Syracuse Wins To Pad IL Win rnmlAlmn lmmrr hy IM 1m mun Inuhr no luvllwm nl lhw ricllill nml In luml olumhuI le L1II nmph nvor Tmnnln Mame lulu mum hy Km muz vlnhl nml Fwd nlrnllno hvlml llmhnlor WI Winn lo ll vltlnry mrr Indianapum Imli In um HHNV Ilrll Winn Inln to mwd plum huh Dul UnlrI mun IIIH Ilnmml mul ml Jnlmum xluxgnl luv Immo mm rmh n1 Fllllivll Hnnrmo pmMrvl III nullhnn 1iwnn Irnll In mm mum luy qullnl Illlflnln Ilkmu ll MM MEN le Ilnlvhr 100 lur hnm Tum Umpllhll and Hum Balnmlnl lul humm thiva llltlmmmll IIJ mul Iv In Ar hauxM Tmrlru Lnru mru wllh mul lmll llunllnnlrll HIE Idlill mum lnlolnnllnxml Irnuuo Imrlmll IHHHNNJ Mill Syllullm hlrfl Ind lllrhlnmul Vlrullllnml IwuL Inl Uw lmmrr mmvlr ll Tlll ASNHMTIZD NH MIMI Tmhl Ilhlllrll dnulvle heal winner mm lllsI work wxll be mm ml rmry by ml Saxnorvillu Drnncovillu In the lnunh mm lhl work Slw will In driun nunin lhh wrrk by 5M Murray Mm nvu grant pulormnnw 11M urck Amer Mg lmurlle Sumnnn mllmd MI run Rum In Ihv Immd mm ï¬lm hm hrm nul lwlco lhls ycur mul wn mnc limslnnu In the mnnvy mtn me In rlgh mm his year Mluhly Hennwn looks like In good be In the lhlrd nnd senMl mom ngnin Ihis week Owned nnd drirnn lIy Ed Till 01 Sen nrovn Unlnrin he Inwl second in last ka Iflhlh may be hind Chic Mmrnry Can who has no been New this wwk Ry CHUCK TULLY Held Standard bred hnrscs has been udmd In the right lwllighl rnccs schldulld Hr tonight at he Hnrrie lnir rounds The ï¬rst fact will not Indcrwny 115 and Hum ill he minute inlcrml be lwccn races or supervlscd pari myllol polling Clay could go long way In the game and the long er he stays around the better ll will be or boxing or the sport has lacked someone like hlm for long time Racing Tonight At air Grounds Clay does have conslderable ability He doesnt show the power of Joe Louis the viciousness of Rocky Marciano or the reflexes of Floyd Patterson But hes comer and definitely has stirred up more Interest than the three ï¬ghters named put together Patterson was never good champion in my books great boxer but not the type you picture as world heavyweight champion His china jaw and poor op ponents hurt him more than anything else VCLAY MUST realize this but hes probably think inglalso that It matters not whether he walks out of the ring or is carried out against Liston He wants to fight him now llls reasoning is sound Win lose or draw he can make enough out of tight with Lis It to set himself up on easy street or the rest of his You cant ignure the guy no matter how hard you try Hes what sports writers call great copy and people who had no previous interest in boxing are now listening to every word he says Despite his own opinions Clay isnt the greatest heavyweight ever to grace the ring Colorful yes but he still has plenty to learn and this advice is offer ed by his own trainer Theres no doubt he has more than the required amount of confidence needed in the game but confidence wont keep him on his feet ii that big ugly bear Liston nails him Stupid Like fox Hes not content to settle with making predictions on the tight at hand hes looking ahead all the time Hes been neediing heavy weight champ Sonny Liston ever since the night Sonny won the world championship from Floyd Pat terson If and when they meet it will be surprise if every previous financial record in single boxing bout isnt broken