mm mm roll Umu mnmm ml nm In Imlnl 04 um In mun Innan um mm Humn mom IINWIK Ill man IIIAN lulnm cumI II mullInn Mum um Hm mm lam mm IIAIII muou mum MILnn mount cl my mum II my Ammmod gum pun II Ilnl In mun um nu mu mom Ilg mu nutIa mm Ivllll mm III Inï¬ll HIV mm 0mm An TauM emu llrul mm nu 6mm lmt mun IliaTia Min Ami luv elm mum Jpn rm II Hunm mum um WWImm All an II II ï¬ll Ill II mun Ml nu but Barrie Examiner June 1038 Leigh ton itiiiligan 40 village lineman elec troeuled while working on Hydro polo on main street of Cookstown Wil liam Iiggott CNil superintendent at London formerly at Allnndnle honored on retirement John Rogers sup erintendent Alinndatc division CNlt hon ored at large banquet prior to departure to become head at Ottawa division Aid iii Mills at town council sought more details on sewer construction by board works on Brodlord St Town oi iiarrio asked to provide main banquet when lnternalionni Plowing ltintch held In Simcoe County In October Daring daylight robbery mode in apartment over Elly Cote occupied by partners the Lem brothers Chief of Police Stewart investigating ltrGS reported irom lnulstii Notes close call or our Toronto people when sailboat overturned in Mlunll ott Alconn Beach ihey wero rescued just in time by coitnger who went out in his rowbont livo short speeches natured monthly meeting at Lion Ladies Auxiliary at Ouueul llo tel given by Mrs George Holloway Mu TAKE PRECAUTION SI Thomas llmcsJnunmll Most rcslaurunlx nnd dlnlng mums In Canada and elsewhere splay Mulls that my The proprietor no mponslblu for the loss 01 ha nr wall The Ilgn 25 YEARS AGO IN TOWN How different is the picture today Production last year reached its highest level in seven years and along with proï¬ts is continuing to rise as Canadian mills regain lost ground In the home market and develop new markets abroad Less than decade ago the industry iay deep in the doidrumsand appeared headed for early extinction the article continues Saddled with high costs outdated utpment and sharply declin Ing profits was in no shape to combat rising import competition at home much less abroad An interesting comment on progress in the textile industry was printed in the June issue 01 Industry published by the Canadian Manufacturers Association The writer remarks that The plaudits which Canadas textile industry ls winning these days on its re markable recovery from the sickness whlch laid it low only few years ago are nothing if not deserved The edition is in sup art of what is one of the areas num er one indus tries Actually to make that industry even more successful and to bring the most possihlobenefit to the district as whole it lénccessary to receive sup or from the citizens at large Upon cm must rest much of the resopnsibility of promoting the many fine features to be found here and in making visitors feel welcome when they do come It is hoped that the appetite to get out and ex lore for oneself has been whetted an that this edition may serve 60th as an introduction to persons who may know little if anything about this great summer playground area and to encourage greater interest on the art of those who have lived here long ut perhaps not too exploringly One day last week this news er puir iished an Outdoor Living an acatlon Guide We trust you enjoyed reading the edition and studying the advertising columns But the main purpose was to resent some Insight Into the beauty of ts dis trict and the many fine factlltles of all types offered to visitors both lnsum mm and winter In al mam 69IIIIII rm Barrie Must Earn Repuié As Friendly Place To Vacation To what is the transformation due The Barrie Examiner