During Auzul September Ind Deczmbcr louk Inr chance Io Iurlhcr your IInantlul pro gms Avnld untuuonlxlni olh during hose perIods haw aver or you cnuld dIm the MM prospccll ahead Travel Inl In connccllun uIh cIIhzr bullnm or pleasure InIe lhlx manlh In mly July August Indor January muld yIcId ex colltnl mull um you are lInlIl lhcrn II Indlcnllun oI new mmuncn late this munlh In Au nm or early Seplomher no not put lno murh IanI In no hnwcvcrr Achua burn an lhlx duy wï¬l bu veunlllc cxlrtmcly bcnew knl and Indlncd lawrd lhu Ill mry vinhie Ia pu your forward or iho next six months linen ihml chance in especially attract than lu pcrion who keep parilculnr on your eiiomi Dispiay your original and clever ideul during this period since even beiolodiy recognition oi your ï¬ll il indicniod in into 1061 If 01qu la ynur birthday our hnroscopa Indicates that pl mullerl would be rqu numbw ale good rind or consaiidniing ï¬nances This does not mean that any Ipeclni manciary gain in indl cnitd hut rnlhcr ihai it would be iino day in which to bai Incn ynur budget collect on outstanding dobia make sound nviaionl in your iiscnl pm mm andY in cncral in put ï¬nancial niiairs on mild Ioundaiinni FOR TOMORROW The bride In tha daughter Mr and Mn Georg Burton of Strand The bridegroom 13 the Ian Mr and Mr Harold Hadley of Marion Crescent Barrier Basket lilacs tulip and narcixsu created Ihe background setting or the late allemnan ceremony June CenQral United Church was the ï¬ling or the weddmg of Miss Kathryn Ros Bunon In Jamel Burton Badlei with Rev Reyg qmcl Dunlap SI Em BARRIE THE STARS SAY BuhlndlhEICCHE members of the Barrie Kinetic prepare boxes of roses which were sold yesterday on nnnua Rose Day The amual day is sponsored by Blossom Setting For June Wedding Remombor Gardeners ler Inwcrlng bushes and plnnln not only mlml huuly in your Iroporly but 4le hrlp to Increase It llnanc 11 wurflL lhnrcforo hey are valu able mot nml mould bu Ircnlcd nu uurh Inrnnml Seed Company can Aupply you with any inscrllrlde nr hllghl Ynlwn an my nml Ho protect hose plan hy Hopping In to PARSONS i553 By ESTBELLITA York Stale llnmlllon Taranlo anernvlllz Parry Sound Grl venhunl Alherley Elorn Aye nn Coaperl Full And Sparruw 0n relum from the weddlng lrlp In Toronm Nlagan Fall and Buflnla New York he nzwl weds wlll mlda at he AhmclApanmenll Browne SL Grinvcnhum MR9 Fm travelling he bride chose sull gnld lnncd French brnndtlalh cnhnnced with whlto Icceuorlu Hebrldezmml mothe as listed ullired In bclgo boucla ensemble with brown accessor IM and cumin TAIme mm Fallowlnl the wedding copllon was held at Clansmana Lodge Blg Bay Point Receiv In the guests ha bridul mo lhcr wore uwn gold shun lung wllh wh to ncceunriu and wing ol Talisman row Min Sandrn Madduver ol Tornnto was brldumnld and wore Ilreel length dress 01 pink pemg da Inle Her head drm was fashioned match lng pink flower petlll 11w at tendant carried cascade 01 while carnallom The bridegroom brother Larry Hadley was best man The hrldcl brother Em Burton of strand and Jack T1than were ushers RECEPTION leen ln marriage by her lather the brlde was alllred In flour length gown ol peau dc sale with Jacket 01 llledall lon lace Applique of matching lace and seed pearl enhanced the hem at the gown corona ul pearls and sequins held the ï¬nger llp vell nl llluslan ulle The hrlde carried cascade red roses Indla Phonl 571 the Barrle Kinsmena Club The Ross 13 he ofllcla war Banla Member Klnetlc who mind are shown In photo abovu and Include Mrs Earl Cole Mrs Ross Archer Mn rm BEETON SEED COMPANY ï¬mhcurs $166 Innmo link wm SOFT VATEII fly prmlnnnl Only EVES BEAUTY SHOFPE PERMANENTS 550 PA $5000 tompcllllon among Canadian unlvmlilcn and urged nn lonnl plan or hluhar educnllqp In an address here Grade 12 graduates are Jm Anna Blhby Rosemary Calvert Margaret Caron Bannla DeSllva Shella Gamay Mary Kraemer Carolina