Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jun 1963, p. 13

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ARTICLES for SALE DIDDI PLYWOOD Runlbnul with hnne nwu Jnhnmn In 50 camp but ptown Alllnnn HE ion sfiund mxmlon Dulbolra mm on me condition um pllnk llk um 31 App cmum Fcrlll non moron um mum an mouldfl plywood but wind lhllld Ind Icnunflu II hF Jammu mom wnn nmell cam now Tnuer with winch Alllunn Hunle Mm TIN CABIN trill nmp cw umn llovu Cooler or by In Blnh Tent Ind ivmlnl Campllw united ll Blylllld 5t PA 417 noun llvml laxdun mm DH mm n1 lellflrl It 10111 mm haldhfl Punk ll 204550 CI Km Iwaimwfi Chlhulhuu ri mmaay Kennel mud mu pm mumn menus wnm mmlum Mend sln mm 11 mm mm non sum mm Mn gimpmun PU in nu GSIfim by mu sm METAL BENCH Vbe gnu or Inlet Ibo mum meme chu llr Hunted tha PA 6653 nuo wimnn Uxed Axmlxmer or Wlllun mu mum in ma qndlqon Telaphonl bA Mm mu mm FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Elgth prlce paid qr dead orcrippled cattle and horses Small animals removed free For fast service PHONE BARRIE PA 64781 Collect mm N9 cmnqm nuuw non for my mama pm pu LhuHHmL Barry Nmpleh wnn deerI use each 51mm nunm Cocpcrlllvl mum sum Bum PA Mm 00x1 Ibo mm with our mobile bed ml IOr at our muonm mill at sum Va carry complain in prepared feeds concentrates dc ALSO IN TEREST FUSE FEED CON TRACKS foal Vr1 nuonlbh Ikphnnl SLroufl flu cumm or lur mr pmlcul WANTED 1m Ihlu bllel nm or hone Ind and Imo Lellll sum Prccd per bile Telephon PA Mm More and more poultrymcn Mo choosing DEKALB PULLES Slnflcd randy lo lay and day old chicks Order now or early order dlsmum For snrvlco or help on your poultry problem all Crnlg Hunter CRAIG HUNTER POULTRY FARM LTD STRDUD PHONE 71 cmcx IM wmu Rock rulhu In weeks old nmnn my pun Juhn Huuou ml suynm Tnlwhonl mm CAMPING EQUIPMENT 1551 lulu mllklng wllh now Do annl loo Snrlcs Mllkm Barrio Holly Hwy 27 PA com NICKS DEAD STOCK 74 mm Ev1 any my RR Foxmead Ontario License No 172051 imm mm u1nn1umm um um vm um um nnnm Mun hu lav mmum on Hull MT in wmlnm Molt thuuuh lo mm Hlnvunndmmnfl Ilrm um wlnmn on IMO Hun Amul ma Innhln moo Mum Iquvpmml cu um mu 1mm munn Cm In mum mm mm lA cum in IADIIII MA 11le InnIn In Ild Mu 1h ml uumn Inlwhnnc mm nu mm mm Hum Wu nl uvlln m1 vnn ml nm In mm mm mm Annual um um um 151m CUSTOM GRINDING AND IAIIJN ml roux mum IIvII III In mu I4 Innvuth mu Pllmvm umm nummn MM Inlva nun rl vmw ma AIu nu rlrl llum cull um ulm Inn llrhnnl Inm Call PA um My mo Dim clunng It lulm will be In In mm Du with 1m NW MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 213 MINESING GARDEN suwués ARTICLES WANTED HANK BROWN DE LAVAL SALFS AND SERVICE POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS FEED SEED GRAIN PHONE STROUD 52 filcrlriWMonlngue Pmp FARM MACHINERY DOGS PETS WEADidK mum co nrflnsklor LIVESTOCK AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR flit GOOD DEAL MORE AT FRENCH MOTORS 75 Bradrord St PA 5971 Wm Ya In ma conuluon mw punt Ap Body shay Lenny mane momum Biw motor ply ll Inn 5111M or 109mm PA um mod um um Em mntur ucall APplx1gook sum or nlephnnminu ml BUICK our door umn hluu with mltchlul Interior llltumluc Pawn llulflnl All Im whlll will um down um pu month PA lTW SCOTLA PLAN LOAN mm BANK OF NOVA scam DODGE Kenn Ivm dour hudlnp nutomtlc lrlmmlulon cuxlam