Hugh Phiiléps who crates stores in Barrie and oiiingwoo has advanced an interestingplan to partition Ontario into four rovinces He has been study ing his sc em for nearly 20 years and he now feels tinI time has arrived to sub mit it to both the provincial and federal governments Any project of this nature is worthy full consideration Some people who are sus icinus of new ideas my seat at hir hillips plan However he de serves much more than brushui£ During July August and September last year according to records maintain ed by Dominion Automobile Association 1253 Canadians were killed an increase roi over 200 from the correspondlng cr iod in 1951 More than 31000 Canad ans Jere injured an increase of 2000 over 61 First Mr Phillips would be creating at least two havenot provinces This in itself wouldbe serious enough but he establishment of metro ulltan Tm ronlo region cut off from rest oi Ontario as we know it today might be disastrous Imam In Cindin mu Nowwlrfl rub Inn mam me no In ml In Aumhvm rm at In In AIII 1M lull Mu MIAMI Ihtull In fairness to him judgment should be deferred until all the facts and all the yamlflcatiuns of such an idea are fully ex lured Nevertheless at ï¬rst glance ourprovlnce deal of thls kind would appear to be lmpractlcal on several counts We may rall at Toronto occasionally largely because at its hogtown com plex and Its ability to gobble up new in dustries But lets also ace the act lthat Toronto with 115 huge populatlon is major source of revenue to the pro vince Once separated Toronto would no longer benefit the rest of Ontario mm rum An YMnuln dmmm Ill quvl 6mm Vlvmnp Inhtnrllnn um 17 unlu nuly moo mu tn Ir In mum VP mnn IMla Partitioning Ot Ontario CouldBe Very Impractical Eveniually in thinlypopulated pr0 vlnccs there would be slowing down of needed facilities including first class roads modern schools and other gov Barrle Examlner June 13 1018 Me Pearson who served in France or three years and was wounded year ago has returned home Cpl William Srnllh formerly with GTR Shops Allan dnle who enlisted wllh 177th Simeon County ballnllnn reporled mlsslng since May ll now llsled as prlsoner of war in Germany Capt John Vnsslc Brown second son Mr and Mrs Jr Brown flarrle who has been overseas vllh lllo RCAMC since 1015 was married In Eng land June 10 to Miss nes Frnser London Pler Frank oules of Bar rle Ix convalesclng ln lrospllal right on Ennlnml mm shell nhnck Ll John Walker who was caplured in June 1010 has been berated in an exchange rlsnner nl war and Is now reported lo In llnllnnd Walker lalcr hr camu divisional englneer at CNN at Al lnndale Mlsx Eva lnwer resluned II leather lo lake pnsllllm ln Owen The first USCanadlan shared holida each year occurs in the July 14 peno In way It signals the start of an open season In the grim motor accident pic ture As long as automobiles cruise the high ways at speeds of 60 mphi and over there will be fatal accidents few com monsense precautions can keep the in evitable under measure of control Extra congestion during the July 14 eriod makes for trafï¬c situations which turn create impatience and chance taklng by normally careful drivers WAR DAYS 45 YEARS AGO you go moreslowly you see more you are not Interested In seeing tho hIln Open Seqson On Drivers NEED MORE OAK SIGNS Ottawa Journnl What his 0111an um LI mnro naknlzna lhIs nun om xmd lmnnrnhln mm1 nun mu rm mm II man mun um mm nl pl rum In ml Illn um um Iuhunn mun mum null runw nmn uum nmm um ll lllrlllllfllfl