Motnwyrlc mp Don Ml dlmnu mm flu mm um Hm oil mm vimuldnl pl Illrky ulnar Io mandala autumndin wwlulu halo Mu HONEY HARBOR Onl CPD Mnnldpalllcs should mlch lhelr sewaga system by nvlnz proper bylaws on bod Industry wane Van Luven lech nicnl ndvlsor lhe Quebec Wnler Purmcnllon Board mld hen hlmldfl lrylng Io pclsuudc member the public to obialn mm Information and lhat had aridercd hls expulslon from Bri an TM British Foreign Olflca said yesterday that Pmmyl ohm bow 11rd secretary gl lhc Czeghosloynk Embassy Need Bylaws Czech Expelled The lodge proprlemn all members of the Association of Tourist Resort Ontario In end to heal the letters us nor mal Inquiries but are asking that the customary deposit b3 In ha arm bunk dml rather than petsanal cheque Three of tha parsons who lined the loiters whose home are supposed to be In Brooklyn Philadelphia and Chelienham PL were no Listed in laiephona directorial The fourth mm mm Brookiine Man was no home when called Mr Van Lï¬vcn wnl nddrcw Lodgu apexAlan believe they are no leglllmate booking but have been sent to find out ha operators will refuse guests on the hull of physical 1mpr men or race Nelve rnsurlu are known In have received series 01 our letter requesting reservation lrom dlfleren Uns duel One purpom to have been wrnlen by Negro one by Jew and third by blind couple NEONTO CPlAl least dozen of Ontarios bestknown resorts are being lasted Inr dLs crlmlnalory practice by an un known group In the United States lodge operator said Monday Fl THE BAR EXAMINER TUESDAY JUNE 1368 CAPSULE NEWS Test Resorts In Ontario PREMSYL NOLAN HOLD lTl THIS IS PINCH nrlllsh Army spokesman anld Mnnday the women were relurncd wllh he bodlns at our servicemen Hum 11 lb clash Ncgnllnuona worn cnnllnuln midlha release than nil ADEN ANYemen ribos men are reported All holdlng l7 Brlllsh soldiers on live alter releasing lnur mm scrvIw woman seized In weekend clash Pa reported iinding Malw inv cockmill in midnight raid on building in lhe compound oi th Panniel Pmmessive Pin1y ind by lcnvwing Premier Cheddi Jagnn Na party mem bers wm held iur questioning Inn Reuters Bomb blasts and police raid on two pollllcal party headquarters were orlcd here Monday as lnrrob sm flared anew In this strike hchglany Police said identiiicniion wal made imm strand hair inund at the scene and dental work ion the teeth idenliiied by lwn Vindsur dentisiL Wuch Identlfled Monday as that Min Judy Kane 32yearold restaurant wallrm The body was found Sunday In sum weeds he abandoned Devonshlm Race nnck In sub urban qunshlp l7 Held The strike dcndiine wax laid down Monday night noisy meeting oi more than 2000 members 1mm nix local 01 Ihe United Brotherhood of Carpen ter and Joiner CLO WINDSOR Ont CF womanl dismembered and de composed bodylrwns pgflflvelg mum More Riots do and Iidusum construction In Metropolitan Toronto has in set or 1w NIKON CPDA strike of 4000 carpenlern which would lie 155 mm mm This was disclosed at the Clay In session 01 the Canadian bodys third annual convention Monday The Canadian church now In organized the Cumin DI Irlcl Ihe LS church and ex tend from Vancouver Island to Port Arthur Body Named VANCOUVER CF The Eva all Lutheran Church Cam will probably bacoma Independent ol the American Lg Chgrcp bx 1961 4000 Strike In the Annual lnduxlrlnl wast commune sponsored by tho Water Pallullons Advisory Cam mmee of tha Ontario Water Re source Commission Church Splits capgcpmwn 33mm VGul II nlm In VIIIWVNI Emil my Wuaohota MUCH IS USELESS Some 50 per mm the world Is unsuitable or growing nod or Inch mason as helm too cold loo dry or loo mounlnln nus To receive lying