Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jun 1963, p. 3

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rlmn nn mm mm mmbl an Juan Advmu IMMI lhp lump will mvrhlo Inc rnlmua In llvrumlu dlpluy whlrh wlmh up dun mlvm llrprmn In All nlm ulll lu lmrhv vimu Funk Muh MHrh 15th 5mm mm mm hMIIc Huml Hub lullnnl Tlm Hnrllm an and CAI hr dnrr wml Ihn llmr hyrcn lnlrnmvl Inln hall lulu Mll thnllrnxn llw NIH MHIIII ll ILIS NIL Ill lhn Fnlr Xrnunvlt quu null nnnmmrcr all Im Irnl Iman Into lnnl mm rclnlnu wlll have MI nppnr lun ly In llmxw mmth Al mrmhnl Ilnrllul rmlln II Io bulll ryo ML ltnltrlulmnnnl luv Inn enlqu lnmlly Illl lm IVAIIIMI mu lhn miflwn Hm pnmlo will lrnvl lrnm lho nurlu City Hall 1mm an July Thu nmrrhrrl VIII lawn Plulcnflor In Dunlu nml llmlfnnl Hm mml nmr Ihe llunln rm Xnmmll Mum Hm lnyl ullvlllu wlll he hrlll parade mldwny rnlmnin manl nn Illa humhull Knmn Ind llrcworkl wlll ha calmed In lhlx yrnrl Dnmlnlnn Dny levnl Ipnnwml by llm Hur 3Jnyrcn gumzod sickly mm 1141M Counly Councll had hcld back because rnzulallonl on lha lull or Illa lmlmml menlnl nullh wcro upeclpd la in Inn Wllh he minz ol the York County Homlnl ll Ncwmarktl Then general cellnn nmonn Informed oplnlun mm Mental llcnllh Unll should he lncorpomlcd wllhln the working munlclpul ntncrnl hospllnl mcrclomuld Md Newton the hospllll would havu la man he um move Dominion Day Festival Is Iaycee Treat Barrie City Council Insi nlglll accepted lhc remmmcndnilon oi ii Cily Duvelopmcni Commiiico ihai consideration oi csiuhiish mg lilnnlul llcallll Unli in Darrin be ahaived Council de cided in wall iurihcr develop ment on the mailer Iild Newton in his rc Kori mid lhni althoule council ad glvrn apTrnvnl in princlplo lo iho Iden as year Simcoe Cnuniy Cnuncil had nui Illa brake ENJOYING preview Banlo Communin Pool He he summers pleasure Add Gram lelt and PM Council Shelves Idea Of Mental Health Unit was the lellnw eruoyln the antic of three Barrie lu mgzupumr Gavin BARBIE COMMUNITY POOLOPENS TO PUBLIC THIS SATURDAY Mr Munro Ink ha rhnmlxr alllco II prrpnrlnu qumllon nnlru In an out In All ulnbllxh mrnu In lhln vlcinlly whlch Imvn urcmnmndnlinnl Mil lnlE Inrno nr mmll mum umln nllrmllnu Ilh wnvm lhml Mn HIM lhln nmvny will hnl Irrpnro lnhulnllnn which wll um In nmwrr mmflmu from mum trying to local mmwllnn ulm umle un mml prrpnrrd for man IMI mnvrnlian In over the 0mm anncrl Un Ion ulll hold pruvlnrlll mm mm mnllnl hm lmm Orl 71 In 30 15 In 21 ppmflmnmyvfio Intel an rxpcdrd la Il lrnrl Don are convenllon com mince chnlrmnn mule Chnmhtr Commcm Inld lhc Onlnflo Dlxlrld Amdnllon of SPEHS Over 1000 canvcnllan Rules will be In narrln Ocl Isle Huh ycnr Two Conventions Coming To Barrie Thu xHunliun was lurlhcr cnm pllcnlw laid Md Newton by the ad that sklllcd pmksslonnl personan Ind sin or Ihn pm posed unll worn noncxlslcnt he moment we muldnt posslhly Hm tho people In run II he mid lhcsoulhcrn part the county would have Incilllhs or Inn man Since there an exlsllng lrcalmcm anrc nl Owen Sound Panelnnxnnd Orilllu was all that the munly wn rlngrd with good services Coun cil wu old sic It Barrie Community Pool From the Ian are Pal fldeman Adela Green and lUlJll lmmonn mu LANE FILLED