Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1963, p. 14

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IIIUMMY Jlmn we Annoy Mm Chm un Ilmuwny runnun I00 Kiddo qunnnM JUNE 4m SmIeu In no Invryuu lmy and flux Dun xn Van um 30 Hunwny Illlnl mud Unlnurmhlu Man cut TV New In anhu Svam Nut 1on Nov Four hul Men Minna Mrs chlldrcn were weekend ML and Mrs Ralph Houghlnn and Iamily Mnrkdnlu and Mrs Ray Charlton and Dubblu of Tor Mr and Mrs ank Ayers of Monrcllold visited Mr and ME VullyfAnd onFridny Mr andhlrinlcr Andrews mended the Ho rcunlon In Inpjsm jagk cn Sagrday Unllod Church ancn me at the home of Mrs Garden Hul hurt Wednesday afternoon with Mrs Grenville Hnlbm In tho chnh Mm Andrews and Mrs Brendon led the worship perlod Rev Wnrr n1 Thornlon gave an Interesting talk on hls wark with the Indians of Em and nlso nxhlbiked some or thclr hundwork Aflornonn tea was servnd réw Mm hérénucndcd no cornllnn my service In Orlllh Cememry Sunday afternoon Cheryl Ann and Jamie Arm strong ullcndcd birthday party or Glendn Ayers at Creighton an Salugday Aaflurnnnn un ny and Mrs Orvlllo Armstrong and ll Jahnsluno were Mlss Jenn Kennedy Mlss Margaret Gnrry Mrar Elwood Garry Mrs Isobel Thompson and son Allen llnmlllon Mrs ThomnlExcll and Mrs Blll Gallup and chlldren ol Ulopln and Clarke Johnston Orlllln Arnumber from hero allendcd Millard Boards mile 01 livestock mug lmplemgmsjnsl Wednpsdny Mr an Mri Orvllle Martin Orlllln were visitor wllh Mr any Mrs Nguyen Dqgllglgg By MRS ARMSTRONG Slhtero sympathy extendnd to Cathy schnaI teacher Mls Gnylo French whasa lather dlud Ed °Y°K nu unlu hn not mine In am pluu phou AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY mm Is No CHARGE FOR his sanvnca DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCK By MRS LEESON Minna ln Your um TELEVISION PROGRAMS NEWTON ROBINSON CARRIER MISS YOU CFTO CHANNEL VALLEY TAXI CARLEY CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE Roy M605 and homo for ma PA 82433 Inumm la II on 10 11 Mrunmu JUNE 11 Ten mum um raw Hnll Loo menl loo Clnldlln 0pm Gull nmhu mm Wu nowllnl Khulnth Can Iqu nunny Term nm Tho Lucy Shaw by lllllbllllu dl Tn TIII Tn hum lh nun mu Tum xx anlu mum In sum lulleu mu TV Wellhfl Ntw Man Dmpllnn Sunni no 1050 100 115 1130 mo mu Mm Amunu hm Cumn mu In Amun Aunl murnnunn lnm Ilnyhnuu llnuu MIIVII wma mm mum If Thu Wlulllrll mm mm mm mm mm ArmIn mumm um Ipufl mm hum mv Annulnl mu The musk Icslivnl held In Strand Hull under the direction Miss Rumble was ma VLimch was served by Mrs Frank Oakley and Mrs Wallacu Baxhen hiyle FESTIVAL Mrs Harry Holdcrofl descrlb ed the South Simone Deanery mecllng held In Baotou She then conducted smdy period on the Church In tho 60 This was the lust regular men lug until SLplnmbnr On July 24 the grnup wlll hold bake sale lhe beach at the and the nth llnc Plans were made or turkey banquet or the Milk Producer who ship to Bnrrle Thnnk you note were read and all departments gave ra vess Thu Paulette held their June muting In the church basement with 15 members present Mrs Enrl Wnrnlcn president was In charge at the meeting Mrs Eric Ellsworth rend tho scripturu lesson Mrs Earl Varnlcn prtscnlod VA pln to Mrs Allan Gnrd mer who 14 leavlng In llva ln lllnrrlshurg aura Gregory pnllcnt 1n the Toronto Gnneral Hospital having undergone sur gery Her friends wish her speedy recovery Welcome to Mr and melll lum Wnlluca who have moved into their new home