Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jun 1963, p. 16

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ux 4M AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY INIIIIEI Tlll hr anrna Imululr met Mull nl Mn Wilhcd Aml Ilrmnl JohnInn um gnml al uminum lrrlldml Mu Twm human muldrd Rummy Mn Don Mclpml nu Ibo lmmmn mum ml lho In mu Annual mmvl nu plum Md uh mm mm In Mlul Mum Scull llauuhlrr Mr Aml Mn Junk Mull wu Huntr III Mlu Vrlnlryl unhllnl In makan Unllul lumh finhmlny Mm Rum Inrlmltd Mr and Mrs lmnn Km Mr Ilml Mrl Lluyll Hm llr nnd Mn livIL anu mun ull am Mr nnd Mn Hm HIM lly Mml ll JUIINMON Mr And Mm Iulhr MM nml Mrl Mnuluul Ilunm nllrlul NI Yuma Mu lluhhmm mnlhrr Pill IIuanu nl Mil hrll Squaw iymxmlhy Iv rl Irmlru lu MI and Mu llnhlm ll ml lulllllyl The illllm xtllln Ind Jnhn And Frank Krll Mcnmlumlrd lry Mr lnnr vhll rd slmcnu Mnuur Imqu an fiumlny Mrmnu nml mpplinl munlc hm mu Noll 01 Gillnrd nllrndtd llul th lemml Cnnlrrrncn Al Kuvhk Musknkn Inr ho Unllml Churrh mm from Frldny unul Sunday Mu FlmlIny Orlllln IA vhllnr will Mm Mchcmlc or dumplan urrkn Syrup my mmmunlly In cxrndrtl In irnrgr llulwls he dch 01 Ms wllr Mu llvhcrl hpxpllnl In Ilnrrlc Mr And lpcnl Um wcrkcnd In um Mlu Wrmnr Vlsllud wilh her mrmh Mr and Mrs Vrnvnr or he wccktnd Mr and Mn Alvin Mnulnnd and Inmlly ram Grnnd Fnrkn leh annln USA were Thur any vlsllnr mlh Mr nnd Mm Ehcn snyvyrr Cnnprnlulhimm to Mrs Lnlklc JnLk ml of dnughlgr By MM SMVYER Mm Laurn 51cc Tornnln Isilnd durlnn lhc Mckmd with Mr and Mrs lnul Russell Mls Slule home ls In Mnnllnhn and the hns spent many years In Mr mlssonnry Mn Robert Maxuirn and child run spml last week collage IlWnsugla ppncht 31 and im Gilbert nalnm and lumlly spent last week wnh friend in Toronln We welcnmu In our commun My Mr and Mrs Jim Clurkson who we murrlcd June They hnva mnvod lnln hn house my bought from Tom Hulchlnsnn be lurc the Hutchinson mmd lo Om Iliaand Mrs Nelson Ivy called last we on Mr and Mn Norman Wood Arthur Vau hns returned in his home In Callingwood after npcndin some time wilh his daughter Mrs Vllbcrt Maguirc Tho music cslival Mincsing Central School and Mlncsing Sla lmn school uner he dlmllon ol Mlss Rumble was held Lecfinlly In the Anglican Church By MRS FRALICK It was shock In many rlcnds ma late John Slandcn to learn of his accidental demh in Tor nnln He and Mrs Slandcn were crossing the street when my were struck try car Mr Stan den died almost Instantly Mm Slanden was unconscious for lime held June Mr and Mrs Harvey Simp sun atlcudcd Decnralion Day service at Ebenezer United Church Sunday last and had dinner with lhe ormcrs sister and husband Mr and Mrs Har lan Wilson of Guelph Bob on son of Mr and Mrs James Eullcn will he glad to learn he grnduatcd rum the Unlvcrslly Toronto recenlly He will teach lhls coming year at Saul Sle Marie Onlnrlu Mr and Mrs llullen and friends nllended the gradua llon Convocation Hall Tm rnnlo Many frlnnds rmn Iown called on Mm Jame Irwin on her and hlrlhday June 13 Miss Oiive Tullen celebrated her aslh bull day Monday June 17 Con gratulallnns and best wishes to holh nljhegujlrand ladies Mr imid Mi Vexnun Verna Mae and Sandra Saturday In town TWO ELDERLY LADIES Mmficrlrudo Mahcr