Lahay Mary Ann Elana Mary Todd Gary Cavan ugh Danny Craddnck Nick Owen Mlchael nomu and him Weber Thu luncheon was convened by Mrs Murdock asslned by rjauL in Mn Lalole and MB Clark Fmrii flou univeHJiy chnhcel ca or III Ind 10 willy Msgr Clalr addressed the farm and special guests and Mar prgsenled awards to um allowing Miss Mary Ann Stone Cnlhollc Womens League award or hlghesl marks in Religion Miss Mnry Todd special award or English Dnnny Craddock Loyalty and Responslbllily ward Pmr Weber specie wlgd or Lanluage The um annual luncheon hon oring the grade 12 graduating class of St Josephs High School was held Sunday in the Indllor lum IIIM Mtwmnmm manual1mm If WW mï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬ St Josephs Grads Feted At Luncheon CnmplalaTyVIIISM fluulyï¬llrm Mn mu Pslki hvlllmu III Ilnlwnhhh uh up Mlnw 1n Imm mhlnlm mmum Tuvvl Cm Mrs mm mm wife of he chnlrmnn 21 Rose Day Mn Bob Shannon Mm Lorne Cab 191 Mrs Henderson anb Mrs Barry Clnrkn and Mrs Dnva Vyles END WALIW CALL VANQOUVER CF Mrs Preleen chlldren should not he allowed to make Inch decl nlons They lll equipptd wllh nelther lhe Judgment nor lhe malurlly la make lhu cholce Camp would 11v the buy what he need mostdlsclpllne responslblllty and heallhy cum Dur slnuelan Your wife II ralslng vtzetabla lnslend Ian and you must lhllfl In whatever happen In the buy If you permlt her to may with My wllo lays the youngster should not be turned to laava home because It might make him feel releclad She nyl ha could be emotionally dnmlud for Illa Your advice II wanted fllE SINGLETON wauldn mind he boy did something construcllva during thu Hammerbut all no want to do is slay up hall the night watchlnl TV llezp lulu In the morning And than nag his mother to take him awnmmlnz orgo movie In the nflemaan Dear Ann Linden We are hlvlng the lame family Km for tha third summer In row Our Ian now 11 years old and line he wu nlner Illa lather have lull Illa Delbert should to campeven It only or two weeklr Delbert does not want in go camp and his mother lay here L1 no rumn we Ihpuld lqslsl on lt So it on Thursday your wlle tell you ynu are going to leII her mother next Saturday it clearly mum the my after to marrow than lhe nearest Sal urdny immediately lollowlul with nothing lntervanlnm BOYS CAMP Den Dam Accordlng lo Websterl Third lntemullonnl chHonnr next means Nearest Not in Intervenlng adjoinan In series lmmldl alely allowlnxl When my wile tell an Thursday that we are loin lo her mother house next Salar day the Idea she means ha Saturday of tha Inme week tho day nner amon This unn of 01053 crazy thing um probably bun many comm Will you be good enough print my letter and your refly In the paper It would hep 10LIN DAZE OVER DAYS Den Ann Llndm My wits and have hid continuum ar Pumenl or 15 yam We decided was about llma we uked aumehody la aeltll 1t oncernnd or all You have no Idea what Rouble wu have run into bo cauae this one mkunden mndlnz ANN LANDERS Argument About Days Has H11th In Daze HOWI 10 II 10 MNIHIIII lllllflllHOl WI III HO10 HI 011 um pl Mn mu NIKON MWMHON MAYlDlVllunmlm will AV All WWW Ill plmlynfrnlmcllylallmnnvllllhnu mh Inmln um In Inn lmun Inodl Infme funm Innm OI WUMOMIN MOM mm rlmllyp n1 up mm wllh upuflly ml njoy mom uvlnl mm ml llWllh lnllu rill AI SIOIIIS msmvmc nus mm May 1m to 1m 2m BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES Is nAmet mm donation no will be given to mix the Anglican Young Peoplul Assodnllon to sand delegate lo the National Youth Conlerence Huron Cullen andon0nlalon Lizhbouril pmcnl Membmhlp Inuw Member wm advlmd that an lnformallon Bus will be at St Gilu Church Jun 17 rum to 730 pm to pmmolo Th Aglipg Conzrgu ï¬IVaVWA Ire plnmlnl In drapu the window In thu lower loom om reflary The Womana Auxlllary of St Gnu Anglican Church enjoyed pg luc dlnner June 11 follow Chllnedx Transluled Into honest