Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jun 1963, p. 8

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gr ngabw ¢flr1u1 lvaifl 15 Ifiifiih mam Mum and 11 mm Um AU lmlmr In nl 31 F541 11 ml an ImImr Iwnmll mail IMI nl Hm Mann Dally Nun mun lmh mwlllm ka Wvflm nnumi JHII Ilflnlly UK In Ann flu numamllnu lmlmr lurk pan lnrmrr lnr Um mum nlralzhl yrnr Mumlny lvnly ml an In dlnur Iron infIll mlle al lhv New Yolk Alhlrfl Cluh WM HOCKEY MEET 812T TOLEDO Ohio MUTho ln ltmnllannl lInckcy League will mm in Chlwun Hmrndny to do cido on lugun mnmbm or the 1mm llnsnn The league Also wlll cnmldrr Impoxnl mm It Inclnnnll lrm Kn lurlllllsu lho Mlnnrnmlln lrnnchisu nnd mnvc Iho mm In Ilnclnnnll llrprn Mnlnllvn mm Windsor and hnlhnm nre nlm expeclcd at he mudm Thu Tnnmllnn teams will nlrstnl lhnlr nvnll IMO dan he lrnuuo lnr ISItdlllllfl purpmu JACKIE IIUIIIN IIUHI MOUNT VERNON NV Ml Former bnnrhnll Ilnr Jnrklu llohinmn lulured mlnnr Iwnd ml 111 nJmlrs Mnmlny hm II rm Wnl lnmlml In In Hume cur hlmwny nrrldrnl Ilnhlmun numhcr nl lmwhnlln All of hum Wlll xlrleml lrom Ml hlnlnhml mm lmlm In MI MN mk in Illlcn HOOK TV MT NIIW YOMK MINSwill Ilnn mumer Mnmluy ll lm lxwkrd pay lrlvmlnu Illrl in mum mul nnmln nu lnr lvr Hu Smmv Uphill Irluyd AI 10qu hcavywrlgm mln lluhl In La Voinl July 22 MrI nnmhcr Ilflll Inwlml llm III Inu munl 500000 nrrnnl In In Fmirrlc II Hrmh prw Izlrnl nl lhc Inyvtlllvlllun nr gunlmlm Some softball ans wer Ray Judds Ecrmrmance Saturday nlght and clalm lllldlands Bo Grler will be more impressive tomorrow nlghl at Queens Park when he faces Stewarts Garage ln nn exhlblllon game Seventeen slrlkcouls Isnt bad nlghls work or sullball pllchcr and thats what Judd had And he gave up only one walk and he dldnl have vlld pllch FROM HERE THERE Dorian Parker secre tary of the Senlor Softball League ho es to release baltlng statistlg 9p lhe clrcultsome Mme lhls week Hockey fans boosters and compinincrs alike should sit down for five or 10 minutes and just try to iciure the winter months coming up with no hoc ey in sight The cold weather is bad enough to think about but winter without hockey its food for thought IIEAITY flMD TUII NIlW YUMK IAIN9n Mr cant after surelire solution dont believe anyone can Its just case of the challenge and gambling lnsllncl in some people to dig in and glve it try The problem is to ind these people and get them worklng nowl HOWEVER whats needed now are men to replace the ones who are calling it quilsl This wont be easy They must come from the hockey public and the ma jority of fans are afraid of getting slung HOCKEY PLAYERS here are the same as any other place theyll try to get as much as they can for the season lean recall league similar to this one where local players were getting nifty salary plus their regular pay cheque And all they did was complain and try for more The result was oi course that the league folded and these same players turned around and operated on split not making onequarter the salary they were the previous season Imports present another problem They can de mand even more depending on how badly their ser vices are needed And what sometimes happens is that an import isnt as good as one or two of the local boys and hes earning sometimes three times the money Salary limits on players ls no solution Rules and promises are made to be broken and if you want to see some sleight of hand get the inside dope on league with salary limit So like it or not the ions in these areas are faced with major