Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jun 1963, p. 2

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fit 53 rm unto not IKINIII ll mu Lu mu Amal mm cum Mm mm llly uln Imp ran mm In Chunk rowv MI 51 NI my Mn lmmon mun in Allnm mu lumlnlu or Mnnl um NA II GC lllllnn will he nuumlnx lhl Important pmlllnn Dlrcc Mr Engintnrlnx Conslmcllon Cflnlrul ll Mr Forcn llendqunrl 1h mllanl have In Childftlh Don In Aludylnu mcdlclna ll Qutrnl Unlvmlly Xlnnlnn and Ann who will be cnltrinz Unhtnily lhll AIL mum at Vnncnuver ML GC Hilmn urndnaln of Unlvmily MIMI Columbia wllh dense In Elaclrlcul En uinccrlnz He hm Icrvcd In ha RCAF Iinca Ion wllh the Can Ilmcflnn Enzlncerlnu Branch Prlnr lo MI naminan cnmmnnd bl RCAF Slnllnn Camp nurdrn GC lllllnn med wllh Ihn Nnnh MlnnUc Tmnly Omnh nllnn Form In Eurnpe Group Captain Hlltnn Commnndlnz Ollltcr RCAF Slnllon Cnmp Burden lor the past laur ynnn has hncn rims ltrrtd Mr Fort Headquart en Ollnwn He wll be leaving Camp Borden July Popular RCAF Borden CO Transierred To Headquarters lm um VI II vrml BLT Fin cm mu Anionla Ziegler Kathy Hanls Christ Ziegler equal Judith McKen my Roland Puke equal Hlslnry full 2135 hunan Kathleen Shlltnn Followlnz ll list of success ful candidate in cxarnlnlllans held recently by he Royal Cam larvalury of Mule 01 Toronto ln Barrie The names are ar ranged in order of merlL GRADE IV THEORY Cuunlerpalnt and Hulary lhnnorr Jun Pace GRADE Ill THEORY Harmony llrrt clan honnra Eslhnr Hermm honars MarA lane Mchwell James Resin equ Llngln Stgckley on E5 graduated no on ram Prlnce of Wales but from the provln clal elementary school system Mr Knox luflcsled the stu denta look seriously at any ll unlinn ram hm an In Addressing the 14 students last night Mr Knox said Were not really monster and we hnpl wero not bunch perpelunl Grldunllng up from Prime of Vlles pub mm were told no lo lye afraid high schnnl by Victor Knox guldance 1n slruE anlral galleglalg List Successful Candidates In Conservatory Examinations Tells Graduate Pupils T9 Procede With Vigor mums STOCK PM GRAPE THEORY M0 ACT Ml an In man now lmlw Mn WINIONIC mm mu Arum Inammm mm up mumu GROUP CAPTAIN HILTON in NI lI III HI Im nu fluM Ham nullull hum nun mm um mum Mom Mull mum1 Noun mm Inluniuh lnln Hum 11 UIHIHM 01H TI 1m cm mu mam HHan mm Mln MI round Ilnm 5mm munun Dunlnv mm MINING rm déclxlnn mu mud yulerd mulling Semi Th Rnyal Vltlorln Mospllnl nnrd wlll dlsconllnuo bond metInn during July lmd Au flu cxclpl or amman mSHnag The new Cummnndinl Olflcu It Clmn Burden will bu Grnn Cnplaln Dlule whn wll assume command on July GO Din ls presently Dirctlnr ol Mnhlle Suppan Equipmrm Mr Farce llandquulen Stop Meetings For Summer GRADE THEORY First class honor Joan Bird James Cooper Sharon Bull Julanne mehuut Dtbunh James Honor Elizabelh 5mm Pm Anna Booth Charyl thchla equnl Honan Palrlcla Dycr Gwen nelh Spence Llnyd Fallen den Jenn Stephenson Angela Jones Pass LInda Rzld Damn Jamiesnn Pamela Allan Loulse Pallendcn Valerla Thompson equal 3th Moor Margarel Daldge Heakh or Kallh John Kell Rodney Kllne equal Madeline Smell ursl Lynn Ferguson Judith Thompson Jerry Norman Bel ly Pratt Igu Thll parlod of adjugtmen In new lchool Is to sum puplh first bewildering Ind up VAs lar reachlng New In hlgh chonl Mn Knox said auc Spénklnx to Ihe puTenLy Mr Knox asked that they be under andrencaurazlnl Remember