Tor onto and Mrs Laura Sanger 01 Noblelnn cailcd nxcsdny last on their parents Mn and Mrs Charles ongnry Canxraluialinns and has wish es lo Yvonne Bnissannnuii youn gar daughter ni Mr and Mrri Cyi Boissunnauit of Taitcnham and John Peiric who were married in La Angeics Caii iornia May 24 1981 They pinu to make their home in Caiiinrnla Waiter Walknm and his bride Juannnile OToole were married Saiurday Junu 15 in Burling am They will reside in Bramp un By ETHEL W1C RECENT MARRIAGE Mrs James fough allcndcd BrendonWcsuake reunion 13 Bond Read Saturday TOTTENHAM GILFORD MINESING RUGBY Ntilly Imer Mr and lhu hkrlh Wicc spent Mu mm mm n1 Klnm Inn mm the wrrkrml wllh Mr an Mn Ulllilld Umdunl am unurnlulnlluns In Min hmm by FM Im llll firmlunllnn hum Tnnmln HalI thrml lluipllnl 1mm ul Nuulnu nu Juno Mh Mr and Mn llunnhi Fox wrvn Tunum June uhrn Mn Flu uummlnl lhn moth nml dnunMrr Ira lur umhmlln mqu Al Hm Normal Nuxplla 1m mm uvmlnu Mr FnL nml Dnmlhy nllrmhd lather nml dnluhhr lmnquel MM III Many Mulel Mary ml Knlhy Flu him than mvmu or he urmlnnllun rmmmlu hold nl Tourlwr IllunTurnru IMIWATIZN Ml mu MIL Mthnrl Mur Mlllnn 1w Immn Wan Vlrlmln IN mmumuc lhu IIIIHI mu hnnnlll Gray Jlm In Kmmlum lnr Tn Vrhh Crnluvnler Twrlm lnhlrx llll wrro ulayru ul Slrnud llnll Mnndny nlxhl Wlmlrrl wm Mum lllllll Ilurnn Mm anh mnn much and NHL Kell Hum Lrnnux llle thm Hnnln nnd Tum linmlun Lunch Win wncd luy Mrl Mrl Wk um Mu lluyd NTIIUII JUVENILE Muntlny nlglll Slrnlld ernllu foumlyrll In ml and rum mm llw Mlnnrxu by Fll any nlllvl In lhrlr ml mum Sham nunlnxl Innmow If VGIMYUIATIII Dnnl nrucl lhu nuthro Imd xlnnrc In Slruud Community Hull Friday Juno umlcr nuxpim lexrnlo Lodge IMLII 110M CHI Inr their nnnunl spring supper Jun 17 11 member oi iii Gun 49 Club journeyed to Food iinvcn nt nrndiard where they enjoyed dclci0us Chlnnsu dinn cr Durinr the evening liirnr Minn Gardiner who is moving in Harrisburg was presented wilh in gift Mrs itill Mnchnnld was the rcrlplcni at mnny bcnntl iul aim for her baby dnughitr itcntncr The door prim pink Mricnn vlnlel donnth by Fred Jackson was won by iitrr Bruce Pinkncy in the business pcrlmi with prcxldcnt Mrs Carrion liixi pruldinx enrh mnnhtr nnswcrcd thn roll call by daunting sunshine gilt inr the Cancer Society Mu tttx rnnuunccd thnt inli activities will bcgln with the Oriohcr mtci Inn in he held nt thn homn Mn Iiun an l1 MR5 MULHOLLAND 49 CLUB One ul our well known resi lenls Mrs John Friend died last week in Stevenson Memorial linspilal Alllslnn at an age or war 90 Mrs Friend resident of the Township Tossaronlln lor number ol years was woman Whv look on aelive port In ehureh affairs and was well liked by all who knew her She was great homemaker and always gave helpinfl hand in anyone In need She will be missed in lhls neighbourhoodl Sympnlhy ls exlcndell to her sons and daughlm Some Iarmm In our district are busy with their hay lhls wank and by all reports there bumper crop MES JQIIN FRIEND Mn and Mrs Clarke and am fly accompanied by Miss Sandra Duncan spent the weekend with Lends lr he Mukoka Dishm Toinghlp oi Tossoronlln mad department are busy lhh week laying 95 ofgravel 15 mg Robbin on Sunday were ML and Mrs Larry De Wilde ol Bunie and Mr and