Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jun 1963, p. 6

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fill Mull HAMMER SATURDAY JUNE Desperately unnrthndax was the mans contesslon ot tellh when he nld to Jesus Lordl bollevc help thou mlne up helletMk92tr Perhnn upnn readlng It our first Impulse ll to ask what klnd at rellglnux rlddle ls thlsl But thls is no rlddla no Intended plelletle pnr adnx It the elncere spon tenuous outburst at tnthure heart eeeklng help for his nlllnl Inn He had brought the buy to Jerus dlsclplu They hid trled but they could not heal hlm Some strlbes were also present but they were Interested neither In the Ind nnr In hle henllnzr Rather they were lntent upon uslnl the tnllure at the dlxclplel as beech head to launch theoluzlcnl lnvnlan tn the over throw of this new tuchtng thtle wonder thnt the poor tnther tell ln desperation ut the net of Jesus and crled It Thou cnnst do nnykhlng helprusl Netlce how the Lurd put the onus on the man He said than canst The Salvation Army Ciladel so Colllu sueel MAJOR ND MR5 GILLESPIE Carp olllcen mu ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Brindle and Mn Slurp 1an Mount Dennll am 1100 mm 700 pm Innmll Pnk Pmlrlm 245 mm Fathers Faith Was Unorthodox REV TUNKS mm Penluollll Church nun nu llnniu IIIMIH Cfmrh Annoqnumm or In 11m at run and naming MIMI BILL BARRY WELL SERVICE ITATION mu 11 mm It PA All Ilmlo lllmtrl lenllh 6600 PM IN mlniiim mm THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS flumh DENIU BIIEMU LTD LUMBER AND IIUILDIJH BUIILIM Ihmwlthout Inythlng borrowed or blueam glvu to her Wed dan Dly the sun prumlu at hipplnm Somnlhlng old lailh ln God Inch hu been lha oundnllon lllo or mllllonl ol Chrlllllnl balm her nlmyle convlcllon found in tho HHKIDUI lmlnlctlon Ihc melvul chlrl nurluml ln gum wnnhlp It Chunk mdy with her through the yelrl Smothan new low for tho om nhe tomnml Io marry mdnr devotion um will gruw richer and dccprr nl they Ihm lhu lun hlm and Ihldawn ll Wllh hm lwolhl nomethlnz old lhnl Hm In Mr roui nml Um Mmlth new hut thrln in hrr hurluh mum hr huslvaml And he cums Io hcr benrhlg UN Inmnhcusumhelrmnnlngu cnn not All MONUMENT 00 SOMETHING Mumy Mlth Hill5 mnumu 1m Enflm lullHI MullIn Ivk In Imuv VI believe all things are possible to him that believeth There in no in Christs Ability to D0 The only 11 is in mans capsu ily to believe Then came Iha most unorthodox caniesslnn oi islth on record The isther cried out Lard believe hle Then mine unbeliei What did he mean In everyday speech he Inld lLord in my HEART believe you nun do this You can heal my run But ennnnt UNDER STAND haw this can he We might say that his Head and his HEART were at odds This in tellectual was arguan against the spiritual His head was debatmz against ht heart Tun rulm ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE ism Codrlnglon Public