Enlllsh your moh lem reads lomalhlnl like this Id like dump um My but theres no one 15 in Illhl Ind dont wan to all Imund alone night mar night Hes bore but hes better than nolhhl what thin fellow need pro lmlonnl help And what you need II the couran to lnce mmo luner evening unlll you an replace the crybaby with someone mm Ilahle Whenever tell him dont wan to see hlm any morn ho beam to bowl IIa IIyI II drop him he will tell hi on quit hll Job Ind become bum He talks about Iolnlnz the lorelzn legion or mung on Irelxhleror mayhu Jun lllllnu hlmxello doubt but hed go Ihnl IIr but could nnvcr be sure Yesterday my boss asked me to work In and Ilnlxh rume re pom in he could take them out of lawn had In call my boy friend Ind cancel uur dlnnor date Ila began lo cry on ha phone and It took me 20 mln ulea to get him all want to gem1d of hlm pen mnnenlly but he wont let me Cnn you helmCHAIN Du Ann Linden Iva hun dnllnl Ill mm or three yam Xvn tried Imu ur Hvo Ilmu break up with him but he wont let me pemlan with ether boyl lhfl Km dont ASK DelbertTELL lm he lolnl to camp and then lend him He may aurprln everyone Including hlmulf ï¬nd have the um of bin you an CRYBABY Pot Luck Dinner Held By WA At St Giles Anglican Church COMMISSION nm em 0000 ANY mm MOII HIM lully Ellwood Coop Vlluvnt Colon 1mm Vllxlnl hluidlln III llulrle ham Wow And nth mm mm IWIITFMIVIIAIWIK Mrulnun me II mm mm mm mum nummnnulmmw The Program Commlllco dir ected he remalndcr of Um evan ing with lama arrangtd by Mu Norton Thls was Iol lowed by muslcnl utire per xnrmhl by Mr Faxquhmun Mn Wcsmale Mn Lamb and Mrs Johm Mrs Noodle thande the speaker and oxlendcd best with ea or the ulum lo lhn departing members presentation was made to Mrs Way Church Scmlnry by Mrs Baum on behull of St Gllu WA Apxwary Mrs Rlddol on behnl of of St Giles Church TEE EVARIEEXAMINEIL mum JUNE 20 recepllon Enyxlalra Lodge lollawed tho wedding of lllr and Mrs Gordon Frnd erlck Ash shnwn above St Pauls Anzllcan Church Strand was the sdtllnz or the ceremony June 15 Thu bride Phoebe Maxlnn Randell dun daughter of Mr and Mn Peter Randall Slroud The FA 6101 SUNNY WEDDING DAY Dunloï¬ Sh an ENROLMENT ROSE MONTREAL CPI Marian Ipalls College Roman Cath allc Englishapelklng college or MI in downtown Mantra had percent increase in enrol ment in 1961 Slater St ery Assumpla oollela Dresldcnt predict ha enrolmnnt will more than double to woo undenu ram 441 by 1m bridegroom thu son Mr Ind Mn Harry Tar onlo Photo by Smith Studio MD A1 71 REFRIGERHOR YwlltuldaAnnnlMxlnmlalrulmmIVvIHnlulumhuulnd ImlmmlyMMoflaluluimmiwuN luxllmlfllmeullw qwhly lnlwn mm It Mn lool mum nUI lulomm Mm lam xlwu ï¬rrumlmlmn mm Imm hnmdnnl plum lul wnvdw lype Mummwnmluyn lull pvlm valmldlmd Ilmm Cunanumaunlvmru hmwumumrmmmmim tummumhnn vamdwv mm limoubh urn Mm ml htndllpuflnnlmllll KM vxl ml1odvnfllmmmum lllludM mulmumndMoHAlbwmla hwirlmml gear 34995 l4 CU FT REFRIGERATOR WITH 100 LB FREEZER When You Purchase New HARDWARE HAIR DRYER ELECTRIC IPA 34277 an Dunlap SEND OUI BAD BILLS WASHINGNN AP In Emlmately 10000 onu dollar ill cuntnlnlnz ml malchgd serial number have been primed and rent Into circula lon as treasury alllclal re vealgd mum night The arm apparently in one the worn In the almost lmpecuhle hil 3ory the humu engrnvlnl and prlnllnl ur him 22 for he lhlrd nï¬nulv leunlan Most 01 the lamily mcmherl live In the Oro Township Bat rla and Grill districts but many will also travel tn he r9 unlon lrom other part of the 121ngnc and Quebpc Delno Jermly Shanty Ely II the presidem and Mn Bruno Favero Banla lhn lecretlry BARRIE Slum Over 1Q member the Jermcy clan nu ex ecled to conlroinm Cu etching Bupch Parkllq Orlll Fun Kamu and prizes hr been arranged by commllm comprised al Charles Jermey Barrie and Orval Jermey and Charles McKurrall of Orlllllr Ienneys Unite InOrillia Park yougnu Mid SM WW way3w mum 4503 PA 92431