payrnn ol Icer mus In 100 alr hour year Unfortunately Mr Dunn sky was given wmo nlso 1n nrmnllon It was so petty so IlmpIE But ho was hurL Ila unauth mu dating whllu on tour with he show and just wasnt lrue An air force spokumnn lflld Monday almaw ofllcer must up their lying zmilclency whle on ground dutem Many would return In aircrew duties while nihm required Ilrsbhand knowledge aircth ï¬le wet to Judge RCAF egulpmen nee All been dolnx In working And lhntl whn he should have been doing Thm nixcraft however urved dual purpose to pm Vida pmiiciency flying for ome en not attached la squadron and transportation or Miner RCAF personnel on duly Mr McIntosh was menu bar at the 1960 defence commit tee which recommended de once depmmenl Investigation into flying senior RCAF oi licm on dime ground du es iia will ilkeiy raise the matter again in this years Commons defence conunlllee Hellmky has been sus pended by Lo Angelo Anne at lho American League lur musing lo port In law Racing Can Leggy CAMDEN NJ AHAb ms Mamie Van Dorm illlnd by Enulhsaw Bo Bellnsky anld Mon ny her exHnnco who even want his ring back shoud him been In there Ellchlng and mean bash nlll no woo Hho was wnrklng sald Mamie whn Is he wouldnt be rrled about what Im BO N0 BEAU SAYS BYE BYE CW aircrew allowance or these emcen was $105500 an nually Cost 01 maintaining Ind operallnl aircralllor the ol flccn we 31mm yen Mr Hellyer also said more than hall the omcm In the uk lorcoMw of1y alumni of Sillulfl am me nz pay performing full ume dude which do not necessarily Involve Vlnl 553m nun PURPOSE nearmenzu mw about 000 compared with soma no 009M m4 RCAF Strength About 51000 Common return fled by Defence Mlnlater Hellyer or Jack McIntosh Conservative MP or Swlff Omen Maple Creek show there mm zrnup captains In the RCAP campsmd with 160 In May 1914 quyfllcu vmu Iw In may um air commodore compared with and 13 air vlmmush mama van OTTAWA CF There are only nine Iewer senior omcen 1n the RCAF at the pram time than there were In May 1994 whon the air om was AI in pegk ï¬ghting strepzth Rut rmnlh mm lhry lmmptd MID fled Ihn mum hmlul In halved blru mhrr ulllomvn wlll be Intmm mm Uzem hm bun Tm llrllu VIM mm ï¬rm xlrck nulmmhlln name Ilnnl Ian tulllflltd lulu null lmlloL On Jun nl Urnn vllle Mlu nmcll Inmll herInd lulu luwllu llmhmn tmr lwmlu nlmnl nml Hue bum lwnnn 10mm luv Ihu Mlululppl and hunt rm Unlumml hull lhu rnlllq IIII Ive lmclml la lcrvIIM or III lrnlnl ThNI lhayll In cmlul 1qu nl 54mm Omnhnl Ilde lurud mum 15 IMij bf hunt wulll Am dtlnl II Hm In and wouldnl hm weight lhry do willn ppl by lmd rn lllvrrmm nld ll hu lwrn hall conllxry or mnro Inco cnlllv luva come up In Mluoml Ivy bonl Am never unlll nmchrr RM llmlmn MI Ihnlmnl Inln In rlwzu at cnlllo ï¬rm had Ihru lwrn nnylhlnu Ilka lhe Lulu Hello and In cum KAT EN ROUTE OMAHA MPA Tun cnlv 10mm Immhlcd pair of rugged UnNrd SM lmdlllnnn nnd INN up lha Mlmun HIVH lo mum lodny will hm 1000 Illfll All tho Iccldcnl lho olhnr bowaxed lo uwcnl horn Mith lelljng nnynrgb They nld ho able of lhe name wtu lo no whn could wnlt lho lonuul below applying an hrnkcs tags my lnilc unlï¬enmcd the hnd Sunday momlnl Eur Gmrxo Mlnenult was drowned Salurdny when he cll Into the anlnnwlng Pine Illvcr nhonl nix mllc lrom lhll nonh cm 110 mnlm polite laid Mgday CITEIWYND 10 CPD nlneynnmld boy won 11 game at bicycle chlcknn but lost his liloand Ms companion ere on rluhlened lo loll pm mi Wllh lhu US nnd ho United Kingdom ready cut lurle by as much as 50 per cent and tha European Mnrkcl They am he larthcomlng ne gotiations GMT General Agreement on Tariffs and hade wlll be consumed with the other