Cfllllll IAIN nullII MI ll dnlllï¬ll Mn MI IAI IHDNNII UHHIIIVIII Ilh hr rulbd mu mm Walls Publlsher The Barrie Examiner 13mm Examittrr Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE Brian Slalght General Manager nun JUNE 2mm ernrnent facilities The havenote would get some federal help but the huge rev enues raised Ontario as whole would not be availab to every one of the four territories Much more practical than Mr Phillips glen would be closer look at the less iessed areas of the province with the idea of helping them under our present setup Such help is being given now although not in sufficient measure The industries lilr Phillips envisions for all four provinces could come through more serious decentralization effort on the port of the government This newspaper has maintained and it reiterates that the government can bring industry to smaller communities by pro ger incentives to risk capital Great ritain has gone as for as to designate the areas where an industry can be es tablished lrue Ontario is not Britain We have more land less congestion and consequently fewer reasons to force decentralization But these acts are not arguments against master plan to woo Industry to small cities and towns or to build more junior colleges ihroughou the province instead of concentrating them in the To ronto orbit Engllxh nrmlcmlc lrmlltlnn Imam on at mshnpn Unlvorslly which WM minded n9 lllshnpa Tullogn Lennoxvlllo Qua In tho lmh rvnlury mnl Inodlllcd on In ruling qt Oxlnnl onlnrlcs nun when xfnnl students worn II Indy nhslrepcr nus Inl lhosn wlm wnnlml ln nludy In 1mm nml qulnl nml lo harrlcmlc lhnir mums with oxlrn dour nf nloul oak In llnm lhn nak lonrn mno In hr rcspnclml sl lhnl lho nmn bchlml wnnlrrl lo he nnc when they were no humor nmlml Imrrlmdrs the hmrs we re xlnml wllh slum that MM oak Man nodal anhnnl and nmls rnnlnrl wllh his lolluwn llul lhrw Ire IInIUs wlwn 0va the musl urrunrlnnn cmnox In lcrl lhnl nunlnr nun nmrtI Inlnuln lugulher non hell come apart Wu rnch had handy pnckotalml oak sign today llwy ronld lm while at plnsllc and mm Ylmhlrml wu wunhl have may In rum nlwn the world sncnlcd to be unlu lnu un us Mr Phillips could gain many of his points if not all of them through government action at Queens Park One provincial government is less costly than fourr Dont expect your US visitors to know the vagaries oi Canadian motor travel Give them consideration and remember many are travelling in territory strange to them Sound Miss Gertrude iiarper from Tor onto appointed to vacancy at $1150 per nnnum South Simcoe Womens in siiiutes reeicctcd Mrs Sutherland Stroud as president and Mrs Robert Boycs Churchill secretary Boys smoking cigareiles are supposed to have been responsible for fire which did about $15000 damn to business block on Duniop St irda night Most damage done to Step ens mens wear store Wiiiinm iiineres shoe store Devlins dry goods More and Howard Fells jewelry store iwo 0m inrmere Drury and Er Viisen have added ireeturn to their equipment Largo quantities oi oiatees being beughi and sold on conn ruarkeis iieaver Rebekah Lodge No 100 instiluled in Barrie with oil char ter members xii 00 Temple Oiiicern included Herbert Robertson iiNG and iii Anna iiiriieinw Nobie Grand In the case of Ontario this could be case of united we sland and divided we fall countryside through which you axe rassing then the safest way to travel by trqlné 13155 or qir Itsnoï¬nepeslsgry to ï¬avcl ai 60 mph constahuy lust ht