by hva rxnmlmd Ind Inn lhu lent and II Ihauld In npnlcd cry yur nr Iwn Waller Camuhm nlrrie exvmnd nppmllnon the India M10 no cupmy nmd mm Robert Clrnflhcrl bl Mom In pmlded or flu election umml when Wllm Cum on ol Bandloni repluod All MID Eldest Indy prmnl Mn Wil llnm Cmulhm Avenlnx eld 25¢ mm Vully 5mm Shu mn drlvcr or car comlnz Ir heu distance Waller Coum Sun Marla youngul and Heather Comb Sault 510 Mavlul mun Sam Ansley Elmvalu Indy with lmlllhl lino Iva Canuthen am Presldcm David Stnyncr pmldcd or and conlcsu when the on Juno 71 member or the Currulhm Clm ml down to noun meal mud by ha Anxllcln Indie Sprhlwnler Pnrk rtcenl VIIIIur In nCASC School was Major Cole of Ivan He was In chum DI the group workInl on large ly cqulpmcnl nlrdmp Baler was posted West MnIar Cole war at the School Wu great thank to Ms many IrIends In Burden Io Imr lbs sudden pauInI 01 Harry Gray AIIIslan Harry wal In them DI TechnIuI Slam RCA supply ScclIon Ind had worked there or number yem Carruthers Family Reunion Held At Springwater Park Min mm has been Inns lerred from CE to RCASC Schaal and Mn Malcolm Creemora has been promoted and transtzrred In RCE from ma lunar school Mn erlam Krause whose husband hu htcn posted to Whilehom muIns western Canada with her lamlly Mem bar of Headquarter Coy RCASC School received card from her when they stopped over Van mum Sander Thornton who patient at Royal Vlclurln Hospital or several weeks has relumed home and recoup Illnl lollawlnl surgery Also conï¬ned In hospltals in Allis on and Toronlo are Leq Wall and Albert Ward Alllstan Ind Bola Reid of Enrrle Sat Perkin of Anne has translerred tmm the RCASC School to RCEME He was with the School lor llve yurI as Malntenance NCO ln charge of routlne malntenence and other repalr projects Before he lelt member at Club 141 School Headquarter honoured him with am Major Dr McKay Arl mlnlatratlve Ollleer the School made the presentntlan Schoal rnalntennce workers also present ed hlm with flllt Sergeant Pace will replace Sergeant Pnrkln 135 wereiéned In vmaly enthusium welcamo or ha worldl Int Iplcawomnn Val enllna Teresblova yum Sémamipoo womcn from 119 cannula Including Canadl an attending an mnmu which 013339 Monday morn oburvers said he in cident evidently was connected with dlilerenm between Cam munm China Idenloglcll llne Iuppamd by the Japanese Com munists and the Ruulnn no oveer the Light or peg It valved Jpanese rather than lha drunk or MOSCOW ReutemA anl nen dalmtel attack on the United States during the Warld Conmu Women Monday lempnnrily drove the Italian duelHan om the meeting Thu Italian group which In eludedboth Communal and nonCommunllla walked out in prolen mm lhu attack by gageneia gglgxlljon Iendu Mn Women Meet In Moscow CAMP BORDEN SOCIAL NOTES ll Dunlap WI mlhnm buslnul oliowlnz Alter Ivnrloly mm con ducted by Phll Shellwcll Hnwkcslona Iha mp dl pound Iner wry unloylblo layozouner 11 IBM reunion wlll bu held In Sharon Communlly Park Culhum Slnyner as pmldem wllh Mn Ron Hubert Barrie roplnclng Sheldon Culhlm Elm v19 Icemantrawler Spom committee lko Mycu Sandlord Rod McDonald CInrluburz The creatlvc leader seek help ram resource pea la ol rut cr knowledge rm experlznce She dedicated lo her belle In the memheu cnpnclly tor urowrh and or modllyml or changing Illlludel and conduct Crcallvn Lenderrhg mean lhnl member are zul ed dlrcclrd ltimulnled to