£93783 The company declared quir my dlvldcnd or mm lnll ptr new HIM common Ihm my nbla on July lo Almrholdru man Juno ls Thu nuw ran in the muivalenl In tent on the aid Ihnm uhlth an to he mm on Iwnluerno hull 1an on whlch lha com plny hml been plylnl run quulrrly The company announced llml ll prlnclpnl lubsldlnry Alum lnlum Co of Canada le ls schndullnx modes lncrnnio In In nlumlnum smellcr opera llom The lnmuso wlll add total ml 3000 lam monlh lo producllon and will bran the tummy Canadian npcrnllon la 30 nl capnclly Dllllllrn CorpSennnm Ltd Ncl Ullnanl or he nlnemonlh purlod ending Aprll 30 19M nmaunlcd lo mn11000 or $171 per Alma apposed lo mm 000 or 1251 per thin or um lama parlod lnll yrnr All lip uru um uhuwn ln US lundl Dumlnlon Elrclrnhomn lndub lrlu Pollark prml dcnl report mm In or lhu llnl lum monlm ml wm 1m hlkhcr lhnn ulu or In Ilmllnr IMI period Indlcn Mom or lho lmlnnro 01 Uw year In lhnl Hm lrcnd wlll conllnue Mr lnllork nIm nnlad lhnl pm nu lo dnln wcr Improvld nml mu rmannhln intrtnw or the yur III whnln can be Fund on lho ml 01 pvucnl ndlcnllnnl Ill Avml Slack Vlfldl um ll Pnllmd ma mm II Common lnduxm ID Mxnlnl Alnnilnlum le Dlmlm Alumlnlum lellcd enuclcd bylaw lo crnnlu 1500000 shnms $60 mllllon par value of NV cumulallve rodrcmnhlo prelcrrod ahnru of $40 par value Shnre holders will consider lhl allure bylaw special maelan on July Thu than an Iu bu converllhlu lnlo common share on sharelumbar bush or perlod of In yam Tho rcdemp llolprlca has betn set at TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE This July Nova Scoilu Boy Scouts will participate in Iheir annuni Bushrunxer course This is week oi rugged nciiviiy dur ing which the Scout learn how to live hunter and isth men with minimum oi prop pared loud They sleep In brush lennAlos of helr own canslruclinn Tho hlg Ihrlll the ï¬nal 21 hour when they my son on with minimum of suppllc through the bush to prove their ability to use he knowlcge galncd durlng lhek week of training NORTHERN SCOUTS Air ViceMarshal llnr Under no leadershlp 01 100 Scoulera they look part in Operation Alon lemming some 20 Scoullnx pmlcds Iled in with an laimlle Mk II huur period ï¬ght slnlklng chasm spnnnlmz water mscue and civil defence practice wen few at the adventurous ncllvl Hes cnloycd by sumo 400 Scouts In the Halifax men on the week end May 25 THE BARR EXAMINER SATURDAY JUNE In By TED BEAUDOLN leonnl new lhll week Wu begin with an lntemnllonal sull Inu competition Boy Scouts lrnm Bermuda lsrncl Sweden moUnlled 1an dam and the US wlll complelu ln Cnnndlnn Scnullngs lhlrd unllnnnl snlllng regnlln Aug 11 to at SeaScout Shlp Vcnluro on Inn St hula nnar Mont rcn An nnonymmu donor has of lercd lo pmvldu ah transport Mlon for crew 01 two Scout tom each province if the pro vlnclnl Scout council concerm ed wlfl match tho Hon It was announced at me Ill nual menu at the Seouls anlonnl Cauncll In Olknwn May lhat many were doing Just this CIVIL DEFENCE 1h Cunlnmm GII Camplny SCOUTING AROUND ll BHBBIE BUSINESS COLLEGE ADDRESS Will Pay Fares For Competitors NAME PLEASE SEND ME FULL PARTICULAim ABOUT YOUR SCHOOL WITHOUT ANY OIILIGAHON ON MY IAfll DATE Compiled by Flynn 93 Dunlop St Burris suumm snmmm Wui Lndlu Jim AVIRAGI mun YOUR GATEWAY T0 OPPORTUNITY ESTABLISHED