hockey problem Time passes quickly and before we realize it well be wondering where the summer went But if anything is going to he done to rectify this situation this is the time to get started not in October league meeting should be called followed by ublic meetings in the various centres where trouble is brewing If one two or even more clubs quit the circuit the remaining teams should have the time and opportunity to make new plans In all three cases money entered the picture Ben nett and his staff said pressure of work was big factor but finances probably started the move Ma glil quit because the Orillia rink commission decided to up the ice rental for home games by 35 per cent illldlands position isnt too clear as yet too smoothly came last wee en pres dent Bill Ben nett announced that the threeman executive of the Barrie Bay City Falcons was resigning This was fol lowed by the resignation of president Bill Magill of Orillia Terriers and rumor that the Midland tran chise was up or sale This is the first break in the hot weather weve had for the past couple of weeks and mlght be good tlme to leave softball alone for day and see whats cooking in the Georgian Bay Intermediate Hockey League The situation isnt good and its the old story of no one being able to get interested in hockey in 85 degree weather FIRST INDICATIO mam things weren 111E BARIHE EXAMINER TUESDAY JUNE II 1933 SCISSOBED SPORT SPORT AT GLANCE Hockey Picture Still Unchanged lluh man nlvl lull Kkll fiwnnmn and lumnl UHle wer mm Iwn Invlml lml llml lhry hm m1 yrl lwml whnlhcr U1 amdu will mend mnonm 1C Tnmnln Maul lull ul NMlunll llnclry 11min MM llamlny Hwy have 1anle my final wckq plu ullmd In lhm lulu n1 rump in firmer lviflnlrkl lvrmrrly ul Wlnnlpu nml MW llymnulh Mum mmlc urrnl cnmrhnk an llrtl nume Aomndmund 001 mm hlm lnlnl um WM lwrtlu nlunfi wllll llrm Tnpull ol hmrll lml 12d WM Ivy Jr of levn DEDHAM Mn IANIII lixlnlckl Tnnmlllmllmrn h1me ankmnl IIanuy luau wnnl mu Mann Iulltr qunl ltd Mnndny lot In lmhl ulnnnl 20an Anwdnllan rluunulmmllp In Dullnm TEL July In 11 Invite Swedes To Workouts WIN FIRST 251 MNClIlISIIIHI menu Lance Glhhl ycnmld Wm Indlu oHnmnncr mun England to lowlckcl dn INK In tho um Tut mulch hcm Monday wllh om day In Ipnre nulnnd wnl dismissal In Ill Icmnd Imlnll for luwlnu he Vul Indie lhe Inrmnllly nl Imrlnu nno run In lhelr VI lnry Bill Ezinicki In Tournament By RICK FRASER rmrd had lwn urwdnl In lhe nixmile nm IIUI mun Klvhl Turn mnldwd rum Hull llonllry and Mr any llnlnln ml IMer Mc CHI Unltul sum Kidd hanvvr 1m wllhdrnwn lmmm had Inrlnmmnllnn plclml up Inlunlny In lhv Cnmvlnn unlit Maya Klvlrl will ml mouth belou run nlnl In lrrtlva vmllrlu an maull on Ihc Irmnl hmh upch lhr Ilnl hullmile uvrr lun un drr om mlnulc and Iomndc In mmlm VIM annnnl IHII rulhmv Mint Jlm HIva hmlllmn IUIMII Ind Kavln llm gun Calllnrnln wu lop llnllNl Mam numm who hav bulm mlhrr mnmvm cm11ny lrr cvnl rllnfrmlm nl Um Townln lnlrmnflmnl Gum In Mnn any Hm June 25 Imu Var llly Slnthum lhmlhl ha IM maul urlllnu ouldmr Imk an litII nml ever held In Cnnmln llnmllmn Thur Cm who wan ml Illrir lrnlnlnu rump unlll Ju warmed up Hominy In lhclr nlnlh Annunl null lourn nmrnL Thu rmklu cnmp lnr Cunn nlnm 0mm July lml hum Cunrh lulph Snzlo uth mon lhnn b0 preluh Mus ol I050 trylng oul plnycd or Arnol mIHnlrd Ju nlor nnd Inlcrmtdlnlu lrnml lusl unson In East Yark Lnkm show and Oshnwn 0mm nra mllrn plnym overlooked In lhI urn Arnnaull mnln camp open June 71 TORONTO CWToronto Ar nunnul he Enscm