Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jun 1963, p. 7

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i£11 mu Qumn Cllxhll In the WM Slum Canndn Auk lrIHn Ind Mulca tonnlnx The Quota Gub 0m olriul clnumcd rluh and la mvlco duh or Mom urcutlvcl ar lnnlzcd la Mlvnm Hm Inkml wamrn culllvnu lrlmdxhlp ml um raunlry 1nd commun lly It In non nnrlLum and mm minim on Ian Mln Lorrie Bmllh Irmlnll Lum Mlu Glan nl Dawnay CLMSIFIEI mun Mlu Glndyl Gllhunk tlcd Id pruldcnl he Quota Club II lhu nmnnluliannx medial held II he Cnnllncnlnl Inn On htr uttuliru vlu rclldenl Mlu leln Loni urll mend vlrepmldenl Mn Dorothy Gardner new In NH KflthnUMcHunh Dont strive for new laok cllhcr makeu or hair style for the first time Youll col selfcome on because of its unfamillaritfi And you do want to be calm cool and relaxed on 15 special day Look for penetrating cleanser that dig deep into pores for thorough cleansing and rich molsturhtng cream to plump tired tlsaues In those preweddlng days give your sk extraspecial beauty care to ensure the healthy glow that every bride wants to achlever And no matter how tlred or rushed never apply new musePW 91¢ maue look in makeup wm probably be most nan tering with white for the trip down the aisle To an sure makeup job that lasts through wedding and reception gently press use wrung out tn cold water to ace and throat at cr makeup has been ap pUesthgn heymgdcr lightly lhneggssaxy And the summer bride who has spent time soak ing up sun may find her tanned skin requires new shade Skin that is dried from the sun or drooping from tension and lack of mi from the round oi pre wedding parties and shopping deserves special pick Miss Gilbank Heads Quota Club Th5 lovellest brlde should have natural look and wear the same type of makeup she usually wears on eclal occaslons And above all the bridevtovbe ahou hava dress rehearsal for her makeup to be sure she has achleved the salt look that white dress demands Makeup that acts off other colors tn the warrlrobqmay be too harsh qr flute Brides are urged to discuss and order their flowers early to ensure top service from their florist and the widest choice as eclally it offthebeatentrack lowers must be importe In also wise to follow the advice of your florist Holl know which are the most attrac tive and suitable designs those that look spectacular in magazine may not show well in real life and he will advise on design and lowers best suited to you your budget and the total effect you want NATURAL LOOK for mikeup the beauty ex crls advice is to stay away from special makeup ef acts on your wed dinggay flost populnr colors for this years weddings are in the violet to pale blue tones Almost any color under the sun can now be matched by new sprays or dyes especially developed or flowersr Smart new idea for bridesmaids is garland of flowers white or dyed to match accessories or dress neatly sidestepping the headdress problem Many brides too are choosing headdresses of fresh flowers to which their clouds of veil are attached Another mle Bi thumb dark glrls should choose flowers in llght colors whlle blondes 100k best wlth deeper toned blossoms Choosing your wedding bouquet ts like choosing fashion accessories If youre petite yourel wise to choose scaleddown accessories handbag hat jewel lery for everyday occasions and an elegant un cluttered bouquet for the day of daze Either fewer flowers or small blossoms like Sweet eart roses would be appropriate The tall bride on the other hand anay choose larger bouquet more or bigger owers To add an illusion of helght tiny girl may have ribbon streamers from her boll net to the hem of her gown taller girl would live streamers choosing wldeflalter arrgngemgnt In phou 11 Al an of thumb for wedding bouquets match your bou net to your size The wedding bouquet can do muc to enhance or ruin your appearance huge bouquet carried