Llwlrmnl nml Mu Llnyd Hanna and amlly KIMIon um mull wukond mm er mnl lml nuclr Mr and ï¬lm lhnllnl Mr IIImun Irvva In Gummy lnr lhm yearn Imlrudml urvlu rrraun ml uml ma an mllmry duly In Conn ML ml Mrl Anlul Clm hr and In anml Cnmpbu nl Tnmnln Ind Mr And NHL leI ullrmlul um tr nhlnn MMle uhMnan Mr um Mn 1lequ llnllml ll Ilamum Juno and Mn mm nmm Mr and Mn Humn Jennm or Ivy AM In Ahhol nl flrhnmhrr Fnd Arnnl Flu up my Vllllnu wllh Mr Ind mm Mooney wmx Edwnm ï¬mllh Landry Mn an1 ï¬mllh AMIhm 14 Ind Mn ClHInm Ilomwy W0 um plnud Mn um flurl tum Ind Dnvld Wm won nnl lha wlnnm 1m nllfll Puhilc Ethnol Elnllnl Cam In hlld ll fllruud manlly Mr Ind Mrl Our Wlllnl Ilurnod hnml ram Vll1l mlllll Mr Om Ittnmplnlld hi duu hm Main Mu xnn Culdmlf Human hm MI by TC mm Mnllon or mnnlh vunllon In Scotland Ind lhl Orkney III at Mrl Elhnl wm ol Tnlltnhlm Ind Mn Cnuhlnn che Prnnlln wm mm Mm Mmlm Lawnan nnn dny In Mtk Mr Ind Mn Waller Andnwl Drldfnrd ntcomnnnlod Mr Ind Mrs Geom all In hi hnru Hunt at Auran In El urdly Mlerwnrdl hey null IN hum of II merl dnuxhlar Ind Inn Mu Ind Mn Gordon Mldlll of Rich mond Hill MM CARR Mr Ind mu cha mi Mr and Mn Chum Murphy Smhoro Alan with Mu Im rim chl Toronto and Mn an nmrnkm vlnilu Ihrlr Hill MIL Amnn Rnndhoun ll Allhlon utonlly By MRI GEORGE HOLT Mn acorn Hon nuundld In Lucky Luncheon Newtan nohlnmn Unlled Church In Wednesday Thll wu Ipnnlmd by lho Unlltd Church Wornn llGN BONUS KID MILWAUKEE AP Mll wlulm Brave announced Wed nesdly he llznlnx at Robert Wllllnml Jr of Paul one the moat mumalter US lllzh achool pllchm lo bonus con IracL Wlllllml an lHyearold rlghlhlnder had 60 lllglr school remrd lhl sprinz hurl ln on nohll norm game Ind our olllcr mulouu HA5 HARD LUCK LONG BEACH CallL MP Owncr driver Mltkcy lhomr lull who hn lud poor luck wlth hll mlnx cm In recent weelu lo molller hnd break Wtdnu day lubddlrry MI Incor pouted Enlerprlm Ills Wheel Corporation ol Amerlca war virtually dcslmytd by Ire Dnmm to the plum wu enl muled 0100000 CORPS GULF MONTREAL CPD HII Royal Canadlan Ordnance Corp announced Wednesday mm 000 memhcn Ihrouilrout Ih world are expected to plrtlcl pate In golf tournament Prl dny as part at the mm mend Jubilee celebratlonl The tnumlrnent is to be condunted elmultnneously at verlnul cen tres ln Canada and nverlene un der the Atlantlc lrnndleap eye tem and the result announced here June 21 GDLFER HURT YORK Pa ANDick Mul lln prnlnsslonal golfer trom Hazerllown Md rutlnl comfortably ln hosplul wltlr ln Jurlee he suffered In not cert accident Mullins 34 suffered lrnctured vertebra and cuts and bruleex when power cart he wu rldtnn overturned and mlled over him at the lslll hole 01 the York Country Club loll mum REGAIN FIRST PLACE to Angela Badger regained Itwns the Emerald Idl hlnderl ucond Ihukaut In row and Huh the muon Ind 11 live Clncinnntl vllll boos In the National Leazub me The Reds an In mu plan but only 2V nmu all the pace Cincinnatis pm Inulhpaw bounced out of an amateur league in hls leam beclm Icaltergun arm and shunned by levml teams In the mqu liter tryouts has added another vlclnr as he hlggefl