on the nth Inn Dy MRS PRATT Congratulnllom to Olflcer Cad Never who graduated tram Ruynl Mllltury College He to honour In English and hls EA dogma and regular Com mlsslon ns Lieutenant In tho Lunndlnn army Ha ma son or Mr and Mrs Fewer of the thh line onto were weekend guests of Mg hulk fir 717ml Mrs Allan cushion and lamlly spent the weekend in Hunmllle Mrand Mrs Don Monro hnd nmlly Oshawa were Sunday vlsllora with Mnand Mrs Gren ville Hulbert Lorne West and Dan at Tor onto vlsflcd Mr and Mn Lloyd Cahom or gum TORONTO Tommy Ambmu mmn mum one Nwv mu Sport Mm 11mm Nw wumer Spam Dr Klldm gantry Iloeaawn ST PAULS JUN 11 Gull ol Wuk uu 5mm rm Take thls deul Vcsl loud he NM clubs dcclnrcr rufllng tho lhlrd club In Eu dlscnrds dlnmond Souh ha ha llnnd made prnvldcd he does Ml Inn 11 lnlmp lrlck He doc not know however how lhn mlsxlnR qur spades urn dtvldcd whchur he would rush lho AK hopan lhu quccn wlll In or whcxhcr ho should lnko Uncut In one dlrecllun or lho he Ming BOD1h Watt North Eut 4h Pas Opening leadHug clubs Ono mark good curd plnycr hl knnck for gunning luowny nouns correctly Then is nolhinx myalorlom baul In particular sklll almply Muller assemb lan clues lnlcrpminz ham hind reaching lhu rlght conclu an DAILY CROSSWORD Mlmnl IN lh mvnr 35 Unflhl HIlImI may IMH FUN lum nym urn Ilium 10 mm 0le Wm Huhll Muhm mm klnuly nlrknnmo Unlmpmml l0 lXnnll wmlln lunnlng 20 1ch out 210 llm mnnnmk mrnt of lncom Form or Imp nhoollnn an vlnnul npwnrnl 29 111mm an uvpmvul Will You or he Lndlcs Auxlllury was held recunlly at Aurora lcn lndlc attended lram llua dislrlct The speakers were Zane Commander Mrs Clarke Mrs Pegg and Mrs Elslu Dullleld Presldenl mm 10 Kind nrllly 12 Anumllo 12 Camden odmlnll Kn Mnnl By MR8 NEWLOVE brldul shower was held In Hell Ewnrk community or Mr and Mrs Paul Strong neo 104 Anne Tmrnhleyb The happy couple received many useful gins Thanks were expressed to all and after an cmmululng evening lunch wns servcd LEGION NEWS Lax hlcsdny nigh tour uhllc achools lram Innlslll Schoo Area under the dlrecllon ol Mls Eva Rumble muslc aupervlsnr presented thelr annual concert In the Orphan Hall hero Thu school lnklng mm were Knock Holly Klllylcngh and No lhnrntanl Some of Illa numbers were com pellllvc Put llcwson Na won first prlxo In the Junior girls solo class Fred Moore also of No won third prlze ln tha lunlor huys snlo class and Diane Marrow and Wayne New nlvlhe same school won first prlzc ln he lnlermedluta duct class They sang Santa Lucia mum ndch lncmllna Han Mls Gencnxeve Jnmlesan an onto vlslled recently Jnmlcsnns Mysxcjzmwm +quxoaa Samh dealer Nelther xlde vulnerablc Ailerward Darlene Fund of St Pauls school presented Miss Rumble with bouquet oi flowers Winner in min and dueinum born from St Pauls were Norma Skinner Jib Susan Taylor Bib marry Darker Richard Green 3rd duets Lorraine Skin nar and Ricky Cook Isl Ema Meandel Ink and Allan Green 2n Ehe hall was filled with proud parents THORNTON succm Thelour schools par ticipating were my Bay Palm Painswlck and SlszlI flw children sang well and act ed9ul some numbers BELLE EWHBT as wnmm CONTRACT BRIDGE QH can 10 82 95 501111 KJMI QAIB OAM 403 xomr no K98 KG urgnnm llnru nbbn DUcmllnlxa owgnn lawnd flJIlmltl mm 111mm Ilnka DOWN Inform umlly meal me 51nhnhllnm lnlrmu tlnvnlcri EAST By JAY BECKER 25lllrlbulo nrw mm Mm aoMnnn nnmo az Jnm mnduci in TM IIIII Illlhldlu 15 Dncmm Man llltk Yuma IUJUruh 190fm or ramp llmlly 