Young girls no longer have to wear their hair in pigtails Iringiets or Dutch bobs fvariety oi Iasbionabie hairdos that take only minimum rob Demands AI Makop Taboo srnsrroao on ICPi tlakeup ls taboo tor women em ployecs tn the socalied white room or bearing plant here The reason Is that lipstick lace powder and olher makeup materials are carriera oi out door dustand dust is some thing that cannot be tolerated in the dirtprool room At the Fischer Bearing Ma nulacturing plant clearances are measured in thicknesses to times liner than human hair This is necessary to meet de lcnce department speciï¬cations Jsoosquareioot area has been set aside In the plantas dirt tree and the ban on makeup is Just one oi number at pre cautions taken to assure that dust doesnt enter Employees dtacard their street shoes don special nylon wraparound Iootwear and pass through air showers that send somlloanthour gusts oi air through their hair and clothing Then they put on special ion garments which are ast rooied by second air shower etora they pass Into the white room The women get one dispensa tion Theyre permitted to wear special cap while going through tho air showers the Idea being that it iemaie em ployeas hair was disarranged every day by the 30 mph breezes the airdresslng bills would grow into an unwelcome expense tor the company ICATES amount oi time to atyia are now available ior young modems Among the most pol ular are the Oliver top left tor line hair the IIalrband émp IN THE TRIM Reducing During Middle Age Provides You With Young Look By IDA JEAN RAIN Have you ever known any one to slim down ior keeps ï¬ller she passed the 50 mark dnquiru skeptical overweight who goes on to say am 56 weigh close to i50 pounds and Im scant ich tall What question is this when habit is iirmly linedI Isnt It useless to try to break it Too old to reduch The mid die 50 are ialrly young and reducing to ideal weight will help you Incl young The die matted individual who claimed you cant teach an old dog new tricks did everyone great dls service The way to make lite interesting is to go on teaming new things True iood hnblta In rooted by the time you reach the titties but they have no stronger hold than you al low them to have its mistake to think you cant change the way you out To prove that years make no mi diilerenco let me tell you about successlui dietcr who Ia by little over year ago she weighed 165 pounds and wore ltVs dress until she do clded to change her iood hair lie and take oil the excess pounds She wrote My husband and were big esters and especially iond ot candy But now that weigh 135 pounds oven chocolate doesnt tempt me When Iirst stortcd to dict and had lost enough pounds to get InIe size III was delighted imagine the thrill when shoppcd tor new dress tor our daughters wcd ding Ind was able to slip Into mt Deal at nitI now walk easier ioei lighter and ears flaunt intend to hot the no lrom now on Assure your dieters that tend habits can be changed new prrIcr this pro tectlvs wayl oi eating About anglng Iood habits Rankin The Inrclatnr ionk tor Itime mrr is shown here At hit grained leather In pale blue sharia terms pump with snipped square tee square throat and narrrl line at Ipsrtorsuoas It setback SPECTATORS FOR SUMMER When you realize that your aim is not Just to banish the un wanted unds but to learn to like tooth7 that are good eating as well as protective you can make game oi acquiring Iood habits The easiest way to break In old habit and cultivate new one is to establish an un broken rhythm untii the new habit Is yours For example by choosing inrlt tor dessert in place of pastry In three weeks or tour pastry and other rich desserts lose their power over you Then you are tree to choose iormcr overweight who had reduced as pounds wrote One day whlle ordering lunch it dawned on me that actually preterred the protective way or eating and so why not continue with the new lead habits That dietcr has it madsl But to answer the question at how old Is too old to reduce lets put the lindt at some where in the eighties The truth is anyone who Is around at that venerable age wont need reducing diet Octogcnarlans are almost always slim Crying