Known as the Louisville Lip Clay has roused the boxlng public to new heights And in an era when the game has taken such heating with gangster in terference and deaths this is more than an average ompiishment HES BEEN criticized complimented jeered and scorned and he laughs all the way to the bank each morning He isnt doing all his talking because he has nothing else to do he is lining his own pockets with the folding stuff every time he opens his mouth It the fans dont come to see him try to live to his predictions they come to see him get can1e out of the ring on stretcher The main thing is they come and every click of the turnstile means money for ay Cassius Clay boxings most controversial ï¬gure in years has talked his way into another fat pay day June 18 in London England when he meets Henry Coo er Here Is without doubt the host promoter box ng has had in several decades BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY JUNEJS ll SPORT AT AGLANCE Clay Laughs All The Way To Bank By RICK FRASER myr Irxlln lwllmunru III Ila with the bum 10mlle nup vllrd ll llnrlmlor vlrlarl numln nl lwlrnnnmlln Juri unmlllu Innkn 21 Hr nilh Inur run In the unnlh nialnnl llflll thnnmuln unpluv Inmwd nilIr dunMn null Iiuzlr In nul lhllrm My hmmr Aml Hle Immlrr Jntl lmlm Enalnl III llvlnl Idmy In ulx IMI plun Wlllln Smllh urnl Hu Ihslnnm or Syrnrum mul lmmuvrxl Ml lrnwll will In Ihc Ilnl Mrh mm IIWr nlulh pnmr In In MIMI 5th Ylildrd Mm WI lnlhlllin Mu run hmnrr lyy Inu Ch YTIIIHHHr whch umllvxl IIII IIIIMIH In Nzlulh lannnvlllo uhlmml nllmmlnu Mlnnln tracker 52 lmmlmg lhn nuuilmn rihlalon lrmlrrn Ill Ihllll lirnlzhl ul lmk nnvl lllrir LIIHI In rluhl pnlnrm Allnnln huwurr AHII Imhh lnl mnnmv lmlxs nnmrr up Iullinnnmliq lnlo In nunhrrn dlmlnn An NTA NLUMIINH Ill251 DETS MOLLY AW LEA hy Pin Oakl Nicky 20 Owner Elwood Holmes Shel lmrnc lnu slam Driver Murrny SUSANNA DILLMUI 10 Hr by John Dillard 1963 21 Dwnrr Mu Joan Dumml Mmkhnm Driver Mlku Colllon MHHITY KNOWN 2H II II by MixMy Ilnnover 1963 UN Owner Ed nu Seagrnvc Out 1902 47 767 Drlvrr Ed 15 MISH TODII HIDIIIILI Ll Van llilldtll Illn1172 Own and Slimlry 50mm vlllr Ornnucvllle 1902 Drhtr Hill Murray Molly llaw Len who didnl not gain ln last weeks second race will he nut ngnln ln lirsl mm lhls week She looks like goodhhfl lnr lhc llm hall Hm Daily bume flu ml lrrl Murlhmm uhnuhl Imp Imy ollnl Ilihln on lrnndllm nr nnylhinu the II My Ml wing In mnkn lhrm lull pallmr mm 11w ulhrr umanva we Imnul Ilnun whrn ll was llr lurlhrr nllpulullon on lhn MMHM ncrtplnnrn wnu lhul lm 01M mun Ilrcrru lhnl no new lluh can vale nn new or muvul lmnchlxm xlurlnl ll llm lhrro mm In Hm lrnxur nu lrnxun uouncll Mnl unnnlnmuIy In nrrqul ho Mull hum undrr llw llnl lml rum lltml but up limrm rnnrll rAanlh Hyru MUNIFII linuém mm mm anmml And nrw tnlry Hm Im ncl 111mm dccr1nd lhc Muerrm wlll rrcrlvu nn prior ly nn plnylnu lulu FLT CONDITION The Iirsl 14 mm annnln Mn ple Lcnu who spnnsnr hall the Klnrlhaml And Noll McNfll muxl aptml lha Mclra Lrnxuo lnr lhn 1961M mmm wllh lrnIl Iva lrnnu Including onn lrnm TumMo Admlsxlnn the Marlin who Imllcd mm the league yum mm help arm lhu Mol mpnlilun Tnmnln Junior urnup hingu on Ihrlr nrccplnncn culnln nllpulnllnns mom of lhe league cnuncil lhe Mnrlbnm cnlry was the nnly am at our npplirmlnn umnlcd lrunchlsc In lhc lcnnue Oahnwn