NOEL slggflgggou n0 OPTOMETRIST AT Shphmwni chcllm and lm AlllllNIMENT DI FIIUNE lml Ml FOR COMPETENT EYE CARE CONKUIJ dclc lrnm Hull will be vlnrrll no In gun The Innunl Now Show ar rlo llamcullurnl Society wlll lo the public lmnmrnw nuhl ml 740 nl tho 0th RI Iowl all on Cnlllrr Slml Swdnry Mu Jrnn linlulu ukl MIL Nlnn Mnuhnll ml Hml nfllpo illnnfllnn nun whlrnl he lnnnrllnnllnun Ill In the India And tum ipu tr 11m nhnlu communlly 1mm Inld Mr Mum Ila MM hlvu uvcrnl mo pm mlslm rerpucsla lhn vcry llrao mnvenllnm we Are melnx And am mm our local buslnm pmpla wIIl no he udvnnlnxo at expanding or nmmry nccvmmadnlluru lnr lhll vnlunbla lypo buslnm Rose Show Is Wednesday mofisly Grunt lar lha construction manual health ncIllllca com 111 My tom the prnvlnclal and federal governmnnls The xrcnl bulk of nsslslnncn comes through the provinclnl mcdlum ho Onlnrlo Hospllnl Scrvlcu Com mlsslun There no direct malnkcnnnca at the counly or cIly level lhc alderman can llnucd 11m nldcrmnnl motion that no acllnn be taken on he mnllnr sun was Iccrplcd unanl and Oplomulrlfl damn DUNMII FA Mfltlll INT Marlo Gavin The pool 0pm to the public Saturday Tnmntn Iidllln Months Inllwr Vlnnlo Roach Mull Irv mu Hm Cnnmllun In In lhu linullsh JVMl olulllhnh YhIoGmrno Trnulmnn 73 umlllrnl III llflr Imfiuo hnwllnll mince Ml FINAL MEETING The Ilnnl meeting of lhe 196 63 season ml the Iinrrlo Kinsmen Club will he held tonight at Jack Mageeo summer residence The Klmmnnloeyour trophy will be presenled as well the 100 per cent nllendnnea Inbr BILLS MISSING Filly onedollnr bills were re ported stolen Irom hardware rlnre In Camp Borden sometime yesterdny Tho RCMP hollflcd lhe Barrie Police depnrlmtnl nnd lhe Chamber nI Commerce The serial numbers ol the hills all In cansecullve order were passed an Id lhe hanks TRACTOR ON FIRE Thu Ilnrrle Flre DeparlmrnI yesienlny morning answered re call at 255 Willowdnie Ave II wns Irnclnr lire and war quleiriy puI onl WIIII 0N WEATHER Ilnrrle Cily Cnuncll ieelnred wnr nn lhe he wcnlhcr Ins ninhl when council member Krmi IhnI iI would he proper In remnvn their ennls durinu lhu mecilnn Iui he who nl curniorl RECEIVE TENDERH Cily Council 1an nlxhl recelv ed Ivndm lor mphnlt pnvlnu nmI lhen relerred ll in lhe Iuh Ilc Works Cnxnmiilee Seven eumpnnlm hmi In IlMI rnnnlnl Irnm lnw nI tllIIM15ii In hluh III HEM Ccnlro mcou Prugrcsslve Conscrvallvo Assoclallan will hold dance and soda bulls nl Dardnnclln Wanna Beach beginning 330 pm Wndmsdny Dns ls opllunnl c4111 EFQRE nonsa Aclnllly he roles was sub mitted to councl before counsel lg Iho prlule Invcslor could Loom GENERAL lerruptcd fmquenlly by ap plluse or pmlesu mm lha hlghly vaul delegnuon of men and women rcsldcnu nl mo dis lflct Involved II IMV Plan of prlvnte investor for construction $225000 mpermnrkel or Lha InJ chain In the Blake street Ind Puget non district wen vil ornusly opposed Ins night by delegation which appelmd be fare panic Ciy Cnuncll Bali side were repfesenled 3y logalmunscl um wen In All PREPmING ma Bantu mg to the general public this supp Community Pool or its open Saturday Ian We All Van hmInd mnwlh nppununlllu landan In lull mnnnzrmrnl mwmlmlllm thorough lualnlmz vmmm wlll wmlmu In