Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1963, p. 12

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SECRETLY MltltlllEDhIN 1961 Lord Beaverbrook and Lady Dunn were married in October 1061 but the marriage was not made public until liIursA day Lard Beaverbrook iright here during visit to tialiiax and Lady Dunn are shown in 1050 CP Virephotoi Taxes Discourage Foreign OHAWA CPiSlllt taxes to discourage the sale at Cann dian corporations to ioIclgn in terests were contained in Ft nanee tltinlstcr Gordons budget along with measures to en courage more Canadian owner ship at companies now con trolled abroad Etieetivc immediately Cann dlnn individuals or companies that sell large blocks of shares in Canadian companies to ion cign interests will pay duper ccnt tax on each sale valued at more than $50000 in day Mr Gordon said this new tax will apply immediately on tho shares at all corporations listed on Canadian stock exchanges and the government is working out means to apply the penalty tax to unlLrtcd and privately owned corporations ii is our view that IIonrcs dent takeovers oi established Canadian companies rarely confer any benetit on the Ca nadian economy 0n the other hand the gov ernment wanted to encourage torclga investment in Canadian corporations so long as sub sianllai amount at control was retained in Canada since 1960 the icdcrai government had charged withholding tax at 15 per cent on dividends paid to nonrrcsldents lIitectlvo immediately the withholding tax would be re Interest duced to to per cent irom it per cent for companies owned by Canadian residents to tho extent oi 25 per cent or more Starting Jan 1905 the 15 percent rate on dividends paid out by corporations with less than zitpercent Canadian owns ership would be raised to 20 lttr cent This increase would apply to companies which are fully iorcignowned During the lntcrvalbctween now and Jan 1965 the 15 percent tax would be raised to 20 per cent on the amount oi any increase in dividends paid by the companies with tcsstlIan 23 per cent Canadian owncn ship This tax would be paid by the company and not by the recipient ollthe dividend To encourage company with less than tapercent Cann dian ownership to come up in that level or surpass it by Jan Iain Mr Gordon said some rriands ol the withholding tax will be made The rclund without interest would amount to the diiterenco between the new basic leper ccnt rate and the higher rates and would be paid to any non resident who could show that he has borne the tax lilr Cordon also announced that management ices paid to nun residents hitherto not taxed will be subject to the withholding tax Revenue Dept Prodded Again To Cut Expense llccount Living OTTAWA iCiiTlie tax col lector ttppflmtttiyllitinl been caglacyeing as he should have been those tax deductions by businessmen tor wining and din ing prospective customers ltcihut ll the revenue tlt pnitment got another rod Thursday night to cruek diam on excessive taxdeductible ex pense account living in till June to Ian budgct speech the armor Conserva tlvo itnuneo minister tlonald Firming said The gnvernmrnt has an In Irnilon oi allowing Itorailed rx pcmo ntcount living to thrive and am consequently nervan notice that In tutqu tho allows nnco at cxprme at this nature will be subject to mom intell niio scrutiny Liberal Fluorite Mluisivr iorv tlna raid in his June ii iii liuIlgrt speech am nltre llIIIt ltunurainln rIIrntbrrI will auto that any excrete oi expense account ii tag are tIIIiIIIr tu those who do not indulge In such prllciltrx Tiny almuiri tie Alttppttl Mllfl til thllllIli Mr Fleming nnlii guy rrIIInrni has become illtillis ingiy ronrrIned our the Phi rlrnra oi abuse by lilttll laspay Retail Gas Price Rises llTItWA itllJi small in firm In tho Irlnil IIluI oi gasoline IIIay llliii train on fills Imuntrturut Thursday night by tluauto Minister Gordon in his luultel speerll Ilc salt lite ultolflnle rilr irtlil4 oi some per cent and in computation at Intel tar on Eaudlne will be eliminated be rana wholesalers have almost rIIllreiy Iiiappeared ltom tiw tillultnl fill the sales in an gawllae it applied at the InaIIIIiartuteIa 1an and elimination oi the tiltrflltnt will Increase lit in by traction ot not my ars oi the provisions tor the dc ductlon oi amounts expended lor the purpose ot gaining in coma harm business Mr Gordon We are partie ulariy concerned about the way in tiiitlt crrlaln taxpayer seem to be able to eat drink and en tertain on iaIish scale on tho Innis at what is called busi ness upensa but which Is ac tually tiltliittll in large