Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jun 1963, p. 5

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EH IINI Wnlunvlay llnl MIMI nnl nurvlnl HIM 712 luau hum rml In Hm llul dan umr WT IOllVlA HNMEU Ml hlrnznn mlnru ymlfll my awr uh Ierronl xmlor nl umlanu mul armrm Ml rr mulwl Immlle Ihm lnl ymrn maul mm 11 IINnvll mu luring Cuugmlujun mm Mrmimr Murry mm urll and fiummm Cummlnu look Juno IO lho Ngulnr huvrh IMHU Hm Mrmmzm lnnk purl In llw llcdlcnllun In ml tlun rrmnnny Mnnry nnllwml Ilnrn Ynmlnry mm Emirr llmulnllnlun ulll 1mm mm rnllrrllnm null uwrlnl llnnnllnnl wn llwn pmrnlnl nl chunk In Ihn lnluinnnr Mill lnnlnlrn Mu lmmmr lrnlnhl Ilullmlul HIII Mnnunl lulnllnl gun to lwhl In Im wall nl lhl ficwrnnm Hnwllnl In Knrrn HEM And melur pic lurn wn llllun the many Clll nuro wnx prnrllcc lor the Ipednl Irrvlre In lurid at Church Jun hcloro lunch vml Iorvml 17y llw lrmlm all or nmcmhrnnce mm Hm Mm angm pmrnlrd by Cnlhy Id nlllwell av GUTlllllE lSpctlnl Thu Musslnicrl mu Junn In lhn bnmlny School of Gulhrle Unllul Church Dnvld McAnhur rmldrnl cnllcd or he Mill Ill ol lhu Mmrnnct Mullo nml lrnycr Each chlld win In lulu anclllcd mmrllmuan lo nld Kwrcun clllhl 111 July mrrlln will he plcnlc 0m Mcmnrln Park In uhlch he preschool chlhlron will Ill lnvlml Following lhn end of hoslHfllcs Mr Simpkln WM mntucmd by he RCN and with lhc ofllcu nl llculcnunt commander nrgnnllv ed liru thllng unih or lhcm ncmss Cunndn Ill dullcx mm hendquurlnra In Oltnwn required When he suumcm pm Eng land was suflcrlng mm bomb lugs and Hm during Second World War he urannizod V0 unecr Fire Company of 100 mm Ho was Ihe officer In chnrzn when he mmpnny wen Sonihnmplnn England when the enemy was nndenvourlnnv lo wlpc out um shlppinfl lncllillu H115 pug pod dch In Ollnwn Ihls week was also pupll at Cherry Creek School Mm lcaving hu lowmhlp ho worked In Toronto heme serv Ing or over lhrce years on an In service In he Firs Great War On hl return he spent mnny year with ma Toronto Dcnurtmcnlo mum We hope our readers wlll pns Ihe word along Io anyone who mny not have been conlnclcd by he commmcc The writer lnuisfil Notes was pupil at his school 0110th ycgrar Guthrie Minister Receives Present school grounds will be used for lhn gathering Although lheru will be souls and tables availnhlc he cummlllee ask pcgpl to bring Iolding chnirs Highlight of the gathering wlll be program pm with tumor lnspcclar 11 MW he as guest speaker will Introduce former school leach ers present AT mouan Registration nl guests will slnrt at 130 pm Iollowcd by spam Picnlc baskets will be unpacked at pm when lea 021m and mllk will be pmvid By Cherry Creek School which will hoid an Old Boys and Giris Rouninn June 22 is receiving gratifying response to inviia lions Oi the inviied lhe committee raped 252 plan lo aiicnd LNNISFIL NOTES Actor Rex Harrison and wlfa Rachel arrive at New Yorks Rivofl healer Inst night to al lend nfliclal opening of the mull milllan dallar film Committee Prepares For School Reunion HARRISONS ATTEND OPENING 1103 nw lrndar lhnnlmi Iho thllrl Irn Mn HArnM Caldwell am no mlnlnlrr Mr Mllrhcll or thrlr Mine and cnunrrnflnn For special muxlc ulxytnn old ch llnu um hl mla Omn Your Mum and lho our 15 rhlldnn mm In Chlllrrnn Hymn IMso rnmgaacd by Dr llurwoml who wrllu lhc Mmlc Mnkm Corner In tho Unllod Chunk chumr pm In thx ceremony Donald Cumpbcll and Curry Sandinon we last year rnduntcl tflved lho alluring lrom lhu ton zrexnllon COOL FOR WARM KNIGHTS General Chairman Is Bud hier iin whn did such good job inst year Ernie Vnus wns ax polnind in hundiu cnlcrlnlnmcnl and hie Cook Is in parade and on urrnngemenis under way was Agreed ihai lho vuriom commiflcu should get busy and cam up with sugges ions which would be discussed at nnniher meetingIo bu hcid in iwo wmlu Somo member ni ncllvo part In nrranzcmcnls Chanmen nnd mnvenm were nppolnlcd lo handle vnrlau ev ents Thu Inlernnllonnl Brick nnd Rolling Pln Commlllco wlll ngaln hold it conlnsl ln con juncUon wllh the Held dny ll hey can get players who can heave bricks and plus at least 100 ml Ihey hnpo have an International loam Meeting SKmud on Vcdnw day evening about 20 key pen son took he first steps In mnku annshlp Flcld Dny possible July 21 at Innislll Pnrk Last month when we vlsilcd Ottawa we were dlslurhed la llnd Blll ln very poor hulllh