Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jun 1963, p. 2

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hm AreAn nun Corpo mhu nu mpCmb gm imam rmnnmmn um VI UNIV INCH cum MnInr mm cm Tuna mm nowannu mm Ion nun lndllml up lulu up Ja Ulllmu up mnmm ncl lchAN DIX mm nawn 01 Mm down 11 on Indumhl up mm mum Allnml nu nunumm Mbuu an um Mfistul at ms Cdnlmpfll Call Cdn Drum Cr Cu Cumnt Cm ChumI cmm ram gen The pcnkcr detailed Iho case histories of suvcrnl peoplo whom he had after long period or time been In to help Th need for help areal but here Item luck gener Il awareness of the problem Then Ire three church in the Trouble In the ham In re ponslhle or much at the Inter deprnvlly lnlo whlch people all he cuntlnued Most cases show ed lack of supervlslan by the parents leavlnz the chlld open to the pressure of group cun lonnlly In the search tar amm pen or klcku The tenslon under whlch many maple llvn ollendrlvu them to solace and stendylnx lnnu cute or dmll ald Mr McCar nll Very nllcn hey are just loaklng lnr some to take the place Chrl NEED GREAT The attempts one lndlvidnnl In nld In tha rehnhllltallon of drul addicts Ilcnhnllcl and mutqu wen unlined by Paul cqxmlllna apged 19 tho Chrmlnn Bikinisihlenn Auw mien Barrie Tuesday nlxhl Mr Mchrroll third year theological Iludent Emman uel Cnlleze Toronto addressed 89 memhern vau and lrlend at the mh annual Lndles Night held In Central Unltcd Church The guns speaker detailed his experience In meellng gelunx In knnw Ind anemyllnx to help residents the etunomlcnlly do pressed area of Toronto who through amlly clrrumslance or ynulhlui lndiscreuon have found hemsclvu laddled with the hub Ill moral deprnvlty and dru Iddkllon LEARN LANGUAGES Mr MchrrollL 1nlllal al lempln Io help these unlorlnnnt people lnvolved learnlnx the technical andlnvolved language of the pusher squares Ind horsemgn hB 531d KNIGHTS AT THE BEACH COLLINGWOOD SlallWhnl 0L Una gnaw The ma an Bay Develop ment Association Zena meeting here last night was brought lace lo fear wlth the pmhem regdy Tangy Sam Preziu an association dlr eclor presented report that no one in he Iona wanted to lullfilly absorb the cost of plum ml He am his son had designed twocoior sample mat Ha had obtained various prices from printing and publishlng firm What am going to do he asked he membm No me wan to underwrlla the 1mm menl and wad Ill decided place mall to ba wonderml form of Idleru DESIGNED nm GBDA Zone Asks WhosGot The Money Describes Help To The Depraved NINE The Initial order must conslst El um Du Tr um mi II mi TODAYS STOCK PRICES Cnmnllrd by 13 II Dunlap ELI1 Unrrle 1th II am mi Illn Am human mm ulflllmu MrKmln um mumu nu 5m you puma nu rm Abrldnr mmn 0L lell IIM an row mu um smmu mm on llud nu In my Tonm on In mm mm Na mu Nkhl lnllr Ulufllu anurpruv rm mm cxuh mm ID 51M WDUIXILML MINING ml can bu mm mll urll nullul lnr llu lumer In rm ut our lawIy mlm lull ulnbaw pnllmu And mild tul IIW Chlldren should be taken and not sun In Sunday School Fam Ily devollons and knowledge and concern for the Acuvfllu ol onea chlldren wlll hclp give one ho background with whlch lo zulde them In the proper path 01 acllon he sald It most Important that parent should know nnd be able Lo explain er Blble to his chil dren Understand the onchlng ol the Bible and llva them in our daily We among your el uw men said Mr lllchrrolL Three muslcnl numbers were sung by Leroy Super Sloul vIlle who was the evonlngl guest solnlst HARNESS IDWEII TEHRAN AWIran and Ill Sovlei Union will launch John project nexl an In humus the Am and Mrnk rivers along their border and deliver eltcv Irlcily la nonhcrn Iran nnd the Soviet lrkmcn republic the Soviet embassy report WGIQMM Ha nah he was just about randy to throw in the towel when 1010 Welder stood up and said have an den which might result in Sams onenndahnlL yearaid hnby hem born Ind much easier to talk to rim addict or prostitute than In person who In In church pew and recites he Apostles Creed he nnted The speaker said lhai it is the responsibility of every mun win calls himself Christian to show concern and understanding im lhe problems Hunt the less or iunnta members of society find themselves laced with if pmsiitule sat down in church hesida you what would ynu do he asked his Audience