cause Its legal While speed In lsell ls cause its legal While speed in itseii is not the killer it is contributing factor in unforeseen emergencies where time is insufficiem to lake avoiding action Dont succumb to chat nYmost univers al human shortcoming to put of depar ture on return journey to the last mln utc Accident frequency alwa peaks out during the closing hours the last dag inuthe hollday Traffic densllg averages three llmes normal during international hollday weekend Three llrnes normal alertness and unremltllng devollon lo the of safe motoring Care courlesy and com monsense ls mandatory Mlss Vlnnlï¬cd Mnrr up ohllul lo publlc achonl caching slnf 3000 HI nry Ill ll IHIIZM nlne Ichrmes unperrlmpnud on llm ludfllunnl bulldlnl Inelh mil um Ivva nl producing Hm um Mm lmlklin whkh In vlugml In the mmnnmlA 1m mm Al llnwm Jnlm Lalnl um Sm mr maid Hm llu uu In Hrllaln nl Ihll ll hm By JOSEPH MOLNER MD It cluse by nu and Is moderately conlnxlous cIIIIy In the age group 15 lo 15 It mm to spread In dor mIlory Imps sunh In col Iues InslIluIInns lhe army ole Prlnclpll symplums he wcnknm an exudnle in lhmal enlarzcmcnl and name Ilmu mum of tho lymph gllndy Ind Al llmcl menu at Hus llmx leo In nlhzr cum us may were or mlld LONlmN Wlth hmuahulld Inl prnxrm 130000 hnmu tar nlvml II Inn Innlxllnx lmunlry In llrllnln ll mlnpumx now and mmlrrn mrlhmls lo ppm up lhn pmdurllrm Hum mumVania houm MMIHO lhmh lyelnl ANIHNL nol only lmhvldunl hnum lml Ibo In mnqu hlvxkl III Ipnrlmmln ur III II hey IIINI In my cnqnlry New law mrxlucllnn mulh mll up mm In lull win luywwl In IAMMMII In he mnllnuflun nl Irmr lhlnrny lllmlu of III whlch ll IG nlllml In hmmy mmpul pow Illrm hum Munrhrmn In hm dun lernmul and ollw rmlnl lvl Mll drmnm We honn prawnHun Ive lwlnl mud lo Irumh nlhrr plum mum In dwrlIlnu un wwlmllnn Hm hull Den 511 Can alleclryour Hands Doe lhu whlte count In lhu blood go up How long does my wllh you Some of my friends hlldren hug bun hll by nuns 97 Delr Doclor 11y husband who In Kare write that he lug It And lhm ullcrvcflocm It hnsm connccllnn with tuberculosis and no them am no nner 011cm nnce he dls use ovar Bul week my be rcqulmd In name use bolero Ind weaknm and llsxiluda In Ill pus lll ulln rut that time no mo cnl cure jun with In common cold Jul Alla like common cold It doesnt klll you Ind you gel aver ll with pullcncc Gull nmpla ml Ind nourlshtng 00d ll lha has lmlmcnl Muflullon cun kccp lhu pallenl morn comlomhln In men um Dur Dr Mum The doctor say hnvn Infectious monunu dam and that lhere no med Icallon um cm cure II He pus crlhcd mL would appreclnlu mu gddlllonll Inlormnllan Den Doclm here any cunncclion with TBlM Wholé hum Idlers Igaiqon mnanuclcgsis Irperclnlï¬lype while cell gredqmlmlcp Ill be blond yhllg ihu dhtnwllullvu blood TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH REPORT FROM ILK lly MrINTVllE HOOD SpeedUp Methods Mononucleosis Does Not Kill Builders Adopting we human Wony MIMI Tallm hugu GETTING BIT THREADBHBE Ilrmllml In nulnly In unlh Kh ll lrrl lhm lmhr mm lurmlnl lhc crlllnl Ind llmr lllh Iml lhn Ildo III mule In cumrm nlmul mm mtth Illhk llnnimlnq nl IN mnurh MIMI lwmmllv Ink Inn Illyl ll lwlu dung In Mm by hul Imlmult Imluul lhl Hth mnulvlv um mouldl In Inc llrywlmd mm tlumd m1 nllmllhul IHII rnucnl In npvnllm tmur Ittuury In mrmmnpuln Iml nu rm nrh In Imnnlh lhnl III ml mllnll no nnl phlcml ml Al Imnmllnlrly umly lor Hppar or pnlnl the Sum Synlem dcvrlw ed anch malnur Thll urnme one the Ir malnr eumll