aspects of trade as wall lurllfn Such subjects escape clauses lnlemnl lam Inn of mm cannula and ad mlnhunlivc practices probably wuuld he 1ncludcd 1110 speaker ware Lau mer dlreclor International trnde relation brnndn depart ment lrada and commerce Howey assistant chief ed ernl appraiser nullanal revmue deparlment and Dr An nls chief mm section nnncu deparlmcnl Texas Cattleman Tries Riverboat Plays Chicken nle oltlclals pafllcipndng In panel dlsmsslon Textiles SJnnnual gathering of the lex llle Industrysaid the govern men had mnda clear that representation from Industry will be Invited ahnnly and that In no 100 soon ln begin work an Induxuy brlels Goes To His Death MURRAY BAY Que OPP Ollnwn trnda offlcInll agreed Monday that Cnnadlnn Industry haw should be preparing recom mendntlans to the governmmt regardan International trade talks scheduled 0r May 196 Private Marcel mm Quebec member of the 2nd Battalion Rnyal 239 RagI menk nu an emtul of mili tary gossip from manthold Should Start To Plan For 1964 Trade Talks WHATS THE LATEST WORD PRIVATE IN new day nr rlvrr mm Inn All and dunn Mluluiwl And Mluoml rivor haul rrvwn and Ipeclnlnu on llw lmnlu lunvs Inwhd the Lulu Dolls and her 3119 llul said Ibm eruhl Mom phll rnxlnru who hum Inllnll llm Lulu llellun Iulumnlcd ml lnnkl III become popu lnr way lrnnnponln mule Hm mwmyn wlm rldn In mm In hum lo loam wmI now Ill krplu an yo on Harman ugcrlmugg Mayor Nlrk Ranch Com wnll Inld lhu lnx and nulllnnm cu wnro minus mm to employment and mn blaw dovulopmenl plum many pnrtn o9nnrlg Hucmmcy rcsaluflons on lho Iwa mnllm rmivnd mnlhml nxllc approval mm lhu dclc gnjpl Mondnya opening soglnn nu mind lclngrum to Prime Mink Pearson asking HIM the Knvnmmcnl abolish the 11 fercon In on bulldinx mulch and lhnl ll lengthen not cut lhu pcrlod wlMcr work assistance PEBROKE CWAn Olla wa resolution calling or munld pal control ol sired culling by gas and Mhor muliiics ex pcdcd to win approval from deioxalus Mending the Ontario Association of Mayor and Reeves annual melan It has on recognized whal we get will be related directly to what we give Canada is not making for free ride and couldnt get no anyway It ll wnsramc lat Canada should do nothing In aggravate Its lwln problems or unemploy Canada has agreed lo Md pate on the principle of mak Ing concession equal In advanA males rqceivcd Panelists said ESSA IA lllfl agreeing to reductions of un stnled amounts Canadian Indus try was ndvlscd to put ih views galore lhe Ollawn govemmenl new Li Swml ol 11mm Owen Sound Others Endorse Control Over Street Digging AIM Ol CMIS IZIMM To ALL 070 TILLIIILI LAWN MOWIJIR friend on the bank Camp Gngelown NJ river 1115 young deer believed to hm been abandoned prelers the companyand the eating hab chf humans to llte In the II II mu Mm UTHOMIU NUTDHH KITCHENS mum mm revised mcnl values nppllcnblc lo mn dJllona In all Onlnrlo munld nllllcs wna nnnounccd by Mr pooncr Dclcznlu not mmu good new mm Munlclpnl Aflnlu Mlnlsler SpoonLr He pmmlscd lhem lulu paymcnu or edu cnynn Iyud and mlnlng xrnnls Delcznlc aka approved an Owen Sound rmlullon culllnz or lighter conlml 01 tax In crensc by boards education The molulion Mid schoal board thould be denied the nu Ihorlly Lo Increase munlclnnl lax rules by two mm or bulld lnz projccla annshlp nald the building lax would mean hlg lump In mu nlclpnl taxes He also said the govnmmenl announced Inten Hun lo cut the wlnlcr work pro gram to six month rom he present date Oct 15 In May 51 was an mum lo munlcl pulllles rren conlerencc whlch end Wednesday combined the annual meeting also at the Ca nadian Carpet Institute tho Knltlen Association