part at the expcnro at the public reve one SUNDGIJ now an tilE tow liUli Ilrilstmm itutlnIOII Wham Imu4 taunted yr In manna ham lot Stirurn Ind HIATINO Oll ghRIEANT LT PA 82461 ment glvcth and the govern ment takoth awayat leastin Thursday nights budget treat ment oi the housing industry The ttpcrccnt sales tax was slapped back onbuildlng ma tcrlsls raisintt prices or houses in tho 80003190 range by perhaps tour per cent sources orecast But Finance litinister Walter Gordan also announced other measures designed to take at least some at the sting treat the tax rteapplication On balance they would equal out he suggested to reporters alter his budget address The government proposal is OTTAWA CPLAmount ot dutytrec goods that Canadians can bring back iIom aboard restrlcted since the austerity measures year ago are maintained unchanged in Thurss day nights budget Finance llilnister Gordon also announced that textile tariiis have been juggled in line with Tariii Board recommendations leadlng to some increases some decreases and mod ernitcd and simplified tarltf schedule of assistance to Canadian textile producers liir Cordon also carried out the governments previously stated intention oi iederal lcg Islation to prevent any attempt to sue the Crown for recovery at Import surcharges imposed by the previous Progressive Con servative government as an other nusterlty measure Some court actions had been started on grounds the sur charges at five to and 15 per cent were illegal They were all removed last March til While the Liberals in opposi tion claimed the surdIargcs were illegally imposed they do cided to stop court applications to test that theory Extension oi austerity meas ures tor travellers returning tram abroad is looked on as continued curb on spending abroad Canadians returning tram the United States will still be able to bring back up to $75 worth at goods dUKy rec cvcry tour monthsit they avo stayed out at Canada 48 hours or more Before the austerity the limit was 0100 Canadians returning tram nonUS points after at least it DutyFree Goods At Same Llevél For example E1even7 Per ceasra Back on Housing Items OTrAtllAv tCtThe governn tiItCaIqutuus ouylng IIeW to eovcrsi per cent at the tlrst houses will have topay sub stantially smaller down pay meni But their monthly mortgage payments under the National Housing Act would be slightly larger Mr Gordons thrco sweeten 01s The National Housing Act lending rate is being reduced immediately to on per cent tram the rate at tilt maintained since late tutti Beloro then it had been bit per cent rec 0rd Down payments tor lawcost housingwili be smaller that tag Aet loans are to be extended days abroad can briagbaek dutyviree goods valued at $75 or less once year Thlsvdocsnt include alcohol or tobacco The pro austerity limit was 3000 once year Tho large number or tarilt ro vlslons also include certain compensatory concessions on nontexttles mada as result at the Geneva negotiations under the General Agreement on Tar iiis and Trade Others in broad range cov eredvlower tarilis or technical alterations in el itieatlons now or green chicory now will enter dutytree under lane ish preterenee or lrom the most iavored nations rthosa iolncd with Canada under Glitl agree ment This compares witivrduty oi zit cents pound prevmusly in cilcct Group insurance Will Be TaxFree orrnwa tCtv Employer contributioas to group insurance plans will be taxvlrec under Flnonce lit Gordons budget only it they apply to group term llleiasuranee The change contained in the budget resolutions tabled in the Commons Thursday at the end at Air Gordons speech is to meet trend which has been growing in some corporations in recent years The contributions paid by ems players are benetit tor cm ployees and some corporations as an added benelit tor senior executives have instItutcd group plans to buy generous annuities Get the be monoas compared with tho llrst sl2000 previously Further tho maximum loan is being raised to $1560ttvtrom 4000 program announccdrlast lilonday provides direct pay meat at $500 to the dirst owner at houses built in winter months The raappllcation at sales tax to building materialsand to nondarming nr nontlshing machinery and equipmentwill provide perhaps 70000000 in additional government revenue during the current tlscal ydary Mr Gordon said and about $350000000 in the next iiscal year starting April mt Commons opposition seemed assured Opposition Leader Dieienbaker told reporters that it adds up to 36003700 more on a$ia900house Hosatd it was retrogiadc step which would lend to réduced home building