Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1963, p. 1

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IIUIIN In MOM nhrml I50 5an mnka llmtlflll mid flu rornmlrn In lmh Mr rlml wilhnul pinMm In Ianimal maxim ohmv hm mm Mr nlmmmrrmrnl Mum trrmnhlnl nulu 1hr Hm ruhmvcn amt In llw Manllrflln lmlrl div ll luy he luv OI IIannn 1hr day and IIUIIN In MOM nhl 5an mm MkInk Ill MHAMIILT nu In rrprmnlnllw Ilnrh IIan Inllrn II pun lhr nMrlrl limp IKm Mny 21 W11 II Tumult llIr Inmfllrlnl 1min nunu Illnyprd pnmln Ivy pm rum lax on llu ol urrlxndnmllmlul run gnllll all Canada Mmulrml lho mm du Irpmrnlnllvv IIan Inllrn lny nu The Imromclm In Canadian lnmtmnnl haw mumml uer nppruvnl nr IInnncc Mlnlnrr anlrr GordonA unmnxlun ol Hie mrnllnl lnkmvrr tax but Um hurslmrnl communlly Hull ll mare cnulluun 11m Imluxlrinl Imllm In Imlh Mnnlnnl um Tumnln IlflLk mnrkru phmml In mly lrnd hm erllmday Whrn Mn Gar dun nnnnuncrd Ihnl he wnx wlihdrnwlnu lhu ax Irrrmm mlmlnhlmlhu lllllculllrn ln fluslrlnl Mack pllcu mum in unprrcnlrnlrd Inlhlun Imrl chum ullll 11 min Int Hu lily Thu rmly limp In lnlhnlmll rrlm wn nypmrnlly nu nyrd nncllnn In hut nmu dnyl lmvlurl nnnmmcrmrnl 10 prr rrnl an mlr nvw lllnn Ilmm wmlh mum Hum MM lu nlrlfinru nml In wync Beside Ii non cuniidcncc motion Mr Gordon Is undcr heavy opposition fire or usinl time Turonlo buslncssmcn heipcrs in wrilinn he budge speech nnd laced by demand inr lmcsllgnilon of possible leak oi hudgcl secrcla limp ihix Mr Gordon haunted soon uncr hmdny cnmmons niiilnn bcuun Um hII proposed per ccnl iukcA pm in nu inrgescnlo Cann dinn Hock salon in arclunm was brim wiihdrnwn pfndinx adjuslmcnls Prices Of Stocks Soar Whquax Withdrawn mungu There hasnl been so much Commons pressure nn slnglc cabincl minislcr since Conserv ative Finnnco Minialcr Donnid Firming was niinckcd in 1961 over his mvcrnmcnis niicmpi in lire Bank of Canndzl Gov ergor mc Caync while slack mar 15 were still open to withdraw one lhcmr Thc Conservatives climnxlnz three days of mud on Mr Gordon moved non conli dance motion that will come to vote in the Commons Mon day night 50cm Cradll ur New Dcmncralic Party sub amendment emerge today wnuld be to 3n lonlghl mm Im nunccmcm hll Toronlu OTTAWA CmThe Liberal govemmcnk faces anar 19 Confidence In Parllnmcnl result 01 Finance Mlnluci Gordons budch proposals and is decision hzcsday announced while slack markets were still open to withdraw one lhpm PCs Blast At Gordon Mpve Non Confidence TIIB 42 Zr The Cardinals the Roman Calhullc Church failed tn elect new Pvpe Ioday on the firs four ballot of their con Yen No 144 Mr Unldnnl nl Mum lmyru mlu Hu llrmr ol llm ImL In llw lurmull lmlll dlmml In vmrlgnm nml Ilmlul rmnpnnlu Nlmh Io mmth In an dhlllrmh manner Want Ads lelm nuofkwm Thc telephnna munbertuall at tho Business Editorlal DepL PA 65531 CARDINAL MONTINI BELIEVED FAVORED Our Telephones Imllun mm at he pump Mm Rnnw llmu lhvr tiny mus lulu the cilia uanl try nu lump hm III nK In Inme Kiwi nu um wdkm umk Min lime ll nu mum hwyo Hum lmr HEM In Iumw Hm gain In HIMu mm mmle HIM lnk Han NM MM IWHU lmpnlnrn ohm hrn In lmm to flunk 1m um uyn lo llle vullnzuu nrw pump hmm the WC WnllM rlmnzo lhu lurk lhe wimp Mllll and lhnrlvy Kw ll own It In lho pumlm lumull mmlnl llw Idrn III Hlnir Luhll In hrltl lupmullrlu 10 Inlean nl llw pump hwyo llwu lmr