Kllchcnor and Tumnlo Neil mm were re Iuscd NIAGARA FALIS Onl CF Toronto Mnrlboms were Innin llvnly acccplcd Friday Inln llu Ontario Hockey Assoclnllon Ju nlor Provincial Lemur Whun Brown lcfl Glam massed mall allnrk pushcd auras an eighth Inning run and held on or lhe victory DEFEAT PIRATES It was Browns sccnnd cnn scculive outstanding ci fort against the dcicndinz thumpinns The iormcr limeri can League huricr held Giants in one hit in Innings of Ilci only live days ago while winning his iirst game in tin National League Mixing up his pitches superbly while waging his woman bub Ila mm Ihe mound Brown made one mlsIake In seven in ningsTum Hulk1 humor In the second Inning Not another Glanl reached base hcloru Brown for pinch hilIcr nIIcr seven Innings Brown flycarnld rclrcad righthander tolling for Houston Calls was mm to run up the white flag as Chintz edged Call Friday night and mnved Into lie fur the National League lead with St Louis Cardinals Assumed hes Spurn wmu Candlestlck Park lhe hume of San Francisco Giants and the big wind now hns heartbreak ridgea 15inch mound of dirt when Hal Skinny Brown ii naliy surrcndcred Emms Disagrees On Stipulations RR BARRIE WE KIMYR 00 MT BUM IIIIIJIIMR II CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE you vlnr olzlvnmnmnmhip rchlny Ivummwuu errlnl In rmk har pm mp uh mu ml Olin lrunm Jum July Aul Cardinukrcachcd the op Jack Nicklaus the years cnding money winner In golf blasts out of sand trap alongsld the 14th green as hf played second roqnq Giants Cardinals Tied For First Place In NL PLAY GOLF at ALLANDALE GOLF CLUB mo BAY POINT ROAD 105 $100000 mnderiairi By MIKE mmuar NICKLAUS INIUBES NECK PA 6047 HM IImaululr lnylnl nu Ivl lhr Imm IIII ml Iwa mm lwhlml Irmlrr Fury uwnn Mm hml Vva rnnlnl an In nul In nml wnvlnu In on he lmlk nlmn nrvlru Frnnk Vyu lulled lo mnln Hm Illn rdrnluy In the Mirnlnl mum Um nlmln 0pm Unll rlllmpnmhlll bdnl MM llm anlry We llunl Inlrnd In an buck Inln lhc provincial lmxun nl lho lmllnm or lhc hum he added lrllnlnfl In nlmlulc prmrlly and nlcu In luluru munchle dcclslons In Toranlo Lear prcsIdcnl Slnllnnl Smylho mld he wauld reamc Judumrnl on he tondIA Inns Mnrlhorm ncccplnnte unHl he receive rumplclo mm but ndtlrd lhnl Tornnlo hlu no lnlcnllnn cl npcrullnl Um wlmln Mrlro lcnxue Well have mm In vidinx we run lululn cnnlmr All pinym ownul now hy our nrznnhnllnn Hmylhn nnld cldcd am new onlry was sulll clan or lhis your The cnuncll lull Oshawa and Nell Mchll muld play In he Metro League and he Kitchener entry wuuld have no murcu nlnycrn The council agreed pending ncccplnncc lcrm by hu Marlboro lo make seven enm lranueln play mgnmu season with all lcnm Includcd In lho plnyom Julian Javier callcclcd Ihrce singles and in double for Curdi nnls racing homo with lhe run lhnl broke lie in lhc scv cnlh inning when Curi Flood singled the glove oi losing pitcher Bob Friend 35 Donn Clcndcnoni tworun homcr had pulled Pirnlu own My Sa dcckl who took over in the first inning nhcn Ray Vnshburn arm lrnuhic recurred wcnl he ml or he way or hls inurih Vyse Fails To Qualify Brown whu has not allowed walk in 35 innings oi work this season became the loser when Giants scored in the eighth against llni Voodcshlcki single by Orlandn Cepeda sacrifice an infield hit by pinch hiller Joey Amallilanu and Jose Pagans grounder an um run ncmss