Quebec Tait DemandsCannot Be Met ByThe Present Budget OttAWA tCPFinanca litin ister Gordon lndleated in his Thursday night budget that the tederal government will not meet all of Quebec Frontier Msages tax demands lie said present tedernlpro vlncial tax arrangements can be improved upon but that no federal administration can lg nore the problems at lcdcrai tlaance in seeking to lighten the burdens upon provincial trcas urlea ltir Lesaga has served an ultimatum on Ottawa to meet Quebecs tax demands or the province will take tho lnevita taleI decisions in the ilseal do Mr Lesagc seeks 25 per cent at personal income tax instead oi the present 17 per cent 25 er cent at corporation taxes nstcad at the present share at about 21 per cent and 100 per cent at succession duties in stead ol the prosont so per cent ltir Gordon said the tcderal important Budget ypmposals ti Await Addpfim BY Parliament OlTAWA CPIThe govern mept is employing rarely used device in its new budget to encourage the Commons and Senate to adopt it quickly INormaily most budgct my cats become eiteetivo automat really on the data the budgctis pmscntcd tothe Conunnns or unsamafspecitic date in the iuture in Finance ltiialstcr Gordons tirstiuidgct however impor tant proposals are tobceoma oitcctlve only when Parliament moses them in this categoryare three year exemptions lrom corpora tion taxes tor newmanuiaetur ing and processing business established in areas at slow growth and twoyear writeoits oi ihe cupjtal cost ot new machinery and equipment tor lhcpiants Another is native year writeoil period tor new buildings in areas at high an employman BAY CITY iUPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK Abeautttul Samples Free Estimates FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Phone PA Mm DARRIE Upbolslcrinl is Our busI lien Not Juli Side line 88 BRADFORD 51 st or out There are tworeasons ior adopting this rarelyused de vice according to welliniormcd government sources One is parliamentary the other ad mlnlstrative Some details at the budget proposals have not been tully explored by tho oiticlaisadvis ing Mr Gordon and he was not able at the moment at glvlng the budgetspeech to present the Commons with detailed res olutions ihe parliamentary reason is quite irankly tn the view the government mud to the opposition in the Commons SIMCOE morons MECHANICAL SERVICE RAYS BODY SHOP Specializing in BODY WORK or Renal to ALL mum lt titrin 5L4 PA mu lliBllllS SUMMERPARW CASE 12 50llLE12 PILSENEB IN FOUR EASYCARRY TRAYS Thocasoiorsarvlngiuthaionndlagorftho tour easycarry lays mnko carryingcooilng and serving obtain 50 alter your guests ppm 50 etc and illsoncr Inger beer with tabatts Summer iorty easeFiner nom LABTTSI M9nr1ilwanirzflhlm ada Fiscal policy was an im tor sources of revenue than the provinces Tho iederal Liberal govern ment assumed no rigid position on the sharing or joint tax fields and it was clear tram the record at the past that re adjustments oi revenues and responsibilities are possible The tederal government had special responsibility in en suring adequate production and employment throughout Cans portant means at achieving this obleetlve it Ottawa were to give up major part at its present sources ol revenue even in exchange tor compensating ex penditure adjustments its ability to exert an iniluencc through iiscal policy over the level at economic activity in Canada would be weakened Fr filfifi Sires Bonus For Hiringi Workers Over 45 OTTAWA CF special bonus will be paid to employers whoblrc workers 45 years oi age and older between next Nov and Jan til Finance lttlnister II announced Thursday night The bonus will amount to 30 per cent olwages or $75 which ever ls less tor each month at employment and will continue tor up to in months it will be paid on employs meal at 45 and over workers who have been out at work for six of the previous nine months and who are not receiving an employment insurance beneilts or pensions The bonus will also be con oltionat on the employer pro viding the worker with sig nlllcant amount at approved training we YY 1va zax Slm 46X For Fun in the Sun Toddlon Floral Gingham Bloomer Itylo Sun or Swim Suits Frills galore In colorful plaid and any prints Son them today fleal CharmerJIl Childrens 2piete Sets SummerCocordi nate Toddlon and Girls twopiece nhon and Pop top ltlil Smon print rants and matching the vary melt in high shorts shade color cemblnoilona and distinctive styling how low VRICED A7 Moot at IIm item ltcy ro 199g WOOLWORIH AD EVERY DAY

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