M97 66 TORONTO SIREN BARRIE COMPLITE counm ran GENERAL omcn AND nusmm EMPLOVMINY BARRII BUSINESIS COLLIOI 66 TORONTO STREIT HARRII PLAN NOW TO ATTEND THIS SEPTEMBER iii BULLETIN mums lelld 1le Corporation Md The company reparlo ncl earnlnu lnr mo ycnr endrd Doc 3L 1001 nmounlcd to II MMM ur um per mm compared wllh MUM or 11 per mm lur Iha corrupondln period In ytnr Thu 1001 nnrnlnn do nnl lntlndu mm mom pro on Inl HM or ou mm on lhu In lludlmu Clnldlnn Drewlukl lellcd Thu tumplmy has advised dirw Ian at Dow DrcwcryLla um ll Mun almlly lo mnko nn nlfu to purchase nll ouulnnd Ing comma sham of Dow Brewrry Ltd which ll dounl nuw nun at 60 Ihlrn Dlr mm law Ilmwery le mum at menu In Quebec Clly lodny unnnlmuuxl mam mtndm Ihnl Ihnrchorkn am he nlrrr uhrn mndc At My ll 10M Cunndlnn Brew nrln owncd as I17 nl Ibo 7H 11 Human 11mm of Daw Drewary oululandlnn TrlnlMnuntlln IIpe Llne Ca Crude lhrounhpul this comeny lnMny lhls your average 20mm bbls dnlly an lnmm cl 65 over lhe ml 700 Ml transported In April bu 51 from the 221026 bbla of May 1001 Deliver lhrnngh Ihe syllrm hr the monlh June nu cxpcdtd lo nvmze 135000 bbls dnlly 101 In lhun aclunl May dc Ilvnricl Damlnlon lulllu Ce The company report not In come fur the yarn ended March 51 1963 amounted lo 3053000 or 3192 per shnre cumpnrcd with $1351000 or 3165 per share or he prevlnu ï¬scal year Duminlnn Slam Ltd The company upon no cnmlnxs or lhe lhcnl year ended March 23 1963 Imuunlcd to 58131513 or 3L0 per share wilh 8150 540 or $0 93 per share or the seal your ended March 11 1962 When apprehended ha had strong smell of almhul an hls breath ho was unsundy on hll and swayed whcn he walk ed He was polite nnd talkaliva In the pollen authorlllu lhe Bench was old The Court was told that ha unused wns drlvlni soulh an Hlxhway 21 at Iwn oclock ln the mornlnx on May 17 at high speeds The arresting 0mm clocked the accused travelling at spews of from so to no mph on concession 11 and Mllth In Inmslll Township During the chnsa lhu accused travelled through two stop signs wllhoul slopplni the court was old Howard Curler 31 or HR kasloun was ï¬ned $150 and $5 costs In Mullslrales Court Enrrlc yeskurdny on chum drlvmz while his ability In do so was Impnlrcdby alcohol is drivers licence was sub pended or 51 months The new commutes an outgrowth of simllnr mmmlueo lorrned two year nxn by an Quebec Seoul Council which un der AVM Harveys leadership has armed several Sum troop nmnnz Eskimo and Indian boys Mm nnrlherly In tho Flm Pol ar Troop Resolulu Buy on Cornwallls Island ram 300 mllc south of lhe North Fala Thl believed lo ha ha mos northerly Scan Gmup in the world vey REAP commander North ern Nurad Region North Bay was named chairman oi new ly nppoinicd committee on Arctic and Northern Scouting ni lhu annual meellnx oi the Boy Scout oi anada Nationni Council in month Loses Licence For Months Jum Veg Au no 11 Ho Iuflulcd Ihll mun vb mu mum npurrlnl ho III home wauhl ho mum Iun la mllnlnu uxlnln moll Fl horn unly hull undrr Iho Nallnnl Dulllll Ad Mr ï¬mllh uld mun lmllla wlm lruwlnl chlldrrn cum ml OTTAWA Spccllll Thu Ll ml lovernmenll pm In In any mo lo llnl purc Men of hman bum In lhl wmlcr monlhl will have 11qu meet an homo hulldln or unempluymcnl Ho brr Sm lh MP lnr Slmmo Nnrlh