Jack Sanford lagged iar Bmek Dnvis homer in the ninth needed Hilly Piercc rc llct help In bring his record In Warren Spn n5 hreehilter the 57th shutout of his career gave Milwaukee Braves 30 triumph over Phlladclphla PM He and New York Mel sluzged Cincinnati Reds 10 as Duke Snldcr became the nlnth major leaguer to Hack tha whomer mnrkl rung by defeating Piltsburgh Pirates 52 while Chicago Cubs toppled Lo Angela Dodgers from first place to third by dqwnlng ngger 41L Classlc In Harrison yuterdny He sulfered neck injury during the round but said he did no plan to pull out of lhu laurnamenl Immediately 11n Nlnnnrn Fnlh ï¬nal wrm evrnly dlvldrd llmnnfl Jack Iunl lrn Tlmlnrk Ilny llyu mm mm Gmgnn Jnhn Malhcmn Mike Wholnn and LN Davidson and check rd In wil our nonln and Dan Wood hml Hum lur lhu wlnncu Ilnn Ilnrlnn nnd qu Mm Mrs the nlhrr lcnrcrl wanrm lumcd In mm mm pulormnnco Alllslon drubbrd Nlnznrn Falls In an Onlllrla lmmm lnlcrmml lulu lmxuu cnnlul his cvrnlnm rm EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE IA lllll Glorln Jcnmll of Beer plck rd up tho only homo run mo gnmc Sniders Huh Purkcy got Mal uway winging and they never wcrc headed 1n winnlng or In Hm time In 11 gamu CIn cinnnli Ran Hunt lcd New Yorks Attack with double lrI plo nnd two singles In support Carl Villcy who needed Roger Craigs rclicl help to even his record $5 Orilllu scored Hm wln over necrs Tim Service Thornton last night In Lndlcs Snmmll Leaguo lame played Thom on nlng pflcheï¬ Rhoda Shannon Look Hm lm Aaron druvo ln he Brnves runs with sacrifice fly and Mann double of Philllc aut slnnding rooklc llay Culp Culp allowed nnly Iwo lulu lnï¬lllc seven lnning he worked Moving into tie with old iimcr Jim Galvin or scvcnth place on the alllime shutout list Srmhn go all lhu runs ha needed lrom Tommie Aarons but in winning his nlnlh against three losses Soccer Win For Alliston Ernie Banks drove in Iwa runs with double and his Nth homer and non Santa also hom crcd tar Cubs while Glen Hair hie scattered nine hits The only Dodger run came in the sixth Inning when ptckoiltptay went awry allnwing Willie Davis to slrenk home from third Both oi Hobbics victories in seven dc cislnn have been against nudg crs Bob Miller 44 was the laser straight vlclory four Orillia Girls In 1914 Win gyms nns mu Goprï¬ack Foo ol lhyflclrdr SO EMIan Pcnmck was the Mn TOURS COMMENCE smunnav AND SUNDAY 210 mo no pun alt my 1nd snap alter my drive on the third hole he said Despile the Injury he carded 71 or two rmmd total 141 AP Wimpholn OnoHour Tour cl Plduhlqut Kcmponhl lhy Dock Foo 01 Ill old 59 PA 664 TOUR BOAT AVAIL BL FOR CHARTER DELANEY BOAT lINES SCENIC BOAT TOURS He has Inst Dick Slunrl trnrked hll loudh home run In many day and ulh ho mm mum drlvt Icmml Innlnl and mum MuJInx Imd Mmlhcr lnr llnl 50x 11m wycnrold strung boy nnw In his Iccund Icnwn In llm mnjorl ulruck oul lwo In tho nlnlh ncmuln1 Ms lolnl lo In 51 Inninul earned run IVan shrank lo 0M nnunu PLAY HELPS nudnlx who hasnt allowed In uninu run In 15 appearances lince Mny ll nmicd only lhrco pluhu lo wmk nul jam when he relieved Enrl Wllsan with he bases loaded and nuns uul In the cixhlh John incll grounded lnlo duublo play on llndnlx um ollerlnz and Jlm cnllln ofllld out on lho Iccond pllrh hlm Chicano Whlic Sax reinlncd nnexnme icnd Iinp the Miami um Dengue sinndlnxl