Infants XRay Easier lIAliilLioN ICPi lnianla are easier to xrey Ii they are crying Dr Cupclukc dl rector oi the radiology depart ment oi Victoria liospltal Lon don Ont told the Canadian So ciety oi Radiological Techni cians meeting at lilclilnster Uni versity Wednesday Dr Copo sake told more than too radio logical technicians that most children cry with longsue lalned slow expiration during which they are practically Im mobile who 44i slurtmi herl In hrnwn Ieslizer At right harlequin leIrrlt spectator In bisrk and white in combination oi embossed grstned leather and smooth ihla altos also isatum calm ed mum Inc stacked iulher truest top rightl ior hair at any length the Tnpkaot bottom lciti for girls with long hair and tire FlipUp bottom righti ior girls with thick easyto manage hslr ICP Wirepbotoi Fashions Shape Remains Natural TORONID ICP Fashions are changing ishrlc and color but not shape tor the tall and winter season At the union label manuiac Iurers preview oi their cross Canada tail collection oi ready towear laments Thursday the natural silhouette oi the sum mers shiit dress was empha slrcd with knit and textured iabrlcs The relaxed look was de scribed by the showa coordi nator Cannon Lister as the sportive look and teatured ahIIt dresses and Jumpers Deaconess Taught Immigrant Children WRONN CWJessie Oli ver 77 oi Tomato iorrner United Church missionary and deuconesa oi Cedarvale School or Girls at nearby Georgetown died here Wednesday Alter graduating as deacon ess trom Knox College in title bliss Oliver did rrdsslonary work in Northern Ontario Que bec and Saskatchewan She ran mlalon school ior immigrant children while In Saskatchewan belted or belte slightly shaped or loose Ilowlng coats suit Jackets and overblouses Doubleant two and three plece ensembles with ailm skirta and shiit styled jackets and overbiouses were leatured tor daytime wear in vivid autumn shades oi crimson gold green and brown Evening and alterlive clothes were markedly more iernlnina and elegant than day wear with thei accent on crepe and bro ca T0 WED Haas IN JULY Mr and hire Joseph Will iam Derochle oi Barrie have announced the engagement at their daughter Gertrude Ann Derochte to James Raymond ODonnell ton of Mr and litre WHAT THE James ODonnell Val dOr Quebec The marriage will take place on July It at St Marys Roman Catholic Church Barrie st 10 Photos by Faverol STARS SAY Ry ESTRELLITA FOR MIIORROW Mercury aspects somewhat restrictive call for care In writ ings communications generally Personal relationships how ever should prove highly con gcnlal so you should enjoy outdoor sports grout activities andor tamlly gettogelhers FOR THE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope Indicates some challenging business andor job stuatlons during the condng year However with patience and determination you should be able to turn them to your advantage and Iind yourscit at the endoi 1963 not only in tar better position than you were at the beginning of the year but ready to move ior ward at more progressive pace in test There were Indications oi good ilnancial opportunities in August September and Decem ber but It will be important to use good judgment in handling them Dont overexpand in any way and dont make hasty de cislons Personal matters will be govemcd by generally good Influences during the year ahead with romance tavorcd tor the balance oi this month In August and late September travel between now and mid July in August andor Janu ary Try to avoid nervous ten Picasso Lends ArtiSts Touch To Canadian Pas EDMONTON CP The works oi Pablo Picasso will make their imprint on the lash lon world this tall Canadian company and Its American parent iIrm have ob talned permission to reproduce works at the Spanish artist on their line at womens sports wear White Stag Limited New York iIrm with Its Canadian headquarters here last August conceived the Idea oi reprodue lng Picassos paintings sketches and designs on sports WCIII Company representatives tra velled to the South oi France where the szyearold Spanish born artist llvcs Alter ho gave his permission they began the task oi selcetlng works that would lend themselves to wom ens