mid hm In In Interview Cummenllnl an the lovtrn mcnll nnnuunumcnl lhc plan In lry Ia Illmulnlo anlcr bulld lnu to am uncmploymnnl Mr Smlul uh ll wnl thlWl Hill the home purnhnar would not My Imp th 8500 upplldy Thu lmlh II ml WM out about that nmuunl mm In bulld mu cumpnrnhln honn In winter mm In Ihu hull wnnmr money will be men up In Addlllunll hulldlnl cmll Mr Smith Ith Squadron Leader George Klzhllcy has recently proceeded on rcllmmenl leava mm the Royal Canade Alr Farce alter completing over Zl year of aer vlce Klghlley enlmcd ln Ulo at Camp Borden in 1933 clerkalcnozrapher and pro gressed thrown are ranks to Warrant Olllcer second class and wax than commissioned an Admlnlslrallva Olllcer Follow lng prrlod nl duly at Mr Fom llendquarlera ln Ottawa In an udmlnlnrallvu capaclly ha transferred to the album 11 and graduated as pllnl from Camp Borden in Sepum ber um Following laur an In structor and sullen Adjutant at Camp Borden 1mm ms to ms he was transferred lo Trenton personncl mu olflcar to tho A00 Trnlnln Command In 1919 us In mom or the Re cuo Ind Communlullonl night Trenton he wu engaged In mrch and rescue opcrnllons and heycopler flying In 1950 SL lehllay was moved to Monlrcul where member No as Tun rt Squadron he wu engage In 1an an the Korean Mum and also to Cnnadll nuuylnx NI much wnllehom Ind Runlulu Day Ind 10 various plncu In Europo lour of duly CommandA In Olflter of tha RCAF Unit at Furl Churchill In northern Mnn llabn loHowcd and he then Ipcnl us your Squadron Lom mnndcr and Chlcl Sundurdl 04 liter thn Flylnz lrllnlnl Hebe Smith Raps Proposal To Pay $500 To Builders SIIOWN ABOVE are mm hen of tho derlnmn School Eoyl Choir From the hit mind Terry Bllkey Scott Snelurove Terry Exell Phll Ends 24 Years With Air Force ID Ila Influlcd llml lhn oanmo pnpulnr lwnhcdmum huntlaw wu nvuhulll and Aomolhlnu an on Hm lmuln mnvkel lho need lnr lnmr hum hid dumped In men yen plan erh would Allow lhu Imnlltr hnmu lo be nncul wllh new manna cl un der Ccnlml Mormnxo an Haul lnl Corpornllon would allow peopln buy lhm hum And ll the mm llmu prnvlda the present owners wnh lhu mum at movlnu Into 1mm house wflh mumMu dawn mm am his tqnlly In lho Irnl lmmu cumL Mr Smnh Mid pmen lwwbedroom homes loo mull lor hclr 15ch They would 1mm movo Inlo larger home ham wul name way elllnl lhclr mully oul of lhtlf pm homes mv EXAMINER WANT PHONE In In 1m lehllcy WA lrlnsfcrrcd to Mr Forcu Hud qumm Ottawa 0nL where he completed hls survlca vrflh lhg Rggul Cnnndhn Ur Force On May 1563 Georle as Iumcd his new dune ll anuly Command Clvfllnn Pcncnncl Ofï¬cer at Mr Transport Com mand lllcndgunrlers 1n Trenton School In Moose Jaw Suskal chawan Mr Kiuhlley and his wlIe the armor Evcln Anne Hicks Vlndlor an heir Ihrcc chlld run Robert In nuslyn and June wlll Lu mnklnx lhnlr homo In Tlunlnn 1n the num tulurn llp Steward SECOND ROW Glen Todd Stephen Couller Jlm Mulchlnock lllchael Mc Dowel Stephen Delaney Brad Nelson Bob Wilson In Post nlkoll below Mlclml M111 Minimum to BLOOD llflNlIll CLINIC 5L KlGllTLEY CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY nunnun JUII IYI TRINITY PARISH All ioi infivrmallon Cull PA £413 DONOR URGENTLY NEEDED fl W1 WEDNESDAY JUNE IMh lwrn RoundDr Mnrkinnun Ihllllpl momlwr un 0n lnrla leli nlurn lnr Urey