Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jun 1963, p. 5

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Frldnyl hcnrlnl CHLO muuhl rermlulan In men In mo Hocyclu mm 630 Ind Rom nmadmnllni lellrrl amnion CNN Ml Ind FM whlrh nnw lmmdcnnll In Ihu dnyumn only on ma Hloty IM nnnaunml In lnlrnllon lo ply or ullllmo AM Hunt the fumnl nppllcullnnl 11 mm wlll mm public In rt ndlgljopl lnlrr CFIII also IlItltd IIIII Ira mm In radio Irequcnclel wn Involved In an nrrflmlo men under thcII CIIFI Ior bnla wouId nubhilt than Irequmcy or CIILO 11mm and lhlll mlka Ihnl Iro 1er ultlmnlely IvnIlanI Int Illme me CIIFI Thu board wan loId hnl II III ClIII CIILO agreement wnl curled out In In In CIIFI could guy on up In 715000 thIe Toronto Ilnllon might recclve nbaul 150000 yunr In IncmmI revmuu II Ihould huln IuIIAlImu MI mvlu on In pmenl EL Than Iro qurnry In approvni OTTAWA CmA Tnmnlo ndin llatlnn say It may be laxcad In class down or be tween 500 Ind 1000 hourl be cause 01 pmposzd technical ahnnm by Another Toronto on Joseph Sedzwlck coumel or 7an Toronla lold he Board cl Brodun Govcmon Friday um Approval In Ippllcullon by CHUM Toronto lo chnnn ill Inlcnnl In cnnncdlon with pronnnd power lncmu mlihl mule lmparabh mm It Mr Scott said many lending homes are reputable but many other Home the public by charging Interest rate ringing In 26 per cent lleld mu Dunlouh pmposed blll llmt wnnld to 11ml 10 per cent on Interest rule that can be charged by all lendan lnslltu llom also proposed but moneylender be rcqulred lo dlvulge Ihe cos loan to anyborrower OTTAWA CP The Cnm mun debated Frldny Ihe Hrs at 11 private members bllls re lating lo intern rate charged by landing lnslllullon but the manglgruidid not come to vote First Private Member Bill Is Debated But No Vote Taken alum mm mulo mm Radio Station May Close Down Marilyn Rice Davies yeamld pmly xlrl Ind room mm Christina Keeler laid um she had been questioned by Scotland Yard men about what went on at Ihelr npnrb ment in Londons West End BINGO EVERY MONDAY SHE WAS MODELS BOOMMAIE $25000 SHARE THE WEAIJH Admlulon 50 l00 pym SPECIALS JACKPOT RCAF ASSOC with planned power increase 50000 walu mm 5000 wnlil dnyiime and 1500 mm nigh limei 111 new incnlion hdwocn Cinrkwn Ind Oakvliic 0nl in 112 miles lmm CFililI an iennl lite crnu which operaiea on ire uenq of mm kiiocyciel ni il em that CilUM near neighbor on the radio dini ll 1050 kiiocyciu wiii nun Inter emm wilh CFRD Iixnni irgrn the new Ille Dmrlhlnl Illa CHI1 CHLO Irrlnxement flicking Mr Stdlwlck laid lhil tale lrcqucncy In St ThomI On Important lnlmsn In Tornnlo nnlenr INF In coynecllon was opposed by John Malth LLecds sm SCMedicine Hat and Dlvid Hahn LTomnto Brand vlew All three agreed some thing should be done about high Interest charges but opposed the idea of selling llmll on the fates One inure an job your discredit lhouud Harald Winch NWVancouver Em He suggcsled lhal all 12 bllls he sent la lhe banklng commu tee which could men reduce composite measure alor cure lul study but hls bill was talked out in me hour at aslde Iar private member bus 1am SUNDAY 51mm um Mlxs Keoler 22 is the centre of an lnlernnllanul political scandal Britains War Mln Mar John Protumn has re signed admitting he lied when ha sald he had not had Improper relations with Miss Kaela AP Wirepholo ngpyIm my II Oulhrh IIAIAM In in IN IV INK Hli mum TONIGHT ONLY Ill llllfl MON AND UH Wml ANA ANDREA HONDA 1an Joseph linancla cdilor of the Montreal Star Jack McArthur bunch editor n1 Iha Toronln Slur and Forbes Rhude business editor led panel discussion on business news lhnl was mm the manlyseven editor from pl perIIn Montreal 01mm Tor nnto Hamilton London Ind Windsor alluded the meeting which new and photo covcr no problem wen dlscusscd Ivor WIlllnms managing edilm 01 he has paper lhl London Free Pm was chnlrmnn LONDON OnL CF fle quiremenu arising irom in creasing interest readers in business and financial news ware discussed Friday at the Annual meeting or new and de partmenlni editors of daily pn pen on the Central Circuit oi In Canadian Press The Commons quickened lrs legislatlon pace Friday nller appmvlng rerolutinn setting up an allparty commlttee on delence pulley government pmposal