Iashiona Fourteen paintings were chosen Colon range lrom bold bright yellows and reds In Three Musicians in delicate shades on blue background ior dancing tonne oi La Jule do Vlvro and muted black tones to Night Landscape ARTIST illIT RULES Reproducing the masters work on cloth Is dcllc diiiicult task The alnti transicrrcd to the oth in ro lccu not unlike photo rrprlnt IIK problem Is reproducing the entire painting on one section at the garmentIbis was new dttion laid down by licnaao In some cases the cloth had to be cut Ilrat and thcn printed to get the desired three dlmcnrlonhi cited lior garments made In Canada the cut cloth hall to be sent in New York Ior printing On each garment the artists signature stands out cichriy IIanned tor September distri bution lira may at Iaahlons In titlrlrl shirts anklelcngih cu iolirl panthna Iwut shirts and Jackets with Iaiirics rang ing lmm plush plies in mpilne silks cotton knits snd cordon WI OPEN TO PUBLIC Queen Iiiilfliiulill ststs Ipnrl meals at Windsor Castle rre open In the public Vtimt the Iinyai Family Is not in mi drnre STAVNER NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT an elrierty and mules enl patients Excellent iarliltm Iur pm to of semiprivate tiot am cold water In rooms it Istan ed Nurse to stlendancv MARSHALL PM NATIONAL known no mcna sportswear manninctur or White hing ol Canada has exclusive permission to repro duce paintings sketches IlrtII rlraigns oi Spanish artist Pair in IIrnsso lor its tail inairlona iilnnicn tirirr Irlgtrii wears white shirt with reproduction ni llro lnlonta irorn lIcanos plants at ilonor srrira wirlls helm ten llny ran Compare As um nu urrsasiawamr Ann annvrt an rIItI ms Illvrttnl IIII In We Iavlr Inn wanna NI lIIligIUl aanums Alarm It noun Irrnrntm laserulna WIIIIIIIIS FIliiS tiarma listIntro haste who makes and its run only Into Teeeta Dartsp at lA lW Scene Ann iimwn wears shirt printed with the dancing nymphs irom Join De Vim tLl ihnloi Harold Nash Tal i7 and organisations stun In August and October and look tor somo stimulating news in late December child born on this day will be endowed with an unusually charming personality and line artistic ability ANN LANDERS Were All Foreigners Except The Indians Dear Ann Landth That let ter irom Flag Waver really got my blood boiling So he Is In iavor or ship lng tlve million toreigners bac Io where they came irom is her Well im In iavor oi shi ping lit million Iorelgnera ha In lt92 those Iorcignen started to come over here in boatload with their superior weapons Indtheir big one They mun dered plundered and stole this land trom my ancestors who had rightiui claim to it lor cea turics 0i course the TV version shows it another way but any honest historian can give you the straight story oi what act ually happened it you are In terested it isnt very pretty Sines Flag Waver seems so adamant about sending the or eigners back may sug gest he start the trend by he Ing the Iirst to leaveiCIIIEP RAIN IN THE FACE Dear Cbici Thank you tor an Interesting letter and an accun ate lli somewhat oversimpil Ilcdl perspective oi American history BROKEN IV Dear Ann Lenders Im is yearold girl who loves chil llIE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY JUNE 2i not Counterfeit Mink Becomes Reality By JEAN SPRAIN WILSON NEW YORK AP Counter ielt mink the beleaguch hus bands dream will be reality this fail in the garment district here Lou Nierenberg is currentl preparing thousands ior ult mate circulation across the US The iorged mlnks islthtully duplicAIing the rippling narmw strippings oi the letout temale polls are calculated to loot at least myopic wile and neigh bora st 20 paces In the past man has at tempted to collate tho mink tastes oi women with less than mink pocketbooks by dyeing the pelts oi squirrels and muskrats Although these coats were cheaper the prices were still iur coattype This time the mlnk coats coma Irom test tubes and the thrill Is no more than as good cloth cost which these are FURLIKE FEEL This pile tabrlc with turv like tcel II called modacryllc which is dash oi dynel and bit oi verel The ilbre is dyed spun and loomed lntu pile and by electronic processing is con