HEM NI mld Um lam lmlflulinm huum mulunl lunda lnmranm mmpnnlu Invo domlnnlrd trnrlinx Ilnca lnal May whllo mmll lnmlon wun Mlt Tho Iuyn zyrnllunl wrre um Um mwllun of annr lnmtnn In Um luklmcr In and wllhdrnwnl mun mu mlmrlllnu tumml llwn mu nnmlmz lhry mum Im In In In ha vlrmnmi 1111 run wnuml mumll In lumvly WIIC hmll nlflrl wlm lruflrnlr of key In llm an TILMVMJC ISM llIllnmlulII lrmn llw anrr Ilumllm nun pruvoknl Elm Mr filmmaker mpndrd an oppurlu Lawrence Kind lCMnc lmd referred to report that lubulous union nr building mnlcrlnls wnre placed Mom lha budge levied nu llmrcrn lulu lax on them rmm Earlier hnwnvrr Opposillnn Lander Diuicnbnkcr and Cr Douglas New Democratic inrly lender cniicd or an inquiry lnlo niack mnrkcl nporniiuns prior to he hudch speech in doicrmlno whether there hm been any Ire hngc icnkr WW Mn Nowlan xaId he allvu were not qumiu Integrity of any lndlvidl ASK IF ANY HEARS assume limi ioriimcs have been made on this rise ihis ail ernoon ML anlnn said The iirsi point in Iourpnri non eoniidenec mniian pre mind by Mn Nuwinn accused Mr Gordon imving sorinusly weakened public cnniidcnee by no mainiuininu the consiiiw llnnai praeileo oi the essential Aecrecy the budget George anlan farmer Con servative finance minister blasted Mn Gordan or stupid procedures and Manlreal slack markets some 40 minutes buforo lhny closed Stack prices Immedi alely rose wlplng nu many of Ihe sharp losses rcwrdnd enr ll lhedny Have prognsslvo Cardinal Manuni is believed Io have gone Ink the Nnclave with 30 to 40 voles The feeling uuunlr ruokl¥l vao rump Nuinrnlny nhzhl Im Illnu tumml llwn mu lhry rouM Im In ha Ilrmnmi an aid lhq Comm rnhnkcr nlno dcu oppurlunlly lo not quesfininnx any lndlviduan mm 1m Onlnrin nmml Wu III um mm an Mr pub Inlhl hnlnm Kmn MMM mm an llWlllI mn Jnl Lnnl vrlun lhrm 1w umvrlllnr Lynn nlurnrd nm Null Um lu mum In My lllnze HM and nlgn Um hank nny Ilme llwlr Imprcn lnu me llw kry our malnlrnnma mm Imaw um um Lurr Turunln broker xnld Uw Inkmvrr In mid Innrc nwny lnrtlan buyer lu uumlnn there um na nmcnd mm or mmllllcmlonn lha mm wlll Mkrly mm lo Inwrr lcrcl unlll Cnnmlhm lmsL nm can In lhrm lncrnllva In mnvo Again wnru nru LN urnk lhm wru Jun Imrd In mm rim air an Mm url In lime llr WM Irlrmmz In Illt III Imlnr um Itll lnlu IMlIy 0pm MINI Ju Ml mlmuwnlly lluI rrlaya In In Itkk awn MRI Hm Inn lnllul Milk 1110 lnnn tmnnrm Ilml 1n url nul lwl lllnl mqu In Krl live unlrr Ind nnv lnr Ulrm In In In ml II All hry ldcnlfly lwuurlm mu nlcn lhn Inn Imx ur er In In lorrmun nu flderhvuulml lmmlrnrd lvrul Ono olthn dilllculllns ha Inld lmolvzd new linnnclnx under way or bualnm cxpnn slun which couldnt be nllawcd la lnpso or be deferred until de mum mnulnllom wcm workrd out It mlgm lulu ligllu llmc Io work out Iolullon He snlci mo measure was bc lhdrnwn pending mluuon In udmlnlslrnllvo dim cullics In npplylnu ho tux whlch had buomc cIfccllvu Inst Irlduy Ono the dilllculllns ha Inld lmolvzd new linnnclnx under wny sinus cxpn Alnn Mn Mr Gordon announcement at the wllhdrnwnl lhc Super ccnt takeover Inx was made mm the Common began It proceeding Ahorlly after 230 pm EDT Slock markets In Toronto and Montreal dldnl clnsn um 330 pm Mr DieIcnbakcr xuld he had asked for Information not made lnslnuaflons and hat Mr Pearson was lrymg to hide bc hind smoke screen do not believe