Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jun 1963, p. 11

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KW AROUND 5m nmnu mm Mlchy Muuu cum llldtlwly DunTim Ipn 9mm On Friday morning June 14 568 exalted children from Grade In Area bunrdcd two buses ith chapcrnnc nnd teacher or trip to Ottawa leaving at 50 atm Thcy arrived at nllawa 1245 and that nflcrnonn and evening and Snlurdny morn lng Inured the city and saw Par liament In scssiun They saw in pemn three or the party luad Jnhn Diclcnhakor when Thompson and Tommy Dunglas Unfortunately Prime Minister In on 1030 on 30 Pmy Mum Imnl Put Chlllml Armn Aulktnlnl Cnunlry Junction CBCTV New Wumu spa Nu nunm wzlmzsnu JlNl Jun Tun hum Gnod Mornlnl shut my Pnpuy hm Noun mam Mam They wont ram slnl Mn Around Friendly Elm Lcmu Vouu bnaw Tnu Thlrly sum Ilm Four rmy Hm mu llurklmny Hound rgovlncII AllIn iumm 30 mm mmm 59am rn nlnlllonu The Grade pup who al and 18A schonl lhnrnugllly en loyed their bus lrip In Ollawa The Grade clussns cumpanlcd by Knock pupils en flayed lheir Irip on Fridny you TUESDAY JUN 25 =EEPPIHPP9 SSSZSSSESsSES 30 Surlm III Nun wmmr spam on Thin Pmy Mum mm Ill Cmmnn Armn Aulktnlnl Cnunlry Junction CBCTV New Wumu spam Nun nunm Holly uhonl allonded Ihelr mualc lesllval at Thomlnn re cently The program was much enjoyed Congratulollona In tho puplls who won prizes lor lhclr ulnalnz The Grad vm pupils from Holly School enjoyed their grnd uallon parly at the school on June 15 Their pnrenls and teacher Johnson wcr pre lull The evening was Ipenl ln danclngo The girls were preacnh ed wllh lochels and the hay with lleplns and cull links rum llho Home and School AssoclaA tion salad plate was 3ch ed to conclude the nvcnlng Bible Day Vacation School will be hold in llolly Church durina the lost lwo week of July ll your nqu In Ml mm um plr flu The high school sudenls IBVI begun Iheir summer wrulian Many of hem are lukinz jab or the summer And III In MIva my llama THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICI Bnan Dykslrn Is pallcn In Royll Vlclnria Hospllal Barrie In ll aur Junior Ronm teacher Miss Wanda Hutchinson Mrs Cowan ls supply leuchlng during he absence By MRS DOWNING Congratulations to Mr and Mrs David Evans nae Anna Boardmunl of Barrie on the birth sun David George on June MRS munm DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCK EVISION PROGRAMS CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CFTO CHANNEL STROUD HOLLY CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE PA 82433 CAMPBELL 00 no I3 Hm Mr and Mn Gross and children have moved to Guelph Mr and Mrs Clnra Pnehlmnu Strand grade puth med thzr share the proceeds from the prescnlallon of HMS Pink ore few week am Thu help ed pay Ihelr expcnm The rest lbs Plnnlore praceedu were held in trust or Ihe pupil lower grndes who when the ninth grade will III In the samrday night we the group arrlvtd llama SRLLYS SALLIES mun Non In mm mumn Illml um mm In In Tho leathers and pupil werl apprclallve of Mr Mudllll ef forts on their behalf Parents who went along tn chlpemne were Mr and Mrs Newmlndunu Strand Mu Lackle Mn Hikmer Mr and Mn Ian John ny and Mrg Parkerinance um mm run In mm IHII llm ann um Schools represented wen Strand Painswick SI Paull Big Day Palm Knack and Thu trip was he dream lwn princlpn15 Mrs Kathie Parker Naucc of Slmud and XIII John Alan 1M Arrangements wcrl made through the local member or Duflerlruslmme Ellwood Madlll lo we prflnmenl In nion the mint archive Ind wu museum Pearson wan Absent but may law Plekmgllh his r9 prgsgnlgtlve Emyuxna wear new om lhsy up collocuon lot mam pment By MR5 IRVING CARSON Tl Lawmln Nun wmmr mm mm Ilnl am 11 an 5m mm 11mm Hm imm llml Plum nurlun flour TORONTO BPTO 121 mm Tho lint play lmm dummy II ImmnnnL Ynu mould up with the no Thls may mm odd Ilml In must nnlrump conlrlm when lhu tncmy mks your wcnkul lull you lenmlly use Hus Hm nr lrlrkThul it 01 but own ml 60 Alt 610ch It In type hand you run Into quite often but yet not any In llnd Um rlghl line play Thus lendoncy lo ro net to ho hand lulumnllcnlly nld thu mth may play you so I5 Dulllmu Opening leadseven ol dln mond Let Iy yvure dcclmr at mm natrump and Wm load he senn or diamonds You