but dld no anllclpale that wlth In monlh we would be back In allnnd hla Funeral Scrvlccs will he held from the chapel of also and Playlnlr in Ottawa wllh Naval honors with hurlnl Russell where Blll had taken an active part ln the communlly since his rellmmenl hluny ol Ihe midan ol Cedar Harbour wlll remember hlm FIE DAY UNDERWAY His retirement did not inst long The emu ui gns poison ing during his Infantry service In World War One and what the doctors diagnosed as lung cancer cut short his Iiie tailor short period of hosplmiiuiion He leaves his widow and two hmthera Howard in Lundar Manitoba and Robert of innlsiil him In make many trip across Canada He retired the years ago and look up msldence In fussell about 20 mile ram nwa Cleopnun In which Hudson stars Caesnr The films other stun Ll Taylor and Richard Burton were in Don dcn and did not attend AP Vlrephoto Flnul Illmmvr nluwu In Um umnl nml um um nhnpu In wear new And nll Mouth Iummrr Lulu unis of In assafilcnnm lIownrd Hutslat briefly re viewed lhe xlory Marion Clarke who had beenmu highly regarded member 01 lha communfly and an accumul 1y able employee when ab Rae Morby was master cl ceremonies for he parly Carl Carrulhcr thanked all who had rmpandtd to he lnvllallon In lho dinner and 3an he 12 very honored la be he dinner pm ner n1 lulu Clarke He wished her happiness In her 1119 of Ir llrement VASAGA BEACH 15pecial Ona of Slmcue Countys best known and lavcd leachera was UK guest honor at dlmm party at Nancy Vllla Wanna Beach June Mb Marlon Clarke wlll mire lhls month alter completing 40 years of eachlng 39 those yam be lng In Colllnanod Nearly 70 people were prmnl compasad the sun of the Colllngwood Dlslrlct Collcglalu and ll area board members TONIGHT FRI SAT Fllmcd In Ceylon SHHNTY BAY Party Honors Marion Clarke Retiring After 40Year Career New oiiicer tar ihe year ahead are president Dr Herb Pitcher iirst vicepruident Chuck Culllns second vice presidenl and chnirmnn nl spec in proieclv Henry Galdenbcm secretary Lipsey lreasurer Hawkins chairman ni retail merchanls committee Oak Gray mairrnnn oi indumrial developments cammiilqe Dunn chairman ni agriculture and civic committee William CASE OF THE MISSING URNS STYMIES INNISFII POLICE ALLISTQN Special Thu Allistnn Chamber of Commerce hem in annual luncheon meek in noun Monday In the Lib my Hall with president Vandruek pmldlni Then on night the blos som disappeared lho own er repaer the Instby plant STROUD Special On June the second chapter in the mlulng flowers enig ma at my my Pnlnt was wrluenr Early In April In mldent there placed huge urns on two of the our p11 lnr at the entrance to estnta llley were filled with bright red arflllclnl flowers fullage and lnalllnz vines These cheered up passersby durlng the snow Aprll and early May ppmm STRAW HATS Comomblo Summr Dr Herb Pitcher Heads Alliston of For 63 295 to 495 manor um um 11 Inn to loan ham II in II Gulhm muni iuifiuinnm fihuw and mm um Can THURSDAY Ind FRIDAY Mls Clar was presenled with double slrlnz pearl mm the board and camera mm the stuff In lhanklng those responsible for lha gills Inc the party Miss Clarke re Ellled Illa sha had taught In lhree high schools In Collin wood and remarked that lrlcndly rivalry has replaced the armor Antagonism between school board and mm Mls Clarke said it was nice havo puplLr my oh you taught my mum rr but when came to Oh you much my grandmother rho eh was um quill pwm= any orflpmu WWW WW flebfigida scnca will be keenly lcll Mr Hucslan quoted ram Ollver Galdsmlth And we send sllll more the wonder grew that one small head could carry all Aha knew HHOW All AT DUBK The mu heard brld reports lrom Chuc Collins chairman of the special projects commit tee an the rec Run and mqu 01 he Thur 5me public meetan or the Ambulance As sociation and from Hamy Gal Thu nominating commitiea had nnt named anyone lor the ol ilcu chairman oi public min Honn and chairman of tha iin Inclal cummitlee During um meeunl Ken Mann wan nom inated or public relations and Fred Stnslak far the financial committee There were no ur ther nomination and the entire slate oi oilicera was approved DRIVEIN THEATRE Adult Enlnlulnmenl ALSO EHOWINO Eendall challmln member Ihlp Peter Goymour Innlsfll Pallca eel Erla Stanley Gardiner might find Ullo or his next book here The Case the Missing Ums Sunday morning