ATHENS AW govcm mcnl crisi loomed loday over he plans of the Greek royal Iamlly to vigil Britain Quem Frederiiui was pickclcd and complained being losllcd UNITED NATIONS CF The United Nations Security Council 1nd an lho chnn ques Ilon hImday but broke on after 17 mlnulcsapparcnlly because 91 Soï¬aAmerican disagree menl Council Presldcnl Alex Qual sonSackcy Ghana adjourned Ihe mccling after Secretary Gcncral Than spoke briefly the urgency of sending UN observer mission in Yemen ll wuuld znsure lmplcmenlnllnn of In agreement belwccn Saudi rablu nnd the United Arab Re ubllc to halt Interlercncn in 19 Yemen civil war DEEP RIVER Ont CF Police an searchlng or Gerald Atkinson 20 of Montreal who escaptd Sunday mm the Lan dry Crossing correctional camp 10 miles east of hem person to escape mm the camp since it was opened 20 months ago Piémclal police said Ihe lake was mugh during the pe riod their attempted Mp bodles Mn andMrs Marc Lecours of Kenora were recov ered on an Island in the Lake of the Wood Monday after search was started or the pair Mo morning after they were reported mlssing on lamile trip on the lake in lilac outboard motor baaL Royal Visit weather we laid wlnd xusled to 70 miles an hour and cumin warnings were posted large maple tree col lapsed on downtown house miqring two occuï¬ntg as as suddenly as it slatted the winds dropped the 11am stopped and sunshine tllt cred through scuddlng clouds UN Squables WINDSOR Ont CmBursts of eddying galHorce winds and Maw rain slmck Windsor and Detroit mlnulcs before rush hour Irafflc alarm Monday knocking trees branches and slgns across streets and alde walks Hydm officials said several main lines were knocked down by falling trees and several sec Unns of me city were without power Hm department said no tires were caused either by lightning Flectrlca 5mg Escapes Camp Bodies Found THI LOWFHIDID AMERICAN IIXTH FDDULA OLABBIO nldlnn ldn Rnrnblnv you can lunn all llm way back And volnx Ihoso mchnlnn main convuu Inslnnlly IMO lazy nap couch ll youw dvivinu you can adjust Hm mm Io lllu bus pasllkm or you ll doesnt mallol youm loo km you an camtmL For iuw oxun lollmn you can have loampadded adjustable lmndwsu lnslnllod in your Rambler Nol only do they give you added iuppoll Hmym nalnly unluvo you wont go on any olllor can vle de Ialkl nbuul comlon but nobody doe us much about as flamblav For what If wovlh om hoadvmom hlp CAPSULE NEWS KENDRA om c9 The Wiind30r Detroit AHit By Hurricane Winds VIAU MOTORS MM 11 flnu mu Bndlml Rambler Seats comfortable enough to put you to sleep or make you enjoy staying awake OTTAWA cm1m Supreme 10an Canada has rckclcd an npplIcaHon by the attorney general Quebec or leave lo appeal the acquittal or Dr Comml Simard Hull Qua on charge of crimlnnl neg Ecnce He abandoned an applicallon lur another writ of haboas cor pus risking lmmcdinle depot laden hoping to be released from the Don Jail here where he has been since ha Wax ar rested The murls dcclslon was Jm nouncca Mondny Dr Slmnrd was charged fol lawing he dcnlh In May 1911 threednyold baby He TORONTO CF Nicholas Eoillerls 22ycnmld Greek sailor saved from deportation ï¬ve week ago by an act of hnboas corpus has stripped himscll of lcgnl saloguards In bid for sanctuary in Canada Captain James Camldy 48 who testified at coroners in quest mm the death of Willrcd Vincent ONeill 55 night watchman killed by terrorist bomb Ihni exploded at ihe rear of an Anny recruiting centre Reject Appeal Army Witness The govemmenl holds the View that the royal vlsll lo Bril aln scheduled start July should not take place under present drcumslances Wants Sanctuary on her recent trip Lonan for he weddlng Princess Alexan dra Inlei Constantine Caramanlls threatened In resign If the vlsil Is not called off Gévergmem spnrccs said Fre JAMES CASSIDY fll Blldlml lA Hm DL McCurmIck In an interview at the biennial meet ing oi the Vcsinm Cnnndn Den inl Smitty said In rivewar dan ini healin pmgrnm survey in cin Mimi silan that one in 50 sixyonmlds needed ltclh movcd prematurely his year ramparcd with man out vi 50 III 1059 SACKETS HARBOR NY AWAn 1340M cabin cruiser reported missing with three members of tumin aboard was Inund docked safely Mom day New York Stale Park on Lake Ontario Michael Schag 49 manager at store In Wntcnnwn NY his wife Jcnnelte 45 and their daughter Michelle 