Mr McCumll suggested that there are many ways in which parents can make sure that thalr children are given the proper grounflnz in the cunt and purposes of Christianliy KNOW BIBLE He proposed that his organiia than and the Georgian Peaks would underwrite the cost of the place mats ii wa were given two prominent spaces This is not necessarily advertising on grand scale but with these pro minent spacer wuii underwrite substantial part 01 this pro mm KEEP AT Willard Kinzie chairman oi Zone urged Mr Preziu not to lhrow in the towel but to keep at it for one more try area where work who appar ently lend no help he said of 1000000 mats Im up gainst harwall No one will take the respppslbfllw hlhlnmd By Jlnlun II In BM 7a 10 um All nth SWIM SUITS 295 to 695 Illa Alum limnfl mm llnrl mum on will wmny NIv onto ul at TorDam uh rr tun MI Trld ll Texca Unhn nu Wnller MW lvnflh on up Fin sou Tho Lccomfinrrrlylnu plain supplied by lrs MacChnrlcs 15 of home find her brother Mm nnw urvlnz term In Um pcnllenllnry nl Ncw Wash mlnllcr on nlhrr chums wnl churned Sgturdjnyz Parts body lrnlnllvely ldcnllfltd that Morlxucl were laund May by RCMP Md dons the ago 17 he let The Examlner nnd jolncd the Royal Canadian Navy at mum yoga ago WHITEHORSE YT CF Kmli Mural 25 an Immigrant mm Hungary now In the urn lsh Columbia Pcnllnnlln ha been charged with cnplln mur dnr In the death of Henry Mcrl nut 20 of Annncy lrnncc RCMP announch Wednesdny Survivors rficm 51 Donald Monck 13 of Hamilton and DJosoph Basuon of Lnnu nnvy spokesman said he plane was Iracklng mock sub marine law altllude when Mpgup oucth Ihe water hammer hasn wile and 31x chlldmn Mr Hummer worked at The Banlo Examiner as priming npprcnllce and was In law Mr Cadet Ill parent Mt lo reside In flciDctr AIM va yam ago NS bnflwr Ron MucChnrlcx Clnmenon street Barrie Also missing and believed and I5 LL David Frcd erlck Matheson 28 of Cam former Barrie man In mlsy In and believed dead In plane crash near Halifax hlcsday night Petty Officer Ro Almost 70 pemm attended lha meeting Mr Kinda said was Ea the largest meetings held Mme glnqncualrasn In BC Prison Charged In Death Gordon Million of Toitenham was eiecied chairman of he membership oommiiiue At lhl ins meeting held in Barrie Gene Lnngevin submitted his resignation as director oi the GEDA and chairman oi the mgmbcrghip comfniiige Mr Mom said his com mittee collected 31150101 lha molarnun advertising pro gram and will run nine Ids one month We were thrée short of the 12 communities wu counted on ha said 1n mmmlfleu reports William Barloot Orlllla presented re port on He advertising program 31195829 2039 339111 put forth Former Employee Of The Examiner Believed Killed hull Dunlny IA mu 24 Hour BARBARA AND ROHEM All WATCH REPAIR BILL lEBOEUF 5mm Work nunMud For Full Yul In ohllnlltm Acousticon mu pm HUIKKN FALL lnlrl OI ML Inn 11 lln mm Th1 naw upmv llllnlnhllll hrulni old 11 Sperm wlll bi 11mm or lhn Int Him In your vklnlly urn you In rmm In on my mm Ihn lbwuh nml plug REF IT IMIHIH erllnuan llokl Mum Jun 17 II pm MIDLAND GruulI llnlv Tum Jun II mm GIULLIA Inpllln Ilnltl lln Mow Mum 11mm Jun lle mm IlliNllflVllylr my Ilom mum mum niuiuhxk New principal Edgar Hay Ellh nl Stirling will rcplaca anwond who has rcslgm ed Others camlng In September nro Hendley Inzerxoll I1 kae Mumford Jams St Culhnrlnu and Kevln Henlay nldtnu mmmlmlly urvlrv In lho lnlrml Mil wnrlnu wlll thltl Fm lleurlnfl Md Srrvico LHnlc In heln Irrvo llm hrnrlnu pmlvlrlm nl INN mm In men on an allow Inn dnyl and plate ELMVALE Stall thn ma Elmvnle Dlslrlcl High School Board met here thl week the template 51 of null changes ma schoo was confirmed reports banrd secrcinry Vllllam Campbell Tcarhm Icnvlni lho EDHS sin lhe nd June MB Sheldon Culhnm Illwkcr Mn Oliver and Robsnn mama Sault Ste Marla Fri day cloudy with showers winds light easterly Mnrlne Fortesh Luke Huron and Georgian Bay Light vnrlablu wlnds he comlng oulhcnst IS tonight III creaslng cloudiness hl aller Lake St Clnlr Windsor In creasing cioudlness tonight Fri day mainly cloudy WM law uhuwera Wind light Lulu Erie Lake Humm Geor gian Bay Mndon Increnslng cloudiness to Friday cloudy wlh wind Ugh IiEgan Laka Ontarlo Hall burlon Hamilton Toronto Fri day cloudy with shnwm wind light Tnmagam Cochrane North Bay