In gull by innuendo or Inslnuauon Mr Pearson snld Prime Minixier Pearson ngrccd consider making an inquiry but challenged lir Dicienbakor io produce in the Camrnanx any evidence an which to base line suspicions he has indlcniui mm erslhc lhrce oulsldc budge 121pm brought Kn by Mr Gor he ers was widespmnd that he would plck up the necessary addi tional votes qulckly or not BIL They will vate again Fri day AP Wimphoto Incl ngurdlng pgcsg llnk Mr lam hnlrmln Km lrnrd lvru mm um Immlnrl on TV in not be mm or wmmrnl Hy Tl CANADIAN IIIEM ThuI Tnnmllnn rlnnnuu mnnulndllml nnnnunml Wrtl mulny Ihey will mhrdull Uulr All lrltvlnlvm magnum mlnl In Imld rvlllrlum llml Mldlrn nu lvrlnn lmlnmi Ill up huh 11w lhvrolnlwrlal Tnlmcm Mnnlnnl Ilntlmmnl Ill MIIII Canada Tur nuln and mum and Ilodm MMII ML nranrm 011L Mcnlml lnr mm Cnmdlln Inlo vlnkm allvumlnl cluulm Mncdnnnm Tnlmm 241 at Cm Munlml whlth Mveh Julflan TV mull cnew nklnl nlmlml In Alvlctly luthuldcn Ion ll you In lmnnlno what wlll hnppc Smoke Firms Reschedule TV mm In cum Imy mulre havan In lawn nnd brlnxln he Chnrlu muld lake Lorna mu mlnllun In Hm Incl llcnllnun um um punishmrnl ll be nchool Exlrnvculd bnlhl Ill truw munlry mm or Inn at prlrll um nra maro rommon flobcrl Chew hmdmmler lhc ucluxlvn Ichonl In north cm Smllnml wld ha wlll ctr lnlnly lulu dllrlpllnnry IC llun nznlml lhc Nycnrold hrlr to he Ihmno who hnd th dran Mundny In IM town nl Slam oway on he llthrldcnn Island Lawln LONDON CPI Popular ncwunnncrn Ioduy Kmch wllh ionlclhlnx like lhrlll n1 dollghl new that by gully Prlncu Chnrlu dld mvo nl cherry hrnndy In II Seoul puh lho nlhor evmlnx Ilul the royal Ilballnn would men canlnz or he princv when ho rrlnrm lo Gnrdomloun School next wrck dllnkn lo mum Wu are treating lhll ml nusly said police spoku man We received three up arnlc call snylng hu wax In danger woman In In Prnlumo was In danger Exlrn delccllm pnlrolcd Aldo her West End npnrtmcnk She was old she could leave nnly with plalnclalhu man and must keep clear anyone carrying can or anylhlng lhnl could conceal sup or knllc mu LONDON 1GP Scotland Yard put an emergency guard nn Chrlsllno chXer wdny ancr anonymous Huston warned that Ih of 1th your nld BEND OVER CHARLES 1hn resolution sponsored by Health Minister Judy La Marsh was one of three legislative pro posal announced nn the last day at the new government selfvprvelnlmed 60 days at de cision Miss La Marsh also pro posed Iormntlan of special Common committee to study the safely and eastol drugs and the hazard toad eoni tamlnnlion ram insectleldca The penllon plan rnsolullon which must ha passed by the House before bill can be in troduced forecast establishment comprehensiva pension program In be known as the Canada Pcnalon Plan It wnuld pruvldn tar payment pension on an adjusted aealu commenc Profumos Girl Guarded By Yard OTTAWA CF $ll 1n crcaso In oldAngo pnnslan and Introduction 01 compmhenslvo pensions plan was omens by the government today In mo Inllan suhmlllcd the Ham Commons Palace Admits To Brandy Nip GOvt Plans $10 Hike For OldAge Pensions um Pnlumo mmda Burrlo Onnrlo Cnnldl Ju PUPILS PRESEWHWITHVSIMCOECQUNW Amos run me mm min Wm cm lluth LhdAVInolm Milt ruin the Mm mm qu 51mm County mun Freeman lull Wuhan Phylllu 119me mm mm ywh MolmmunhnmerlL no but rm rlr gnu to In Mulrtdnocl Cod Inn on pm um um IMnm WII