ANSWER Use tine steel won and llquld palnt remover to work In the cracks For stub barmspols In surfaces portable sander easiest POCKMARKED BATHTUI QUESTION Our bathtub hns Buckmark arnund the top and nttom The marks are very nollccnbtc and stain easily Thu slain Is dttticult tn removet Is there preparation that can he used to cover up these unsightly marks Can something be dune to smooth the surtacet REMOVING PAINT QUESTION We recently mm vcd Into an tIynnmld house with painted dwork want In remuve the In and revam MI started raining it Most 01 It came at ens 1y but there are some stubborn spots and track that are hard tn scrape What would be the best and easiest way to remove this palm ANSWER The pack mark FIRST Amfon THE HOME Ill ComplofoSIock of CROWN DIAMOND PAINTS LOOK TO US FOR THE KIND OF FRIENDLY EXIERT SERVICE THAT HAS BUILT OUR REPUTATION ROGER WHITMAN ANSWER the scratcnes have not affected Um color the wood surlnce the scratches lo bolh smooth and cover the packmarks Tho Ham is avail able at sumo lam hopsnwnru and palm dealers and made towlthsland soup and deter gent solutions PLYWOOD SCRATCIIED QUESTION our family room has natural llnlshcd plywood paneling Them are number of scratches on several panels Hnw can Ihese be repaired 01 ms nish Ihe pnncllng Jr of no Ulmol Quallty Inalu ha your Buildr um Bartram Brul Producn may be due in ion harsh or strong cleanser or abrasives having been used in clean lllo inb destroying Iho iinlsli of the porcelain Any ouchup prcpm ration used on these pockmnrks will be conspicuous as exact duplication oi lilo while oi the surrounding surfaco is extreme ly dliilculL suggest applying in new epoxy type lilo and tub iiniho the gnilmluh surice 4293111 ST BARBIE PH 60254 BEBTBAM BROTHERS Nows the perfect time to make those home improvements and repairs you neglected during the winter Whatever your needs call ior you can be sure of finding the best selection of top quality lumber building materials siding roof ing and insulation at the biggest saw ings here Visit our yard today Budget terms arranged Warm Working Days Are Here LTD CREAKING LOUNGE QUESTION We hava had our team ruhher lounge wood rams or more lhnn year When any one 51 down on It there In ANSWER sum at lhe top and work down Pnlnl tho calling first then the wallx next the woodwork and Hnlsh with the loan cancnslly be repaired ii the plywouti has vwvsh Itial run varnish along the scratches with In small watercolnr brush or deep scratches apply several thin varnish cunts allowing cnch one to dr lharoughly bc inre npplylng next cant ii the iinlsh is shellac wlpu Ihe scratches with alcohol or touch up with ihlnncr shcllnc Belare repairing the scratches be sure tho suriacu in thoraughly elem ed and ircu oi any race oi grgnsc wnx Irimc etc REPMNTING ROOM QUESTi0N This is tha ilrst home we nwncd and we arent too lamillur with mainlenlnce The room urn beginning in look dingy and we want to start It pnintlng tht is the pmpcr an dcrin completely rcpnintinn mum FUEL Ind CONSTRUCTION Co Ltd 49 ESSA ROAD Instant pave dollyourself Iypa asphalt la avallabla at some largo garden suppllu dealer or consult your cluullled telephone directory un dur Asphalt and Asphalt Pro ducts Th1 material requlrcs nu healing or heavy mlllng QUESTIO Have you any in formalan on repair asphalt drlvewaya We hm area that haw nmk Into puddleIlka dh pMsslolu nnd he surfnu L1 cracked Where can Wu get my plies or this ycpqlrz ANSWER Scrub Illa concrete surface with all hmsh und strum ho rolullon trlsodlnm phosphate or washing radar Then rlnso lharouzhly with clear wu er to remove all race of the cleaner CLEANING CONCRETE QUESTION We want to aim our wncrelanonr In the use menl How can It be cleaned helm being pnlnled ANSWER Th crenklnz ls probably due loose Julnl or reveral where two place of the wood lrame meet or where leg llta Into the frame Locate the crank and lnsorl llqulrl repmuon whlch swells wood avnllnbla at many housewares and hardware dealers thl cause llfhtcr of the Joint or Insert no into the jolnt or use nonally lubrlcan to re duce tho creaking 15 BAYFIELD STREET LIVE BETYER ELECTRICAL Electric heating EllMlNllTES THE FLAME provides new standard of safety in home heating cannot create dust soot or dirt of any kind Its revolutionizing modern living and is within every familys means For more information contact your qualified electric heating contractor or creaklnl sound Haw can ws rid 01 MI gnnoqug noise mums BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AllANDAlE UMBER ANSWER The seal when plpc meet under the bowl llx lure may have sprung lank Recommend having compel an plumber Inspect and make any necessary rcpalfl mm mm QUESTION slight see no developing at he hm ha lollet ust at tha lam101m The tulle so seem undamaled How can this be cllmlnalud ANSWER llour levelllng compounds lor this purpose are available lilo dealers