of Canada the hImthade Textiles Assam tion and the Wool Textun Itasc clatlon of Canada men and deflcll balance of paymcnu Canada wuuld have somewhat special situation in the nugodallnns and 1t wus doubled Rh country would make concessions that wnuld damage domestic mnnufnclur Ing emplnyman New Brunswick wooda The soldiers will pamper the lawn to good stun in llte befoxe turning over to wlldllfe outboxme CF Whephoto mm National Defence lhl Iypln hltpvanlpull Mnumuvuom Nlmh ll your mum at IMDML Im unwmuuimon m0 MuMMIMprloaluymuxlv mu mam mu um um wlmflm dlvvr an um by om IMcw Mu lmru lFxlarvy mm you In hum Imvh mm you tatuh mu mmm mum mm mm mm mum mm mm Immmuml gmuwmmwumpwmummm IMp VHFM IM moov Mm warnMu mm BELL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SOLVE MODERN BUSINESS PROBLEMS Heres how three more Nud low Ium loam In wmlng Mm wppï¬m mom bunch TWX the Toronto resolution Mr MacDonald said We do not expect It will reach the floor 01 lb convention um year be cause the shannul llme It doesnt Toronto will bring Mr Bran asked for mm Hon tom Inleannnal Presl d9 John Grlmland J1 of Mlddlelawn Tex stale men that Negroes cannot be no cepled as charter member of Optimist Intemallnnal draw its greatest strength from saghqm ynlled Slates rm mm mm mm mm llm ml NutMom mmm In an new um Hwy mum Mm at only an mm hm hwy In mm The Toronto groups tactics dlflered from those of John Bragg president of Kltnhener Waterloo branch no vvlllila um mum ll mVIhrmm 81 Mn lolnl to he mallet o1 continuunswessure and edu cation Hugh MacDonald pres ldcnt Toronto branch spam soring the resolution said Mon day We dnnl expect the chnnga to lake place over night TORONTO 1GPA Canadian branch OpUmIsI Interna llunal doesnt ex eel ll maln tlon against ran discflmlnn Inn to reach the flour of the service clubs convention here but plan to keep trying wanna dulpn you own rompmw unclan lanyulld lnmtom 1mm Optimists Press Race Resolution T0 PLACE YOUR COMING EVENTS NOTICE Than nullcu nr daily In clmlllnd Id ling xmlan Coming EVIMI nollcu lha economical way Idvhlng ml aboul naming of H1 Ivan Iponlorad by lndlvldullu orglnlmlom or 001m unhrprlm BUSINESS INIEHPIIONE USE BARRIE EXAMINER PHONE PA 82414 THE BARRIE EXAMINER COMING EVENTSAD T0 INFORM PEOPLE OF YOUR GROUPS Meetings Social Events Fashion Show Entertainment Dance Instruction Classes Sports Events And Other Occasions MNll Mmunll mum my um um 1mm Hm on as you hmymmmmua mm mhwmmm mon lmnnlnHIwVvVumlimvhd umbwm mm mm mum ml mu MMJIHMVI In mm munu 4m run nu nvl mm um um mm ml my cm cl ywv mm ml wmlmnl live wurmu mm mm Opllms Inlemnunnal spun sora youlhmld prolezl ranging from snnpbaxvcar ram ln llde lion slum chlldrcn hlcycle snlcty programs scholaan and vocational guldnnce Mr GrImland sald ha direc Inn feel such service carp would mean the end of Ihe Opu mlst clubs reason for exislence and would cause change In the service club way or life With which we are acqunlmcd congressional cammiliee in the Us now Is examlning Mr Kennedys suggestinn iur gnv ernmeni sponsored volunteer service corp in work in lira US in such Held slum schools migrant labor camps Indian reserves mental hospitals and prisons BELL Mr Gr mlnnd who made Ill cantmverslul racial statement last Friday told tho opening day of the cnnvenllnn Manda that Opllmma dlreclm unan muusly upposea suggestion by US President Kennoiy ol gov ernment Incurslon into Held long dominated by service cluba MflflllE TElEPHDNE it up again next year the convention In Dcnvern Coln Mr Grlmlnnd who made Ill gamrqverflul racial statement mqu your and or vm um In HI mm nil In yam cilia won vwu on mm The Examlnorl 1a