mum mle um um Midbe or four lluynl mm neu In Um main hcndllno 1n Thu Dally Sketch Tho mmnl cume Mllr Um Queen pmhnhly not nmmul wnl rtportcd lo hmo ardmd an Ilgnuon Bucking um Pnlucn reversed Incl on he taplc chnudny myan II had lonch the upon llml Chnrlu hnd drink cnr llcr bumqu ll wus misltd by mum mm ha princel body zuprd mus under In also In Itgal In Scotland nlhnunh persons over 16 may by bra with meals The signing ceremony was In conicrcnce room adjoining the council chmhcr oi ha Pnlnis dcs Nniians European headquar lcrs oi he Uniicd Nailam when HI disarmament conference meals Russian myon Tsarnpkln and American Charles Skulls signed the ngrcnmcnllhe first concrcle Ichlcvnmnnl a1 lhn 17 nunnn rmnmcnl conlercnce GENEVA Rnulcrs Th Unllcd Slnlc and Russia today signed lhe WashnglonMuuuw hobllnu nurccmcnl far In emer gency communlcnlions link Pensions payable under the Old Age Security Act would ha adjusted to no ordinate hm wllh pension under the new plan lhlI molullan said The additional penslan 510 month would be paid to all persons qualifying under the Old Age Security Acl This act now provide penslnns of $65 month to everyone aged 70 In over Tho rcsolullan said lhnCan nda Pension Plan would be as tabllshod progressively ovcr an Snitial period nvoragln 10 years In order to lncilflmc ad ustmcnl of existan pcnslon schemes the new plan WILL MK mu ing at lho option of the pen sloncr nl any age bclwecn 65 and 70 years Pensions also would bu pnld lo survlving spnnscs Thurlday Jun 20 1963 Each ancmmcnl Ihnll lake be necessary mm ensure mnllnuou uncllonlnl nl lhu link and warm ncllvtry lo 11 haul Kovcrnmtnl of My tom munlullmu ncclvcd by mum ho link mm head mrrnmtnl in other puny xvvcrnmcnl thnll ho rupomiblu or he ammun mcnu for he Ink an Ill own legrllory The memorandum of under xlandlnz laid lhn US and Russia had agreed la tslnbllsh as won as lcrhnlcnlly lcnlnhla dlrtcl commuulcnllom link Iwo unvcrnmnnu hm will be lulHlmo two way rndlmlele mph clrcun muted Ihrouxh Tangier nnd Morocco In be um or xcrvlco communica on and tar coardtnullun of opunllom between lha lcrmlnal polnlL The agreement an the direct wmmunlcallons llnk was con tained ln memorandum understanding how ea In Ihn v5 and Russla ognlhcr with an agreement covering lechnl cnl nrrangemcnls The Icrmlnnl polnlr In ll whlle llousa and the Krcmlln wlll be llnkerl by lwo way wlrclclcgmph clrcull muted vial Ianion Copenhnzcn Stockholm and ncmnks The conference will recess Friday unul lhe end nIJuly to leave the floor clclr wr hlzh level talks among the U5 Bru nin and Russia In Moscow next month an the vital nuclear lest ban question 155v MEMORANDUM Marcua Llp memberol the Labor opyoslllnn asked ha prime minlslcr whether In View widespread aplnion that lho Ilrya wk not npportune he wuuld ask Kennedy lo dolor his vial to this country or the llme bclng Mncmlllan repllcd LONDON CHPrime Mlnlr or Mncmlllan old parliamen tary qucslloner today that he would not ask US President Kennedy to defer hlslorthcom lnglell In Finland All expenditure under line new plan wlll be paid out contribution by cmploym players and selfemployed per mm Mac Wont Cancel Kennedys Visit aved QUITL Ecuador MPY Slllccn muons Wumudny In llmdllldn lhnl hurlnl mllnn Inn of rock and mrlh nrnr lnjn In Inulhtrn KAPUSKASING iCP Elevm la Iclllm churned ullh