that thousand and lhnusands have nlready been lhrouzh Ink and Mar itu dent In grade 1th are cel lnx Just uncertain as you are wpznmnnmu mun on In Nw mo Nonnuth lvpnmllll hum1H TIMMIIWI Im II mm mm ring logl nllnd mum mum ol rm Tavnnm run mu MI Yuri Vlm Vulnn nu mm mm 1qu Munlflll nllnfll hIh Hm Tempcrlluul um lanlx In Wedneldny Wlndmr 5L Thorn lnndnn Klkhtncr Mounl Forul mmMmu WWW 5L Calhnr Tumnlo Icmhomuzh WMMW WM Mmknkn Narth my Suzlbury mmm MWfl Knpunkulnl thn Ilhrr Mmmnu Tlmmhu SSSESEZZSSZSSESSSZSEE agazagaaszaaaaazggaz Whlto nlver Cochrlna ulnm Sunny with cloudy Inlet vnls and cnnllnulnl ho lndny Ind Vcdnudl wlndl lluhl Gmrllnn My 14kt Huron nnd Hrla Ind Omnrln Varlnhlo wlndn Io lnouMnlnly clw lynflplll Sunny and Winn wanther shawl vuy Inn at conunulna over mull of Onurio loday and Wednuday Luke SL Clnlr Lake Erie Lake Huron Nlnxm Luke 0n uric Inllburmnv Gaornlln nay Alxaml Tlmuaml re xlona Wlndsar hmdon mm mm Tarnnlo North my Sud hury Saul Sle Mme Sunny nnd wnrm today Ind Wednel dly wlndl IlzhL Fnrecasls by tho Tornnln pub weather om IHercnmmmca also discussed replacement Rev John Rid del to H1 Hurrle Public Llhr Irl Board ihe flirt wu ndoplcd unan lmnusly The comm me also recon mended mat the repair la lha arena run be reviewed by the city solicilnr Ind he be author lzcd Io aka neccuary action to havn lame rpcllfled Following recommcndnllon by Ike General Government Com mluee Clly Council voled lo send telegram lo lho Federll Departmenl Transport Ind Provinclnl Department ol Lands and Forests lo gel the lnlorm Illnn urgnnlly required as re qucslcd in leller regurdlnz lnmprey and he proposed lock onlha mm Canal In Ill clmln remarks he quoted Lincoln Slemna who wrote In III auwblamphy Nothing done warming in the world main to be done over me greatest pm hunt been written The greatest poem unsung Nothing In th world pfrllcycr ImlhlmzI lllyknfin posilve nnr compete warld yourr All of II In brie resume at de livery he and Do not let your lelt be no worried or upset about taking the plunfl lno the new achaol system In Septem ber Dont be InlLsHed with hell effort Be rendy lo work hard at all the Aspects ol school Illa Look Ir ahead Plan to Kradug Seek Infomation On The Lamprey Giving the sludenl 10mm for success he said Approach your work with vim and vigor and determination And come in high echoal prepared lo enjoy your life there and Ierinul determination to mccecd ECertalnly the hnhiu work which you develop now In yum school yenI wIll carry over Into what you do ouulda school PRQRERHAPPRQACH Mentlonlnz recent time taken In delerrnina why people no fired 1mm their Jabs couldnt hold mam ho nId It wu discoverad 1a Yer cent Inst lhmugh lack Ahllty and tha other 90 per cent In lhnnzh poor attitudel awards wnrk cnmlessneu Happiness and lack mpmllon Rclcrring lo the lradlunll good luck liven public lchonl graduate befarn umy en ler high xchool In uld lhl wnm enough Your mch not matter of luck cess attained by the sum principle of hard work Ind ul tenunn la bualneu as In public school WEATHER SSSESEZZSSZSSESSSZEEE nunolurn In Start aRefirement Savings Plan TODAY CANAfih TRUST Ntnly prlxcs of no mer chandlse cmlllcale were wan by Ihe lullawinz Beverly Sum crs ll Wlshnhl Place Downs vlew Evelyn Glllcs Shunt my lllrnl llnclmnnl 203 Lin Ava Vlckl Bmwn llCAF Camp Burdm Mrs Dundu RI Alllslun Mrs lllnry Good Box 