Sudbury Increasing clnud mass Innlgh Friday cloudy with showers winds llxht bring lugher temperatures In On tarlo although they will still be below normal low pressure systun cenmd In muthem Manitoba expected to ad vance enslward and shower Axe lorecasl over mm of the prov lnceFrldny Confirm List Staff Changes Dr Ives of sum Impact an1rl display by gynqgslyx Sunshinq today will omANv or nmnmo glam IL Acousticon Hearing Aid Clinic In Mfyrn Tunnli mil WEATHER FORECAST DISPLAY was BEST Forecle Tempmlum Low mint Ellh Frldly Windsor 55 St Thomas so hndon so Kitchener 50 Mount Forest 45 Wlnlham 45 Hamilton 50 St Clthnrlxm 50 Toronto 55 Petalhmth Tunlon naan ouowad by ahuwera to night Mn Mewen at the Emle Horticultural Society 1m Show held the Odd Fel Thll vtry unique tomblnnllnn bout lull cr and Inn lenlum nll um lam duhml In modern rlly cnm Inn lhn Ilurdy lull er my am an um be nullnl Mhlnd any If wry ennlly 11m Intil bun ll ldul lnrplmurn nulllnn or nxhlnx SHOWROOMS I70 BURION AVEUNE CHURCHS MOBILE HOMES QUBINOM 0n Camping Unlqu mlly umplu mllu It millHon Wood Gundy Company Limited TRAILER EXHIBIT We hm pleasure in Announcing the nppcinuqem of Anlwor Your Mr David Andrus Thom Will 80 Churchs Mobile Homes Pmonv To Is our local representative Suleiman P0 Box 606 Barrie Telephone PA 89905 Address ALLISTON fit nu When Um Public bmiuei Cormnlulan here me mad vcd In Em To mu Ihel wmhlp mum Em had naked um um re sidents Hulaeat Iubdlvhlon north of lawn be connect to lha town water luyply This Area now has In awn wmr Iyllem but the Men um continued expansion at the Iubdlvhlon Shelves Bequest From Igwnghip McLaren wu Nu wlme hit clan an connin er shoth mm Al pm or tn design Enth Pho BARBIE PLAZA Bo Inn to vlsll our big display of camping trailers or yourself how any It 15 lo own ono of those trailers Ind how much fun you wlll have on your weekend and summer vacation APACHE CAMPING TRAILERS DAVID ANDRUS Wood Gundy Company Limll ed Announce lha appointment ol In Davld Andrus Um Inul mpresenullvo Mr Andnu mu been assoclnled wllh the Toronto arm of Iho com pany for evenll yearn Mr Burns member of the Banla Clly Pollen Demnnmnt has been Instrumental ln organ lzlna fills wlnlm patml om Ho said It should be ready or operation hy September Mr Burns Med um many collagen mm In the spring to llnd lhelr collage plllered and damaged to variable ox tenu pmval rum Town Council they noted Meanwhile the PUC med to lake my respamihfllly or lnsmllnz the mar service reqnuled by Eu Township Slnca Essa Township doesnt want to ply or flu lnslaflnllon and neither do the residents 111 valved then there In nothing the PUC can do thu commit Ilnnm polnlod gut Inany event ca ital outlay wag nclgduap BARRY EXAMINER THURSDAY JUNE ll= Some items and keepsakes re lmplaceablo Ind tha loss might In future put trIn on the pram ayakem Robert Burn of Barrie mid Owners of cottage who luvs pllced thek dream and Ideas kilo hen prunesties which at film are halter mad or than their city homes an often the mm of flu seekers Ice fishermen or humb during the sevcn to eight months at the oflpeason COLLINGWOOD Ski wintu patrol security policing leivie was presented to the Georgian Bay Deveiopmem sedation Zone meeting here last night Winter Policing Of Cottage Areas Is Proposed in eyan THUR FRI SAT Tho ler wnndulul dulm In thonn your nuw umpnr lrom lhm ma lull rllhl lur ymm 8n mm on llpm nml you will lmnw ul va only II In enjoy your Iummnr In he lullul rnrnlrryenr vncnllnn tun lmall lnvulmrnl 1m nl llv lnl ml Ilnruo 1mm Perm Inrnl all he mund Iml mm TIN is great en the reeks or with any mixer TIN Is diiterent from any other winei THE PARKDAlE WINES lID Mr Burns said cotlngu wou1d be Inspected at least twin weekly and monthly upon would be auhmllteddlrectly lo collage owners Wa will mend mminzs bi cottage associations In ouiiy in areas we pin on obtaining propeny and patrol headquar 1er or housing men and equip menil permanent 1n the cm than report will fncludo Ihe patrol dale lnspccllon time and any umuunl occurrence during the month In the case or breakIn and lhefl Mr Burns added the pat rol would Illond court submit unz report which will oullln Investigatlan events Try TIN ITS TEMIFMZI Try Say Teeny HUM PA E9866

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