rldln blu um um with nutcth Interior Al lhu low In pmn ol 107 dawn PA Edi wxncgmfu 1m su m1 ITUDZIIAKZB suuon Ian cyllndtr with overdriv whlll ulll low In hull ant condlflcn wm llh nldlr cu Tellphnnl PA M3 PONTIAC Cclch Iwo tun wnlle um blue blue Inlemr now whfla will urn Mntvr body good tnndluon flulomhle App klllll sum Wm um Illa Nu nxnpm lNUllAN¢EI1 Bl 1an prmmd mum mum lay an mam of III cucnmmnm IM 011 1L uu Ca come lm mm In wodour In led And Ml with mllchlnl ln llrlul Alllomluc ulnsmlulon Custom ndlo Dup lnld whm nu um $15 down Ind um per month PA HNL ll FORD filllxll slain in Kenn buck mu mumum Iaflpr pm hm mm duh ma vLIon mug gm um no 011 Pm or lncludlnI my on ndlo Molar nlnl will Ml ml In runnlnl urdtn Tolephonl mm in uou us Nun hler an door um Amhlndor vs mum ndlo munm mu wind dun and burlup mm In llnmlnl buck with canmnlnl nd Inmm Mme mum mun nunm mm on nquuL 50 down 375 pt month PA um CARS WANTED Toauv wlu am In Tm m1 Fold 1mm Iml Tmck or uchnn or car Only 173 milel on truck Ttlzphnno PA Hoax in cm m7 amEkfllr phunl PA 84 inn VOLKAWMIEN MInnmckuv blu my clukh mumr um ml mm WANT glgmg lmm Strand 19 PI ulwhunu sum PERSONALS IANIII MAN nqulru ram III In Mlhlml Mill DI wlln Ind In TIMI Wllllnl Ih IX pmm nlephono PA um AulmN no 5mm lor Ind Pam nnnlnlc gnu um nrmhmunu Tllephonl ml Themm ml on smlnn man Im IAUTY lunr CHM Hull 01 by cullllld hllrdlnur In your own ham4 or hnlrflfl ND 31 mm mu Mr am Open am pm daily Guvemmcnl minnow School Thorouxh unlnlnu In all brun dm or bcnuly wllurn DEHWIN IlAlllmHlSSINO SCHOOL 12 WOILHJIY ST PA MM Buy new car now with lawman lflemsured hm ulnhllnhnl umlc llrm rcqulm lnluwnmlm la loll by lelnvhonl Ind permI can um um loul bullneu unb lellmrnll Ihll II rhnllenxin mum wllh ucellrnl opporlunly or nllvnnrmrnl 54mm knowluln ol Inuan an um APPLY IN WIHTINO TO 0X l0 mum um mIvm vnmlumwl Mum MM Mlnla um Jul mum vlm mum liltrhlmu PA IVIl Lnfilun My 71 um Iv in mi cmmm mm nuwmm Mimi In um WANT TO BE RAPPER DRIVER in nmmnn mm 4m man um CARS NEEDED TRUCKS TRAILERS ESTABLISHED rnllnry own wllll AVN lgfllu 1955 1059 HOLTS AUTO WRECKERS PA 687l In Fun lml lnnlnl Tnun mum ann MIL Walkw Thomson Mrul Ilnnle IIICXnN Immonmmo YOU GET GOOD DEAL WOMENS COLUMN i1 nXmui mAmNEu AVON CALLING FEMALE HELP smaswomm mum HELP WANYED null v11 In DDMIIIXC nu wlnlld lo nu llunnL no monlhly Tn 1m 1m Nu expx1 nu necuury Aple 81mm Such an sou hurt maphom mm nouunnn la Incl mu 1i duly wornn 5qu Ewan nhu In ha PA will bu WOMAN Who am am ll would Inlay warm or hour dly um lulllly Ilch month an group sludxo Olrl mama cucnu on mutt tn DI Ilub find In Ind Hound Blrfl In In Mllhu MI null 111M dluvlh lu Inn wrlll ammo Olrl Count El CD4 LIHIur AVI Montn Raull will DI up to 00 VI hour IO HELP WANTED Requires Junlor male clerk with minimum grade 12 edncntlm FRED GRANT SQUARE IN PERSON BANK OF MONTREAL BARRIE Required for repairing consinlc liun equipment Steady employ ment to sausiuctory man Ap piy to mommy wyugn up no RDDFIRI WANTED 1mm MHII bl IxDltltnccd in nu ma lhln 11M Tnltphnm PA Bifll Thll dud Impla chlmmc muulsu ulwrln vr nnllcmnd Pnhnb llm own man Apr ln penal on tn Nixon Ell dlnl mueu TIL In Etna mm BAILEY CONSTRUCTION co BOX 700 ORILLIA ONT wonmn ammo MANAGIR Ill ChlllI ol mechlnlcl than of ma dllllflhl Aha and or Comment mudn Infill who ll qumlnl