282 Angus lllru ansh Shanty my whllchousc more Cru Toronto Emma Jewell nltnhclm Paul lanKy Calllnnwond llnh Watson Slnynnr lulu Margaret Mellls Churchill Mrs Smlllu l7 anlur 51 Pmdame Em Rdl rltln Nlcol 21 Shnnnon KIA Ihy Owen Vclllnxlan Brcnda Hanan lo llaluala KL Al lrcd Allcn Tlmrnlon Illndn chtnty lln llcld SL Dlnnn hard C00 SL Tnbprlze puny wn won by Evans RCAF Sullon Ed Hug Wholwnrthl annlnwn Ban1e announces winner at prizes or In first gnnlvcmry celebrallam SAVE ON INCOME Mr Salter producmi dnla she ell Ind laid lha cost with the lowest lender received would be $135000 Noel Stephenson appeared or ha Public School Bnard Saker of Salter Ind Alllsnn Archiledn appeared to IMwer quesklons about com nrucllon and materials and ducrlpllon of tha proposed Woolworths Announce Lucky Winners City Council last nlxht ceived depuuuon mm the public school board requesting debenture Increase of $45000 or Illa new school In be located In the DuckmrlhSl Vlncent lmmop IL VI mo Mm rn II Simeoe County Museum re ulved named Illuelraflan the cover picture Io appear this yur an the phone book lseucd the Bell Telephone Compnrw for the Barrie area Council Hears Details Public School MUSEUM RECEIVES PIQTURE FROM BEEL TELEPHONE AIE Ruben mid lwfiuid have though In school board ould have glvcn Ilzum 1n he Mr Elepiacnson naldUnIess we 51 mm soon we an 0qu at finished In the all Mr sum uld thal In rt gulallam requiring exlrn en Irma Ind exits mada this generally unemnomlcnl Mr Salter described lhc con Illudlon warmth block and uld It would ba cleclrlcllly haul ed He aald was designed so um eventually would huvn II to classrooms Ald RHJnllma lnqulrcd aboul the cost of lwoslomy schooh Ald Rohem mind there um 11 Maren room buldcs Lhe our sinnde classroom and kindergarten this num her of moms usual he naked Thurs are no trill Ind based on mllnlennco and upkeep mu Md Robcru Ilkfld Mn Salter school bonds hava standard pInn Them on main dlflemnce Mewecn schools The Average school board doesnt have he phyrlcnl eduullon program they have in Barrio nld Mr Slller ML Sake aid Ill mm to nhnw you this not In hatHum cost 0n square foot axe cost $1527 compaer Ivor nbly with other schools such Hfllcml Aboul 31000 mph Dim phona books will be may for dlslrlbuuon early In July nld Nelson extreme right Bell manner of the mm who made the present mm num mcommu liqlmdih sun oppnomm ¢Alfl°dIflHVY 40 Dunlop All Pnomss Mann toms pulmmunn and omlan Unomlbd In ulnmon In luxuvlm mlll Imnalh and dumblmy no Ior MEN and EOVS IV INNAND Thm Smom War Jun 00 Barrie and Slurgmn Full won Ibe District Inarnnl Exmn slon Trophy lnr no lain Bah 1130 won District can or 100 not can fllclency The IBM Dlslrlcl canvrn llun will he at Thu llu The lacl Klmmen Club wu represented he mnvenllon by Handy Lamb presldcnl Lorne Curler pmidcnleled Ind Dive Wyles lrcnsurer Lake ol Bayl on June He will mume olflce Sam election lock place It Ihe dislrlcl co wln Klnsmln from Bawmln ville Jake Brown has been elecled to tha alike Dlsldcl Governor and will be In charge of mardinallnl ENV mu he Kinsmen club In Dlxlrlcl No lur he coming year Not said Mr Stephenson TMI nclunlly movan yen ahud The dillerance of 345000 wu brought about by pulling on an nudllarlum 1963 budget noun hm there la dilemma thou 5000 Can we exped lhh In continue In the Ilvn year hudm Barrie Kinsmen Win Awards ntlon