Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jun 1963, p. 4

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mu mm mm In mm um mum ml 0qu MI mun mmnm uu tmun my mm umm ul rlmu Im hm hm In nrlutm mu II umlullnfl II win In ma II Th Im at cum In II lull um MIMI NIMM ll lhl Clhlfllln VIP mm Anonum In um and the AMI mm Emhllul Fort William TimesJournal Electronics has changed mans mode of work in so many ways its Introduc Unn Into the operation of ships causes llltle surprise Three Japanese steam ship companies now have pushbutton ships Ur on he bridge only one man In noctcd to control all the ships move ments by use at pushbutlnns and lever on the navigallmml panel Down In the englnc room Ihe former surraumllngs of heat and grime have been replaced by two ncnl operators sealed In an alr cnndllloned room More conlrol pan cl which shows every opcrallon ha ship at glance Tho nrlulnal rcnsnns or those ImA nmmccmunts were muml enough hen til Illness maul to be connhlcrvd shnme Iul llsmsc wlllch one hhl lt poxslhlu The export wanlnl prnporly to not It out tn the own Where It could lw lrcnl ell cllccllvv yt lhuy also wnntml to con vlnco prnplu that the 1mm amounts of money that cttcctlvn trrnlmont would na qulro would he nrmlucttvoly npenl nmy Credit for such fine record does not rest on the work of any individual or or ganizatlon Pedestrians and motorists are entitled to bouquets for care and alert ness And the city police and traffic de partments deserve warm praise for their part in the achievement The three vessels have proven the wor Ihlness of remote conlrol operation on vessels of 10000 tons which usunlly re quire complement of 40 50 men These ships can be operated wllh only 41 to 45 officers and crewmen lnmnln Globe nml Mall During lhu last few years nr 00 many come who ought to knuw halter have con mnkln conccrlcd marl lo con Vince Canmlnns 1M everyone among mm In In Innucr menlal Illness lsychlalrlsh hnve old psychokr glnls suclnl workers medlcnl men Klwanians and some volunteer helpers will be ringing your doorbell next Man day and Tuesday nlghls Wards One and Two on Monday Wards Three and Four on Tuesday They will be canylng tlns of peanuts and jars of peanut butter From each sale the club welfare fund receives 40 per cent In other words you buy one dollars worth you get that value in food product but at the same time Barrie can take bow Its pedestrian mtectlon program has been judged the Best in Canada among cities with popula tions ranging from 10000 to 25000 Members of the Kiwanis Club of Bar rie sell peanuts and peanut butter to raise money for the clubs weliare fund which mainly deals with underprivileged childrenand in particular crippled children This money is held in trust and used only or that purpose None of it is used for the administration of the club itself which is financed by member ship dues Today at Blue Mountain Camp the clubs new lObed cottage will be opened as the first group of crippled adu ts ar rive for two weeks of recreation and sun on the shore of Georgian Bay The crippled children begin coming to the camp when school closes for threeweek reriods until the end of summer This the second cottage provided at Blue Mountain Camp by Barrie Kiwanis Club the first having been opened Seven years ago Barrie is the only service club now with two cottages built at this camp which is maintained by the Ontario So ciety For Crippled Children ll would be dllflcult to single out any one lndividual for special commendat ion but we could mentlon Cpl Roy Lacey of oily pollce who conducted school sale ly patrols and lectured children on his own time It would be hard to esllmale nIIyI Barrie Wins Commendation Kiwanians Sell Peanuts To Raise Funds Welfare Work 11an um mu rm mm nmnmm um nm In mm mqu In nah Iy 1mm ml llllululy and mm Immnn Inn hillIn IIIAN IIAluln nounI In