to set up the Economlc Council at Canada passed the preliminary resalutlnn and first rcadlng stages and resolullnn to establish the department lnrlustry was introduced and de bated briefly Next wooli the Hausa tackles Inch measure on the municipal By RONALD LEBEL OTTAWA CmAna week devoted mainly to debale on he nuclear warheads Issue he House at Commons about lo Ium ll ull allenlion to the munlry economic ins Former township clerk Herb Barker New Lowell whn re cenlly retired will be hpnnred by the township with farewell party now ln preparation On temporary basi appolnled townshlp clerk Jah Pogue has his line established at Ihe Cnmmunily Centre on until ptrmanent office can be round Mr Pagan told council the Idea setting up town alle office wu going over well with the publicl Last week several people lnld me they were pleased that an mice exist where hey can gel answers In their qugsllom To help duecl Irnflic Mr Pam was told to have lawn shlp omen sign erected worded In and way as to be appflo able In the permanent all later an Readership Rises On Business News OAKVlEW BEACH Slam Sunnldale Township council star ledv lls summer series ol men inzx here Thursday at the Com munlty Centre Ila lnur regu lai summer meetings are held here while the rest 01 the year they alternate between Sunnl dale Corners and New Lowell Economic 111s Get Attention After Bout With Nuclear Issue 2ND MG HIT summex jMééfSfi Begun By Sunnidale Council TODAY and SUNDAY TRIAL TONIGHT ll CONTINUOUE MIOW HUNDAY FROM JO pm STARTS MONDAY RUNS IN YARDS New Zealnndl 50th West land pmvlnc ulch heavy nInInll It on be mmsured yard rather than Inches Prime Minlsur Penman laid the councila main task will ba to prom lull employment and sitar economic mwlh It would coordinala planning now done mumer by ovemmenl Industry labor Ind lhc Arm Pnllersml SCFraser when said urinal swan LI needed lo 1th unemployment and has municipal fund would In tap pri rily Oalin Cameron Nam almCowichanTbe Islands ercd laying lhal the council should ba given qulle larga co erciva powers to reduce Amer lcan nwnership Canadian In duslryi The Economlc Council bill mado public or the first time Friday disclosed mat the new agency would replace the NI llnnnl Productivity Council up by me former government In 1961 and would have broader scopeo REACTION MILD Initial reaction mm the on position was mild The three air position parties expressed gen eral agreement on principle but there were hints or Ihnrp clusth ahead Oppo Dielen baker sald Illa formu Liberal government liked to push peo ple around Ind his group would fight any move to lmposa conhpls on the em development and loan board legislation providing second agriculture minister and further steps toward creating lhe Em nomlc Councll and department industry Swimming classes at Glen cairn Beach and Suunldale Com will get chequu $50 each ram council payahle to Mrs Rachel Stevens and Mrs Bally Pallersnn Reg Sinclair askcd counciil permission in sign the road inwanne the 9th and lokh slderond Klandike Park Gonna accepwd lhe resigna llon township dug catcher Jegup veriising by the Slayner Ladiel Curilng Club was turned down by counciins being against lawmhip bylawi Sound truck advertising is used only for emergencies in he lownshio it was noted Also tile Depart men of Lands and Forests does no permii such ndvenisinz council saldo Reeve LondPridhami la xet the dnle Stuyner veterinarian Dr Gur don Flack was to be notified that because 01 the dug catch rsrestznutiau council wnnt be responsible or dispasal of dags in the lawnsth without au tharity mmcouncil Gyeari smneg FORD JON ES sTfiMsmnsmmm smow mammal IN COLOR The annual donnllon ol 31000 from the township lo tho Was ngn Beach area Chamber Conuncrce was approved McGuirea proporal or sol properly to straighten out he curve on River Road West It 8650 Wu ampled Rand Supervisor Lowe Ilso got per mission lrnm councll to point whlle llnes on the curve May ley Siren and Joan Avenue and to change Iho amber flash 2r llghl al lhe lnlersedlon of these lwo stream Plan also tall or bulldnzlnz Joan Avenua to he river And npplylnfl ennush Itach so the fin Imck can use the road or in pumper nummu In an eiiart to get rid at the buildings