to mu bookhwer Ind Ilocl Ap Ly lllltchlluon Halo Munm mphon IKE Hon EMPLOYMENT WANTED hlc or rllrllyphl polluon Typ mead ll mpn Ihoflhlnd Ipeed 90 wpm Knullldll hoolkceplnl Telephum PA DJIII GENTLERIAN dell tlkrlu pal luom uplfltnrud In I11 min work Good ptnml up an mammaln my Pm M5110 Id ln RR Bird nr phone PA Tenders are alled to supply FUEL 01 or RCSS No 10 anshlp or Essa or the 1963M hentlnz xenon Tendexs wlll be received up to Iwelva oclock noon on Tuesday July 1963 Lowest or my lender not nec marlly accepted GARDNER Secretary Treasurer Box X91 Angus Ont Phanu $5400 For 1mm stnALLY Concculon Innlsm Township Snle of rcglslmd and grade Holstein Cowl rah and wrlnzm hem rumor ed 11015ch bull mllklnz equip mcnl hay and grain elevator bout lrnllrr and motor Toni msh No reserve Mr Sihnlly L1 olnz out the milk buslncn 12 TENDERS Ta AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday July 12 Noon Sharp MAIN ST PENETANG For MRS MAE DONNELLY SALE hlgh elm household lurnlmre Includinl clcclllcnl npplhlncll nnllqun umlluru all klnda lincm gllmwm vcrwmev dlslm plum and many other mflclu Terms Cuh No nunvs the noun In Wednesday evening Jung 26 Ml prrwn unlnsl lhn lulnln of THOMAS IMINU lnlo In VIII Elmvnlo In the mey Slmm lletlrcd lnmlcr lilo did on the 12nd Iny cl Much 1w mml orwnnl mmo Io ho umknignrd an or berm Hm 1h July mu Allrr whlm duh he mm wlll ho dillrumlul nmmusl he pnvllrl onllflml lhrrrlo and llm Mmln ernlnr will mi he NM my prrwn of whom lnlm hn uhlll then mm MICE T4 Puéuc NOTICE DA Hum Onlnrla lhlt II Ilny nl June A1 IBM BOYS MIMHMM AND HOWE Durham and Enllcllou Own firm ID llnx 17 at Dnlllln Most Anything MECHANIC EEMALE HELP AUCTION SALE Jinn COUGHLIN Want Ads TENDERS MALE HELP Wofica TO CREDITORS SELL JERRY COUGHLIN Audlonccr Aucllonccr mu BAR EXAMINER MONDAY JUNE 1m 100000 Marchérs Stage Pxoiesi bAvm scan DETROIT CF An tail maied 10000 mlrchurIGsma at them Negroes sinned walk in freedom hm Sunday believed to be the 1mm civil right demonstration in the My my of tha United States The parade Is 80000 Inez tatou who line Woodward Ave Detroits main meet ended without vlolanca an overflow crowd milled quietly outside downtown Coho Hall where city slats Ind notional olflclnll spoke over loudspeaker afo tam about the Nemu light or dvll rlxhtx Particlplnh In the Detroit Council or Human Righth sponsored plrade were led by southern Nam Intemm lender Dr Martin Luther King J11 and Detroit Mayor Jaromn Cavnnaugh Also leading the porodu were Waiter Ranker president oi iha intumntionoi Union oi United Automobile Workers oi America AFLCIO Michixan AFerIO fresident Angus Schoiie and armor Democratic governor oi Michigan John Swainson who walked the entire route on two artiiicini iegs The marchers were iasiiva but determined their ciathinl ran ing from Sunday suits to Bar muda shorts With lama dressed in rags and rather sporting iama diamond rings and expen sive clothes lha seeminglyendless wava humanity surged through the davmtnwn business district and passed the scene bloody may are which took place during the June 1943 race riot in which 34 persons were killed and more than 700 were iniured LONDON RomeroBritish philasopher Bertrand Russell has written letternu ye un publishedto the caller of the Soviet government newspaper Izvesua cnllhg or lmdum Jews In