It Merlin1m null monk IIIIIIIOII All murm mm by mum IHINNIIJJ lelmu umnpun uu mm In Im II In nnlmn mm mm Hg may INDUCING MENTAL ILLNESS The Barrie Examiner Walls Publishbr BUTTONS OPERATE SHIPS ifiarrié Examiner OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 18 Bayfleld Street8arrle Ontario 31 Brian Slaight General Manner ammo JUNE 1m 4m lmllnn Fm lrml lxmdonu board cnnlml Illd wall In uklng lhe llllzrary llunnl in film Dr Fwd landun lullo my um llr Vll rid Jur to alud llm lulure Ihc court house Lmdon ml so well NHIIMNI will Idle hlalnrlcnl lnloml that we can drulrnr he nldonl lhem all Opln Inn may For on he nrrlllloclurnl mor of no repllrn nl Mnlahllln awllm lml ll lml It In nnn nf Londonl cw clnlml mman unlqua the full value of Mr Laceys work In the schools but one thing is regain he has made the children douhly conscious of thohdanger of tralfic and how to copa wil it These positive moves towards pedest rian safety have brought results its never ending job of course with young children entering schools every year and green drivers etting behind the wheels or cars But it as paid all and will con tinue to do so as long as official Barrie and citizens at large are determined by training and example to keep down the pedestrian accident rate so forth on campaign to make menlal dlscgse everybodys problem The ldea has been industrioust elr culntcd that we are all susceplihle to mental Illness lhat lcw lamllles escape ll that most ol us are llltle mad or will be Thls ls not true but It ls hegln nlng lo he bellcved Peo la areccaslng to accept as normal lnescn ahlu slresses ol llle and thelr lnescnpab re actlons to lhem They have begun to sus pcct lhnt lho anxlelic and lenslons and uncerlalntles and ears that are the ln cvllahle human lot are slgns nl menlal unbalance They turn to psychlntry when they need courage No sinio oi mind more ilker to in crease iho incidence of actual menial ill ness could ho crcnlcd and it is regret Inbie that those who have done most to creole ii are those most dedicated lo the stamping out of mental illness lt ls llme lhal lho experts in the field old tho eoplu tho lrulh lhnl mental Illness ls ntlccd llko other lllncsscs and lhal mosl people are not likely to fiel ll and could not gel It If they wanted do luhould be posslblo to Iran the moul nlly lll wllh cmn nsslnn and compelcnco wllhnul rlghlen ng the whole nallon lo the psychoanalystn couch CAR TESTING Vancouver Sun grnllfylnu see that the nnllm In lnrkcsl nlnrk any beginning 10 lol low tend cstnbllshcd In Vancouver 24 ycnu ago llawan clly council In daring vcnluro Into lhn 20H ccnlury has called or compulsory nalcly Inspec Ilon nulunmbllca Mind you lhey ware cnullnus About IL Ilm council dldnl ink or Inspec tlom of every car on lho mm just the cm rfidcr lhnn cl ygnrll In Vancnuvnr weve had compulsory Impocllon alnca 1010 Every car In lho clly mun pass Ihe lost lwlce yur Mm more lhan 5000000 Innpecllnnl he mull the program make an un Muwcrahle nm for cnlnpulsnry lcsllnu llumughoul Hm cnumry to fellowship decided that selling ea nuts was the quickest way to raise eir necessary welfare iunds Its certainly not the easiest way being rather hard on the feet but the Kiwanians have mana ed to raise air sum each year Muc oi this has been ut to paying for those two cottages at ue Mountain Camp but the club also is engaged in 4H boys and girls clubs support of churches voca tional guidance and other community projects Reference should also be mada to Ralph Berry and his traffic clinics for motorists you are donating 40 cents to help under privileged children Not too many years ago the Kiwanis Club raised its welfare funds by holding street carnival with games of chance and bingo lus sale of raffle tickets on an automob le Nine yearsago following racial incident in the southern Stat es Kiwanis Iniemaiional banned