with vlclnry nvcr Kansas City Iiih Mics New York Yankees came irnm behind ior ndze over Dcimii Tigers Minnesota Win Imk nvcr ihlrd piaco on dccislnn uvcr Lo Amide Angels and Washington SenaA or snapped Cleveland indinns IcvnnKnmn winning Ilriniz 51 in tho opener lwonlghi dou blehcadnr boiore Cleveland Alrugnlcd in winning iri umph in he nluhicnp lhc innu ni unma oi ihn mum in lhu mniorl He throw 20 pitches whlch manager ohn Pesky de urlbcd two slidcts and lhe rest In ballslasL luster and lh motion the hand lie just lean back and throws ll pas enL Thai ihe inrmula the six loot sixinch levpound Boston Red Sox righihandcr used In iwa inning ni spotless relic work in Busiona 51 canquesi oi slumping Baltimqu Orioics Friday night It was his sixth save at the season in addition In his 51 wonlass record and ran his flrlnz consecutive scoreless innlnis la chk Radntz large burly young man who frustrate bat ters with one the mar ln tricale dollcnle weapon In pitchers arsenal By BOB GREEN Auoclntzd Pren Sport Will Thornton scared sIngIa runs In lhe ï¬rst three Innings while UrIIIIa scored lwo In the IIIs and an In the second OrIIlIn went ahead wllh run In the fourth but Johnstons homer and nndIhen nm Thqrnlnn ahead 54 In the mm Lhnrllo Mnxwrll hll MI llrn Johnston was clipped for elghl hits but he struck out 11 OrnlEa butters and the plate he sock ed home run and double HI Icahn homer In the Illh Med 1ho acorn at and he drove In the clinching run wllh hl seventhlnnlnz double Howard went the distance for Orlllll and he gave up nlna hiu Don Johnston aimed on the mound and the plate last nght in Drill when ï¬wrnlon nipped onlllu 64 in Soth Slntncoa Buscball League con 12 Smkha Dairy wasted no llmu gelling the Sump on Lakevlaw Firs dime batters in the game drew walla as starter Gram Peever couldnt ï¬nd tho target Afler loading the buses on walks Peover was mpluced by It was high for thu batlera In the Inlermedlata Soflhall aqu last night at Queens Park First lam ol lhe doublehead ea saw Smltha Dairy thump Lakevlew Dairy 14 and 23 mu were chalked up in this name Clarhm Hotel downed Barrie Jayceu 127 In line second game at In In saw 12 hits record Red Sox Pitcher Radatz Hot In AL Don Johnston Paces Win Over Orillia Smiths Clarkson Post Intermediate Victories run Imnm TAVIHI mvm mm III II 1mm IHI om An IndyII lllflMll MIDI lllII rumm Jim Klng had pnlr of lwo run homers in Washingtons Hrs gum triumph over Cleve land nnd also connected In the tourhour uminula nlghlcnp Willi Kirkland llnnlly wound up the In Inning nighlcnp wllh Ms second homer the numc He had nmlongnd with an nth lnnlng homer lhnt Had Minnesota 002 polnl ahead laurlh place BaltImonI when Earl Bunnys sevcnlhAln nlng homer broke ngalnst In Angelou Bob Alll Mm had It tworun homer or Twins who now have wnn 21 lhclr Insl 27 games ligcrs Don Mossl blanked New York on lhrce hlu Ihrough six Inning balmc homers by Joe Pcpilone and Clcle Boycr In lhc sevenm brought New York mm behind 20 deï¬cit Jim Houlan went the dis lance or the vlclory only New Yorks lhlrd nlnu games with Tim lhla mason homer oi the scawn ieadinn ail ihe ninih Inning and broke 21 tie ior While Sax against Kan sas Cily flan Hansens tworun double in the seventh pulled White Sox inio He It Was amateur day the Open with only one pmles slumcolorful Moe Norman WOODBRIDGE Onl CF