Walla Publisher 73am Examinrr OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Canadian Newspapers Limltgd 16 Bayfleld Street Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE her Brian Slaight GeneralMannger mason JUNE 1m 4n But he Itll lonpholo in Hue law or ruslumm take Idvanlaua of customer hang up MI coll he IA um mponxlblu or looking liter If he hind II In Hm wnlen who Ion hung Imp Ihnt make the proprlelor respon Nuw ynu knnw lhe precaution you uhouhl Inks when you olo cal in mumnl Essa lllmd lféallylcliï¬ WhTS held Myslvry Tm at home of Mrs Hon Hoar Cumberland SI Counsel or he plnlnlm mulnlnlnod lhu morn Incl lho proprlelnr ruvldcll mat rnrk was an ulmlnslon ha ha un dorlonk aka rare ll Collnstl lur lhu lblnnlnnt contended lhu rack was put there as cnnvcnltncu cusluuwrn bu It did no Im Iy Hut Hm propylolor nndtrmnk In In rare the artlrlra hung upon ll The judge Mu volrdlrclmlor llw do fnndnm Mrs John Be cs ey was spea er al mnnlhly meeting of Barrie Womens ln slllule ln Legion Hall Board of Educa llon senl contracts to teachers or 1038 39 Prlnclpals were Ilsled at BCI ll Glrdwood $3150 Prince of Wales School Morrlscn 32300 Kln Ed wnrrl School Bell $1000 MncLennun $1050 King George School Miss Dr Carrullrers 31050 Grand total of all lenclrcrs salnrles per annum for year was $00915 Barrie golf lean caplnlncd by Dr Scott of Cooks lown rlclcnled Mldlnnd 03 Frank Craig elccled president Llons Club of Bnrrlc Nelson Mngee and Bruce Thompson of Allandnle won lawn bowl lnlz d1 les lqurney allflraqlqld Pilot Officer Peter Rirks onlreal killed in crash of nircrnll irom Borden nmr ivy Slanlcy Ilsll Sturgeon INii agent at Midland made holoinono Hnrrle loll Club while pinylnx in foursome with Joe Sago Ind MI Marc RING ij innls Wnllnce of Midland In lnvnrlubly cxhlbllcd ncnr lha coll rack Ilmcnll customer Ins no over Cml mulun rnnlnumnl um nulwllh nlnndlnu Illu nnllco um the owner the promises lnr compcnmlon Nor we do well to member is it in the least likely that the investment and reorganization which have rescued it from decline would have been made if Ottawa had listened to those who urg ed nbolitlnn of such tariff protection as was being given supposedly dylng industry Mercer Hamilton Mys Harold Smllh Mrs £21115 Batson anfl Mrs fakeY These hundreds oi millions of dollars which oVer the past decade and more have been plowed into modernization were risk dollars invested during lean years out of funds set aside for the pur pose in better years Had the indus trys management and shareholders heeded the advice of the pessimists oi whom there were glenty not to throw good money after ad there would be no 00000 Canadians producing textiles in Canada today and no industry worthy of the name still in existence First and foremost to massive capital investment in new plant and equipment and to technological changes which have cut costs and improved efficiency to the point where the industry now ranks with the worlds best At the start of new summer season It is splendid tlme to launch an all out drive to see that all posslble visltors are encouraged to come and to stay as long as they possibly can To do this Barrie district must earn the reputation of being friendly place in which to hollday do lot to sell the area as hollday spot Many others remain lndlfterent making no effort to be helpful often not even belng pleasantly pallte to strangersjhey seq on thy slrgets All residents whether theybe in any way connected with the tourist Indus try stand to benefit by more and more people coming here to vacation These vlsitors spend large cumulative sums In the area which In turn goes Into clr culatlon