yesterday From left are mm Chnnnen museum direc tor IL Coleman secretary trelsurur the museum Ind Fred Cook chairman the musoum bond Exminer Pholn PA MS 66 Dunlop Ilmo Bill Lhuzerfeler usein In the car whlch ro led over novela time on the lhaulder Highway we nken Io hmpl with multiple lag Injnrlu lm Rand ENGLEHART Ont CPl Michael Carzy l7 Eule hart 75 mile mum mum Laka dled In hasnllnl hm Sum day nlghl lram InJurlel lul lered earlier In lha dly In ur accident flvn mllel north here CALAMINE lotion IDA oz 50 HYDROGEN PEROXIDE lDA 10935 MILK OF MAGNESIA DA 16 01 50c MILK 0F MAGNESIA DA 100 50c WAX PAPER IDA Brand 32¢ BACTINE 129 Sin AlKASELTZER 25c78c BAN lotion Doodounv 125 JLJ BANDAID 100 L78 BROMO SELTZER Imlly Iln BRYLCREEM king Ilu llSTERlNE ox 95¢ ORNAL Cold ClpIUIOI L39 NOXZEMA lnmnv lath 89c NOXZEMA Tln Guild l25 NOXZEMA Sun Tm lollon I25 OFF mm Ropelllm oz 139 VACUUM BOTTlE Tvuvu 1501 FLASHBULBS QB AGl or M2 UGHT BULBS OJ let lYSOI with FREE Thurmomohr Member Burris Pawn Squadron mlde um n1 lha club harbor the weekend swing the compass Ind cmura that thelr nuvlnnllnnll equip munt In In and order Barrio Ynchl Club Keel boll Ilrippm Ind crow look advan iua oi brirk broom on sundly Ind rolled to picnic rendex van with Mr and Mra Ron lunlo at their comm at Big Boy Poinl pleasant lunch with tho Inevitable noulicnl lllk and mm minnzo of crown provided on Inlemuog oullnz Saturdays nilinl rm wn roslponod alter low rhorl venl um on he boy by several rkip Ken Reznlll cluirmnn Don lonehcslcr rcponed wind ML in In as knots The mond up It oi mu will hexin July leaving tho holiday weekend free or recreational sailing mini evenlnz on Solurdly will be held at lilo clubhouse Car Rolls Over Youth Dies Later Silnkupema mo by any Miler nuns phiimpahy doesnt carry much waith will Barrie dty council During discussion oi public works commilm upon it in nilhll meetina Aid New ion iaok excepltan to the term Fred Grunt Square The recommendation cunlnln In the outum term rel Yacht Club Has Sailing Picnic Bargains this Week pound Mn rug Cpuncil Demands Proper Terms HEALTH SALTS MM IXMMR TUESDAY AllANDAlE DRUGS lTD Thu SPECIAL PRICES and Juno HARPERS PHARMACY CALDWELL DRUGS IJD for vafmhlng llftl Brand Council has recolved the nece mry approvnl 1mm he Ontario Municipal Haunt Council also passed bylaw to authorize lhe 11min an casement with lmnslown Do volopmenu or unitary uw Clly Council Int night no third readln to hydnw to Iulharlza debenture In the prin cipal amount 310964 tu pay the cost at comtructlnl norm sewer on Jahnsnn and Steel Atreela It was cnnlaincd In lho recom mendallnn um um anshner Ind road superintendent Inspect lha Adam he clly wllh ha View to rehabilitation ol Ilde milk with asphnlt whare few Vihe report was curled un Inlmnuslv Council weed to delete th nlme Fred Gran Square in 3h report And mplace It with Sim coo street In Ihe same report he lcrm rehahlllkallon xldewalkl was used wards reflnnnl manager Cu udlan Nalnnnl Railways Great Lake nculon and Invlle hlm lo allend cummlllce mccllnl on July lo ruolve the pro lem of rental at land by the Barrie for 1h us and mm newer between Fred Grunt Squaw and Dnckwnrlh Street Pay For Sewers In East End we cpl In Mr ELAN L39 PA M901 PA 407 lot 49 PA MIN 79 109 109 119 H9 45c 88c 113 79c 79 29c 69c 39¢ 39c 29c 39¢ II

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