In nhnw whl hn dunu by In now technique nlrmly prnmlm Imprrnlvc null In npld tomlrucllvn hundrrl uy lhII work will ho cnmphlul In Iboul hall the Imc Ihn by ludlllonll hulldln Annlhrr Idvunlnao In In Indul lry wllh mum labor am lhnl lhn Ihnr mpln II lhru lhnn hull lhn norm mum on Thl Is no unusull an huskicsl people Iumcnmu lllnl because of Ilmt or ll lhl light blood Medicl student and nurse onen hive lhll trouble nl llrll but they om ll It happen he llma Inilho um 19 Tim MOUIJHI count and echl mt culled lhe heterophla lnllbody mn llun are used for magnum Al the dlieasn Wines lhu blood re lugxs In normal For Ion ume lnlcclloul mononuclmll hu bun larded as another name for glandular Lavar Jun lhls spring however It was pointed out It meeting the Amul cnn College of Physlcluu Hut allndular Ever term um would by mixed to lomewhn dlflerenk dlluln which occur In chlldrcn ol ugly yum Glnndullr aver II more com minus howaver it doesnt In long Them In enllmmml ol um lindl Ind Ihcn mly be muscle pain but hm In no aludlclerlauc dung In lhl oo Dear Dr Molnu Mlh Ichool unlor 160 poundl and over feel but wary time have shot or hnva loath pullcd cilhcr Ilnl ar eel like Th crrlbly om burmslna Why do do ll Ind how can overcome llllMNT IIEARTED JOHN In psychologlul reaction Subcomcloully your lmlxlnl Hon conjum up leellnuAl Ihouzh perhan not mull lhouzMIol lmpendlnl uln Iruphe There lln much you or Inyonu un do nbaul Wlll lo becomn Adjusted Thll wlll hlppln wnner thin you lhlnk One tiny youll hiv Ihol but be lhlnlnx Ibou or Inyonu un do nbaul Wlll lo becomn Adjusted Thll wlll hlppln wnner thin you lhlnk Ono dly youll hiv Ihol but be lhlnlnx Ibou Aomnlmnu alu Indm mm Imublm This lhuush outwardly the two diseases mm qulle Ilm llur they um um um um ALwAYs Wm me SAME su I1 In wu In Jer uI In ll In yum In the lull any many helleved ln MI um when my In In ml Id whlch In old Love in tha realest 11 Ill game And law came rom By THE CANADIAN PRESS BIBLE THOUGHT Juli Tho Ameriun Conslltu Ion um lnlo force 175 year no loduyln 1788 The mnskllullon wu calm shed in oral lo lurm mu perfect Union eslllr sh Justice ensun domey Uc lrnnqulllly provide or In common delcnca mole the cum wclare and mun the blessing at liberty to oumlvu Ind our polleflly Tahruk North ricl cll to Germnn In Ihu Sccgud Worm Wgr llélihi Mil Céilm of Sumo wu lounded in London TODAY IN HISTORY Seagrams Star Rated Best TfllmlundulhlnlllclnlIupunlllun nl ludlnl nmmn mun Plenum Mui nmouthor in bonerMung MHv muro sullafying Hi genuinon no whllky at populnr price in In um altar tour nnor touz ngnlnu tho throo londlng brnndn In prloo olnnu Cnnndmnl Hkod lhu um of Bengrnmu thr bun HIV you tried this grant whlnky you If not do Io won Ban you dont ngruo wlth the verdict of lhouunndn of other Cnnndinnu and mm boat BEAGRAMS FIVE STAR CANADIAN nvn WHIBKY OTTAWAAs Prime Minister Lester Pearsons Sixty Dnyl of Decision draw to close his critics adding up hi Ichiavemeni Ind often iindinz them in than oulIy lmpres IIVG But decision no alwnyu appmprlalelor lmmedlalu Ic tlon or even for Immediate announcemenL 0n the undue We cm Ilnlcllve Ind sometime now tnwersinl government mm almdy on the order PIP 01 ha House or Common Enoulh work to keep Pull ment busy for mnny weeks nm the Conservallve Oppoal Hun would lEek to deny lhls work wu anticipated by Ihu Uherals but even the best friends lhl opposition con fess that 1L1 peflormanca In 031 yespecl hasjnllen arshurï¬ The comment mused in wida circle oi disturbed