Mrs Reg Knox and son Lanny accompanlcd by His Sylvjq line all Toruma Mr and Mrs Ken Stewart and amin of Toronto spent the vcfkenq aK home hare By nonnms Congratulations In Mr and Mrs Ernie Wilkes who were married in Everett United Church Saturday aimnoun June liner trip tn Niagara Falls and Euiiaia may will mgirc theiriromr in Everett County erallon Agricul luro rural scrvlce ls to be held in Emn 0m Presbyterian Church on Sunday June 23 at 230 Everyone ls cordially ln viled la atlcnd lhl scrvlce Tho Rugby group of iila Fad craiion oi Agriculture me at home oi Mr and Mrs Mel iud hopc Friday evuning President lloy Rutherford presided and several items oi business were under discussion The annual picnic oi Womens lnsiilule and Fodcralion group in lo he held Wednesday evening July 20 in Oro Memorial Park Supper nt 10 wiIiI apart allowing Congratulallan Mr and Mrs Lloyd Ham on the birth of son hrolher tarBah barn Barbara lsslaying with her grandparents Mn and Mrs Albert Home ed slon during ha weekend JOINT PICNIC the MI The 4H leadm or lhav all unit Warklng with Wool are Mrs Jlm Langman and Mls Marion Hume The NH call was answered by naming an Mslnr Ical place near home The pro gram Historical Research un der convenership Mrs Al bar Home had members xlve historical rcpniLs thelr arms and lulcggstlngfinypcnlngs In pa and Interesting happcnlngs In cognynugily vghigh gm Orlllin vlslt STROUD EVERETT Juno In llw bntrtmrnl II lnnln luppnr wM ohunnl In lmhylrrlnn rhurrh Mum mw Ilwmlwrl Hm wrlrvnml and lama mnmunlhm luanl many will nllrml Jurk ernlrr will mum ll Blmphin ml puhlkfly Lllllllfl Nl7llflll Willlnm lllmh Mmlln wnl lumen ml nvemll chalunnu Mn Mlllllll II rulllnl 0pm mull ml mmmlllrl nml nlllru lrmlrll lur Jmm Ill llo huwa lnnny wlll nllrm Jurk wdulrr wn ducldcd um um pm ade would rrpcnlnd will Ins ytnrl tonvrnu Mm Mclvllla Cook ngnln hrmllnz ll mm wlll mlsl Ill wile nuy nm In an Iwn ollm rnuplu In hrlp WI unrlcrhlnml Mr nnd Mm Willi Torrlunn Conksluwn And Mr nml lllrl Jlm llcnry wlll nld In ll mmmillru linnnm Nmmlllto wnx lnrm ed cl luk lllchnrd lrall llur don Man ml lL Hlmnkln Il wnl suflnlul llm nvcnlnfi Inlrrlnlnmcnl hour Ill nlmrlrn lilcwurhn mull be slnrl ml nu mm dnrlulr pfnnlll Ilrum wlrn Ilntuld llnlml Inn and lJdtllo Vrhh mm mm mmAcqmmllhr Council promistd nny BM5 lnncu possible lo lhu tommfllcu plunninfl event IL filmy kin L1 mommy and Cnmphcll chnirmnn Cmmcll mcmbm were all pre bml Not all film will be able nllcnd he plcnlc July 20 Councillors Allen Tudd and Ebcn Sawyers will be nllrndinx wedding nnd Deputy Reeve Cnmpbcll wlll ho lxolldnylng ln he wrxlcrn rmvlncu Rccvo Jnscph Cochranc and Jack Tor lflm lllry Wnuld be pru an number Inlercskd Inn lzlil xiiizms mel at the wuncil chambers Strand Vcdncsdny cvznlng to plan Innislil Day It will be held on July 79 In com Juncllnn wilh he brick and roll In pin Unruwing contest at Inn lshl Pnrk short mcellng secretary Mlss Bonnie Camp brll Glen Huron rmding the minutes Fraser Campbell nan nc will be prcsldcnt or 1964 with convcnors Mrs Harry flawley Corbcllon Mrs Wil Iam Gordon Cmmorc and Mn Dean Po Mclplyre The 196 reunion vvill be lucid In the same place on lhe third Salurdny In June INNISFIL DAY Al pm pm den Wnllnu