wlnner In the bg leagues Flrlng dimhm OToole Kitched the Reds over Plum mh Plum so Wednesdly night or hit lllh triumph That star strutting in held 01 baseball bl panda ll Jim OToole whn muldnl aven make tha rear rank kid pusher By JIM IMCKLEMAN Almmed Prm Spam Writer OToole Racks Up 11th Win Blanks Pittsburgh THORNTON SCISSORED SPORT DRIVER IUSPENDED INDIANAPOLIS MP 17m US Ania nub Intrande race drivnr Jim Hurlubu chms dny or niluro to pay 3100 In lmpoud Sundny liter the Ru my lwmile me at Mil wnuku Henry Blnlu dirmur competition or USAC nld lha lfllplnliafl wu lulamnlic and not connecltd with Hurlu 2hr ierribin oiil ullllnCB In ham minulu and 02 bondsm Iverln Ipeed of 9101 mm In hour mm WIN DOUGLAS Ill01 Mun AP dumplon rider hm Rodman of soulhem Rhoduh won the In lamnuom no cc Mar Tourist Trophy momma rice dnudly on leaneu lionldm mm mvcred the ghuncg in BANG WIN 10an ChTho touring alum mm Imrn Brnll lmrtd gall curly In the 11m hall and hung on to ekl out vldory over an Illmt turn composed plum from Toronto Olly Ind Toronto Ram 01 ha Eul ern Cand Prmnloull Soccer Luna lely Sindlum Wed nudl him The Toronto team do an In In In mum lnkln the only way tn but lhn New York Ylnkmand nlranxthen thu Amarlcln Luna WI hlVl lam Ilna club In lhll Ium who can let tho Job done Tebbells Iald Wednesday helm depart lnx Ior Dalmlt And them no 1101 cln Ily wa can HIDE EOPIFUL BALTIMORE AP Manl Blrdh mm of the Cleveland In uyl poalllva He Inln Ihawed his control Improvement In blinking the Firms in did not IUDW slu In walk WILL IOTAka Maury Will cnnunued hh mm OToo muck rich with In withinpoor Red when hnwns mm to $50000 hunu ï¬x your no New In Ml mm lull mum with lhl club he draw current record of lwrnnd In on rln 9I Ilender iud with 91 run of Houston Colin that put them not painll end oi San Frin Si Lnuil Cm 11111511 11 Giant beat inurlh 1m Chic Cuba on Wil lwo homer and lironz pllchlni whlie Phlindolphil Phil knocked the Cndlnalx out oi first In the other N1 nme Lew Burdens Miiwnukul depend ah rithlnder throw Lime hiiier and Hank Aaron alufled in ii in tho Erlveo 90 ork Men COOL FOR WARM KNIGHTS In em yur old Brnve xlgthnnder who is on In lud Inz black nva he punchlm Men nnly hm IInKIes or MI 5th vlrkory Aaron warmed up with lworun IIngla In third Inning um opened Iho Icorlnl then belted hl mh home with we aboard In tho dumb an up lot MHwauhel Kill Ind men of lhzlr nun helm belnl ynnkerl In th lnurth Art Mummy ended mnal le am losing with mm help mm Bunzerlnd wnn hll lug launch 1111 had threerun In nhm all Cnrdlnnln Inner Ron Taylor of Toronto and vetmn ullevcr Bobby Slum lhey but ï¬t Lou or the 11m llml In ha In In meeting between lhu unms Tony Gonulez and Clay Dalrympla batted acres two run each Ior Phlladelphll Lefty Jam Padre wu ed for In all hm but It ck out nine Ind dld no Allow Hnr now while Inur Don Notlebm who hunt won lime nohltler Igulns Phlll delphll May l1 dropped to McCovar whlckld his human on lab link with on an In the um mum and none on In th thlrd Bolln ace nHavar mmd tuner flmlted lhc Cub In our and lime nu 1411mm Jar Gina pitch nlnu the