Tory MP by this and similar miles is link their numerically man opposition is woefully lnellec live They certainly min the debating laienl oi Davie Fulton and Dnnnid Fleming and line win experience of Howard Green the expected llandards of parliamenan Isluuneu 11m chrnniclcrs will almost carlalnly record that Gordon Churchillu lnuoducllon the reportedly forged Butlerwnrth leuer 1n the House Com mon was sorry error whlch turned much sup rt may from paer Ilrea suffering ebh tide Also pmmincn man the mined Conservmlva paiilicinn in Hour 11on Michaner Speaker of the House thmugh wo parlla ments He prnvnd himself very ciiecilve in opposition undcr the leadership oi Georg Drew Roly did not bccumc one of Canadas gm Speakers but he pmscssnd ntLrihule which hrouxhl hlm bnih respect and popularity in lhai role His charm his good sense his linen billngunlism and spa cially the gradomncsa vi his wiie Norah lo assist him hll very active hpglessr Tgnlas Mlss TALENT into the vol crcalcd by the unwillingness other lop Tories lo undertake niiiclai un ierlninlnfl on Plflinmeni lilll And his wllo who xlnppcd In lvlnx frequent lunch palHe In the Speaker Chambers Ind nrmnl dinner and nlllclal cepllnns and especlnlly enter ulning the ambassador ar elzn powm prnwcol Ind cur natlnnal hospillllly de mandcd GIVE LIBERAL DUE Speaker Mlchencr suffered the humilinllon nf seclug ard number our dcpmy Speaker promoted aver his OTTAWA REPORT Await Announcements On Some Decisions By PATRICK NICHOLEON heed into the Conservellve ubi net Couflemanche Sevlzny Flynn and Martineeu When his term ofllce ended he was dismissed unrewrded Into the limbo In mocking contrast to his Liberal predecessors who whenever paulble received the golden handshake of appoint ment to cabinet ports to ï¬ll Senate or to LleulenanlGov emarshlp One oi Mr Pearsonr limiil cani but unannounced neckionl is reporicdiy in homes lhl best ovaiinbie inieni irom whatever pariyi in ihe lervici oi Condomuch President Kennedy iron done Thu Imonl mnny Libero appointments Conservativs Roiy Michener in said to be ilbbcd ior appoint ment as Imbanandor Job in which ha wiii brinzgmt credit in CInndI Howard Green who won ior himsoli the title oi Mr Nuclear Disarmament is in hove iuriher opportunity in work ior Condo and for humanity possibly throuzh up poinimeni lo the Sennie And another Imminent Consmnlivo in being mnlidered inr the lponsibia position no head oi golernment cammissipni wnuld Ilka lo exund my alu ms thanks to all who putch paled In our 196 Red Shleld campnlxn thl yuan Mr Wlltm Creed undertook llle canvas n1 tlu bualnesa Ind Induslrlll lec lion and received line support ron manx cgny Then are some 01 the lub mergcd ninelamb of the decl Ilona made Prime Minister Pearson durnl Um day Canada II only seeing like In lceherz the expand onelenm Dear Sir Thu residenllnl blitz thll yam was Again pronounccd xuc tau due to tha excellent or unlzlng by the ward upuins mg lhelr secllon lieutenants Army and llmsc who will bent ï¬t from the scrvlcel WI can render wall an from myscll or your klnd support duran my lhrcc yurl ln your mldsl wlsh to fly henrly mank yon one Ind Yours Ilncmly GILLESPIE lMIMrL The response public was great ever The lulnl received to dim L9 $865 Thus our work will be car ried on with In usunl vixnr lhnzuthug rye gaminuflonlps SEEK MORE HELP Mulls livan nlone are more llllely lo ml kcntmcnl ln psychlulrlc cllnlc lhan Ire mar rlcd adults lays ho llelllh League ol Canadl LETTERS TO EDITOR