nmla only In July Illlun on unllml nlnry ml rmpovlunhu or 70qu huh ulvml uwlum Inlmmd in rewardan mm wllh km Inlrmukml column llrvly by Idler llvlnl lull Nfllculnu In mu IncHun And phm number Io Tl MANAGE v0 MIX Mm OMAR BUILDING WOULD COST $225000 YOU Inlrmlnl In manulul mm mm xln Pride II Illlh Sdlml whale ID NM DelegatiOn Opposes Supermarket Plans SALES MANAGEMENT CAREER OPPORTUNITIES DEATHS CANADIAN ll DANCE llnm lnr lhu wtwllnl mill lnu nnll upkmu llu lnl In lmrlhwul mrnrr Rainy mu Nnuler nlnrll um mrlml Imm Mn Jrnn inlvln liunlc IlorHruIlulnl Soclcly llrr lrllvr uh lhnl Hm hm nuup Inc lrom mhltnln n1 Ilm Men llm Hm Inl ulwn lmpmml TLn Cmmly WollnnJ Inlnrm4 rd nnrrle cuunrll lhnl hey hnvu plum underway for Hm INNIIM mull at fomlnlcllnn Snlcly lnxmlnr HI Inllry wnuhl ho llnnncnl by firm levy on he mMmdlnn huhulry llm mr rrsmmlrmo wnI nrwnnkd lo Hm Iubllc Wnrlu oxnlnmtt Corrospondmm lrnm lhc Dc pnnmtnl Munlclpnl Aflnln commuan lormnllon Conl ral Slincna llnnnlnl Am was unl lo Um City Development Cummlllcc nw lellcr nuulncd Io propusml ulnnnlnu mm and UN rouxmlhlllllr Hlnl llama would nuumo Vln Ill nprrnllon Several communlrnunnx rc cclvcd hy narrlo Clly Councll Ins nlnhl wm rclcmd In cam mlllm fur mnsldurnllon nnd rc parl llglcr dqlc Coast Green rclumcd on pn lml In tho cmlscr 0n rclurn Check In In lhcmrc lho concession slum Wu 0qu have been onlu Accoldlfix polite Khar nugh march the rrcmlsc und lh Ighlmlnu In ds produced Sharlly nllcr mldnight lha owner the theatre reported soclnz man by once on memo properly Constable Green and Corporal IL ancy wen lurcsilgnlu The concession slow at he Ilumnln DrlveIn mcnlru was entnm overnight and pulicc 3ng0 some thirsty 1ndivdunl dld ll Residents Promise Continue Horticultural Society Work result of this cm be are the horse Arrangement the investors counsel Albert P110 11 Tomnlo mund himself conlmnled by Mgth hamlc iudlenct He was lnlcrruplcd frequently by land remarks mm people In the gnllery Ind by questions mm mem ber 01 cauncll No decision was matched The Investors pmposllinn was re Icncd to the my Development oulllne Ms reposition came about ause the rate plyers representative lawyer Bruce Owen had wrltlen for permlssion to spank before the annsloracolmsel bud Ippllcd Two BreakIns Are Investigated own llnru lnhlnhsknwlwcmuluvfl mwummummm NMIHWI much lnmnl Pm lnnml unhuo hulln mlnllnu will llw Ilvl Iy uh uh hmnh rholdx llnlm llyIllwmhAhln ml ummlml In mlnum In uml up hall at Inluml Inlhmod lluufl In ll nu whllu pally ullvvlnl nln nunImluellrm lhllnkuv 00 plm Mod lmmmn nl Illmull mnlhomulhlhl thinlmpmh mm mllnllln oml period many month Naw lilo01nd II oflmd In 01 mom Ind In many mm called lnmutlnnl Auk lurlul Illllml munmow gut numb aim Minimal Iv mm IOSTIDNHD The Crnlro Slmroo Llhcrnl Almdnllnn nnmlnnllnx mman Arlmlulul or lnnlnhl hm brcn Mulxlmcd Na lulun mm mm xlvm The Cummmrc Adluslmml rtpHud hy lclhr lo council on flu dome Ilrlclnu wllh whlrh zoning hylnwn nm In be Inlcrwolml Thu lcllcr llnlnl ml the city wlkflur nvartd nyplylnu Um mlrlcllvo polnln lha hylnwl nuc mmmluru mljuulmcm nund llsrll unable um wllh lhlx pulley nml WUURM rullng lrom cmmrll The manr ucnl In lhu Clly Dnvrlnunwnl Commlurc