bolted bodyand fmmo molhod or single unit conslmclion with tho body and lame welded Inlo one solid Mace If It Is slnglo unll you havo made choice In tho right direction But did you realize lhal anblor pioneered Nils slnglo unit molhod ol construclloh 23 years ago Since than the lnduslly has taken up lha ldcn and Is 115ng it In and form or anolharnnd tor my good reason It produccsasllon nylons wcaringbody nva But now with exclmlva Unlsldu con slluclionï¬mnblmnaningoesnnoboller The entire sides of tho Classic Six and Ambassador VB mo slampod out ol onu Unlsldo conslrucllon gives greats slvcnglhBollnr door lit If youre buying car lhls spring and have some olhcr car In mind you sim ply cant allord lo nvevlook Rambler It WI just take you low minutes to call on Rambler dealer and get the lacls For exampic how I5 you an picsently considering built By the old That policy has pioneered dozens major improvements In the automotive Industry Thats whythe industrys most covetedCarollheYearawardwasgiven his year to the eniire line of Rambler cars for outsQanding design achieve mentand cnginceringleadcrshlp How dld we get to be best By working at it for years We didnt win the 1963 MotorTrend magazine CaroflheYear award overnight Years ago we decided on policy of providing maximum use tulness to the user And weve stayed with It 17 Gowan SL PA 66486 Hamblerwlns 1963 Car of the Year Award VlAll MOTORS llMITED Ballorynnd coolnnl mo guaranluod or yuan or 24000 mllo About your bnllory and coolnnl nny budymunlionlhnmlWhynollThuycost you monoylomnfnlalnThnlswhynam blur gives you balmy Umls uncondi tionally guaranteed or two full yours or do on Rambler Ils CeramicArmoured and tights of rust and cormslon Rn mcmburlhnl nameCcramlcï¬rmoumd only Rambler has It Coramlcmrmourod mulllor Is guaran lood was long asyau own mo car Didyoulook lnlo servico1rcc matures Are you gelling muffler thals guaran teed ferns long asyou own tho car You bctlemhan the usual spray iob Youre darnrightitlsAsamatlerolfacmntho process wa spill more than the others use The Rambler body also contains 75moreruslresistinggalvanized steel than below Developed right here in Canada speci lically lor Canadian conditions DeeprDip is an exclusive Rambler process The en tire car body is submerged into six huge tanks one alter the other Each ol these tanks contain thousands at gallons ol cleansing and scouring solutions that thorougth prepare the surlace ol the steel Then the car is dipped right up to the roolinatankol primerpaint Sounds single sheetoi steel Thls method givesa better door fit better body support and better weather sealing Deepdip process Is the worlds most complete rustpronltng When you talked to other dealers did you Inquire about rustprooiing Did anyone claim that their car had the best rustprooiing in the world No Well we do Its celled DeepDip Ill Bradford 51 PA 64771 Doublecanny brakos glvo added pmlocllon Aroyou gcltlng DoubleSninly Brakes Thayro the onus with tho two separate hydraullc Ilnus Ono to tho tron whuuls one to tho roar ll anu sotof brnkas all llw ollwrconllnuosloupumloRamblMs 301 lhcmvory low nlhcrs hnvn chalrhelght and adluslnblc Ramblers Inlorlovs have headroom lcgroom and hlplwom mcasmcmenls to equal or benurany olhcrcarlnlhclrclass How about comfort and saiety Are you getting reclining seals and head rests You do on ambler Theyve What about warrantees What étovy did you get there Well we want to be blunt In no case isany otherautomotive warrantee better than Ramblers in the area of items that could be coslly to you 24000 miles it lails anytime before the guaramee period you get brand new batteryat absolutely no cost to you The coolant is an allseason radiatorfill You never need to add water or anti freezeAnditprevenlsrustandcorrosion in yourcooling system Its gota twoyear 24000 mile guarantee too Comfortable reclining seals hlghlighl Ramblor lnlcrlors ll lOWvMIOEO AMERICAN ilXW£ POPULAR CLASSIC SIX Wi NMLHIUL AIIBAQMUUH Illustrations compara tho toaturos oI compotlllvo cars Thoso booklets will help you to com paro alltho carsyou mayboconsidoring With them youll ho abloto separate tact tram ttctton as you shopomund In them youll find charts and comparison tablos presented In simple and onsytoroad torm Tho Information you got covors Whalwo havetoldyou solarlsonlylho basisloracompavisonFormoredelailed Information on all makos and models go to your Rambler dealer and get your lies copies of hls exclusive XRay book lols Onn of them com paves the Rambler American the lowest priced Canadian bulll car with all olher compacts Tho olhor booklet compares lhu Classlc and the Ambassador with all the cars ln lhclr class XRay booklets separate lac lrom liclion Weve compaied engineering so now were on to styling Ihis is something youll have to see for yoursell But wed like to quote What Motor Trend said Leancleanlineslhalareapparenllrum almost any angle Are you getting an alternator Its standard feature on every Rambler It keeps your battery charging even when the engine is idling Your electrical sys tem can never drain your battery dead PHODUCI 0f AMLHICMI H010 CANADA LIHIILU STAYNER HOLLANDS GARAGE mï¬unnm EXAMINER TUESDAY JUNE III Bythowaywhrloyouroalyourdcalors take losldrivo Inn Rambler Thats tho bosl comparison and tho one that only you can make to prove to yourself that Ramblorlsyourbosmulomolivo buy can scuoxacllywhatyou gelforlhe mica you pay And remember those valu ablo bookletsarotreofromyournamblor Dealer Charts give full details at speclflcatlons At the end at each booklet theres list prices for all competitive makes and models These are the manulaclur ers recommended list prices Now you exteriordimensionsinteriorcomionand convience features engine sizes and specifications and every other detail youll want to know 1m CLASSIC 770