Campbell Collingwood called all lo the meal convened by Mrs Fram Cnmpbcll Barrie and Mrs Duncan qamqbcll Sproud Salurday June lskhrsaw tha galhoring the Iamlly Ihe lute Alexander Campbell and Aflms Alldn for their annunl reunion at Mldhursl Park Over 40 attended The Ilme went quickly lricndshlp were unwed and the new member Robert McLeod lwtrmanlhsold son of Mr and Mrs Donald Mc Leod was admlrndpy Al ILKUI AND DELIVEIIY Thom Ill l1 flMllllF Uphhmln In our mm nu Nil lull IllL FAMILY REUNION Mr and Mrs Dwight Nelson had family galhcrim at their collagr Big Bay Point on the weekend wilh Dwights brother nrd sister there The general meeting of strand UnIted Church Women was hEId In tho church June 11 with good attendance Report were presented by unit and commIt tees New plans or visiting el derly shutInt new parents and neighbors were prmnled ha of clothing lor oversea re liel had been packed Members worn reminded ot the bake sale In the summer Unit July 19 Unit July It and Unit Aug letter from Miss Beth Huddlestone rnlssionary nurse in Ecuador was read Attention was brought to the Keswlck conference for Women Approval was Elven tor the holding of the Prcshyttuinl tall rally in Slroud Oct 11 Some funds were provided or the supplies tor vacation school The group agreed to be responsible tor lur nIshIng the double room in the new wing The parsonage com mitth reported paint and turn itur needcd The worship serv Ice was conducted by Mrs Fa gan and Mrs Goodyear on Chriy iian Citizenshlp and Social Ac tlon ltlrsr Btack spoke at area where womens influence is needed and of the importance of public opinion in that res pect Mrs Pratt sang solo IA social hour followed the meet ng fly MRS CAMPBELL Mu James ACnurt Bessle Hunter and three dauxhlurs of Sandrlnghnm Drivr Toronto and Mr and Mrs Bill Hunlnr spent the weekend wllh Mu Jack Hunter at Lganardl Beach UllflED CHPRCH WOMEN Bob Johnson and frlen Bruce MacKlnnon New Ton onto visited the farmers grand parents Mr and Mrs Davld Junnson nver the weekend Mu Ralph Hedrlch Grace Gor don of La Angelcs cm is ending munlhwilh her pan Mr and Mrs Francevand children spent weekend will Mgand Mn Llqu welqb enlm BAY CITY UPHOLSTEMNG ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK nuulnll flunidu Afr Esllmnttl nnAnfimn Congrnlulnllnnn In IIIIl Unllnp MI wlnnlnn Illa Invrmnrllrnrrv nln Trophy or alr pvolltltncy In Onlvm Humlay Mr nd Cnlr and Mn and Mn nrlu Iu mt lnrrd In Sunvlritlne Tursdny In vlnll Mr nml Mn IL Money wlm mm In an nulvmnblln nrcl drnl Vnrd has been rtrrlml Hm dram In Mr Mny Trnrycke ul Young Snsknlrhewnn Min Ton ryrke Hm emur hluy flunppcl Wlll rnlmi In lllln vlclnlly on lnrm nnw nwnrll hy Wmmr Dnhsnn She Mn nn Iunl Chnrlu Colo Mr nml Mn Clmlxlllcy Ilhl rclumcrl home nllrr II mnnlhx ucnliun In England with nlnllm nm vm nl mm ma front lhc rllurch Sunday mnrnlnx mmu mm In unnlrn of Mn Claughlryn ulster In ltlrrhnrflu IInxlnnd Mr and Mn PL Schcll hnvu rrlurncd In their homo In Ynsil nnllI Mich Inkan Mru Schnll lnlhcr Ilnhm Ilnlmu wilh ham or lnll The puplls of he junior mnm nt Pinezruvn nhonl ulnnu with hair lcachcr Mrs Orr and some paronls cnjoycd luur nl Hm seed plnnl at Angus Fridny emoon Afterward my wcnl lo Iho park or