by tiny bride canlook ridiculoul and overshadow her And tiny bouquet carried by tall person is equally wrong CREATED FOR vou few days after the annual brides editidn goes to ress our mail is lull of news for the bfldeelect ha she should wear this season makeup news whatvklnd 9f boquqt she ho Several items of interest which did not appear in he special ediilon are certainly worth passing along to our readers who will ha walking down the aisle this summer 0mm muu Aunq II ININALD nun PA 66085 ANDERSON CHARLIE SKIRTING THE BAY only omnlnllan Quollrlnnl hr helped Ml lo 101 glnglgu fivln throunh Khnlnnhlp In and by per Quota wnl founded In mm in Buffalo New York by flva wo men whn draw Ihelr Implrnllon ram Illmdinu Chrlalmu pnr ly lhc Klwnnll Club 01 Du lnln Thay Adapted Ihl motto Wu Sham and mud lhrlr club Quoln mm lho Lnlln word mcnnlnl Ihm Wllh broad vlllnn My lmmrdlml lnmrponlrd II Quoll Clu lmrrmuoml Inc lnOJEWfl Mum4 nu mu Muf II valHm Quoh lntcrnlllanlll lnrorponb 111m club hava nbout 9001 members Mum all hillnkm lnnnumvwnll mqu cam131 plansMammy min lwmvmdhn 61 rmumm mnmom munl Mule numnlon 11 mu collWm IDK Ill DISCIMIINATIAG THE BARRIE EXAMINER DIXON nyflrll MIMI IA um auwwoumusnn mranum Mlu lltlm MtKflIXlI lb Amman Quota Cluh wu ln chum of arqlnlullan lho new lhnll cub club wu arllnlud In Ollllll ll mm In tnppld uraup Cub memhm mlunu lo and Included Iaclll rt trcnllonnl And other bmellu flu lnlcrnnllonll mo rIHnn mm yrncllul prom Iuch am In thlldrcn In wnrlorn munlrlu well ulndy Ind nunpart Nu prlnclplu In Unllzd Nallonl And lnlemnllon Il ltllownhlpl wudad unaud lunnl umnurnucmcnl Another club prokcl 11 mvlca la Illa rd hearing and mum hind Wlh one run lnAm lgngnlrgr Infllhll project at Quau bm In large nnd nulccled handl tnlgptlxi your The minimum hu been Announced 01 Min Dom Katherine Kandlll In My Mn qulnluk Thn brideOlen II the daughter Mr and Mn Aunlln Kendlll oi Shanty Blyl Thu brlduroom elm II ha Ian Mr And Mn Alex ncmuniuk llllnnlon lenl Unlled Church le bl lho IMUXII far In Altumoon weddlnl Juna The celebrant In mud the honor the recelv when tho wan awarded life cerllflcnlo by the Banlo Branch the Can ndlnn Legion Mn Alker wan an of three Ban1e woman to re ceive lhls honor The other wo men are Mrl Jlmu and Mn Llndn Fe The award came no lur rln lo olhzr membm ol the man ulna Mn hiker hu bun devoted mtmber of flu nullva England who hnl lived In the clty or so yam celebnlcd her 901 birthday ro cenlly Mn Nellie Alker wnl born in Soth Part England and lived Dim umn coming to Cauldn CelebrantAttributes Longevity To Keeping Active Interested BRIDEELECT ACCESSORIE MRS NELLIE ALKEE Lelroy Communuf Hall was In mm Inh on thaw on uday waning hnll wu decorled with bukeu 01 mm hm 1r Ind 1191 Fashion lram Zellerl al Eur rIa worn by you girl Ind bow Included play claw lwlmmlnl qu Anddrul 125 will Mu Gardiner Zolerl luhlon commentator Fashions Shown By Lefroy WI wfilu she look iarwnrd to her 1001i birthday with anticipation Ilnce tin incl ed to lend bou 20 106 1951 occulon The Barr womnn Illrlhum her longevity he an active Ind Internted Drtn lnl plenty of buttermilk her CID or 00d huflh In her dull newnpapér subscribed The Bnrrle Exam lnlr for long an Ibo hal Ilvad Bank orgminuon for 30 years She devote man her time In lodge work luisunl with us me She Illa below to thl TM 5100 lodge Rebekuha Allmdnlo orange body Cryual On ar II well the lelu Auxll nry la Bum Legion She hu never llowed down Ind hellevu In hepan mm flu pram mm the nonm nlrlnn work durlnu the weak as baby sitter lhe home Mrs Robert Dunn Nayler 51 And an Ihs love It 0n the weekends Mn Alka vlslu with her granddaughter Mn IJohn Pnrlrldgu and hmfly or Amelia St 5h enjoy road lnz her dull 11mgch 15d has Enh WINDOW NEEDS BUILDING THIS YEAR FOR ALL YOUR loll mu HUMAN Inflow OBLIGATION 0R WIITI IDOAR ONTARIO mm by 1mm MITCHELLAIRE ALUMINUM IIDISLIDIRS DOUBLI HUNG