21mm of Tomorrow Tnl your dummy MI queen lho new loses all rlghl but West naw proved Io hnvu nnrlcd wflh lwu snndu lwu Imam Ihm dlnmondx and six clum ln forced to mum club per mllllnu dummy 10 mt Soulh nixed hln hurt loser Thu contract Is now sure Mug Wes no posslbly have started with mom lhnn two spade among hls original lhlr Ictn curds thenom cashcs the an of spades and lend nnolhnr made and Hnesscs the Jack Bax has Iha quucn Ibo actual use the new wlnx and Scum maku tun lrlckl even lugly losing hum Next he plays hour lo the an and nnolhcr on back to tho Hug when West follows In both hearts eleven hl card bosom accounted for Accordlnxy casht the king and ace dlnmonds and rum the jack He now that West allows lo nll th0 din mnnds lhus ncmuullng or nlgo olAWcsga orlglpnl curds other depending nn whlch ap pagan 12 spade lgngth ln dlrcclly lle reallzns slncu West has already shown up wllh 51 clubs and East wllh lwo that East Is 1hr plnyor more llkcly to be long In Immps However slum Im mm certain ly he poslpones he crlllcnl lrump doclslnn until he acqulrc uddillonnl knnwlcdgc about tho opponenlg band Hall taxpayers ntcrcsl ed an asked to attend It fire welfare the lake shore cammunllles that is he objec five this group Eleven tuxpnyrrs oi the dis trict guthcred at the home at Jack Torrens The meeting was to form on executive committee or 1963 Jack Torrens presid ed and Mrs Roso Newlove was secretary Mr Torrens outlined the bylaws oi the association and explained that much can Ian done or the community wcl 1an by this group and new mem bers will be welcome Election oi uliicm follow2d president Darcy Trombley vicepresident iloiyh Curtis secretorytreasur er Dnvid Crnnston The com mittee agreed to hold general meeting Friday June 15 330 Bell Ewnrt Common The Ladles Md to H1 Com munltv Bapllst Church met at the homo Mrs Fred Quantz 10 members present The ladle wlll hold pantry shower for he nnw mlnlster Pastor Arthur lllnybury Mectlngs for July and August wlll be omllled BELLE CEDAR ASSN wxolmr Christophcr Diplock ls recav ering irum anoperalianmn his hand He Is patient in Hospltnl ior Sick Children and is expect ed home soon LEGION NEWS The Ladles Auxiliary held their meeting June 10 They warn honored by visit irom Zone Commander Clarke and lriend Comrade Knapp who is mem ber oi the Auxiliary in Wood brldgu Comradu Newiovc ac ceptcd the llrst vicepresidency and Mrs Clarke was installing ollicer Estimates for new tables lor the legionhail are to be received Comrade Ann Ferrler was elected convener for tho summer activities LADIES Am mh legion reported Illa num ber present and the total was 131 Secretaries lrom each group lgelr nnnual rgpprta sympathy goes to Mr and Mrs Ar Chappel In the denlh of the lormcra sister also to Mr and Mn Levcr on the death nullg Lgvera mother Lunch and mom hBun 1°1 lowed smmm rollum All 53 Illuplng mrrnré Yuguxmv n1 flgnnqulfl miunn 401111 41 MIch nnl 17nlum bJU SIIKI WE NA VII MM ll NON leme WM ormm owns mm wtva mumnmwm MVWIF RIfiuMF OHRKDURSITD AMMOM 1n MID mum Mimi tumult SPELLED MY NAME MGWOOD BUMBLESTEAD 111 Jun 1mm arr rmsa mm wm Auo ME AT hammsahhrniaz WA MIX My am mew can Am 14 BARR EBXAMNEE THURSDAY JUNEW 106 sIKmnanmo FROM ELECWIC HF SAID HASASPecmL BEACH awnspears Bueav HOWIVI If NM Kim ml EWQMI THEY Mfl EELHIMEP BY DA TébfYJNEy WHOIKHHEP mus Aw Wm mm qu BUMBLESTEAD LIkE BEING mswooa

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