mum nu nnm CARRIERII my mm In lot In PA AM fan III no Cpl and Mrs Wendell Hears fand lamin ell Salurday or Prlnce Edward Island where they will spend some halldays heron going In Germany Mr and Mrs Jackie Valkom mud daughler Kelly North Bay called an lhe ormers grand malher on Salurday quxnu JUN 21 All am Wrnllln mxnm mm many Arlflcmy rrlvmmu HMluw mm mm Annnlnl hum crv Nul Amnrhll Imm IUNDAY um 12 um um hum xm smuum 00 In JDHYIIII II ll 10 TIIIIUI Iunn humI MoNDAl JUNE 21 um Tm lmcm ILII Gnnd Ilomlnl It Eludlu Im nu umnnfl JUNE nowuu Knuth cm nun Bunny Tun hm Thl Lucy shnw Haul lullhllllu Cums Clmm To Ten no mm lhv Gun WIJJ Tn Grul Movie mule cl Semi Jullm cuc TV Ne rm Nun Spun Iovlt Dtthan IJNDM JUNE mu Tu llflzrn 1le Church 5mm um Wm Wand um Cremeu Lou Dmy Ind GunIn no Country Clltndlr 200 M10 Conn Ylnlu In KIIIl mmn Count man Nun my cum Vllllnl um nym mum be To 8323935 Fluhhnk Sulllvln ma an Km Clmup om um Iounl Hm on no 82 supp izAROUND SIMCOE COUNTY IL Menary hns erected flagpole in his yard and ly hlE Ihe Union Jack This is an personx version at what flag we should use Mr and Mrs Ruddlck al lendad the 40th weddlng anni mums UNION JACK Mr and Mrs Walkom Mr and Mn Gauley Jr Bruce and Bob weru guests of Mr and Mrs Daley Edgar on Sunday and attended Craig hum annflvcrsnry Mrs Walk om and Mrs Gmlley assisted lhn choir number ram here Illflld ed III Decoration Day Icrvlu of Angus Community Cemetery allsunday We welcome Mr and Mn Delmar Leslle In the community the owners me local store We Wl them every success Mr and Mn Leslle are well known In In surroundlnz man number ram here attended the luneral of Mrs Ernest Elli son Thompwnvllle on June 15 Miss June Denney attended Smllh Ercwar wedding Bethesda United Church In Tor any Satugday Baxter Juvenile Band unend ed the Slmcoe County firemens parade to St Johns AnaHun Chprch 900le Sympathy of he communny 10 on to Ken Ellison on the dam hls molherMra Erv nut Elllsun Thompsanvule By MRS MAY DENNEY Thu Baxter Slrnwberry Fu llval act or June 26 has heen cancelled REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES 0F CM ROTO TILLEHS LAWN HOWE OUTIIOMKD MOTORS my cum Hm AM fan llll no Dullnnl IIIw THERE Isl NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICI II MN ll mum Tauj Around nu orld Mum 7mm Mun um IlIuIInl MI Th nu In Dunn and now My Wu ï¬lnl Mon llh Much KITCHENS DRIVBVOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS TELEVISION PROGRAMS BAXTEB CFYO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 Iou Ilu IIN ulnluv le II In lmdo uunlnl In lulohn Trim out lluuu leld Mr um um Ann vl conllm lunml mum In vll chum llr Illallnl AI vow Mlzlly on Clui llmuuy Mun woo 1va 1030 In luo mu 1an HM use No carlonds True Blue member allcnded the district lodge In Angus Monday evening Mr and Mrs Dave McClury or Cooksvllie spent Tuesday with Mr and Mrs Victor Reld Weekend visilorl the bum 71 Mr and Mrs DAnglu were DAngla Coldwalar Mr and Mrs Mun Ind MIL Mom Toronto Mrs Coleman and Mrs Cobourn Eeelon Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs ï¬eld were Mr and Mn ll Laldlaw ol Brampton Mr and Mrs Ross Reid and family 01 Owen Sou Mr and Mrs lqghncq Slay Mr End Min Barrie Mr and Mrs Fences and umily Barrie visited with Mn and Mrs Peacock Sunday Mr and Mrs Kellouzh or Callfornh Mr Ind Mrs Kellongh of Edmonton Album Kellough Barrie spent Sal urdav with Mr and Mn Reid Mr Ind Mrs Rodwuy Ind daughler Toronto spcnl tho weekend with narlle Bowdery varsity of the lltmrl brnlher Ind Ilster In law Mr And Mrs Marshal Downey WI held In the Lions Club hlll WEI Me 15 Welcumu to Mr Ind Mn Dem who hava moved no he house recenlly vaunted by Mr Ian Mrs Bem Weekend visitors th homu 01 Mr and Mrs ï¬eld were Mr and Mrs Mmln and Mr and Mn Mnchy of Willowdale Mr and ML Langley and Leon Coldwater visited Brawn 590991 Mi and Mn Palm and Gordon spent Suudny with Mr Ind Mn Homby of Toronto MIDHUBST STN mm II mu Ihl rum hum In Andy Grill In In Imam nma nnnklnya hum CTV NII lllllorm nun rlml um Pnnnu By MRS MONTE We uswu Nun lelhlm TORONTO POP Pull Nounnu mm ank mum mm mm luvIna illlndl Gllnl Lonu Ynunl 511 Ill Thlfll sunu mu Popeyll Party 11ml mun 9n BARRIE nniizld ï¬riddle or mm The compoltnl deltndcr IVIHI me 01 every mulhle mum of lnlormullm Ha ha not only lho blddlnl lo an but Ilsa the llml have nlrtndy Inken place wluthcr mud by lul pnrmr or lhu dcclnm cm olltn drut hlnly accuulo deducllom by correctly lnlc rfllnl my clue Ilmrn ln ha pllhl