Gnry anan Kitchener slit to amnlenr gall was the only man of licld of 180 to break 70 Friday in the opening mund of HIE 4m Onlnrlp Open Smithsvslammed out ML In the lame Lakevlew nlnw Smiths centre lelder and clean up bnltcr Rus Granger enjoyed lourorIlve night at Ibo pm banging out pair don bles and twn slnzlu Murray Faragher Wayne Rum and Wayne Knecshnw each wallopcd homers or the winnem Wayï¬e chlson snarled onthe mound or Smiths but was re lieved by Russell in the llnh SEESAW TILT They extended their lead to no wlth two run In the third and three In the fourth boture Lakevtew lnally entered the scoresheet In the bottom of ha fourth when they scored their three runs No runs In the sc rounded out Smiths total Hamid Richardson and he was meted will double by Russ Granznr which dmvo in three runners Four mum run cussed he plate before the ln nlnz ended and Smith had cushion Cowans 69Tops jf In Ontario Open Clnrkson Hi Jnycces had Holiday Bowl BARRIE PLAZA PLENTY OF FREE PARKING the seventh nvull lurru In Imam In ller 3m rluu mm in mu mqu my null um run um nun mvm mu NAMI In ll IL lhtn utampnnicd by my member of lamlly 01hr Expllrl Bandy Mldnlxhl ONE FREE GAME ll PINS GO BOWLING FOR DAD Amnlcurs at 71 In addillon to McAllklor wm Nick Weslack and Bob Plushnlk ol Tornnln Bill Mnrlund North my mum Whitney or Kllchflm and Mtko Krowchuk LooknuL Palm st nlnehale score how ever was lumcd In by amateur Tam McAIllsler champion he hast Pine Valley Club who toured the Iron nine spark ling lhreeundehpar 32 MM lislcr though had pulling pm 1cm and sonrcd 39 on the nil nlne hale Iona lolnl 71 There were 10 0ch at 71 live pm and Ilvo amateurs The pm were Ken Dukgan Hubby Rose and Guano Ila brethl Tomnlo Bob Pana sluk of Barrie and Blll Baker oIANIaxnra Falls But Phelps son 01 Nnrmun Phelps at Oak Ridges Onl as sislunl pmvlnclnl police com missioner was the surprise Phelps went out In 31 and re turned In mngnlllccnt JG ak lng only 11 pull on tho last nine hnlu Twice runnerup In the laur nament Cowan played an al mnst faultless round with our birdie on the first ninu hole and steady nlnu pm on he hack nine Norman and nmalcur Blll Bell and Ray Phelps ol Toronto and Bob Williams myearuld veteran from Luwlston NY were 1ch going Into the ï¬nal as hale today with limvmund 70 an the The first round of ï¬ne whole even saw 91 all xurvlve he cuplg mark at 76 Cowan anadian ateur champ In I961 and men wln ncr ol the world amateur dlflm plonshlp Tnkyn carded lwgundchpar 59 Tomnlo among live golfers wry hellcrsd pay Arnold Neal picked up three of Jaym 10 MLs Emil Mc Cann had homer or lbs 109 New lll going or My nlnlzs Clmkson look to and In lye Hrst mgd ngcpes llcd It Larry Durnfnrd mad Earl Mc Orm each checked In with three hits for the winners who had al 12 One of Dum lords blasLx went for the dr cull Clnrkson tallied MICE in inc ionrlh and Jayne lied the score 77 with Iwa runs in the iiilh Clarksnn not breathinl mom again in their hair oi the iiilh with iwo run and pulled ahead to stay with hiea may in the sixth Holly Corner and Bernll Mnbull shared the phehlnz or Clurkson while Juhn Mnnoli and DR Forbes were the Jay cees chucken the second CAImu went ahead 62 wth our runs In thelr he or the sccund but Jny cees came back wllh Ihree In the third to narrow the margin one run Falhlr Ind wn mom and III luv lo TIIIV