Norm MHI armor lmnunhn Cun mvnllrn mInItur wnlllu and pmvlnclnl mrrlnry nllcr hurl mach Marine Forecast Lake Huron Goorllnn Bay North lo northwest wlwdl to Is knot becoman llxhl variable lonlxhl Sunny today becomlnl cloudy lulu Ionlzh with low Ihowm Sunday mornlnx Fmecusl lompcrnlurns Low tnnlzhl High Sunday 50 Windsor 75 St Thomas 45 70 London 75 Kllchemr 75 Mount Fons 10 70 Wlngham 40 70 llnmllmn 15 10 SI Cnmnrlnu 75 lomniu 55 70 Pelerbomum $5 70 mnlon 50 70 Kllllloa 15 70 Aluxkakn 45 70 North Bay 70 Sudbury 70 Ellflan 5mm Sir Mum to 70 Knpulxulnl Chum Nl thurt llnrdwlck ol MvnlrnnL lml mnnngrr the Iccuriy drpnrlmrnl ho Bank at Mon lmul xcnrl mark Mon1uUr lenm Omn wood otmcr clunlrmnn Inc dcprlmrnl nl Iinxlluh Al the Unlvesllly Man Medltlnl Al Hum M4 planter Iaulhem lmln mnchrr and Mcdklnl Hal buxlneumln Georgian my llallhurlun gamn Tlmazumi Nonh Bay hudhury Saul Marie Sunny wlu clnudy periods Sun dny partly cloudy with widely fluttered Ihowers not much change In lempcnlure winds thL White River Sunday Cloudy not much chn fem erature Wind be nor west 15 Sunday Nut YolkVictor Md hand Illddcr MWIPI rte chug hem Illch Synonlh Skies cleared over mosl Ontario durInK the night However cloud ex pedcd to develop today and Is my 1301 mung Lake Erie Luke 5L Clair Nl ngara Lake Ontario Laku HuA run Windsor London Homil Don Toronto Cltnr lonlghL Sunday porlly cloudy with nigcly natured showers Wlnds White River Sunday partly Cloudy not much change In femgerature Wind becoming nor west 15 Sunday Cocnrlne Sam Icltlmd shown this allernoon and to night Sunda partly cloudy and cool Wln bccnmm norlh wcsl ll Sunday ll THE CANADIAN PRESS and Terry Leigh BACK ROW GaryGlller and Bob Hendersan Missing 1mm Iho picture are Rlckln McFadden and Stephen Mosley Exam lner Photo WEATHER DEATHS Mum 40 II From Journvy Into Mel ody on elevlslon lasl Sunday the Codrlnzlon Bays Choir went into journey to the Elma Public School lhrouxhoul UI week Anzul McKay tuperlnlendenl the School Board llld he had heard mlny wonderlul remark about the boy alnxlnl Ind 11+ elded that the nudenu Ihould be given In ml nppartunlly tnjm them ling slugs Monday my hm neared It ovum Ichoal bu HI am when ey will parlorm Mondly Their mlnlnl an extru currlcular mlvlly nld Mr Caldwell Tho unicurricular uctlvlly ha resulted In In Il mnsl proteulanal ulnzln Ilylc and nlnlnz populnrlty ln Baffle Sun were selected mm In Hm way production ollvu and included Bc Buck Soon with lhoheln 61 Dave ho maul Education manner or the Smhool Board ld do Ahyghllnz and Food alarm Mora than two dozen ynchtl were expected to partlclplta in ml The yacht wen to an In lhu direction 315 Bay Polnl turn and then past me flag at the yacht club In Mullslrnloa Calm Why Camp Borden mm wu ï¬ned 850 Ind tosl or dun In ltd or cnmuvenllon of the Thomas While Camp llordcn Electrnnlcn and Appliances pluded zullLv through hls counlel le lnulon la eonluvenllnnvol ha Uncmpluymem Act Court was old he mum had filled to reply to any 01 uveral let on ml by ha Commlulonl Dlxlrlct Audit Olllco ln Barrle regnmlng the nanpurchase unemployment insurance slumpl In Minute pmenlauan by the boyl undenmu lud enhlp mm Clidmll and the accompaniment Bell prlnclpu Hillcrest the cholr tandem what tumor uued splendid perlounlnou