Football Conlcrenn not he mle all to chllly mm Monday nluhl about be sung player went through cn lxlhcnlu nl lhu first day of flu Canadian rookil camp Contnd work will nved unlll lnlcr In lhu wcrk or ho rookch who wlll nllend Um camp or about lhm weeks Sees Assault On Records Not so surprising is the paw selling cilp at Oriilia who have 51 mark in tha North group with Midland rilht behind with moral starry newcomer In the lineup the Orilitn club might have some problem gett ing umm aii approved at the league ccrtiticata meeting to Barrio on Saturday Last yearx intergroup play ott winam Thamtoa ore hav ing dittlcaity getting winning pace going in they were at the weekend other in like aiiaaitun aro Knock paccscitm tn lhe South year ago at Crccmare at and Aliistaa at Cookstawa have played the most games to date and havu mark while Beeton is and lie and New Lowell and lie The latter have been xlow getting organized but with dent with Crccmara that got them live player and addition at Coilingwaodl Terry Gordon Anolher club all to good mm In Tullcnham whn wllh 42 mark thus an have already exceeded Ihclr winning record or last season Argos Open Rookie Camp Several surprise have been recorded in the first three weeks oi play In the South Simcae base ball league Topping tho list of surprise is the showing oi the Utopia ienm nnw playing their home game nt Barrio This club which finished sixth among seven South section term last year has posted record in date Mast notable lineup change has been the addition of several ol inst years Barrie juniors ni thnugh lhis nliset somewhat by the apparent mave oi starry ihirdsncker Tad Laycodx to ihnrninn Illa DIPaolo will tell Bar rie and area wrestling tans just what they want to know about The Beast and hi Man ager Martino Angela Which has In task tomnrrnw night at ballflng The Bees Lula Utopia Club Tops League Surprises THE BEAST AND HIS BUDDY IN EVERY BA PRODUCT theyexpec to get rolling short ly TM arrangement will nlso beup or confirmntinn at the Barrie meeting maIn evenl of the prufesslnnal Wrestling card at Bnrrle Arena Semifinal pits Th Bulldog Brewer against Bllly Red Lyons Opener has Lar lepzo Texcute fighllng Fred At kins BA gasolines are aflaaa separate ways to make your car run better NA II IA Only minnpmlml am IANHUINING pmlim mini mmmm lo manmln ruin dtlDIill1N1P¢pynlllfll Nnnlnl Mm Iilh mfmmm In pal CARIIUREIORCLMN th Ind uwlim MUM nmhl dmupnl Inpuhem mu mum ymu mhumm 7mm Iihlrlm dul lnn ll Inn ion thlnl Art Love mm In with law he soon In the semnd divisiun and the third Barrie winner was Art Hnrris who topped 10w grass honors 1n the third division Three govern frnm the Kurds Ga and Counlry Club were prize winners at Ihe prlllln In vitational Tournament held last wackend Mas notabie victory was past ed by Jim Small who capmrcd low grass honors In the first division Professor Al Darkf lee 0r lnndo Cepch annlher plus Maybe even two For was the blagpowuhfl first baseman who got the job done for San Francisco Giants Monday nlght shaking Glaan out ol sevcrrgnme losing skid with 430Ahamcr In Ihc clghlh hmlng that snapped lie and led to 73 victory over the Nullnnal Lengue leading Lo Angela Dodgers Ccpcda hl 306 last year with as human and 114 runs batted in but wound up on ma wrong side of tho ledger In lradlng system plus marks and ml nu marks kept by manager Dark New Gapcdal out to Jug Assnclfiefl Pr Sporllerlrr Local Goliers Prize Winners LOSiflg Streak In NL By pun 1mm THE PRICELESS BENEFIT OF QUALITY