dont It he Advcne cards mum Ind lha quesllnn haw luplpy lhu hand mth DAILY CROSSWOBD lommum 01mm hllow bull Numu Dimming Dawnuh mm from luck Jilin qumlruI MIIL WetMp 110mm umm AMI us um Not um Inm gm mu wm chufiimn do achoo was usually on his adenoids juvenile dellnquen was boy under 15 who Inenkcd Into wilel standing In the mmmunlly was measured by the quality of her Ipple plea Peovle were bornand died In Iheir own homes You only went to hospital when you had to have yuur appen dlg taken out Women went through Ihe whole day wearing 19 um lace they wake up with In the mnrning They didnt have to paint on new one everyJima they Ileppcd out the rant door South dealer Both side vulnerable child Ihat dared to hh daddy or mnlhtr usually couldnt sll comfortably even on pillow or he next three days Parents never had to hlnk up 111an or heir children to do boy could keep himself unused all Afternoon knack lng tin can of the backyard 2an with slingshot Mr Ind Mrl Henry Kanll and children Toronto were with their pllenll hm for the weekend Mr Ind Mn Damn in boys Willowdlle visited at Cam Sundy NEW YORK AP Sam people like to look ahead But we Ill 11k to Iouk hick You can qualin or mem bership in the Old Timers Lenzua you can remember when Na worklnu man ever bo ght wllh only one Iha localbarhenhop to rend The Polloe Galena Everything was cooked in lard nhtlanca with which young lppru also slicde down their hair bech loin out on dale Clara How was knnwn ll ha ll ghl the movies worklnu man ever bought an wllh only one pair of panu WIndwr vhlud Mr and Mn onmugday EB LIGHT TOUCH Mr laud Mrs Lonua Mr Greasy Kid Stuff Used T6 Be Lard DIIZ 1016 AWDU 3011 31 an 1d dldnl do well in wa usually blamed CONTRACT BRIDGE NORTH By HAL BOYLE Iranr AM Tn rm Lrnjramu mm mm mm mmrmma Em By JAV BECKER Norm wly IO Urik ml nr ARM lodun fly non Vukvnyn AI My 15 hmmu 311mm Vrlnl Ilfllrmln funny rlnr cum In yllnl Inn Ah ll Mur mum Inlhrr drclnrcr fuller um eixhrr nl lhe lim lwn plus he II de lenlnl 0n Mnndly Annlhrr Funaul pvmnled In Mr link Tho use that mullm ls Mum lho honor Mo wlil with Wes having lhzcluh khan Ind Ens he spade no In luch case lnklnu lha cluh nun um Mn the mnlrnct whlle lnrkllnu lha Ipadu um low the mnlrcl There Is naturally reason or lhh also If Wcsl has both we Mo spades and king at clubs lho order play makes no divlcrcnce Sonlh ll detcnlcd III Is he run Em hm hm belh he contract mndu rmnrdlm the order play The piay at lrick two is ulsn xmporlanii nic qucsllon is Whilhe la tackle spades or ciubs first Ordinarily dcclnrzrl procedure in try in force out an ace from the danger hand and pasipunc his finesse unlll Inter but In ihls case the Hrs order oi business is the club fl 1955 Of course more good reason for grabbing the trick right away Assuming West led his lnurlh best diamond East bound to have eilhcr the king quch or jack This because West would hav led Ihe king mt the scvqnH he had held the KVQJl Camcquenlly wln nlng the first lrlck means that he dlnmond suit Is blocked and cannot be run if West led 1mm incurd null Fr ladlc ever look drink In public Most of them lnnocenlly lhaughl cocktail was something that mm on the rear end of rooster RememSerr Only the hankeF son got an ange Eyery olhcr kld um mu nu In lawn started earning his own spendini money at the egg nl IL husband More helping his wlfe dry he dishex rt pulled down the kilchen wln dnw blindsso the nclghhorl wouldnt think he was hen peqked Nn young girl careful her rcpuinllon would be seen Ill ing In the rumble mat of In Iulv with young man Thnhcluhl of sophisticated rename was to remark somclhlng Khan the call meow Mr and Mn Clarenca Cm lop were guests at tho Hnwnrd Havrachymky ceremony in Im onto June Onlil burn and hobou cooktd their meal we of dam We minister was thought Io he shirking his duty hll Sunday sermon lasted Inn 015 Alqlhnur and Mn OHnflmn Mr Ind Mrs Carson Mr and Mn Kan wm among the null he DunlopCameran weddlnl Mldhursl June 12 LIhase were harrdayn an Imlunm IMIL llnr mvnka n1 Iii filln00 Minnwan NOW Pic IYUP AND Fur rm WELL ausrmbuw Tu CORNER YOU kNOW l0 Q14 ml GYAIUON GLAD WIVES comma LONG POLE WM NAIL ON THE END DP mm

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