wnuhl he mnlnlnlnrd by Ihcm Thu mnucr wns larwnnlzd la lllo Public Works Cammmrc Announce New Healing Snlmluncc Shrinks lilcs n1 numnlnmymuké at Polka belihve the mm per mm may have committed both offences 710 am lhe department of highway shed on Bus Rand was rcponmi enlmd The par ly made on with hue pull Héwmrmlls Thojvcrrfil have he Idler DHO slumped onrlfrxo back The lea Sax werescnUmIa on the cnunlcr were two bulkr Inns or In his report Consl Green anld nolhlng bul cnnLflcr In that held on bug was mlsslng Police believe he party had an orange drink filled he can with orange and splllcd the com lonLq on the floor Im In lhc pnsmon invinz to like stab In the dirk but mm scnl 115 people lntemslcd in development of mull place land Oammmee or considcrltlon Ind or later upon to council Involved specmnlly Is Hue rci zonlng at large section lnnd required or parklng pur poses mm mldcnml In cum merclll The supermlrkcl bulldlng Incl would be erected on rmwny now zoned mmmcr cll but the puking llnd needed In mnka ha proposition leasibla In One eye Ind ngsmgms CASE supp QM Vlelrn and Clill Van Examiner Photos 0M rrIIdtnl Delbert Cole lm mu In II pnruon mm Hut In he llghl prrxrnl mnlng Ind IIylnwu we rnllurd In romp More lhlx Imml Iml llk fur cnnxhltr Illnn Wu promrnl In IIIInl pm or Inn Innd In Illevlnlc my mum rmhlnnl lm uhL An Am Slum would rmv do 25 In II pmplr Iml Ihm uh lo the mmmunlly he nld Mr lnlc um Um land Iar pnrkln or nupmnukrl whlrh rnllrrly wllhln ma cnmmcrrlll nrrn 0n llm moml dopumlnn Al hm Page olicllor lnr orlnmln Really Complny Hmflnd Ip pmcd bdrm munclL PARKING LAND Then have been pclltlom nklnxv fnr bun mvlce Then when lhe plnn Ind Dnmlnlnn Slam gal In the pctilions my pcd wnxumlcr lhe Im pmxlnn ll lncmscd the ulna xxIr pmneNy The mnllcr wnx reform ho my dcrblnpmrn commu Yon uld son ptoplc gel the lund for dwllm Ind wnnlcd In loll It or XXX dolllrs nld Md New Ian vmndcr ll the people you represent would not want In make XXx dnllm It may could qua Dunlap Zul lmlo Ald Roberts mulled lhll three years Igo hum WI In nllcmp In hlvo KM Ire zoned cammerchl Could you tell us whit happened he Iskcd Mr Owen Mr Owen and he believed cll ruled to keep the slain The an the east side oi Puget alrm Lasidcnml Ind this Is chm ed in commer clal then the utter street moved back nnalher block and Another until theres no pllcc In the clly lhnl resldcmhl thlnk lhe phnnlngr hond would wnnl ml no rcmlln lhg ay ltAh BROAD BLANKET FORMS AVAILABLE EXPORTS IMPORTS OCEAN INLAND understand small group pcofile wha awn the land and paid dollar for want to gel XXX dollm or In represenl would be happy if Lhc 12nd re mined the way It II We IN asklng that commerclnl zonan not be extended lurlher than 11 Ilmndy II the Am dir ected further there would be Inojher Ivepoint lnlcrsecllon have pellllnn with 125 mmcs The had 15 on to north side of Blake street bul doesn mks in the whale 09 um arch Downavlew and may norlh 11 Blake MODERN OCEAN CA RGO Fulllllu Correspondence from the HI mi of Police Commissioners re garding amaIgnmann of Slmcno County police forces was sent to the Finance Cnmmlttce Cauncll received six other loll er which were filed This step rwresents an and for he