ï¬lm In the week When they Ilng on Iran they sound Ilka mp 21 muck but when qumel ledby mutanpluckln younmu 3nd Nalson begin alnxlnx PuIL lhl anlc Druon you wonder who nAlha Indium Commodore Maurice Bum he Barrie Yacht Club WA to aka the lalute mm the Gulf harbor today at the on of Johnsun Street allowing lhe annnnl pgsl Thu ï¬vemmenl cutting down an employer who vlollla ho Unemplwymem Insurance ct Choir Sings Like Angels TO Students Takes Salute In Sail Past Insurance Breach Brings $50 Fine MODERN PACKAGE POLICIES For CONSULT SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 49 Dunlop St Burl COMMERCIAL AND PERSONAL INSURANCE hr Kingland Consulting Engineers and Planners INTERPLAN lIMITED Follnwhlz II summary of tha ï¬nancing Barrie slump qu pggmtam projegled 2019 perlod mm pwnnm pmqu um arm perm Council was pmented with Una pmjemed age manu ï¬ve years The aummary shown presenl lemmas appravzd lp ellllles no flnInAced In mlorpmj IncIllqei Generlrl Yielan council was that all citizens Ban mild know In much About IMI mm as paulble Fncmflel financed mm In Frlmnry trutment plmt Farce maln at head buy CW limo ol unitary newer undu Locul lmpravamen varous Tom Add apexnun and mllnlenunce or uwm treatment pllnl Mnlnlennnce unitary newer Iyslem Secondlry lmlmen plum Sumryjrunktogervlco north of Sanitary trunk to service Industrial Am Sanitary trunk to new mum Influx city smmy trunk urvlcu Pnhldu Ron Street uu Apprnvld but no flnnnced Pile lesllnl Ind proengineering at addition In lawns treatment pllnt Sunlmy mm to an end 01 city Add Addltlnnll overuni Ind maintenance mm Irutnwnl plum 5V mill tux levy Sawer me Pnume were are cent has Applu also In that npply wld or cean or yourvqgarg Mikey Fruh an In feline brought 15 cents tar two bunches and Iplnnch want or 20 cenu pogmd Aaplrnm Iold two bunches or 35 cents men union mi dime our bundle for 75 cents rip lormtm cant pound rhubarb to rent On sale at the Farmers Mar ket Mulcasltr sum thh mar ulna was jun About everythlnl or Sundny menu There wan wlda median Fruh sold It 45 cents dozen medium 50 cent dozen large and call dcr un um hm Everything For Sunday Meal On Sale At Famers Market Outlines SéWer Costs In ABarrieJ We havo some cholcu ground level Irena comlng nvnllnble July Isl also upper floor space large or small areas Ideal for mnnulaclurlng or Ilornge at very reasonable me healed prlnklercd To Innufl menu Total Total Innull cost Gm Pm Kluglland Eng as rosldcnl engineer in Hm City of Darrin Take pleasure In announcing the uppolnlmont of SPACE FOR RENT PWECTED FACILITIES hand 152 STEEL STREET PA 60082 APPLY KINZIE PA 66501 FACILITIES PRESENT REVENUE hundu andhuney ranged Him 15 cent to I1 molding to in mntalnexgr Plant sold or 35 cents box or lhm or $1 and included nyuum marlzolds peluninsln wlde mm of colors aster cabbage npq cuullflow Humebaklnz was plenum and told wclL Included were plea caku cookies tarts brawnlu Mullins bread and rolls Knimlnz for the baby Inciud ed Ms $359 and boom it cant pulr CAPITAL BURNED Cup Ilnlllen former column capital at Halll wan bumzd la the round during the light for Independence In 1802 Flul Yen 133 1984 18M 01000000 cm on mm mm mm 2531 Gran Annqd 38600 311 mm 30151 127000 31471 1151111 36588 151883 mom 114651 we 17M 20875 10805