council decided in marshal all possible county and gnvemment Influence to bear 1L motion instructed the cierk to write Ihe Simch County Health Unit the Sunnidaie fire department chief the inspector of tourist camps and Ross Cow ard representing the Depart ment at Travel and Publicity asking that inspectors Iroln these agencies visit the site Their findings on henllh sanl tafiun tuning by th Dayan mm 01 Travel and Publicity as to Inurlst camp operalul qualillcallona and fire hazard conditions were requested by council in reports mm the in spacian alleywardsl In ach placed an Joan Avenue she raised councils ire one point in the angry discuslnn Councillnr Fred Maxin assert ed We donl want any Waug Eeach shacks down here They can keep them at home Randi ii the Dcparimeni oi Highways would agree In ndrl lihls flame to ill DHO Sign wilhoui removing lhe original mad designation the problem wnuld be solved in caimcill opinion Road Supervtsar uscar Rawe was authorized to all the new read recently opened up as soon as It ls compacted to receive the treatment Tenders will be called immediately to supply oil or the streets needing it In Ihe beach area Tenders clpse June 20 and the oil has to go on the streets before July counctl ruled Acting on request from as sessor Ray Lowe council agreed In huy revlsed assessment In liceancurpmaung any change to Include additional assesy ments as requircd by the var luus acts Ill ITMITI AT IAX GAL WILL IOIM CO In Orin Tmm Onl Three colfiggcs rccgnllypnvnq DESIRED All LOVED BY NONEI Slam SUNDAY COULD on 0N HIMHNO Plus KID MMIMD TONIGHT ONLY um um ALVIN FLOOD COOKSTOWN SpéclalSer vice or Alvin Alexander Flund was held on May 14 at In Hughes Funeral Hume Cooks town Mr Flood died anddenly al tha Stevenson Memorlai Hos ppal Alllslon May 11 1963 Mr Fload was born July 19 19l7 at Hcpwnrth son R0 bert Flood and Ida Smlth He married the Iormer Alice Clemens of Wharton in 1948 11 Owen Sound where they resxd ed unlfl hey moved to Canis town 12 year 3112 Mr Flood was carpenter foreman Eur Gaflney Comlrucunn He was member of the United Church Surviving hlm an Ms parents Mr and Mrs Roberl Flood el Owen Sound 11 wile Alice twin daughters Aileen amf Ar Ieen and one son Blair three sisters Delenn Mrs Lamb khl or Anhur Murlul Mrs Waadn Owen Smmd and THE HARRIE EXAMINER SATURIMV JUNE BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION BUAG JETPROP FARES FROM ONO AIRLINE OFFERS LOWER LE1 FARES FROM OANAOA TO EUROPE THAN BOAO SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT AND FLY BDAG FUR IHE BEST VALUE GOING These are the facts now for the figures World Will Trml Sank 01 Dunlop ll Inl Imlo Oppulu 0mm Hold lvmlu on My OBITURRY IM DUNLOP IT CANADA TO BRITAIN ARE THE LOWEST AIR FARES ACROSS THE ATLANTIC$41 LESS THAN REGULAR ECONOMY ROUNDTRIP IET FARES VIA LONDON BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE TORONID 10 GLASGOW PARIS LONDON ROME AIR FARES oK10HNsonac6IIMmo For WormNon ml Immmm CIMdIUK Men In lllodlflnn wllh TCA For Your Rmmllom Clll Now ABOUT In Ian My 15m Intan TAKES GOOD CARE OF VOU hallbearers were Blll Farrier Ted Hewsan Dick De Jnng Gnrdan Dannelly Jlm Arnold and Del Burnflold Fluwer bearers were Wallace and Bob Flnod Jahn Fjood Ted Denklns Elwood Jackson and Edward Axson Floral lrihules were received from The John Gany Cnnstrucliun 30 Conkstown Leginn Brunch No 437 United Church Women Bowling Club puplLr and shall Cnnkstawn Public Schnol neighbors friends and relmlvcs Friends and relatives Allend lng were present from threl hcr Toronto Hanan Owen Smmd Oshawa Drumbo Skul gzrldl Bellcville Melbourne and Velma Mrs Wilson or Me bournu five brothers Oscar Toronto Raymond nI Conks town Douglas nellnvllle Vernon Tnmnlo and Vlnccul Gull llu wos predeceased by ono brother Walter Rev Davies cnndncled the sen vice with lnrormenl In AllIslnn Unlnn Ccmelery ALL OVER THE WORLD BOAC ROUNNMP EONUMV In His $53100 $56180 $60700 $719 00 BOAC ROUND EDNOMV IIIPROP ml $48990 $52070 $56530 $67790 hum in ME SAT MON rUES uquImmm DRIVEIN THEATRE SHOW STARTS AT DUSK BMC ROUNDHIP WW HIE um Ana lCon filflllflhl Pflflffifl $33730 $35250 $38380 $45190 HURONIA ¥AND 3km PA 474

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