Openinl lwdjlck spadel delcndcr trmpl ll every clue In order lo overcomn the nalurll disadvanlnlo lullered by In side He doe not know 1mm looking nl dummyl cards and own cmuy 1m Iruxum he and MI partner pom whlla he dcclrcr doc know from lwklnu ll dummy hll min and Ilrenlfll DAILY CROSSWORD Commanding majority over the lnvemment In Ihe Com mons the three onpasllhn lmups could have pressed their Illnck to the point 01 arcing the government to choose be tween Mr Gordonl resignallon or dale in the Commons Gcneml reluctance now to preclpilnle ll elecllon which government deleal ln Common confidence lea would enlnll has robbed the unposlllon parties ol their most polent wean to force the overumenl In acknowledge what the opw slllan lam unprecedented and Many appasluon lrcely acknowledxe lhnl had the budget lncldcnl occurred In lh Insl Parliament the gavem men would have had to submit to the opposition Although In both PIrllamenlu the government lacked Com mam mnjorlty the opposltlona attacks on Mr Gordon warn blunted by Ihelr reluctance to precipitate Inalher election would he lllo thlrd ln two yearn Whig mum rum mm am mu Owing I1 Islor II mm Iran cumu an mu OTTAWA cmm palIla menury unite this week over two Flume Mlnlster Gor dons budget step shat 1y lllui lratod lhe rssenllnl duercnce belwuen Ihls Pnrllamen Ind Iast one Mr and Mn John Kell luv Salurdny lo vial thelr son and lamlly and Mm Dnllon Kell and dlughtm It Red Deer Allal and 1150 to meml he Calgary Stampede Mr Ind Mn Wonch North Bay spent day with Mr Ind Mu GeorleSlunden last week Thu annual cemetery service In St Pauls cemelry will be hglg July7at 9ch The pupil at both mm 01 SI PMIIL their lenchm and few went heh with the Mnuvlu mm Linnnmd Hill comb Cm 11 Ian out 141mm II In I1 dama um Ile xmna vqm¢ South dealer Ncllhcr lldu vulnerable Parliament Uses Weapon Of Words By MR5 PM ST PAULS CONTRACT BBHSGE 11 on OK Q1 IOU OQBM OAK 9110 NOITE To ull Nenh Int 14 foamu owll WMW NM loam nunIan unabll enlu colloq 119 By JAY BECKER 7mm OODIIJIM ll Try nu am Pill 351 361fm ml Soth had ha no WM bound to ho ho slnnlelnn ICE Declmr would not have tucklcd hurl lnshnd at club at trick lwa he had had murh the lll And Another club Southl lnllurn In My Club clurly Imllcnlrd he Mil vulner able la mm In Ihal mil West had sevcrnl lhlngl to no on In could nm be ttrlnln whcther Ens or Sath had In no clubs but knew that the club return wan Info In ellher can It Eu had lha an the club play was surely but Inca wunld Induce Ipnde rclum lhmugh Hm queen 0n Mend7x mum Plum In pmcnlrd by Mr Beth Wu had no pluycd lho club It lrlrk three South would nndouhledlfl hue mud hand On lurlncc ll Input ed 1h play was wry aaund Gullian ha Illulllon correct ly returned the five cluhll Soth was creed In win with the ace and alter cashan our hear Irltks inemd lh nun diamonds Ens look the lug rtlurncd nude Ind Vcsl cashad two Ipndu and the king clubs to nlp tho cnnlnct by trick One of their MP5 In his con Alltuency when the matter was first rased4 said on return to Ottawa that people than think were talking ourselvu tntn crtxls that doclnt exist This MP as well as name oth ers felt that the pubtlc did not see the hiring of outside help fur the budget danzeroun precedent Jim hnnd eaturlnl tine defense Dcclnrcr won the spud land with the ac and played low heart and llneued the Jack Wes look th quccn and now hnn la ind the proper play lo delul lhe contract least one the oppnsltlon groups Social Credll did not regard Ihe can the ihm budge helpers as too urloua ynunzex chlldren left by bu early Wedncsday mamlnz Flm they went over ton Ihelerry Centre Island luramo or lunch Then they toured Ploneer WI 515 This lrlp was ï¬nanced the ulchra purllea held In wln gr ln lhe school Hlsr Heanlnz wn yluln the oppnsluon you delta ul an MI Ind youll ave In elcctlun Ill danxemus departure from con nifltlong prllflicm Mn Lauri Gregory II recu pernllnz at her homn nncr aur zery on her nose Welter SLunden Sr menu plenum Iurprlse when bro ther Grows Carlton Place and on him Sundy when the trial seemed It It helm Prime Minlsler Pearson Issued stark warninglormnl ncllon to censure Mr Gordon would he treated qucatlon confidence In tho whale gov emment Mn Prnll Dale and Mar ot mended the 39m annual Pnddlson reunion Sprlngwnler Park Mldhum Saturday 1min Ann iv innin 40 lirmfll Ill I0 lavl VWO MT AM 55 MSWM T5 fuomm BARN EXAMINII SATURDAY JUNE ll W16 44va szL WNW new Ms Aaour Il 7W szL DONT lfléfl 552 f4