15 said they had spent the nlght aboard the docked boat rather than risk return trlp In their home here ovenrough water WINNIPEG CPIThe dimo tar this city dental services said Monday fluoridation of ler suppiic has deï¬nitely re duced the incidcnce oi tooth do cay in children The momma ship heavily damaged in collision Sunday night wiihihe Canadian grain carrier Silver Isle had reached temporary dock at Cape Vin cent NY allowing the mis hap Her pumps coped with wa ter flooding her hold while sieve dares removed some her gen eral cargo Monday and placed crash palch across damaged plates below the water line Dutch trelghler Prms Alexan der temporary patch was hole In her hull steamed across the St Lawrence Mam Iiay night to drydock in Kflngs on John Wllllam Neflson 23 of Sarnia was recoplurcd Monday on Humash property Gordon Gerald Brager 82 of Niagara Falls OnL was recaplured about five miles south of Bur wash Teeth Improve SUDBUEY CHN1 pris oners who escaped from Bur wnsh lnduslrla am last week are back in custody Cruiser Safe However the Quebec Court or Queens Bench set aside the verdict May and ordered Sl mards acquittal was convicted by jury of criminal negligencn In tha death andsenlenccd to year in Jail Ship Repaired Two Caught Igucgmg 012 cmm mom nnd legroom In mum Io an honor lhan mhm slandmd simcm Uul llamhlur nlmgivalvuu wntlcushloncd chalnlmiuhl mm In cm llml tidal Mendy vldnu ImDOIIL Unusunl In Iho won for lhn numbm wash column you DI in nnmblm Tllemn quim an Inlplusiivn Iisl llml Includnu ow Men In gunmumnd mulllov mum and coolnnl Um hnsl lusuuuuling and nxceullonnl milonuo You also have good nssmlmonl modal l0 clmoso lmm Tnko yum pidc convuuiblu hmdmp sedan or wagon Suo mum all you humus Hnmmgvdonlara Have um ms on em al our voclinlnu ml oun ler Max Silvcrmnn was unsuo cessful Monday In an attempt to have board of control make puhlic the details or cxpcnsu ncmunu uhmlued hy elcdtd and appointed oltlclnls or out oHawn lrlps Mr Silvormnn could nut ind Iccundu lnr his molan among lhc ï¬vemnn board of mnlml despite hl slntcmcn um we hnvo no duly more Tried To Get Money Details Board Of Control Wont Second Instead it to help chickens see boiler Schriher hlt upon red plastic in distort their vision The contact are lied to the chicken at six to eight weeks of nge and can be left on pennnnemiy Schriner says SANTA ROSA CHICKENS GET ROSECOLOURED SPECS Since everything lha chicken see ls red bleeding injuries do not attract it and cnmlhniinm is prevented Schriner says Inventor Schrlnnr got the Idea xxx195a when he noUccd that chickens wilh cataracts were boner be havcd than other and their prpducliqn was good VSanlarnésh man has devel oped comm lenses for chlck Me says they ellminule nighllness lead wasllng and cannibalism Prominent among the play of vocational exhibits de signed and executed by slu dents in grades xix seven and supnunv cm Canth SANTAROSA cam 71m HILLCREST SCHOOL HAS VOCATIONAL EXHIBIT IIXTHI POWERFUL AMBAIIAODH VI Clcrkcamplmller Mur phy had refused reporter request last week lhnl he be ulluwcd to see he expense statement Mr Murphy laid than that vmuld take an em ployce at least week lo d1 Um Inlormnllon aul the ï¬les and he could not aulharln the acHon without board of control npprnan Impoflm than lo Inform he public Schriner sees rosecolored lulure for Ills lenses nxrkeys he notes are enn nibnlistie and panic easily When pigs are crowded lo gelher Ihey light and bite each olhern tolls And cattle frequently light In feed pens paniculnrly when newcomers are introduced Hes florklï¬Ã© on designs far these and other nnlmnls They prevent eslnhlish men or pecking order mud new birds can he added flock without starting mum 34 They stop chickens mm picking wer Unch Iced and Schrlnur made these ob scrvatlon utter of experimentation with contacts for chickens They reduce emollonnl stresses and egg breakage eight at Hlllcresl Public School were series Interprekw lions of west caastJndian masks Rick Elementnlz lelt SMYNER MOLMNDI GARAGE AvaWlol mlch umvll 1mm mum Instead Ihe algaals carrylag an Associated Press Story mm London ware relayed lo the United sum by cable to com pulcr at Camden NJ which changed lhcm to animal Iypcsclliag signals In this am cuss lhe computer adiuslcd mama and edited the story In small and capital cum NEW YORK AFlAn Inter