and ma aonry supply stores allow the Plalilulactums direction care BEEPAGE an quym BASE TILING UNEVEN FLOOR QUESTION Va wan to pill asphalt tile over our concrele baseman floor The concrete surlnm Irregular and uneven How can the floor he levelled zquipment and mm ready to use It is merely rnkad over theater in he roughed than railed with aardzn roller or iamped down with shovel cover with bnard ar two and run your car over the board times L111 Earth Examimr PA 855 Standard Builder Blueprints ln Ml dulgn No 431 cm $1500 or the am so Ind $500 lnr additional sell They are available In Canndn by rtlnrn mall Ontario resldenla inns remll per cent ulel IIX Ihe case here You wlll nollce tho the rent center bedroom can enslly be converted lnlo TV room ll lhree bedroo are all you requlre Extra lov ntory ls convanlenlly located Entry hall provides dlrecl ap proach to all major area Inc home The llvlnl urea spoclous wllh charmlnz bay and old wlndow provldlnl amplo lluht and venulullon Se parnle dlnlng area and lunc llunal kitchen compltle he layout ol Oils well planned brlck veneer home ll would be qulla my lo ldd In allnch ed garage whore lndlcaled Thls would enull ellmlnnllnz In ha and dlner window out to offset lhls he rear on oould lie madllonggr PROGRESSIVE FLOOR SERVICE ll mh PA EACH IUIZC In Full Carton Lon Far Anylhlut In Flood ummm hum becomes too lam after 1h chlldren are grown and away ha Such not PA 64825 hedmrn FLOOR TILE EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA mu Vinyl Album 012c EXAMINER HOME OEEEE WEEK FRIDAY JUNE 1m CHANGE LANDJ FACE Bomu €0000 workr nu bulldlnl Indlll Nunrlunl Ba nr Damon of many WmI lhnl In thanllnx an 01 th anclcnl lml Thu chlm lo Inch homu Indlcnlcd In mm II ml mod on lorcu bul on ulllcv Unlarlumluly Solomon mum of drllverlnu lhu upprmed Ind In mu Solomun nkl Ml he Ind his Ion be Ilka rain upon mown nrnu whlch II nm lance mml odd ba muu lllmlly lhb II not himan ll IlL Whnl lho nulhor mull menu rnln upon newly mow fluid from whlth he old mu been cluml Tull would cnuu lhc ml to 1pm ulln Ilmult ovcmluhl Jun good ludml Innucncc bring an lhn Mull polcnllll In lalloworl In Psalm II thch one of Davidr wo Ilnd that he author In In sltuollon In derpmto that IrIendI urge hIm lo IIea Ior III III III reIures no onIy became he has InIlh In God uphoIdIna of the rIKhlcour hut becnura In Ice wouId noI be rlghlcausnru on hII pm bul cownrdlu Pulm 71 In one he only Iwo In lha Puller whldn Inr II we can IelI were authored by Solomon The other ll tho mm In pcnlng rnynr II or hlmrcl an hII er lhal their judgmenu my be rIlhImm nocnrdInK In God Justlco In Ihc In clause probably return to he rpchIIc udgmenll thch the klnz mml mnko rIxhlcour nan In the mend pmbnbly hm moanl lhe Inner kall 01 accord wlIh God wny whlch To my IpoclIIo Iudnmcm EcrlpllflePnlml In I2 Am By spun JONES Tho collection of psalms In todayl lesson reflecu he 1m rlnnce rlzhleouumu In re Inlun Thu word comes course from our Ilmple word right To be rllhtm hm Iora to do whnl thl 14mm Amnmom mm Willu cannon ROOM Psalms Tell Us Doing Right Is Meaning Righteousness mm In llama lam amino PA 6076l GENERAL CONTRACTOR ED MILLS hillkl Thu Inh mum Punch Itlur Balm one In Vth mm mun Mun MINIHIRMIII In In my damn mm PMNI PA um Andruw Mcu pm In den ol Nutnu wan ro nnvlu old acquaintum In Alllllnn Imr lhl nech will Camp Bon Mrl Elhnl llunl Nixon fll hm enlulnlnwl IuErullmll land and Itll hour It telehrlllnn In MM lxlrlhdly ALLISTON Simian DR lm Mn Imlul Illa Allion ro trnlly wm prmnled wllh hlll morn plum lha ham vl Mn lllllrl hmlhvr Willlnm Cnldwzll II qun wu rum lhrlr lamlly and relnllm In In Kculun of wit nlh wannl nnnlvcmry Fur Ihu Lon ll rllhleauv luvu Illhkoul derde lhI uvrllhl Ihnll behold II It In llxl yum mm roughly the equlvnlcnl lo Inn prcuch cu In In counlxy MAL who mm mm out lho IlnIulnnu In In er nulwnrd prosperity Amm Hm In the ccnlury 110 under Uulnh and Jew bolm II pmod mal Iplclndor Ind pmpcrlly or Ir in conimsi to Psalm 72 Pnim emphasize Iho evil oi unjust Iudgmenls Here God In Judging ml the pcopin them Him but ha unjust human iudxe the peopled This is lhu reinmt ol the word gods In iinl vane in Exodus 116 215 28 wejce the name nierenca used inriha word Imeil judged Verse speak of God Idling and judging mun ycl ihmuzhcuk ihe New Tesin men it in umin lhn Son oi God Who is nppoinied to do he ennth udginu in Christ iiim uil ni The iundnmcninl cri terion or my Judgment ll rizhleaumeu in Plaim ind we mum in the old lhcme oi Gods ever lnslinz riuhicaumcsu and 14 once and inner everinslnz unrighlcoiuncu The pmbicm here in In onn oi lhu nccmily of Judlmenl on UM purl oi lhl righteous oi the unriuhicous upccinilf nnol own unrixiul com in in me problem laced clplining purcnl Siui many llricken made their rdenl ven heavier despllu hIl pra The ruler lo ac amplh hit are God and ALLISTON SOCIAL NOTES Sign 1mm qougan mxr