non uphnl munlu were cnmmlued or lrlnl by Mnammlc Gard nrr Wtdncsdny Evidence will be heard tndnyngnlnsl the einhl rcmnlnlnu mlch lnvnlvrd In lhe nnrllmn Inulnu vlnlcnu cnrly MI ycnr during uhlrh lhm mm urn tho and klllrd OTTAWA CPiPrcmlcr nobnru Onlnrin mid Wednuday niuhl ho will tail provincial cicclion one oi lime dnyl bu nnl Immediately Ixcnusc his unvcrnmtnl wanil mnro limo lo work an it pmxrnm iie inid ihu Curicinn ngmslvn Conscrv nilvn Auminllnn ihnl iho lwn year he has bccn premizr imvu bccln hull poiilirnily and his now iooia iorwnrd in quicicr per nd 1s Killed In Ecuador landslide Settlers Committed For Trial Na dcflnll information had been Klvcn yet on how nykuv sky qudcd but arm worker The rcporlcr lnlcrviewcd tho worker who meted Valentina where aholandcd about 385 miles northeast of Knrnganda Bobarts ys Election May Be Soon This was rcnurled today by on ha Sovlcl nporlcr were rushed to the Central Sl hcmn am where Valcnllnu and LLCal anery Bykavsky landed altar lhclr Msloric flights MOSCOW AP Valentlna Tercahlmvn parachulcd to earth Wednesday outside Ihe space ship lhnt carried her mom than lime amund the worm then asked om Slberlan palm wIlh men onlnns We are damn 11 or Cuba not or publicity Ami he added We cannot say ram when my kit nnr where Iheylpndcd want any puble Hy declared one council source Asked how many points the commandos struck he said It mith have been two placcsl Spacegirl Dines In Meadow After Parachuting To Earth MiAMi Fia tAPIhe big Revniutianary Council said today it mmmandu ioncc th landed in Cuba other Cu ban exile sourcesreported that 500 men were involvud in the action state department spakns man in Wishingion laid the de patlmenl had no information an In reported invasion but was asking it Miami aiiica to in vestigate Council members were Iciuc ta comment EWS BRIEFS Rumors 341600 Invdlvédg Washington Is Investigating Morn Than Par Copy16 Plgll In inulhcrn hrundor Cloudy and much cooler lanllht Cool Friday Low tonight High lnmorrnw 67 For lull summary turn to page two up rushcd to flu ma where lhu cosmonaut wan to land They camo In can an Irnclors on hams Suddc parachute Ip pearcd In he ky Maybe it cosmonaut landing one worker uld Everybody looked ll Iho lky 0n hc rnpu of red and white parachute he silhouello all human pting was ace Rudakov corresfindenl or lhe labor ncwxpapcr Trad re layed he nary of Valcndnal landing who met him told reporters they found him nur hls space uy sule They helped hlm out his heavy cosmnc IulL Tilt day was 13mm Ind limny well lg the am 511 The cnuncxl said the cam mandas who landed In Cubl represcnlod three IL member group Rascale the Revalu llonary ll cry Muvement and the Christian Demacrallc Movement Local Weather The coundl remain one of the largest nullCastro malltions despite withdrawal of xevml group in sympathy with Miro Cardanax stand nun Anlonla aces grandson Cuban Independence hem the same namc became the pres denl the rcarganired councll Manuel Anlanlu dc Vnrona an other former premier of Cuhl ls its guldingfnrce Lag April Jose Mim Carl dons ormer Cuban premier resigned as president nl Ihe enuneII with blast at Presl dent Kennedy or relusnl Io help the exile In war to lib mle their Island from Fidel Cu Cgmmunm rule wan rumth klIlrd 231mm under

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