ha round the unra stone pillars void 01 um and nnwera It had needed two men In 1m tho huge containers lnln pos ition Therefore one would conclude lwo men were needed to remove these This resident had personally sup ported the slogan all area Beaulfly Bay Point HURONIA nelvmn flame Ind Canadian anlonol ha coVoumd Qqu calm dnvnnd all Ha llckols lool RED WHIIE and BLUE In 0an you nnw luln vmcl lnm plan bolwnun TmonloHovlh Day Honml Allrrfiuna 231d you am up to Abanon RedIiclnldnyluptoasxunwmln Ichel dnya and on the lomnlnlnu um Tldul days you we up lo 24 Through lhe calonbvnnofim Onlmla Narlhlnndflnllwnyllwnnwlnm willnxland alnllonn on Ila Imol Hovlh BuyKlliland Nlpulhulu anonk The July maxing is to be held at the home MIL Frank Cir wan Meditation was taken by Mn Walker Mn Ross xnva an account 01 the study book with the patron Taiwan STROUD Special ladle of he Womens Missionary Sm clly me June UN hnmu Mr and Mrs Le Walker Call to worshlp hymn and prayer ledhy Mrs Bell were followed by the scrlplurn rcndlnl by Mrs Nelson Watson with prayer ledbylllrs Taylor Mayor Jack Mitchell address ed the at urging may member poulhlo to nllend the nlllclnl openlnl ol the new Cunningham hrldge on Church Street He also thanked the Chamber 01 Commerce for its glory on behall of Milan and Lianlet during lha pas yean Mr Goldcnhem said lie two commllteu hnd accomplished lot In their dlscuslnm mut unl retall pmblumm flu prom Iaed lull report It the next meeting denzeru chainan lha relall merchnnu enmmlllee mncernA In Its meeting June 11 with three represonmllve from the Earth Retail Merchant Cum mmee Reg Welhnm Tony De cale and George Milne WMS At Slroud Studies Taiwan L2 31mg PATRICM NEAL BRANDON daWIUJE MR FE CONDITIONED AIURE ron YOUR AN II Look at those travel euvlnga FOR COMFORTAND ECONOMY 60 Canadian National Classes wlll be held July 29 lo Aux22 at Leonards Beach Mrs Robertson praised the parents who accompany lhu thlldren nndhulp nut on land STROUD Special Mn Har old Robertson whet convenin the mmmiiice organizing ihe swimming clue or this area in happy to report an additional Instructor has been muted Thu class can have up in 85 children now $275 per child lrnndmpponunity to imve ihe youngsters learn swimming and water saieiy There wIll be Hm nigh Juno 20 530 pm at the Hall Ema go to Cuba and Scouts GRENFEL Speclnl The United Church Women met June at the Hall with nine members and three visitor pra xent Mrs Russell Hunls wu In chum devallnns Mn Holley rend chapter of tho aludy back wt decided to postpona the tea until MI Oct tha dnlo chosen It was Ilso decided la cater for wedding in Sewemher Plans warn made to sell lunch at Dohsonl anle June 11 The next meeting will be held Supt at ho home of Mrs Wllllam er Extra Instructor Hired Ht Strand Grenfel UCW Postpones Tea us In Mud nnw daily lost pamnqcr lmIn will also on Inlo mvlce bulweun Town and Nollh Bay nnd cwlnln Inlomedmlo polnlu with Ihoinlroducllon 0mm Red WM and Bluu Mo nYnnI Thll new 1an will leave Tomnio 010 mm and MW North Day mourn Rolmnlna ll wlfl doom Hmm UM 500 910 aulvlng Yolonlo 0JO pm DnyllghlSnvIng 1lmoWnn phone LnRaCochmnaTlmmlnuHcmndn Moomnnt um 1mm PLAN REE WEUUFE Great New Travel Savings between TORONTO NORTH BAY HEARST and Intermediate Points no IM nlnc series of school random or folmar sludean mm these our school now being plan nod CHURCHILL Four school slim and building will go on an at public Mellon July 18 the trustee board lnnlflll Tawnshlp School Area No an nounces These are the our schoon In the area being re placed by new and larger school which will take 1n pup ll annex1y attendlnu the older THE BAR EXAMINER THURSDAY School Buildings To Be Auctioned TODAY IECIINICOLOR arunasous searbkirliugh SAT TIIRU EJEE£ifl919m£ sum old lulu unqul numy ulwoad In mm mm mtwnnxhummpmrun nuolnun um apply mnlnulu Jam ELM NOWI NEW annmbur mm Jurw 231d Um 01 MM Mo oulHED WHIIE and BLUE umllll Lmyons myl lho sumo Imic hm Um pananunonlhodnyonwhrmUmylmwl Tho only axlvaa am In you chain ve sevvod uccemmodann or can In your names CH Wu olhzo for CH Rant WM and Dino cflVEndM savings lhon non limu you Nun mo sclncl Hm day Ihal null you pum and pumnm urnIon Ind Inlenllnu In HI IA Ill SOPHIA LOREN Onlario 755117 JUNE llv 19H FEATURE SHOWN AT 100 Ind 300 ll 51 win 3E

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