IIALED UNIT Given In martian by Mr tnlher flu brldu won floor lcnnlh guwn Illk orgnnw lnhlnncd with round nockllne wllh my palm alcoves enhanc ed by Ewlu embrvldury crown of rhlnulonu Ind urLI held the Ihouldorlenm vcl Thu brldo curled hauquel ol whlla camnllonl Mn doom Porter mm mended mllran of honor ller lawn wu aim lmlh drul 01 yellow mm nylon with mum hudduu TM mntmn honor carried ban quil of nut Ind yallaw mungt nu roomlmnn Ihu br brolhcr Lyn smllhl wen Knnny Smith um um hmmr nl um brldo and zoom Pomr Vow were exchanged wem Min Donal May 5th and Larry Allln Boyd at In Afternoon ceremony In the Trln 11y Anlllun Church on Jun mnorabla need omcln Thu bride flu dnuxhler Mr and Mn Elfl Smllh nn Hum Thu hrldezroam he Ion of Mr Ind Mn poyd RR Barrlc RECEIVES DEGREE Woodm anu Deu Ann Lindmx have wayl In llpplnl whether to calico collu tcr or to any rutaurant Bride Wears Gown Of Organza For June Wedding At Trinity Na head on 11th ea or When looked Do tla not Walk In the kneel and almost hinted persplred until my Jhlrt was leaked thumb My mm was shot mad muldnt even look load Mom told me looked terrible And the called doom Wcll ll wunl lava alter all was ha llu Im leeling fine now and Im datlnl Dome but Im going wllh other nixla In though you ml ht like to know Im flying ght And flunk or you advice In lim mer down and relax Hunk It upended up my recovery BACK TO NORMAL Dar Nnrmulx Im glad to knuw enjoying the best of hen 1h um um your had now on mum An awful lot ruse or love the dlyl um um luv all And lm lha flu ellher the chemlnry youth plul conlullon TIPPING Joan Wood dauthler cl Mr and Mn Jnim Wnodl of Shanty my Read grlduah ed tram the Unlvcnily of War em Ontarln with Bachelor Am degree Dm Ann Linden Mnybo you will remembsr me mm to you three week no and timed my letter Randy Just wanted tell you how 111an turned out Remember how thought or lure we love wlnled to am Danie my class flux we crazy Ann PHONE Us ANN LANDERS Bug Thai Bit Him Was Flu Not Love PA 11m rccepUau Wu llgld It in lelneuul lnnl Thu bridel mother ncclved null wenrlnl iown green sixmung wlm matchlnl duuan lehl brown ucmorlu Ind mum yellow lwoelhearl mm mm plnled her ennmblc Thu rooml mother wore dreu or blut mlnlclre wllh mulchlnl Jacket wlllla lcceuarlu and comga of baby whlll mum and blun mmflawmv For mvclllnl Ia brldo won plnk llnan thlnlh dreu wllh muman duster Ind whlla Ic mwrlu Alter wedding Mp Olllwn Ind other point wulh lhu couple wlll mldl in Gutlph Dur Pedumx Congralulr Ham on thu lrnnnuon am firm believer In selling ma floor If you dont Ilka be kickcd Amund than Joy to has from someone wukn up Ind amollzd the mile flunk for writing Well Iv told him Ann Just Ilka the minister lullequ nd he almolt ell all the am Bellm ma hea been utter 11 person ever since Now he treats with conIderlllon and res CI The waman who Illow melt to ho kicked around by her husband d6 um II FROM DOOR MAT To PEDEETAL Alter tryan my eye out or month decldcd to talk to my clergymnn He nld What 11 your huxband died Youd have mm without him wouldnt you him in grow up and act like man or zu lo his math and stay there mail children Ind was afraid to speak up In my husband or en ha would luv me is like an unpaid ur vnnt Hed iinkh dinner and run In hi0 motherl house well night to plly card and dri bear wilh MI no ood broihm He said the id mad him nurvom And ha ha to get an of mu hnuse Du Ann Ludmx could hm hugged you when tflan wld um Woman to at of floor Ind stop being door mat My minister gave me the same ad vm lo yam and It was the but thin aver hay pepgd puma My probfem is sticky one haunts ii Involve you mm Im very and oi HI never ielm lip Thin young men lenot hard up or money Hel inn thoughtless iva been an the vane oi mentioning it many iimu but lm airaid oi hurting his feelings We 01m 10 back in the lame glam and am embarrassed ecnuse imeam the waiter and waihessel