here some to other businesses sonne to tunes spme to wages etc Unfortunately there are far too many knockers and far too few boosters Visitors to the area are quite likely to receive pessimistic belittling reports of what is one of the finest areas in all the province There are of course those who will give glowing descriptions of the beauties of the natural scenery will tell of the lendid fishing to be mum on lake en inustre and will allinnali Wk lo lion Ilullh In duel cubn In um mum Int nun tun hour whom huhRun IM II II mm llVlnl Cnnmllnn lrmdl Inllml Ihvuxhl MM Maury Am all My vmtlx mm are our am xnlnl an hm llkp In me our uunlvy pm mm and mm wnrklnln When mm Krlmlhlo llmul nll II my run mm ell mun ll mum upmrrllln lhv lmulvll ynu Irnl In In wrtlinl plain lully In mu Suppose wl law on 1h Inmn condfllons an ulrn mo mllllon uch yur Thnl mnnty would be mm by the gamut men In Canada wuuld cre Ile mun emfloymenl In Can ada Much would nmn hack la Ihc ovtrumrnl In Um arm InnI corpornurm lllxrl pnhl by mlnuhclurcrl on Iholr prvflu ur Income mu mld by Inrlory wovkm or lnrmm on lhclr enrnlnul ll wnuhl in lnrl nnmrmlnx pumpprim In nntrullon lnr Cnmdn and would nul ellecllvrly ml lnylhlnl like he nnmlnll Ir mg on ma prlqn My xpllnlllanvzlx nlnrd other mlnu Ihlch nravldrd rvmultlgnmwrr Your lrllrr vm nulls All on opener or me Iv Glan lield MINI mm Vrllnnd an undtnlnnd whnl III 1mm uhl mum and III 1an anon IMMMMN repllcd to that lellcr la Iry lo exrlnln some very Inter uunl ponu mlscd by rendzr GInnlizld dmribcd Ihnl Cun ndn Kim Ill lo nerdy toum lrle not sh hul Canadian made good or Cnnndlnurawn load Thu In cllrcl our ortlun lld programme la ml at ycnrraround winlcr wnrkrnm zrumme providing 10 or Clnldluu 11 Minn 111 mm HI lo win he In when In Ill IN In II to do was most lmpmscd with your article wrote Mrs Lulke nl Kamlonpl Suran he mnjurlly Canndlans can not be no small and unchnr able not In urea with you But or Ihevgrace of our Lord we could be cxisling in Asia not living In Ilfluence In Cm nda Can you mural anything or lhe Average Canadian to do wrilnz In our own Mu Lulke closed by expres llfll wldcly hold and Ar lehlcd lur Im very much alrQld that man It will be an lnle In nller helpll will no In our power any longer Sevenl rudm wrnle lo lux xcsl lhul Ilnce our lovemmcnt ll accumulallng dclicil Tvl lllcr cannol nllanl 1n more mnncyl You cansldcr zhlng away 843000000 nuxurdly wrote Glanlleld DI Welland To me that prclly large mm Hnw can you lluure lhal we Ihould live my mum PROVIDES JOBS OHAWA when recently described nlgxardly our nld lo under devtlopcd na tions expected In open up can or warm But he flood of lellm which Ierved to show Ihnt Canadian people are far more unemul lhan lheh governman BIBLE THOUGHT lom am Ian Other IIHeuflhvom mam OTTAWA REPORT By PATRICK NICHOLSON Reaction Quick To Story On Rid THE EARLY BIRDS AND THE WORM E26 mung ini uio um Ru INI Iumly mum lhnl nu plnmhu an lnlnl by 1th mall III humt luIIhr TM Anclml Mnnumrnls and mu um lhlq wlll brim pom Ihle tllmhnu mmmumm In Imwmnl hlolotlcnl lrnlum It won In lhn hum lmlldA luau no he bun II luumlnl In lovovnmenl thnl the fulnllmll mumnlnn mu mluhl Vlltd II in murle lhnl nil nl Ih old lolllllullnul mu vl Ire Tlm qumlom ho hu in lam nwlnl Ia lhl auhvllnllnl wllhdruwl mlll tnry urm mm mm Arm Many of lhrm hum howm um rlm lo xlflrlnl ulrmlrnh ml vuulnllom lha lunqu flwurlmtul Ilm nvrmmenl mu pulmwnl ownrnl llmn I1 hound In mum nr mm on he hul mm mm Imm Time mm 19 Inumlm Ilnnl mum lvr Hum bxildlnu whlrh mumHy qunllly for luck rolocllnn And It wnuld Involv uAvy llnnnclul bunkn la ml mg lurkn nganumrnll nlcxc furl haw In hlslorin hatkmund