club moved was from Nuw York In 1355 Balm II unbeatenIn hm do lslons mm mm In In avan rgpog 1qman Gnlen Chen In np ed Au liixyaykeel ill pecucular halllnl for tho mixers rapping out Ihreu Aim ale Ind douhla ulna lha Can or hm In In tries Tommy Davin went Mara In the Dudgen mm assault Ron Fllrly knocked In hm tuna and mi hlcemkl hlc his or no hamr MFG John third Thu IXIckI look In 1mm when met with coordlmllnz Sport COIL Mm tdnl tar span or dress weir Sen nur muecnon of pattern Ind colon All III Permnnenlly creased 68$ Glenn In lhclr In elzht umu ha Glanu Ind Dodgcnhnve drawn 371309 speclnlou Figuring cnn Iervallvely hut Ihe Ivernl lnn pay $2M for NI ticket Ihe gale tar eight game come to $51202250 thin lvzrm muted ha leaxnn urlel waud draw an all And the gron III would com to $1087M500 In lnmu In year Includ Inz tho three In the Nulnnnl Lanna plnyom Ihe Gllnl nd Dodlm draw 900951 than eight or he alher ml lenqu mm draw hum IGIIDD yvavww ulu Thu Glut and Dodger have up their In zlghl nme this year and are only two percent age painll apart they can keep mnerlnl their me hey lhnuld keep maklnl stage zering grows L05 ANGELEStAPlYn year when hueblll attendance nnmlly 11111 declinc the 15 lam union urlu between the Sm anchca Glnnh Ind Lou Anlelu Dodger could conceiv nbly dr gala SUMMER SlACKS Could Make Huge Proï¬ts HAPPY con33 REGISTERS ACE shollo the green and whcn that ball went In the cup win mighty plemd wax l0 lumrlled right dawn mu Thoma Rouefll 42 v1 Branchvma Run Inll hu rllht Irm In bulldmr Incident live gun an Ho win right Inded began gown three yam no and had to lenrn all over min In nld um um righthanded qu clphl HARMONY NJ AP nnennmd Keller tho hulaImam an Ihu parthru lawrd lllh hale ll Hark grl Hollow all club Tun day 995 i0 2195 Cool Ind Comlarhbln nvmnr 5mm wisf Both Prim Mllllallj Poamn Ind Finance Mlnmar Gordon Inqu minulnad um the fund billwhich may bo Introduced other Conservnllve MP nho quulloned lhe conllltuuonul VI lldlty of the pmpaled fund m1 Paul PCEarlth Mnldn onn Delanludlcre culled It tclndaloul up 01 th con Illtuuon The mullet nlmnu cxclu slveli wllhhtï¬mvlnchl jurlldlcv Man told Commonl cull In for federal provincial mcetlnl to ravhw all lunch municipal Hnanct OHAWA CF will Leader Dietenbaker 111 day Parliament Ihould not Im plcmen the gnvernmenln pro posed 00000000 municipll da velnpment Ind loan mud will out tlut gelling uppmvll from the provinces $400MillionMunicipal Fund Is Called Scandalous Rape RIM clnumzd PM Than pm SATURDAY JUNE 15 PARI MUTUEL WAGERING Admlulon SLOO Fm Parklng TWILIGHT BARRIE FAIR GROUNDS Later Mr Dlelenblker laid the prima mlnisler had In Iwered his question alter behu pressed In purple faced an noyance 1nd mo Mr Pearson uplled that conference will be convened II III nrly dale but did not Ipec if its pmle Dunn the mini quuiion pariod Mr Dielean er asked the prime minister whether edeni ravincili conimnco will ha cl ed to ascemin tin viawx oi the province on till and singinr legislation HnyflrM llml min mu 0y lunlnu Admlnltmian the nut pmmm to be carried out by loan bond working la clnn