God In His World ith Scrl lure Ills law is pericet and our Redeemer For lle The greatness oi God is no which runs Its caursaw toy Is our Gadl and we um um parent In the universe He created In the heavens Ilo has set tent lor the sun armament SUNDAY senoor Lesson ByiilliredIBueschér Psalm 10141 It Is also ap parent in Gods revelation oi Himseli and His law In tho Owen Sound MD Dies Of OWEN SOUND CPI Dr Mackinnon Phillips 64 mem ber of the Ontario legislature ior Gray North and former Pro gressive Conservative minister at health and provincial secrc tary died inhospltal Friday night He had sulicred numerous heart nttacksand had been in hospital ior about two weeks lie was iirst elected to the legislature In 1945 and became health minister in 1950 He was appointed provincial secretary In 1933 and resigned In l9€0 aiter he pleaded guilty and was lined $200 Ior leaving the scene oi an accident but continued to sit In the legislature Havo at Dow Its brewed to suit your taste tastetested by men Attack He had announced he wouldnt be running in the next election During his time as mlnlster oi health substantial advances were made In Improving the provinces menial hospitals Dr Phillips was born In Mei ancihon Township Duiinrin County lie graduated com the University at Toronto medical school in 1924 and did postgrad uate studies at Harper liospi to He started private practise In the village oi Chatsworth nine miles southoi Owen Sound in 1926 and moved to Owen Sound in 1910 thoPhuul sure right pure clean and true Ior evenPsalm 111711 It Is apparent too In our own experience God is our itoek Audience Is Cold Stratas Walks Out TORONTO tCl Soprano Teresa Stratas told her mother on thsyteiephono early today that she plans to continue her concert tour oi the Soviet Union even though Itirs Stratas tried to convince her to return home Itlrs Emanuel Strotes said she called her daughter in ltlos cow shortly alter the young To ronto singer walked out in the middle or pcriormance with the Bolshoi Theatre Opera She said Teresa told her she could not feel she was doing her host Ii there was no warmth irom the audience She walked out at thc end oi the second actnot In lit oi anger but alter deliberate thought and the Russians hurriedly pressed another soprano Into the role at peoplo at His pasture Psalm 11 Psalm 957 This greatness oi God should Titania In Tchaikovskys Eugen Oncgin ltiiss Siratas said she didnot regret her action although no one had told her that Moscow audiences do not applaud until the end at the programnot even between acts But she said she would like to complete her tour because it includes recital In Moscow July COMPLETE CRIME MEET BUFFALO AP Flityslx law caiercemont oiiiccra irom northern New York state and Tomato completed iivcday seminar on sex crimes Friday Sherii John Iutnska oi Erie County said the seminar will lead to greater understanding oi the problem sex oiIenccs In Its true light and will on courage police olilcers to de velop preventive within their own departments After Work to KY stantly Oh come let us sing newspaper correspondent Vgryze lend its to worship Him con to the Lord Ic us make Mini nnlse Psalm 051 GOLDEN TEXT Psalm Iii Stock Unregistered Given Indictment NEW YORK tAilJohnnncs Steel one time controversial and radio commentaior was In dicted Friday on ledctal charges oi making so 000000 proiit in unregistercdstock The government accused Steel 01 illegal dealings in stock or the Alaska international Corpora tion concern purportedly in terested in oil gas ond mineral rights US Attorney itohert ltiorgenthau said low at the companys claims over were successfully operated Norgenlhau said it had not been determined to what extent the public had neen oliccted by dealings in the stock Steel St was hcld In $15000 haii Ior arraignment laler like you men who trust their taste and know their ale Thats why Dow always measures up to your taste expectations always gives you the smooth mellow fullbodied taste you want in an ale flow In DAMN Mill mom the brew tastetested by men like you deloliating trees in the Sioux Lookout Kenora Fort Frances and Port Arthur regions but Ewe leit highways greasy with Tent Caterpillars Serious Problem TORONTO CIDTent eater plliart have so muitl lied In northwestern Ontario titI that they constitute it gault Ste Marie 0nt said Fri Is year Mr Dill blem Dr Sippeli oi iorcst insect laboratory at Millions ot the hairy two chdong crawlers are not only cir bodies Dr Slppell sold in telephone interview Kenneth Turner an entomolo tllst with the de artment lands and iorcsts hp caterpillars according to eyeli col patterns population In The lost tent caterpillar blight ere sold the will hit their peak two years reached Its peak in the prov lnco in 1951 and dropped all in 1952 Since there was virtually no caterpillar activity until last year it is probable the insect runs on loyear activity cycle Mr Turner said liut he added nobody knows what triggers the out hrcak every number of years Mr Turner said that although the insects strlp tree foliage only the weaker trees die and usually second set ol leuvcs appears later in the season So in the overall picture there is little damage done be cause the trees recover alter thc epidemic he said MUST PUSH EXPORTS Australian cxpotls need to ho Increased up to s15oeoooooo year by um Ior the country to retain its rate at development CLERK Knowledge of Typingl Salary 52970 $3420 Department at Agriculture Health of Animals Division Barrie OPEN TD Quahlied residents QUALIFICATIONS years experience In clerical the duties to be performed ccdurcs and practices DUTIESJo be responsible for ci check reports maintain records articles and documents as supplies other related duties TO ENSURE CONSIDERATION applications must he re ceived by JUNE 1963 at 25 St Clair Avenue East High sch maintain inventory Ontario oi Barrie Ontario and locality not or vocational training work which can be related to good knowledge at oillce pro erlcal and typing iunctions prepare and type various cmhie testing and impaction answer enquiries periorm the Civil service Commission Toronto Ontario Competition number oerm should be quoted THERE is MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE AT coon II THE flAiiItlE EXAMINER SATURDAY Jim all White Man Stabbed Beaten By Negroes DETROIT AP whiter man was stabbed and beaten by group at Negro youths on the lawn oi high school Friday police reported Police said the man Anthony Dave 42 quoted the youths as saying thats lor louisiana and thats ior Alabama while they were punching him Duvu who had gone to the school to pick two daaghtcrs was reported Iemporar serious condition at Receiving Hospital treat stab wound In the hock OF MAMUWAH COMES FROMA COMBINATION OF DOLLARS AND FOR SUPERB FOOD liS Dm be When you look at the Illustration you may think that were trying to tell you that were not all there What we really mean Is that there is great deal going on be hind the scenes at Cooke Cnrtoge things our customers never see things being done to assure you satisfaction For Instance did you know that our men recently completed on advanced training course covering each aspect oi the rnnv Ing business Did you know that now our modern devices can pinpoint the exact location oi your possessions at any time as they travel to meet you at your tirsllna lion Theres lot more than meets the eye at Cooke Cnrtagc lot more to as sure your satlsiaction ANN ST in min mo Muma mammm um use lPA 84177 38 Dunlop