nucallon and but dons By FRED FRASER Servlccsin Um Baplisl Church far June an 11 am Mr Milehcncr will bring the mnssage funnel from Orillia will sing VLsilnrs and newcomer He cordiafly anilcd ram this area who attended he opening of the new wing or the Royal Vicloriu Hos pilal were much surprisst by me modern equipment and con vcnionccs Congratulation to Beverly Ann Mars and Gordon Gilbert who were married In Slluud Presbyterian church June 15 Mrs Third spent the week and at the home of Mr and Mrs Nelsen anson and allcnd 2d the GilbertAyers wedding onSaturay 11 group stopped In Humillon to shop and have dlnncr Con vener of the trip were Mrs Hamid Wallace and Mrs Gor dan nix Next slop was nllela Height Road Branuord where hislory was made by Alexander Ggham Bell In 1814 Rolling again the bus arrived at he next stop the Addufde noodles Hnmeslnad St George Here lunch was enjoyed in the heauliml lawn This shop with Ils tour of the Homestead was special Interest to WI mem bars as it was the blrlhplam heir founder Adelaldc Hunk er HoodICSs It was purchased by Federated Womens Institute Canada and is being reslured Knuth period 18581910 Recmly your correspondent joined Ihe members nl Stroud Womens Institute and their Iriends or the annual bus hip The first sop was Calvert Flawers of Distinction Brnrnplan Sorry In report Lewis Irving pnliem in Barrie Royal Victoria Hospital We wish him guickurelurn lo heallh fly MRS CHARLES COLE Mr and Mrs Cllflord Webb Thornton Mr and Mrs Eben Sawyers Gururd and Mr and Mr and Mrs Campbell Strand spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Russell Day Crccmare and allended memorial day at Crfcmorg Unlanfigmegsrg MIN md dedication ol the new chapel will be held at Sixth llne cemetery innlsm Junezl at pm Ollie lallng mlnlstzr wlll be Rev Bell MA Ruthed Jackson MA El and MrT Page The cemetery board ls hoping or good turnout Members are proud of the new phapcl and vault and am pleased to report only $900 ls sllll awlng an the nulldlng They appreciate part Icularty the spectal effort of ltlrsl Jack whase assistance made the chapel possible A1 cnamona The July mceum of the WMS will be held July at the lmme Mr and Mrs Frank Cowan Mrs Hand will have the study hook Tea hasslesse wlll be Mrs HandJnd Mrs Oowan MAIDICATIONV SERVICE the semen by RevW Bei The anthem by the chair was much gnMed WEST 0R0 GRENFEL Randi Sher pson were two of the models Ihu Zellers fashion shnw held Ldroy Thom nllcndlng lmm Shanly any ware Mrs Ralph Inkling Mrs Bowman Mrs Has Simpson Mrs Gordon Sim lABATlS SUMMER PARTY Mrsl og nd Mrs John Campbell ntlcndcd the Bar rie and District Home and school Council meeting held in King Edward School Monday vpning rs Fred Wm nnd Mrs George Spearn Allcndnlc spent Sunday with Mr and 11 Cecil Sutton mn novcmz or Willnwdale visited his cgysln gnu flqlghl By mm wommv Jack Wright 511ch lbs week and with fiends at Grace Lake WHbcIfDrcn Miss Doreen Smilh Mean graduate of Weslem Hospila spent the weekend with her par ents Mr and Mrs Harold Smith and boys wrfllhin naxnrom ol Hnrrle was Sunday visitors with Mn and Mrs Harald Smith and am th Mr and Mrs Ross Usher 9L Eimvaie Visited Sunday evening ath home oi Mrs Clarence Aikinsuni Mr