Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jun 1963, p. 14

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Wm um um my mum mm Mvrnly nmnll vlectrodel oh mm In uu mumlu that In nunMn Mlmn filled um LuMul Ingmlm Dr Rdmlarl electrocnnno mph hu bun described by wmn Iclcnlluummn 500 In muchd In end lho adm lnn mmlngclow In hm umb flu marl Im pounnl mullraIdxlrnulc Id vunm In mm yum ll wlll ha loll mul mrcunu ltanmllnn lnl nullon nl lllnluuknl MIMI which nmnnl Iln Humduly Knlh In hm Mondny Mrlflfl lu Ml of Mm damn lhnl pro vlnully VIM lln ulhlc l9l VII nu cvnvrnnunnl rlrclnwnnlloamuhl LONDON OIIL CPDAn tlnc lrocurdlnnmph dovrlnml by Dr Grnhnm Schulrr Klnulnn whrro II cunmlly Mnx lulu nl Queens Unlvrr Illy ll lwllmcd cnrmhlu alv Inu lnlnl pirhxro nl hml ulnm In lahuwlmi hm Irlxuu The Mu dIplny Nuflmfllr diafrnphf uhlch mulml mm yumam hy Um Inlmor Ia your old lull mhlcnl will nlruuro rlrclrlrnl Imlnllm ur llvlly IHMMINI with Hu my lucllun nl hunt mmlm Shu Anhl HI pouihla Itdcrnl health nulhurillrs will be lnklnx look nl radio and clovlalon mmmorclnl or dunno ln muth he Inmu Mrltl wny lhoy do Rd Inr drugx Ind mullclncx Snlurdny nlxhl wnx wnlch In some Amnrlrnu commrr cm on drnrcllu mu was mum ha nun nl romancu nwnm lm nun lunmllltd to um um jug 11mm luhfl VrIL lho mlnlslcr Honor hclnm vmuld an havo as tho Wu could du Ho Knvn up live your mm my nhou othnr non munbrrn allow null WE lho New Heart Damage Detetted With Improved Testing Method They been sending me package or clgurcucs or envel ope wth clgarctln Inside MM leave the chamber Hwy offer me plnco lo hid in lhnlr ofllcé or remark hnl lm Ineuklng out for make llow had Prlmo Minlslnr Pa son 91ch her ucllon lhough he agony all lho limcl nu In only when yau reach or clgnrnuoyou have to my not llml one and dn llml lmm clzamln to clK mile However she 55 she hasnt been cclllng any sympathy from her Commons colleagues 23 ER Wh sh hullcd her Insl cig ureue she was coding yearold hnbil at the rule three Lpatkngcs Miss La Munsh gave up Illa wed Saturday night becausa she accepts lha evidence llnk between disease and smok inKnnd lo be able in ndvocnka abstention with clear con sclmce But Iha rest ha day awful Ihe loderal hcullh mln IAKH luld reporters after an nounclng Mundny that she will call nullnnnl conference on the hazards of lung cancer and olher dlscnscs lmm amoklnx OWAWA CF Judy La Marsh my nnw hnl shul hen up cigareue smoking shu eel hemr when she wnku up QNo Smokes For 11d But Gets Sympathy These two mm were man the first votm to min at he poll In Edmnnlun or Inn snhl nulhuriurs nl radio rrclnl or unnuu could hol horrified In Hnd ch EARLY VOTERS IN ALBERTA BLECIfi downs allnln TellIzI lold mu CPDAn fine by htyr 1h hes Knvn them cnhlncl gnlng lo Oll ADA cTARNU 4$ Ann4 hm lam mum4 Hmul 4i 41 4flN DEPHSITS awna hnm 130umm wlllch dado will are In lornlu nml dlnumaa prohlrrm 11w annr Idvlnlngu nl lhlx Dr Schulrr rxplnlnnl dela lnlls In Hm duflllrl nullu pnllml lnllawlnfl hour ul Ml wlll kw Ahla Io pinpoint lh un 04 mulclu dummy and pon 11ny lulu lilovmvinu Ilrpl luv Inuflnlrly Ill nl mm which dado lornlu mul dl 11w annr Dr Bthulrr lnlls In Hm MISI LII Marsh hope lhnl pmposnh vnncrd ll lho cont millve and mum She was lnvlllnu olllnlnls lho nllwr level govtrnmcnl Mom with represenlnllvrs volunlnry agencies And of lhu Inhnm Industry to an early mnlmnte Miss Ln Mush parlmunl will be close coommllnn clnl and munlcipnl 1mman In mmbn cllv xmnkinx She was lnvlllnl medal cllor must be made lo persuade younx Movie no In nko up lhe smoklng hub aha tnld lhe llousc Mls Ln Mnrsll whn person nlly xave up smoking during the weekend snld she had been Impressed by evidence linking clxurcllo smnklnx with lung cnnccr and certain lypc ol hmnchllls and hem dlscnsc Shu did not name dam In her nnnnunccmcnl In lhe House Commons OTTAWA lCPchllh Min Islnr Judy Ln Marsh announced Monday she calling nn early conlcrenm of Cnnndlnn henllh nlllclnls and other Interested parties on Ihe hazards cigar ette