us their Individ wu pointed out to II Pre sident that It arm honor to he chosen Pmldenl Pm Ildenl shuuld no rule nnd run but rather fluids and develop lhe potential In each mambar President mus challenge nth member to lhlnk Creatlva lam dershlp ohallenles Pro Idem Ive more vllal lend anhlp lo lhu club Thu leader the course in cluded lire following Mll Mludo Buyiny an Natinnll Pm ridenz end in Member Mn Helene Gibson immediate Pm Provincial President aim Chain man Budget and Finance Min Edna Sumbler Vice President Disiricl also chlirmnn Re roiuiians and Rules oi Proce dure Mn Florence Chinn Chairman of Five Nniionni Reg alone Mn Jane McGuire Pnli Reginnni Adviser Region Na Mrs inka Zeiinger Regional Adviser Rezion Na Mrs Lillian Jone President Business and Proleulml Wo menr Club oi Blrrla with vlce pmidem Mrs Dorothy Ay clliie and Mn Grace Murphy aitended Leadership Training Course in Huntsville on June 10 ram 10 mm In pm It the Empire Hotel Dirtricu Na and Na include Club from Kirkland Lake Sudhury Sault Ste Marie Timan North Bay Orlllla Parry Sound Mldland Colllnzwood Barrie Huntsville Bracehrldga Band PW Executive Members Attend Leadership Course Aucssmenl Beef SIM 690 County recently mama dinner Ind Mien or COUPLEHONORED AT RETIREMENT PARTY The Ludmhlp Training Cam In Hunllvllle Wu mos enjoyabla and nwnrdlng exper Ime lo uoh medeM Ind vlcc pruldznl who mended Mrs Graca Murphy second vice president and membership chairman oi the Barrie Club was called on to give short 11 on the Am Hanan men Came which silo attend ed In March I963 Mn Murphy poinied out that this count was mull or all huxineu women in improva their knnwiudle in In husineu world lwiay ii improvn 0110 mm thcrcby Incmlinz he buxinrss woman value to her company and lo the community mon purpose Creative Leader selvu as they work at cum rhlp produce hnrrnmlous re lulu To the leader each person L1 an Individual Sh guide all member to work luuther In harmony and unis on In produce worthwhile resulls 44 DUNLOP 51 EAST PA 8428 OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 900 RM ual potential Io tho MI my work toward common goals In short mauve leader ship L1 the capacity to rally members to Adevglop them For The Bridesmaid For The Mother of the Brlde Dresses For The Brldo Mr and Mn Alex Grlhun Mr Grnhlm mono to 0m TownMp or many AT STRANSMANS Fashions For Your Beautiful WEDDING Choose From Our wide Sclectlon What would Canada have been without her humemak em she asked Thu sum pmblems exllled today In Im migrants and the woman In the family was no hnp she aulku and he lamlly uh lust well an buck nulpmx women In underdeveloped courr lrlu lu develnp homemnklnn Ikill In an important part regress Mrs Gerda van Beek ol The Netherlands pm dcnt vi the Assoclnled Cnumry Women at the Warm suld here Ionday Unless you bring In women along ynu cant brlng tho coun nm1j thm in In Inter Iry aloha 11 Intel vlaw during ourday vlult hero 31mm mnnnzn Help Homemakers TgPsfvelop Skim 70mm cpf Inlplnz fruumnm ma Mn Bukhofl arrived In Can Idl xix day no and an al ready Ipnken la Ihout 7000 memberl of Canadian anlnl Immule In Parll Wallrlao Guelph Pekerborouh and hi ollawa area She olives here Tuesday or Manual MIAMI Phnnl PA 5851 Huh Inull ll Cunnnllnu uninu all all II All lh 1mg Dom wnnml HAIRVCVUTS smo mmm Hui mu SOFT WATER By lunnlnumnl only avss mun 40PPE PERMANENTS 550