Hubbs delivered his decisive hi following single by Dick Hanoi and sacrifice The run was lhe first named on Colls reliever Hnl Woodeshlck in nus Elsewhere ChIcagu edged Houston Cqu 32 on Ken Hubhs runscarlng rtnile In the nInlh Innlnx New York Met downed Clnclnnntl Reds 32 and PhIln adclEhIn Philltes defeated Mll wau ee Braves In game held to 5V InnIngs by rain Cepodn5 humor though duct slve wru only part thnts rzhit oIIensive against stnrtcr BohMIIIer and long list at successor WIIIIe McCovey hit twwrun homnr tn gel GIants started Willte Mays stroked three rIngIes In keep thtngs my ing unlII Copedn connected and Ed Bniloy wrapped It up wlth In twmrun homer In the ninth Tho triumph moved the de fending champion Giants lied inr thirdplace with Chicago Cubs in wllhin one game oi iim irnninmninz Dodgers wiih anA ulher cinsh in so in their iww lameseries Si Louis Cnrdi nuis rained oui at Pittsburgh are in second place now only 002 bellirui Les Angeics lull Ihe hooks and erase his dc mgrltuq Cepeda III his gamewinner of Dodger rcllel speclalls Ron Pernnuskl leadlng all lhe elghlh The homer Ccpndaa 12m In ga with 40 runs batted In and 303 average brnka He and ended Dodgers llve any wlpning slrenku Ilolidny drivinu wu munl In be plmanlIo help Imp llul my llolh HA In And gnwlina um dean upaule uyl Io hing you umth cubicIm pufurmnnco all 1km llw my11cylltlp you luvc mu Mining llip by cumlmlin mlny mine wmliu luck mlling pom mileage Ind bud pufmmlnrc Tn nuke your ur run brim Ilm ynur llip II the ling uflhu bi DA and gel the lunul Molina you an buy St Andrews exploded for 10 runs in the nurth inning and six more in the filth or their runnwny win over Essa Rd They were down 31 the end of three innings but opened up in the fourth Bob prer smash ed out triple double and single 10 pace the St Andrews batting attack Len Edgerton Two gamm were run all his night In the Barrie and Ms trial Church Sollhall League shear Park St Andngws Ihump cd Essa Rd 134 whlle at Queens Park Christian Relormed eked an 2ldeclsian over Central Innings ol relic wan and tagged him with his second lass agnlns live Victorian Lindy Mc Daniel who came on or Chl mm In the eighth won or record Bllly Wllllnlns hit homer or Cubs and Howie Goss connch for Houston NIPS RALLY Tracy Stallard 13 plcked up his Hrstvlctary sincevSopl 1961 by checking Reds on seven hils and cutting 01 ninlh In ning rnlly alter Cincinnati had closed lawflhln one run Tim Harknes ram Lachlne4 Que hlt suvenih Inning homer 0H Games Played In Church League ACROSS CANADA Wayne Klnostermnn pitched or me winners and was lag ged for three hits All in the third lnnlng Carson was flu loser giving up our hits Queens Christian Reiorm ed pushed across lhe winning run in the inunh when Keith iiuyer hamered at their de nlsiun over Central They look 10 lead in the second and Gen ml tied it in the third It was another five inning illL Ray Culp Philadelphias 21 yearold bonus baby won his eighth game by holding Brave to Ionr hits In Ihe rain short encd game One 01 the IS Cuip 83 was twnrun home by Ed Mathews IiIatiIews er ror in ieit Iicid heipcd Phiiiica In two runs in lhe Iourth inning nnd they wrapped itll with time more In the Iiith Bob hurled the win and gave up xe vcn Ml in the tivelnnlng con test Joey Jay 2gnme winner lnsl year In what turned nut to be the duclding run or Mel and sent the Cincinnnll rlghthnndcr dawn to his ninth defeat He has won three Héfidlcy was the loseé 15

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