smoking Mix Ln Marsh expecls ma national confluence wlll um vcna about Seplembcr She snld she lnlkcd Monday with rem5 senlallvex or the tobacco com panies who have altered mu couponsum womans supposed lo be more ullrnuflve through veil make Or man more vlrlle None of you look as Ihough gnu were going in wrestle any ear Jusl because you make tlnrnrcllersl Will Call Parley 0n Smoke Dangers lhnl has come to he nssodulrd ilh smoking she told reponv provincial general election eligibleto vote There were 113630 persona photo mph5 Marsh umst most will be nd conlertnm or tuccllvc pmurum nrsh anld her do he working In llnn with provln alcipnl health de mmbnlllnn Cllur pnllrrn from be Mn In an problem llllKfl nl lhlx rm to dela tnu nullu Then sclcnllnc cvldcnce that cigarette making In con lribuiary mum lung umccr and Hm may also be nssw clnlcd wllh chronic hronchlUx and mronnry honrl disease In the Commons she sald ln announcing the conlcrmce rho was Impresst wllh the evi dence which has been presented ta mo ln numerous report can cernlng the lncrcaslng lung cun car death rule ln Canada and Lha sedan health problem that posed by lhl dlscnse The campaign Would probably take me arm oi an educnllnnal program aimed specially at line young with Illm clips There probably would be morn ullcn lion lo cxisilng legislation bon nlng sale ol tobacco products In those undu nge 16 and re quest in the province for sirlo ler nninrcumcnl The difference betweenvhhping andfiaving is Shu feels lhu conference will resufl in man moderale ap pmach In the problem him In Britain when the government has lukcn hard line against making with posters adverfls Hungk the cancer Ind smoking They 1e In of bull amund my office she said but her own ashtray remained mply all day Tmlny when you run huy nlmmt nnylhlng you mm on time you may not hnvn llmuuht thrm Idvnnulgm our Icrwnnl Loan Plum mm muoun Lam you IMVI cmuvon mun you hnvn Um freedom to lhup and bnrunin whmvvr you wish mm PIIWNAI tom vou uv Low mun on use the most practical and ntnnomiml SE5 YOUR MANAGER FOR COMPLETE DETAILS CP WIN Snul Nosnnchuk sollcllar or lhc WnA anld Monday ML Burr was denied access lo the incl and gum south by the mo clnllon pmchcd cmmcll two weeks ago asking the lawyers appoint ment but caunnillars suggested the falcpnyen nsk dksenflng commissioner Fred Burr run from line WPUC lhe de sired lnlnrmnllan The ntopuyers assocanon clllzens group clahnlng WPUC expense account Irregu lnrlflcssald It will nsk council to appoint Windsor lawyer An xus Mnchllnn Io conduct lhn lnvnsllgnllon WINDSOR Onl CPD City council will be asked again Monday night lo appoint an In vutlgutor he books of Iho Windsnr Public Ulllillcs Com muslon This Is drnp ol $90000000 mm $333000000 deflcll In he first quafler of 1961 In the same period of 1061 tho deficit wg $37000 Ask For Probe Of PUC Books An port surplus and smal icr tourist deiicit combined to reduce lhe overail current ac count deficit to summon in Ihe JanuaryMuch period the Bureau 01 statistics said Mon OTTAWA CF Canadas International payments deficit while still huge dipped agnln In the first quaner of 196 to con Ilnuo the Improvement begun Ins year eclrlc Company have been given the choice of lower wages or an end to mm mum union executive nether 60 emplayee Mr Ladyman said he was loll that man were spmdlug or whlla among operator along the DEW line of slrlke but his check with Greonland showed lhare was no walkout mtg no thrgal of walkout He said he telephoned Green land and was connectzd with radio dperalnrs at each post Canadian Payments Deficit Is Reduced To $243 Million lg 21 overselas exports were There absolulaB no Inith whatsoever to the report Mr Ladyman mild William Ladymnn Canadian vicearesideni ni iho lnierna iiunn Brolherhood oi Eieciricnl Workers CLO was mmmeni in on published part in Win nipeg lilai ail civilian icdml clans one IDEW line post walked on for 15 minutes lust Norway in molar iha replace ment oi one worker by another brought in Ii