newm lhl yurl 1m and ml about 130 am And major nrllllcry blurry In tlullnlionn were bull Around flu runs England nnd Wnlcl All than were ulnlgned far can nl drlmta the rnlcdion dnckvnrdl lulml nvulom lhmlrnrd or mudptrd by Napoleon nrgdNpo1wnlll 11w prlnclpnl III or that old Ilrucluru moulll lnmmou Dnvrr lhu Mnlwny Ind lho 10w rr Thames Unlll rmnlly hm hm bun Iluln Med for UN ml nry or flu balm In conMm uhrlher hey Ihvuld hl pmlrb led hy lhn Anrlnnl Monumrnll Art mml nl lhvm hm mum hrrn In urvku or uccupled hy mllilnry lnrm AM NOW RUM LONDON In In Innnll re flux to the mlnlmr public ulIdInx and work Um An crnl Monumenls Board point an we dunner of dlsmlroun con sequence hlslnrlc tom around tho south rmd weal com ll Ihcy In Illawed be laid lo the hlzhul bidder without any mlrlcllnm on the use to whlch they may lhnn bu pul by wmrn din and alhcr cannlflu he United anlun relief gramme which Cunada mhulea 000000 nlulrdly con Iribution 1n min ald Can we afford H1 That lizuru proximalcly he name It Brl lsh Columblnns spent on but last year lhe name Quebeck spent on whisky slikhlly more lhnn lhe chrnl vown munl puld out to Iuhsldlse the Horn grain which luna diaus muld ncllher cal nor lell wihaul exception favoured ihe Christian allitudu ni Canudl as worldwide Good Sumrilun some rightly praised In work being done in this livid by vol unlnry nruniniions Iuth as hr Save the Children Fund Ind Iha Unitarian ymgrummu qi oodnndr medical aid to in REPORT FROM ILK Dr McINlVflE HOOD Hopes To Protect Ancient UK Ports aid 910 value hisibricni mmnmcnls Em piacc oi Imcnily rnlhcr mm as revenuevpmducmx prim my The minister or public build mgs and work has already In qucxlcd the advice lhe heard on how ill lhc pmccdum umi in nncxcni mnnnmnnu would ppilid to tha mu mm rémiyl TM Merl dam bl lha Culunl nulhllnl In lmhduvp hr at Wuhlnlllm wlluu man and full IclllY llhI By THE CANADIAN PRESS Napoleon was ï¬nally swcpl from power in Eu rope by the Battle 01 Wal erloo yam ago today In 1615 when the Pm Ian and Brlllsh army muted Ihe French nrmy Napoleon had wnler lcaled he Prusslans under Blucher at gay and wllh he Brlllsh lalllng back on Waterloo Napolmn suunhl lo dlspalch hls old enemy soon passlblc Bul Bluchcr had prcmncmlcd plan with lhe Brillsn cum mnndcr Welllnnlnn and whlla Um Erlllsh held he Hold the Pruuianx nunln entered lho engagement and their comblned lrcnslh French uway IliaWar wni Vduclnrcd beiwecn Brflaln and the Unllcd Slates InsEgypt was dcchucd republic Jqu ms TODAY IN HISTORY POLICE PATROL IN ILS CAPITAL You have lost lot wclxhl More 11ml proves can be done you cnn low ll you can rcmnln rld oi Ilhut you canl do an by returnan to your old eallnz habit won you hive reduced You III In lurn new annm enllng both qunvllllly Ind klyds olloodg unln Avmun Ind 80th Cl Mull mm The K0 Conn will null thlul lunu pull devulmrm al IInIM Io mrlnm umrdlnl In lhc Amt oo Talklaz aboul hypnhliislml Inn yuurlcll Into locklnu or In any way In dn IL llyvnolil 1n Toronlo It was rammed hm ycsterday ha major reorganllauun was underway ln ihb department or lravel and pnbllcfly Thll the llm of rules such reorganization which ll pimped Secondly some slaps were liken ln all the obvlnu llelds where lhere hurl been myng demand far Icllon over he ycgrs have last all oi weigh be fore but it gels more diillcuil lo do 50 Can person lose weight through hypnosis M15 The obesity makes you poor risk or surgcry You dont hcui as readily You dont loier ate nncsihesia as weii There will be more alrnln on your heart Mara culling is neces sary Risk of adhesion ls gmuler because rhccr welghl makes it more diiiicuil in we lhni tissues remain in