the Snvlel Unlon The Observer reported Sunday ASKS FREEDOM FOR JEWE Use permanent Life Insurance for protection and longterm savings Millions of Canadians depend on permanent Life Insurance to achieve the dual purpose of protection and longterm savings Permanent Life Insurance values are guaranteed All the amounts are carefully set out in your policy The amount of protection is there the Cash Values are listedclearly stating the monetary worth of your savings investment for years to come With permanent Life Insurance there is no guesswork no speculation These are safeguards no other longterm savings plan can offer THE LIFE INSURANCE FOLIIANIES IN CANADA LOIS MARSHALL ILL STRATFORD Ont CPlCa nedlnn singer Lois Marshall wlll be replaced by us snpnmo Adel Addlsan or the July 14 anniversary program or the Slmhrd Shakespearean Fesll vnl Mlsl Marshall who was to have sung the role 01 Dldn ln Purcelll Dido and Aeneas cun celled her engagement because at Illness RCA MEN LEAVE TRENTON Ont CHAbout 50 RCMP oiiicera and men lei hera aboard Yukon aircraft Saturday to Join United Nu iionl observation mission in Yemen The unit will maintain and fly Caribou and Oilcr air craft on transport and recon naissance missions Th5 Humnla Public School recanlly held its first gramm lnx class ceremonies It Bny mm Lodge From the left WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF FIRST GRADUATION 0F HURONIH PUBLIC SCHOOL HEADS CANCER GROUP WINNIPEG CWDr Renaud Lumieux 63 Quebec City was eluded president of the Ca nndiun Cnncer Souler Ihe or gnnlzullons annual meeting Sn Ilrdny QUEBEC MARKS FEAST MONTREAL CF Provin clnl and ledenl government ol llces well most industries and slate will he closed tuduy Quebec observes lhu lens of St Jean Baptiste pullm min or Frenchspeaking Canndinns The Montreal and Canadian stock exchmes Ilso wlll ha closed nlAnxrnnNm ARRIVAL DONNELLY Ann More than 5000 penons gath ered few milesxoulh Dan smlng Jana Sander Llnda Tompmwsky Ella Rulledao Mnrllyn Klnsella Danna Hew sun Doris Glmd Diana Ga huns Tina Heullnk Wendy nelly Sunday to commemorate the arrival 150 your ago In lhls area he Ilrst group of FrenchConndion selllera from Quebec Tho bond of la new 10000 FrenchConudlnns now settled In this am no miles northwest of Edmonton JUDGING BY MACHINE WINNIPEG CPIThe lice ironic age came in Canndian livestock judging Saturday ha Ilvcslock show oi the Red lilvu Exhibitinn For the first lime in Canada an electronic computer helped the Judges de cide which were the superior animalsi iha machine is used in determine the meal and in pa iarn inside the iivu animal NAME YMCA OFFICERS DRILLM CPIDr Har old Rea of Tomnla was In stalled president Ills Na nonnl Council ha YMCA Lackla and Marla Black Sland an from the left Kellhum kinson Nancy Squires Nlenks Klooslermun Anna Lea Mitch ell Linda Caner Ynseph Do Canada threcday national conference ended Genev Park l0 mllc ens of here on the shore of Lake CouchIchlni Snlurdny ExecnIIve vicepresb dent Include wmlam Hm at Sault Ste Marlee Amlcls Cilfrord Arnold Ian Johnston leather Rick Ball Sebasllnn Gaudellu and tarry HUInu Examlner Phoio mu vnumcy mm Barnum plumup Ina flllllfld of shun CUSDENS nun ll urn prompt Munmu Itrvlcn donor them our next mm pnuflvuon In HUI

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