School Prounhd by Oh Mr EIIII who ll pmldcni of 0h Gun Laku Chrlulnn Collage Bomsvlllu OnL will waak the 00 mm Warshlp Sorvlco CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY 159 Colllcr Service And Sunday School am Tesvimonial Meeting 2nd Wed8 pm BARRIE CHURCH OF CHRIST Wldnmlny TimAlly Hunt of Hulnmon mm 1017 INNN PA HUI PA HEAR GEOFFREY ELLIS COOK CARTAOE Ind IIOMOE L111 Ii JOHNBON DON MACHINE um Mr ALlcm4 Imi ha been well uid Chat the steam hnnlea not taught on land lea and in the air The museum are ioulht in he heme oi men Ind hm aim the Ernie Victoria are won This inlher won the day His plan wan granied and Christ healed his son There II son here to he ienmed Iel aan concerning effective iaiih Fniih it not theory oi the mind mathematically wnrked out to line in decimal or detiL Paul Mid Wllh the HEART man rhelievflh unto rightemm ness Failh is an aniiud oi the HEART towards our mat God and Saviour Jesus Christ COME OF AGE FIRST CANBERRA Anslmllu Reut erlMost popular marrying an In Australia or Elrls 21 and or men 12 chle slallnl clnn Archer my hm 19090 manlanes last year theru were 391 hrldu under ha and 16 although only lhreo boys under 16 mmled Forty the hrlde were 14 years old Hold Ron runy Ephulnnl M1141 SOMETHING PA 015 FA IM Bnlunlly Inlrm MIH Lu ml lurpofl um cmmh my renum to thlltlmnlnh mm mmmunlly m1 nIlm Vhl uh nl Chuuh HI mu Imnllmlm mm In mum Inly m1 mm mm My nm lunch In th IIIIn 1mm on uth luv bmldlnl ol dunn ood dllumhlnh It Mr MM 04 Ipldhul Vilma Wllhoul llmnl Chum mum damW civillullm nunlu nm mainlyvi any why my TH CMUICH All All FOR TNI CHUICH DmmAM NICE LTD flUILDlNO IIATEIUMA MW FUNERAL HOME URON MOTORS FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES 73mm 600 pm Wldnndny at 730 Our Moihur olFcrpuOUIl Help Novnnl SUNDAY MASSES mm mm l0 mm 30 mm CHURCH DIRECTORY IT IS EXTREMELY HELPv FUL IF ALL CHURCH NOTICES ARE IN BY 12 NOON THURSDAY Roman Catholic EVENING DEVOTIONS Sunday pm ST MARYS CHURCH l5 MchASTER 51 PA HMS Worllq 5t Ill Vum BL MB Clapperlon St Worsley Sundly Slrvlcu If pm Ennuuulc Servlcl Rev Geom Mu Pnlor Im SUNDAY SCHOOL mm Mornlu Wnnhlp dnndly School Enuhh fluvch Mn Eunlnl 8min Id lunflny Eur Mun Both Denlm In Eutllnh Th Chunk lhl lo 6d Ilanr 41 vmv IllI crox 0mm In lundly ll IN Free Mnlhodln Church 1M Ilufleld ll luv II nohun mm GIDKDN nunnmmnnvns Mr Wlllnn nra Ind Mr Jim Monlu p514 FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Pnlon flu Ju Geuubrorl Phono PA uom ALLIANCE CHURCH STEEL Ind COOK STREETS Min PL Gohun 000 mm hmfly Illqu Hrhnal FIRST Baptist Church 10 mm Sunday Schnnl mm and 700 pm lpnlll llhnl lnvlhl TWO WAY sunru MI mm and flu Tnmnlo EL Dalton MZV DAVID ill IA ILD mlm AIIAWA muumn lll lhlnly BI Roll NAZARENE Mman In lllllcrul School Auditorium Innay Chunk ltlml SI Vlnrenl Sine THIS SUNDAY ATTEND THE CHURCH Puller Weldon Bull CHURCH BURTON SERVICES OF