and Mrs Slcvu Rawn hurl Mr and MrsvCliflnRawn and family were Sundny gueslsml Mr and MrsAllen Sinclair and family nfqulingugood fiunfim from here attended nnnlvorsaryuseryice 31 Knox figgrch Crgssland Sunday vlst ne Locke Staynerhut Mr and Mrs Bells Mrs Tyrwhm Walk ace Elmvale with Mr and Mn Russet McElwain Mrs James Smith and Mrs Harry Barth wlclt Etmvale with Mrs Sam Allen Mrs Smith Pene tanguishene with Mr and Mrs George Smtth Mr and Mrs Melbourne Bamns Stayner with Mr and Mrs Barnes VB MR5 WANLESS Mr and Mrs Archie Wanless and Iamlly spent Sunday at Co hours wilh Um lauers mother Mrs Cowper and other rejallves Anniversary service was held at Knox FlosLJune 16 Rev RitheStaynex was gupst speaker Thure was good at tegdaqce arbour xervlces By MRS ALLEN Mr and Mrs James Slrnlh attendcd the graduation the Royal Victoria Hngpilal cou sln Miss Jean Amitage Sud bury wpn prize or surziul nufxin John HoodY Wasagn Beach wés recenrvisllpr with Mr and Mljs games Strath ThocasoforsorvlngbgfllalonmagonTnoiour msytany my make carrylng coollng and serving clnchl So alter your guosts mm 50 ale and Pllsonur Inger bear with Labaus Summer Party CumFIRST from LADITS III FOUR EASYCARRY TRAYS SHHNTY BAY cnossmnn NEW PLOS ngving ale or lawyer0 Paul McCarroli ntiqrcnto vis itcd an the weekend with his parentmflcv and Mrs McCar roll or Sunday he was guest speakér at the anniversary aerr ices at Craighurst Presbyter Church Mr and Mrs Archie Currie visited in Stnyner Saturday with Mrs Currles sister and hmihcr inIaw Mr and Mrs iL Sharpe and with Mrs Curries mother Mu Neil who is pal Mr and MR1 Alvin Black mora and Susan and Mrs Troller Pclerbornugh vlsilcd on Sun dny with lhg ormers parents 31533 fr plackmm Mr and lilrs Calvin Marlin and son Johnny ol Mimlco and Mrs Mildred Gopd Hamilton visited Sunday with Miss Cnrriu ilnrling Russell and Bill Marl nzi Mr Lnd Now stead at Toronto spent the week end with thia tatters parents Mr and MrSuArchlc Curric Mrs Dori Ross Puuta Anne and Lane visited In Tarnntq with Mrs Rossshmther and sister inlaw Mr and Mn Cecil Llnyd during the weekend Mrs Ross aunt Mrs Sarah McEnchern turned with her or wccko visit Mr and Mrs Frank Clakke and Healhcrol Bolton vlsllcd Sunday with Randolph Harris Sunday visitors wilh Magnd Mra Hulsq Monlgumcrywere Mr and Mrs Albert Crmwnll at Schamhcrg John chle Kellen Mrs Eser Walc and son Robert or Weston am Mr and Mrs Ccci Baker Valefla tenet of qmberg By Mst ANliERSON Mr and Mrs Frank Clai and Healhcrol Bolton vlsH Su willh RandqlphA flan good crowd allcndcd the l7lh annual spring lesuval held in Ora Park June l8 undar the dimcllan of H1Dcmpscy Tha rhythm band from Ihe Shun ly any school grades and played Turkish Marchby Beethoven Mails Evans Paul Martin and filly Martin gzlcndcd the Blue Henry wedding in Tomnlo Mr and Mrs Téd Siypersk andfamily have moved to lhelr new home In Hnrriu Mrs Henson has returned home alter lpendlng few weeks an Toronto Mr and Mrs Alan Bowman Mr and Mrs Alex Bowman Sr and Mn Wonley attended the annual ban Sympathy extended lo Mrs Roy Suttonnnd Mrs Rnnald Young in deth at their uncle Charles Harrls Ban1m and Mrs chklfig held We at the lucky draw Mega Ralldren mm bade want Nlagara Fails on hair angina