lower salary TORONTO CPlA Canadian unlon ofllcla said Monday night he was told by people at all our DEW line stations in Greenland that there has been no lstrum It Greenland radar pus Says No Strike At DEW Line Post PERSONAL LOAN from CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE nvcslment In InnIgnconlmllcd enterprises In Cnnndn Icll sharply I0 $65000 000 Imm $10000000 In the lust qunrlcr 01 1902 and 8110000 In lhn first quurlcr 01 1962 mun of financing your purchmv mm Human Lam you nmw comuu noncnou ench loan in lifeInnurod With linnk of Commerce Imonnl Lonn you run oblnin your momy quickly Rupnymnpla nrv arranged In In your own budgrl Beat of youll find your 0an brunch lnnnnalr helpful understanding and in imalrd In Imvimz you qu nrmslnmrr mg gain In export trade however mcnnl smiling im provemenls in bainnccs boih wiih Britain and other com Iriu Cnnndna payments sur plus with Brliuln rose lo 938 000000 from $6000000 in your earlier and with oihcr countries in from 8000000 Mcanw capital conlinucd to enter Canada on lame scale But here was major chgngel Ill Ihe lorm It took In contrast no paymcnl of dlvldends rose to $121000000 ram $112000000 Interest pay moms wum up to 869000000 from 71000000 By mas Cnnndnl overAll paymenl dcfldl wllh lho United Stale grew worse climban In 335000000 In lha Hrs quflflcr ths your Item $313000000 year earlier Improvement came on the navel accnunl Thu deficit fell to 3670000130 mm $84000000 year ago wrists In Canada Increased their spending by 000000 to $50 000000 while Canndlam abroad cu lhzlr outlay by $13000000 to 5117000000 an Agcqpm namm mm merchandise transaction fell to mamooo from $328000000 This lake In travel spending Interns and d1 vldends and such outlays as freight and shipping costs key factor They helped give Canada $62000000 overall trade surplus In the first three months his year compared with sm II nch year earner company spa esman said has week some employees had been dismimd or rejeczlng conlram with pay cuts The number was not known He said he cut Iollnwed general be llghlening operation contract involve Iower waxes poorer worldnz condition and longer hours Mr Cardin was asked in For iiameni Monday by Dnvid OriI kow iNDP Winnipeg North about he rmhiem and he naid Labor Min sier MacEnchen had Investigated Tho labor minister then told the nuns lhll DEW line wage rates are governed by lair employment practices legio iniian and in we be applied Mr Ladyman said in an inter view ha plan to get in touch today with Associate Delenca Minister Lucien Cnrdinahout the alluailon The union oiliclai said he was talkan by phonu Monday with federal electric empluyees at Cape Perry DEwllna palm and we told about hall at IO lzwman stall have been told lhoy will be removed Hurling Wednesday unless lhey sign new cqnlracis mutual wllh Ihu mmpany on mgngwjinu onnl rnncllon la Mandny MM ruling was com4 rarnllvcly mild Generally lho cellng seemed to be lhnl lnlen prcllnx the lawn and the con Illlullon was this courtl 10h That decision bmughi down slam oi criticism on the nine tribunal espccinlly imm Cungrcss The mg feeling lhou sands of classroom Across the United Slnlu obviously was ex pcclcd In view he courts ruling Inst year ugnlnsl usn prayer campast by New York nulharmu for the mm pugllc schools WASHINGTON AP The US Supmme Courts dcclslan forbidding cnmpulsary reading and Ihe recltnnnn at tho Lords Prayer In ubllc school appeared today to aw been an uptcd wlgh lllllecommnlion One was made by Canadian mu Limited the olhnr by ha Instllute or Mollanonnl Re search Incorporated oi Crnlon nnHuthnu NY both In con Reports on lwn smiles on tho habits allilude and motives of Canadians In Iulng newspapers radio TV and magazines were announced by the Canadian Dnlly Newspaper Publishers sociation which sponsored we delallnd survey last yenr rrs and ad gency cxccullves were told Monday that must Ca nadlum In sample study said lhe daily nuwspnper 15 best man the mass communica llons media in providing