havn hie num ber What Ihouid Idosflll WATERS Den still Waters Tunan Is part of our ayalcmwhu er we for it or mum It And be cluua Its builtIn custom some people are many depend ent on an Tell Illa younl man ha mould lava the wnlter or wanrau Abnut 15 per can nl the check It hen decent guy hl will up predate your lnterell DOOR MAT In habit Hm come as net My nightly 352 You Still Can1 Beat Natural GAS The devotion with lhn theme Family Lila wu In chm of Mn Murrayl unlL Scrlplnru Reading wax taken mm mm onamy Chapter VI The devmlon closed with the Ilnlinz nl the hymn Happy the ham when th 9nd lna providentfhlrl Doldlecalled tho meoflnl lo order with lha ulnglng of the pnyar hymn Why the Emmy ageing bc mu me The June meeting of Central United Church Wombn was held Inua nocInLhnlLoLme ghurch Mr Ind Mn George Mcvlm Port Cradk Ire visiting with than dnuahter Mm Cnlheflna Mchcar Coillar street They mompmlod by lheh laugh er Susan and Mn Mcvlcarl mower Manama Coohv 10 They will also visit with relatives In Midland 511mm anwnxs Prlm lo llcr mmlnue to Larry Allan Bord on Saturday Mm Danna Sm was honored at several events mlscellm ecu Ihower was held at the home ol Mm Herb West Sophia St West Aumluz the hosleu wal Mrs Harvey Urry The guest tn mendan Included lrlends and relauvel of the brlde ang hrldegrolom cdmmunny ihowgr wu holi cd by Mn Sabin Ind Mn Bell olfllnlyllck rock of Vlctnrla BrlIIah Columbia IanInd In the all Hunting and are houdnylnl wfih Mn ham broakl brathchlmlnw and ulster Mr and Mn Allan may Gownn 81ml KIWANIS GUESTS Mrf hidM Walls nnnlvmary Indlcs nigh Thursday It Fem Resort lake Couchichlnl They were also guesh at the anonlo Lem Alda Klwanll Clubl nnnlvemry Indlu night 9n Neuduy In the Fiesta Room the Prince George Hotel Mr Will pay MRI EXAMINER SATURDAY JUNE 1m wgzuun ravgsrs George Potter And Mn lnturhunl were co holl easu personal shower the Perry residence of Mrs Form aygm mm winom Family Life Is Program Theme At Iune Meeting Of Central UCW Muffin In ul mum mu HAIRCUTS $100 aon wuzn prllunnl all EVES BEAUTV SHOPPE PERMANENTS Completé Appllance Service Depot TONYS APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE PA 61142 Allnail Phono PA M571 Phom Ellen Duonqunmy Cmmon PA um PEOPLE AND PLACES 550 Ill Mn Norma Marcellus lavor ed with the inning Home Sweet Jinma and mess mi iiouu The meeting cloud with the Benediction by the gresldenl social hour nilawc the program and with Mrs Vaughan as leader carried on the theme Family Life by 191on yLIWp than skit lhg Robs Blane son Mr and Mm Martin Stone of 1m Burris wa awarded the Edgar Forrester Scholarship of $800 and lhe Goodwill Memorial Scholarship in internal medi cine The awards were present ed In tho linden with his high standing Robert la third at Queenl mil at In vloneer day kcgyxpnred to Family Lira In In hls olilcial visit as dlvlslml lieutenantgovernor to the wanls Club ul Owen Sqund in the Seldom Hausa next lhurvday Allen Drury has arrived home irom Drain University Den Memes lawn and la visit lng with her parents Mr and viral Snelgruve Thrrcsa Si Her husband medical stu dent ihe University oMVIs cousin Madison Wisconsin will be ham next week mom gvanmo war held in honor oi hirai Marc Fisher Iha iormer Ellpeth Cameron on Thursday The event was hosted by Mrs Lyn Snaigrove Drury at the home oi her parents Mr and Mn Ralph Snelgrova Therv era Si Guests Included Miss Mary Sinclair Miss John Trib bio Min Marta Rechnitzer hiiaa Lorrie Smith Min Mary Dun more hini Ula Paimer Miss Marg Drury Miss Lynne Walls and Miss Betty Gatea were un able to attend Mr and Mrs Flaher hava turned to the city to mend tha rummer with ihnlr parantl Mr and Mrs Cameron lliuicaater St and Mr and Mn Fisher Sunnh dala Road after completing their year at the University of British Columbia Myanmar scuoumsnln rniverany Kingston Dinm

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