pre sent lime to councils concern the marge In quesllon or the sch Report number 21 lbs Fln ante Commute was lnlrnducad ln council and debated One ll clauses echoed ho request 01 ha board In the mallet financing ho Grow slrce school The report was formally accept ed by muncll granllng crmlk slan or the lasulna 01 do cnlur Public School Board or per mission to issue $209000 debcn lures The money would be used In build new publlc school on Grave street cast Earlier in tho evening council had received delegatinn imm lha board and had questioned lha schools architect Millet Salicr llhe working plans nu Barrie City Council last night approved rcguesy lrom ha mm TEE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY JUNE 25 1361 SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENCY leflod Approves Money For New School CONSULT TVSIffir In he 11 Ind IIylan romp mom Durlnn menu Mr Pue uld the project wu In um 1225000 The mailer wn Norm la the City Developr mcnl Cummmcc Mr Ilge um he didnt Ihlnk so hut we would be preplred to work out wllh council which holler Informed lhln we go on Vlhom mnlleu Docxiour prlntipll luv firm commitment HI our prlnclpll made my lnqurm mundin Ihe mm amnge mom Am Wilson ukednf them wu my Ilnd Adjacenk lhu that he complny could not Ald Wllwn nld When there ls large um zoned C2 on ml hasls do you come council Illd uk or land You Irelsklng or In cxlcnslon or C2 zonlnxl Bnflfils We nndurslood um parking In rcsldcnunl Am nbullin cammcrclnf iféi wns ermlm cdVIe were advlipd wa wEdld five no trouble We enlmed lo the bulld Ing Is he Ire zoned com merclll said ML Page All we are Isklng puking spice and we Ire prepared to mat 15400 builer lone with hedge lo preserve the play mines the Iron Ald Jnllllfe 15k we extend the hufler zone how would you 21 they mav cd hack the buffer zone on your people Md Robem said seemed hit the people In thlx am In hostile no good Nu to Create good wllI helm lo lngjpw Angry he ukod at his 11nd 1nd gain to he side In this um said Mr nhmIIyL The Board at Park Manage ment wrote to council leytnz that the repair affected to the are 01 the Shnnty Bay mad make street gore were sattstec wry Chairman at the Pub Works Commlltcct Smith moved that the matter be tiled In you nip 1th ml COOUUIL Iprh II Mm you wlll Iy Mummml And on In Ill Ill wlno ll look dimnqud In pvla II no mmmmq Why you an Ivy COGUEIIL CINSI awn huva Clmly llnvcv Mob COOUUEL CEIHSE In In null unululnm II II Ivuv man Iml Tho mh latter was received mm the publlc relations officer of the GM Guide Canada expresslng appreciation or Councll permission to hold parade earlier lhl sprinl The Workmens Compensalion Board wrote to he city iniarm in Council oi ii plans to in crease the maximum sum avail able to vnluntccr ilremen in 1h casq ai industrial accident lilird Ieiier irom the On nrio Municipal Board apymvinx the citys plans or new com bined Police Building Fire Hall and iiiaglsirnlns burlwas sent in in City Deveiapment Camv miiice The commlileo chairman in turn iabiud bcinre Coun cil requtsiing permission to file the mailer Councils approvm was unnnimom lequetel Cerise quil tantalisel 70 gfi

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