THE THE UNITED AVENUE ll mm wonsmr Afr 1100 ADULT mum 14351004 YOU AREWELCOME TO ATTEND lUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD SUNDAY scuobb Al M5 mm Eelldum PA Him filed SI Ingliwa Nn ll Rev Joxeyh Molnar Church Phonn PA M022 OF YOUR CHOICE VISIIORS AND NEWCOMERS CORDIAllY INVIIED 2nd Mh Frldly Monlhly lelu Mlulamry Group ALL ARE WELCOME 945 mm Sundny School for all ngu ll am The Lordi Suppar pm Goipal Wodnuduy pm Pray Blblo SIudy lo Mhnla In St mm Church ll crown IJIIl THE BARRIE REFORMED CHURCH um um DIVINE WORN In 3rd Fridny Momhly Young Pooplul 730 pm 00 MunSUNDAY SCHOOL YOU ARE MOST WELCOME Mlnhlcr Phnnu PA slm Ru Cornell um IUNDM CHURCH ICIIOOI nm In 1mm Mm Ifl IfllLANll IML Oilum Ind Quinn lol NORTHSIDE BIBLE CHAPEL M5 mm lenlor lchoal IMO Jnnlor School Cum And min In anny Chunk REV All LB THE MCRAMENT or Inn LOIIDI IUIIHII REV ADAMS ILA +HO£IVI any Pamcoll Commonly Calld Trlnliy Sundly ST GILES CHURCH ST GEORGES UNITY CHURCH mm mm ST ANDREWS lonlor khul om Ind um mm Junlor ItMoI up in In EVERYONE WELCOME OM leMMnhIl Puyll In MlleManllnl Punt lumenCut will rm bminmmrn Sunday Servku Onn Ind Ilmlq Gunn Shut llmld Dzmvuy Dlmlor cl Pnlu Tum Onlnlo CENTRAL l5 Cook Elrnl THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HIM mm moo un Mlnlller VISITORS AND NEW RESIDENTS WELCOME CHURCH of CANADA IUNIMY ECIIODL In and Ir Upl yum II In Holy Cnmmnnlou Loo IIn Marni Servch BAPTIST CHURCH nurlnn Ave Cm In Alln1 REV BELL MA ll am um Ind an THE MCRMIENI or THE Mn Wllhf om II GUEST SPEAKER REV DAVID HACKETT DRE GUEST SOLOIST MRS GEORGE ALLISION Uxbrldgfl MONDAY JUNE With 745 pm GUEST SPEAKER DR JACK SCOTT inr of round was Church Tomlin The Sunny 9mm mm will ha bnadun our CKBB BETHEL CHURCH SEXAMANIA Amcrlul Flnll Sup to HELLI fiEMASSACRE OF 5000000 JEWS 14mm mmnm OIIIMII Chfllm In Its Time TO TELL In New nulldlnx wllh lienMd Emphnll OlllER ST Mmm mm In ma IN CANADA ESSA ROAD AlineIlla minor Enrwlrd mun Church Tomnh KUNIMY IFIIOOI IUNIIAI ALMNDALE Burton Avemn Grlnvllll 51nd Rev Wnller Dyer CHURCH BCIIOOL LOHDS SUPPER 00 Pulm Rev William 111 LAM HM mm to adult 361k ANNIVERSARY SERVICES THE TRUTH Iboul Protomnl Buckllldlngl The Nazi Uplelng PENTECOSIAL am and pm From the page of the Bible and the records of history WE WEUCOME YOU EMMANUEL BARRI WILLOWDAlE UNITED CHURCH Rev Tunks pastor IUNDAV CHURCII SCHOOL JOHNSON 5T SCHOOL Chuhludu Hm Nil mm mm Dopulmrnlo mm CllUllCll lCllDOL Nnmry to lrnlar mm 130 pm flenlor lllxh ltllauhlp III Illlh IL Mlnlller REV IUMMIM BA Dlmlor ol Pnlu Mn McKlnnu no un Mural Wnnhlp ll Colller Slrefl Next to rm Th th and um um nnly Commnnlon 110 mm Mm Prlyu 1100 mm Mom Pnyu 100 pan Efllloll WESTMINSTER Mn 5qu lnhllv lthul MIL llAllnY DUNIIMI mafia um 1mm IO IJIL JIIIIM Illvmwdlnla You An Wdcom ST VINCENT ST 00 In EIGHTEEN MULCASTER LOO

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