In car ml pnsillun or healing The opcrnlion is bound lo luko ionxcrnnii lhnl In 1153 make Al 39 you have nmpla oppor lunlly In add many yearn to yaur life by Muclng ynur weigh drastically Wllh wclzhl pmvenllnl thll operation or the tumor you havn more imme dlnlo lncenllve Thu broad Jim nhvlnualy pail nffllhe naw lmg The lrsl resolve oi the new nabms ndminlslrlllnn when it look afllce yam Ian was to cre new lmlzq The In Ilep towards lhlx was made by laklnl Han Rub Macaulny on the leash and 1an Mm nun with hl lrlda crusade and other econnmlc deycloprggent plans These drew an oullme ol new Image Now the real work In aiming of overhauling the cry zuvumment jllspll By JOSEPH MDLNER Dear Dr Mnlnrr have terrible problem am tlve Incl our Inches all and welzh 230 pounds have large llb rnld lumul Tho doclnra tell me they cant operala while Im so heavy ell It had In wnvlnco the public that new vllorous lm IKIIIEHVQ yet responnble ynung Idinlnlsyutlun was In omen These Included llquar laws mgjicnrchmlnimum vggxgcs ptc Whaleéer its purpo political or otherwise Ihis an import ant development Vhal dangen any In there Encumunln Is gnu cr nilcrwum cnusc excess wnlnhl bound rim with rcspigauon QUEENS pm TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH More Beorgénizations Planned By Govt Surgery Is Risky If Badly Overweight By DON OIIEARN It could ha mu cole quenca tn the future flu 922 This place here ripe or really and ahakeup And any aflorl renrganluuon can hdev heLn M1 be worthth On the other hand older pcoplo um need cnlclum la promote healing hmlm or smufl Inlurics nnd Ior Omar jayposes and milk hun plcnlx All RCA FUND The anunla premiere July of tho movle The iron 53 capo will be held lor the Inna ll lhu RCAF Prlsmcr er Bencvnlcnl Fund mnlnl Wlmlu mull nth Ilrlie have lawn Ilhled In Wnlvlnghm lye nnly rlty In mey wlh lnru pomnnllon mnkully lAl Win pholuJ To lhe observer whelhar they are could largely rest with on pnlnl How much lb adminly ration nhla to arm aboqt pollllu any event dangernu du vlce unless used by Ipeclallsl who knows the many pilialll and extreme dangura that can arise 1b undargn hypnosis aaicly over reriad Inn enough in lose auiiic uni weight would be easily ll indeed you found qualiï¬ed specialist willing to undannke It And have my doubts about that Even than success could not be guarnniced because or one lining hypnosis nliun memiy convert nne craving lnin another ll you Aubdue ille crnvinu lar land can rcsull In craving lnr lohaccn nicohnl or even more dangerqu lirlnzs Fnrm about hypnusis Delr Dr Molnar hen my danger if an older pmun drinks loomuch milk hurt Ilenrd il wlll harden lhe ul luluJ lhlnk 11 more In lhe palnl In cut dawn on nlhcr nnlmnl Int and In continue drlnkln milk or if you wnnl ta bu uIlrusnIc drink skim milk éufwhelher they wlll be really valuatlle anolher qlullqll You aint do away entirely wlih political Influence In lov emmeni But the relative waxIla of government can centre on ll Irenxih In misting palilicql mg esp Pollllcai conï¬dentth huvn been very Impurganl here or uninhclj of years For Instance ln lhls depart ment lravcl and publlclly now heln slulmn up you might recall some years ago lhere wu urndln nmmm or mom star system under which eslnhllshmem were labelled ne cordlng to qunlily The program quietlyjicd wns klllcd by lhe polilidnus And they hav held down many Inptherng dam Lily thue VRoharu govnmmcn chnnge lhls nnd It would realb he duh something knuw lhnl some pwple crillcile mllk an gmunds lhul 1hr bullcrlnl in being ani mal add chnluslcml and hence may in ways we dunl enllrcly understand mulribuld lo hardcnlni at the merits RESISTING PRESSURES