continental as of nulamnllc typesollingby mmputcr took place Mnndny between Europe and Hm United Slalcs However plans In lransmil the signals by the satellite Relay were changed because Antenna dlf mum at Goanhilly Downs Englandt Dur ng summer lhe Long Lines will put dawn about 3000 miles of cables acmss Ihe ocean and connect with angiher ter minal cable carried out tom the English coast The en was floated ashore an ballast from lhc British en hlelnying ship Alert anchored mile of share and spliced into nn yndprgroqnd cable The shlp headed back toward England Monday to lay down 600 mllrsol cable before the American Telephone and Tele graph Companys cable shlp Long Lines takes over BEACH HAVEN NJ AP The US and of the ï¬rst Iran ntlnnllc Ielephone cable de signed Io connect he United Shite directly with England WE mugged Sundny Long Distance Type Setting Phone Cable End Sandra Wilklnsnn 13 and Danna Genrge lzuwere In terested spectnlnrs at lhe ex hiblllon Examiner Photo Installed In US lle added that the Canadian Bill Rights dld not apply be cause pmvlnclnl lcglslnllan was Involved The mlnlslur 1n Ilcn does not xi In Judgment he added Robert PBum airyRichmond asked the milk isler to seek legal opinion Io dciermine ii Montreal police contravened section as oi the Criminal Code of Canada The seclion requires that suspccis be brought before magistrate as soon as possibie and be chargcdwilir an oiicnse Quebcc provincial not appllcd In the case of lhe Mammal persona who were to testify at Im Inquei that OTTAWA CmJudie Mln Istcr Chevrier Monday agaln declined to be drawn Into con troversy about thc detention of 15 person by Montreal police on cqronerg wnrrnnu Mr Goodman stnlcd that counsel for the exchange Allan Grnydan had said earller whlla Mr Poslum may have done nollllng illegal me board had rlght to Impose higher smud ard of condud told him there could ha no higher sumde than mu lull TORONTO CmThe board of governors of the Toronto Stock Exchmge discriminated against Wilfred Poslunn In Inns his dLicIosme to Ihem nuanclal Interests Toronto lawyer said Monday In Suprema Court solicitor in arpearnnces beiore iha board sad he Indicated to the board that in dismissing Mr Poslun as direciar and sham holder Duly but taking no action against another Daiy director guilty oi impropriety lhe bonrd had discriminated against his client Mr Goodman was chief wk has In $2100000 nonjury sult or damages against the TSE launched by Mr Pasluns George Gardiner chairman the exchanges board of gover nofs In inlsq dnlcndnnt Chevrier Avoids PLQ ControVersy Stock Exchange Discrimination irTflEBAIIEIE EXAMINER TUESbAY JUNE ll lung Omar Am Cndn mood yam ulll my Imou In Jul wall mm Ilium Moi Goodman M12 mums Reserved for you whon you call ahead by Long Distance BELL Now BioDyna oflcred 1n oint ment Ind poxllary am called Preplnflan Anklorluulldrug mrmmoney buk minim Most Importn ol IllMIL WEN no thorough that lhln Improve menz wu maintained out period many months This Wu campusth with nuw hcalln subsmnca BIODyan which unity helps no1 Inlu DELI In Idmulatcs growth new ue In use mar me the gently rellevlnz nln icuul reduction nylnklgeftooï¬ place Elduxhnhtï¬nnuhnumpmmuhhl hambidxmdnplixdmuldlhm renowned research Institute kn found uni ue henllugnunbsunu with the abl ity to ah hemoh rhnlds ï¬llnlmly It relieve Itchln Ind Id comlort ï¬n mlnutes m3 speed up healing of thy Injured Inamed tissue 15 clcar that Mr Robb was the nnly director at Dnlya who knew that this spread was ï¬xing taken said Mr W111 011 Thu Lido business we pan nershlp tormedvln 1958 between DrMurton Shulmnn and Mr Posluns It Involved put and call options and when Mn Poslum moved to the Duly Inn in 1960 he look lhu leo account with him Counsel for Mr Posluna Wal terrwmlswn said the Duly dlv rectors knew he was partner in Lido and that was one of thg rqusons they wnngcd 1ng During in Toronto Stock Ex change Investigation oi the Duly ï¬rm in 1961 In connectldn with the gain options company employee discovered that Rob ert Robb vicepresident of tho iirm In charge at stock saler had charged it Pcterbnmugh druggist commisiun on the sale oi options He then resold the option in New York at proiit ONLY ONE KNEW dlxclbsure made by Mr Fasluna hls Interest in len Invest ments and mx position wllh Announce New Healing Sullsfunce Shrinks Piles 5m