bu Ilflp Get the best of both COOKSTOWN Mrs Thomas Excll and Mrs Andy Lakalo Jr visllcd is Joe Day is patient In St Michaels Hospital Torunlo lho guest speakérrnt the Km ann iversary of Ike St Andrews Pqeshytcrian WMS at Molcswnr lh during the past week On thnday Rev MpCarroll was the guest minlslcr at he loath Anniversary service of An nduws Preshyltrlnn ChurchI Mulgswnrlh allyVaanlan Bble Sbth will be held in thaCookslown Prepbylcrlnn Church min July udvtn July 121 Inclusjve rpm 330 an In 1130 am Inclusive quday to Frldny Mrs Mo am he lepd Dr andelra Irvin Pcevcr SandraDnuglas and Gordon Pittsburgh Pa visited few days with Mrs Peevera par ents Mr and Mr Wilbur Good follow on mule lhqlr home In Winnipeg Man Clarenée Gno fellow Tdrunlo spent the week HId with his parents Mn and M11 Gnodgellow Mr and Mrs George Flldey and family vlslled Sunday In Mnnln wiLhMr and Mrs Don Liypbcrt$garborqughi Mr and Mrs Jon Davis and family Toronto vlsilnd Sun day with their parents Mrs Hglry Daylsgnd thjlcponnld Mr and Mrs Cy Harlal Tor onto visited my the weekend with lhé lullers slsler and bra hcrlnlaw Mr and Mrs Mel Brayman Mrs Tomes ofTarunln Visiting wilh her daughm and sunlnlaw Rev and Mm Howard Vlsltnrs during the weekend wllh Mr and Mrs Norman Bak er were Mrs Violet Hutchinson Mr and Mn chnla Wagg Rhonda and Reynelle 01 Toronto and Mr and Mrs Allan Green Sherry and Shelly ul Fergus on In the General and Marine Hggpltal In Collingwood Mr Plnkney who has been patient In the Nonhwcslcm Hospital Toronto has rammed to hte home in town ll THE BARR EXAMINER FRIDAY JUNE CommerclalOr Industrial Photos Passport Portraits Film Déveloping CALL SMITH STUDIO For Own fly MRS KEN BUSH UTOPIH PA HUI ML and Robert Ross gm Mr and Mrs John Dewey Hamilton sppnlSundny with Mr nnd My Gggrgo Mn ajlid Mr nam Ball at Barrie vlsitcd Frank 5de Snde evenlng Mr and ME Jack chan and Dawson vlsllcd Mr and Mn Ania 011 uggay Bill Gallup and Don Welr aw In Oshawa on breakfast flight Sunday marnlng While an Bill won first prim the G6 er nufGeneg Air filmy muth nurnal Mlelllam Gallop and lllld ren vlslled ln Carley on Sunday wilh Mr and Mrs ArmsLmnl Ind Hull Johnstauel mu Gallop and Mrsand Mrs Hem Baldwlck Bnrrle vlsled Q1 TExellln Toronlo haspfilll and melWMr and Mrs ch Clouahlcy at Mallon Illpm 5a urdpy ev Mr and Mrs Brice Miller spent the weekendwllh lrlehdl ln wlndsur duuuamum Mrs William Gallup andjlr and Mr Andy LakltaslJrJ vlsllcd Mr and Mm Buck Exell Mr and Mn Jack Biron and Joanne Scarborough spent the gfifkend with Mr and Mry 161m Sunday vlsllols wlthMr nd Mrs John ElllSr were Mr and Mrb Jack Elli Jrpnd family atria Best wishes are exlcnded to Mrs Fred Ross who opened clothing store in Barrie Plan week ago 7m and Mn Maurica Earl wick and family called In lhe Gallop Sunday waning Mr find MrsKcn Bush vialed Mr undMra Thomas McKee In Mlnesing Saturday evengng Exell In In Oflhopedlc Hospital In Toronto on Thursday Mrs William Gallop spent Thursday evening wllh Mn Welland In Angus Mr and Mrs Dan Weir Emil vlshcd Mr and Mn William Gallop an the weekend napm VALL nuns Tllfln SI PA Mm SIMCOE morons MECHANICAL SERVICE RAYSBODY SHOP Specializing in BODY WORK

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