tourcd to the shape at the coat and the likeness oI pelts No years ago when lush dcnae products ol the synthetic textile industry were coming on to tho lashlon xccnc the re search director at huge chem ical corporation conceded then that take mink costs were pos sible llut he doubted that the American woman would want one II every other woman could aitord one too gRESIRIPIIONS we Iiwlyl sin vou prsllla prompt aourisoua service an your doctor about our Murmur next ttm ha wrttas Dvucrlvliu in on Imrrtpuons otrsedus sna dailyred tree or chain CUSDENS flunMam ll DIIIo coulrr It HAllS FOR RENT Suitable to accommodate meetings or banquots up to 400 persons TWO HALLS AVAILABLE Main Ilnll $2000 per In or evening use oi kitchen Iii extra ilail or ï¬ll persons 81000 per day or evening All Newly Decorated For rcservntlonn apply to SecretaryTreasurer Eimvsio Community all heard Eimvaia Ontario We Ospulaliy welcome all agricultural societies mme Jacqueline Kennedy went to ladts last year in leo pard coat which automatically meant that despite the short age at the spotted animals eve cry American woman had to have leopard Those who could altord it paid the skyrocketed prices for the real things but the others were delighted to iind take leopard on the market PAVED THE WAY This paved the way tor take ncelot Persian lamb and otter The lalse Iur wearers played It smart be being held about their Imitatians until lets pre tend eoat became acceptable tashion With this groundwork the time was ripe to lubricate mink Nlcren decided Besides countericltlng mink coats he Is lining leather coats other kinds oi lake iur coats and even hun esttogoodacas lur costs with the tales mink But the coats are the big thing Although nanmink coat buying husbands will be im pressed chiefly with price and lack oi luxury taxes synthetic minka have othcr advantages over the real tar They are lightweight wont change color by oxidation and do not require winter storage No moths not even the lcmals moths llko nonmink mink dren do let oi babysitting andrlta sort at hobby with me although can use the extra money The two iunriilcs where sit mart have small children who zenith be out to bled ear One cse omea as roken TV which the people dont seem to care about getting repaired so have In all around and 13k artmthe ionrbwlis all even can or live hours my boring you are against bah sitters having boy iriendsvlLIt when they are on the job but what about lnvitln girl iriend or two You and once no company but hope you will break down and change your advice because the two women work ior ioliow your column and they are going to do as you say Pretty pleaseISAD SACK Dear Saciu im especially sad that with all the Iascinstlng books that have been written you cant think ol thin to do when the TV koaks out at sit and look at the tour walls wise philosopher once said that the surest test or person is what he does when he has morning to do How do you stack FREE FOOD Dear Ann Landersr person rather close to me is planning an elaborate wedding tor her daughter The woman is not Wealthy but she is not destitute This girl is her only The mother Is telephoning inends and relatives and ask ing them to bring rcireshments tor the wedding bullet My Is signment is so linger sand wicheschicken preteried My sister has been asked to bring large cakeangel Iood prr Ierred The more think about this cheap trick the madder got it seems to me that pic ought to put on the kind afï¬xed ding they can atiordandnol take advantage oi their trienda this way What Is your opia ionilRKED Dear lrkedr It you dont want to bring relreshments to the wedding why dont you say so Some people otter to bring rae Ireshmcnts to attain of this kind but putting the arm on Irlends and relatives pretty brasy manoeuvre mm 7W on TIME was swam 00m My ms 143 warowm so mum To Mme 90 AM seem PA 84277 38 Dunlap INIY POWER MOWER WITH You Can tht Finger You Can Start The New LawnBoy new starter and twlnssperk Ignition makes the 63 LawnBoy 94 easier to start FingerTip sIort Is tawnBoy exclusive no other power mower has It Unique Grasscatchsr vacuum ctennsesyou cuiDeIachos easily ompiios In seconds cnnt clog 8950 HARDWARE ll Duniop St