Infor mallon In depth both In new and adverllsmx Reaction Is Mild To Ruling Halting Compulsory Prayers Daily Newspaper Gets Top Votes For News mum Sanford St Barrie He was educated at St Marys separ ala xchool and Barrie Calle ulale He will cummenm lemlnx at St Josephs Hus pllal Tvronto July Joseph Mndignn grndun led in medicine mm the Un varsity oi Taronw on Wed nesday He islho son Mr and Mrs Mudigan on GRADUATED LITTLE MANAGER 0m mm hmmhu In um you Vhrn youd Iikv to nnlny the practical monomiml dinrrcnro bclwrcn hoping nml hnvinu nlwnyn make yuur find atop tho Bank of Commerce or oi religion when presumed objectively as part oi secular program oi cducniion in prohihiicd But he said he declalun In no way hows hosllllty toward Ilglon Nothing wu have anld hm lndlcnltes lhn Vlho study In the run on bclwcen man and reunion Ina shah lnnly commlllcd to neutrality wmlo Justh Tom Clark In tho majorin opinion The court pecmcnlly barred Blblercnding and the recital at the Lordl Prayer pan re qulrcd classroom excrclsea in public schools Mygrr 1E NEUTRAL The Suprema Court has In Mum and wa have ours oommenlcd Senate Democratic Lender Mlku Mansfield no mnn Catholic Ami he laidmeopl depend un newspapers and magazlnc lo at greater extent than on Chnasmg among newspapers radio TV and magazines pet can of those qucsllnned anld newspapers are best or Mor mnllan and In helping the lndl vIdual assess the slunlflcanca events Irving Gilmnn vicepresident IMR said at CDNPA lunch eon nr 140 advertiser and agency representatives that his mmpunya study 01 the role of the media In the hem Indicates that the our do not compete dI reclly All play complementary uniti supplementary roles he re suiialion with he Canadian Ad verlisinz Reseamh Foundation The bill provides or wide number of project that can quallry for loans Includan mm niclpall owned subway and Thu date is also the deadline or iornivencsn clause in the hill The five membnr hoard that will administer the mnd may forgive 25 per cent at the loan fur protects completed bciare that lime For partly cnmpieled pruiect it may ior give 25 rer cent at the amount 51 the canradvunced at that me OTTAWA cmm govern mcnla proposed new munlclpnl development and lam fund ha cutof dBlFMalCh 1966 deslunnd to gel municlpnlille moving last on pmlebta under the plan Th3 legislnllon lnlroduced In the Common Monday night mntnhs pruvlslnn lhal nn new loans from the 00000000 fund may be approved alter that dale DevelopmentFund Has Limit No New Loans After March 1965 nmnmnxmm mason mm 1i mi mm as IPA 54277 as Dunlap Sevenlyane per can ha prop questioned found tclavll alon advcrllslnx Iha moat lrrl reflux 13 per cent laid ndlo and tho rest dlvlded equllly bo treen newspaper and mast znesd DARRIE II sum per cenl slated newspapers are lhe best mum of lnlnrmnllon when 00d value is sought Seventy per cent sald newspapers mm lo advertise mducl Just when on MR survey said that In reply to question as to which medium was likely to make more ex travagant claims In advert mg 56 per cm said lelavlslan 20 pm cenl snld magazines per centuld newspapers Ind 11 per cent snld rndln television and mile or dctnlled advegflslqg lplormauon The luluest tale will be set periodically by the cabinet not more than onequefler of one per cent above the eflec live rate on laneperm laden government bondsM present rates the harrowing cost would be around per cent sump Fopn The cabin mus appmvt mum of more than $5000000 In any om munlcipallly In ym JTho MexBf loan cannot be rigors lhnn Iwqlhlyd of the coal of the pmjcét alter deducllnl nll fednrnl and pruvlnclnl grants or which Ihe project eligible Olller municipaliyawned pm this qualilylng Water treat ment plant and trunk dislrihlr lion mains trunk storm sewers main streets and thomuxhlarui and buildings alller man living Accommodation or hospital or sphwl buildings alher lrnns muon systems rgll nu slqck and 51ml Ear operating equipmefit rgqmcrs gym

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