collaboration with th Cantu you1m and Homan Corpora umnnmm on In own longterm barrow Inu Hnwavu projecu com pleted balm March 51 1960 would ha zllzlble 101 wheat lop loan llh In rmvlncos IpprovlL munchpn fly would ha able lo barrow up in two Mrdn lhu cos construction pmjuct with Intern rile band an the Eden lovqrnmen nun He predicted the momma fund will cause 50 per cent lncmu In municipal construc tion project In 1h next three are Mn Gordon laid tho und will enable munlclpnllllu to carry nu many manual connrucllnn prolecl now crying to ba un dertaken Illd mm job 10 an unemployed arguing my was 178 ESSA RD PA Ill todaywill mum mu mm llon Ior gunu 11mm 10 ALL MAKES or cm now mun LAWN mowm gmomn DELUXE CHAMPION Hml run mm buy ht Pinko an ll outh avian Yml in mm oqIImet In hunt Ind mm nclullu AllAction had not an autumn and month dim mid man 24 MONTHHKZiRn Weston Tcrvy HARRIS Hm lorvln Cam llml IMM Hill idOTORs ll flu Mala WI HI Wald Torin KITCHENS BINNIES TEXACO DIIW ll Hut ï¬ll AI DIPole Auxted flyinl all row or umpleemh mush Martina Ituck out hll hind You known what hap 70170 glppgd pm umwu and went mack toltyhe nor DIPIaIa wu playlnz bouncy bauncy all Iho rnpu lmlng lhl beul nur Ind Iv In all lht ml with Ivery Imuh Th hnlry one seemed lo be feelinl the ellecu So MI when Mntlno went to work Martino Nazihi1 mouth and put Illa hllldl to work 1m nlxht lo declde Ihe min avem ha lween MI crulun and llln D1 Plalo Ho leo bu whll II lermed mInIzer Inuky lookinl chmInlet who mud uuuldu Ihe rinl Ind scrum Instruc llonu lo mm Well man ager Marlin Anlello was more lhIn Icrelmer You can bet that Iha llnlal Banla Arena llsl nllhl Ihlnk to The Beast II hairy wreak IE wllh the alrenzlh Yukon Maybe theyve wrung Euy named The Bent THE BAHRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY Beqst Gets Aid From His Manager IILL BARRY Shull Suvlto CLEANED INSIDE AND OUTSIDE TO YOUR SATISFACTION magmas Irons CAR TO YOU EN LESS 7mm 13 CAR WASH MINUTES IIerel In 0mle kid plum flu 1mm nod wadv mid Won In you um pmhcda 1mm hm Ind Impact dump Thu pr anion NAM held mun will my on flu Nd ylul smooth mun rid 21 MONTHuAgï¬ï¬‚n RA NTE SAFETY CHAMPION NYlON imam FIRMAN TEXACO ll Dunlnï¬ ll HI mul Ihmm PA MA 5AM Wle ONE HARRISON NY APlSAiA Snead nuka only hl sixth ap pelllflcl on the PGA our lhll Vun um thrnunderplr 51 Wednesday and won the $5000 pro amateur preluda In tho $100000 Thunderlyird classlc ll lhe Weslchcster Country Club I4an nu ma opener was annnunced during 11 avenlnl um wreslllng nlghu will charlie Sun Jun 20 the lrnpplerl will nun Ind run It Barrie Aren on Mom dm 11m mum Ihml no ulllwhllnz next week mum Ink The Bulldog Brewer crashed Billy Red Lymu In the temlfinal Lorenzo Ten enle Ind Fred Alkim hlllltd lo dr the opepeg lllh or referee leer Tasker he mlssed the whale bll HI Wu the opinion he llnllan fell his nwn accord So ha taunted to three at which hol quite load and awarded lhl mulch lo the ugly ones chk The Bulldog Brewer crashed Bill Rgd LymuAln It Wu an easy Ihlng or The mm to Hop on him and pin DlPlaln with his baby Hngm Dlglolo was out Iika Allah JUNE mm