the use of raffles or games of chance by member clubs to raise iunds for welfare work The fivethousandpius clubs in Canada the United States and in recent months Mexico the West Indies and Europe have since then used various nongambling ways and means of raising funds Your welcome purchase of peanuts would be appreciated when Barrie Kl vanls worker calls at your door next Monday or Iuesday nlght The local Kiwanians who are huslfiess and Emfessional men banded together in clp forcpmmuqipyse1vice lqunddltlon ITS UNIQUE llnum nl luur Inul mill cluhu mp Imully Mlh ulr hm ollluu in diam Illu Allan Tran Flshlnl ErLIlcd By ng Kullyll Thu ms of trout fishlnl an lully expialned In this book Mr Kcsunx ls cdilur or ha magazine Sports Mleld and wgl vgmd ln thin gublecl The fishermen will ffnd use ful Information on fly lying Whether Ihe angler lle his own trout flies or buy them ready mnde there no cerlaln mark of qualify the dfsllngulsh the and from the bad Once fho fisherman he learned lhls dif ference he wflf not be content to lie or buy Inylhinz but the best Flshfnx equipment may no make nn expm ffsherman but hch hit us essenllal will offer lne Iveraxe Inflcr the op purlunify to become butler fisherman Thu lcclmlques ol calchlnz lrnul nl xrcnl lmporlancu and he Inglcr will find nil cusslon power uman well as npncific lip gleaned lrom your ulAllshinz cxpcrlnnce Imus Ind Margery Mlln well known learn nulurnlc Isu Ice lhnl Iho wnrld ouLside our own door In oncn In clnnUnK far on places In lhls hook the author nllcr vid meme their out New Lgllndmrlvtr vglluy Tm Mllnu ulda lha reader through meadow and wwllnnds and slang lha pond lo chatm um plum Ind animal llml than their tnvlrnnmanl Vu ham the hub chlpmunkx Ion mnrrown unlu and ah und wlc mm mimul adjun lo Um msonl or IlnIKRIu lo lurvlvu he cnluslrophu nu gd Ivy mngl nr nnlum The mnln purpose III hook lo mm In lnlcrdcpcmltnca Mme nl nntuu and la la um lhey dncribv In dclall grolozy and Inlmnl and plant lltu Illny Wllh Nu Milne min In nhle In lnok ll lumlllar Innucnpu Ind In remanlm rummmplm lhlnl nllm mm mtly pmclved Im Ilyln wrlllnl lddl Mum HII Eumplllo lllulluhd Guldo Tn lnuvhl Ana Imp Ivlnl ll Qllll In Mann firm Lulll mlll lnM mum ImEu Johnn nu Hm II IerulNl In lhn Iilunllnn Hr Imkr Illrr mnlvlnl Ill RCMP uva ml III lnrlllrnl May 23 MAI rlulv uul IIIIIIIM lnrhwl Iler Ill hhrn rump Ner munmm uvunlul Mlmlulnn The mnulbnlors discuss the food hablu and habllals ol trout especlllly the Eix Three that is the brook lhu brown and he rahbow Thur ls nlsn of mm Americas most excnlng mu slrznm as wall sum Inlet zslinz way to cook lruul The anlry Mud Gnu an strum fly lam erxrryhlllne lndny mnrlol and dun INV lnl II hrnllhy whulunmn RTEIIIFNVIILC NM CF 1h pravlnflI allarmy un rull dwulmeni apparently plum no Immedlnlv mlnn un tnmplnlnu ol nth diurlmhu Ilon ll Ilqunr MI Inrlnl rinhl In lhll wul mul Nrwfnundlmd lunn lho llnllal sum Alr Fom lnllmfll ll Human Frld near Dont Plan To Act In Club Complaint AT THE LIBRARY World Outside Our Own Door Topic Fascinating Books LOOK MB N0 HANDS The work mnlnlninllll II but no dull um an idtal way to minim ml lnnwlednn Iiioul Ihlp Tile cum and pru trvnliun Ilrurim dammin on lnnwiudno in mnlcrinln and In wmlruriion and um 01 ml canllruclim In 0i book lhu nulhor inn divided Ierlnln into Ihm main tlnue hull mnlcrllll wood noel ninu librc reinlvtml plun lira do rluinz win and mm ml uni cnnm lrry Irno Ind nylnn Thu lllUlUl also If lilow Iomcihlnx of lh ymliltml whlch lieu lhe Irhl xluixnrr Enxlm pnlnl an nlnh nml winter run Aim can lhrlr Iiin oi Iurnuun Ilanlcrnfl for My to day InnMo hul II nlw lull Inctdolrl and yum uhlrh mlku IImnnl ln lrroulun lo mm sport whlch can pmvlda endless pleasure All ynu need to enjoy this rl ls In awareness your lmllallons knowledge Inler Ind lhnrnuxh undzr standing of lha physiological prgplery lnvnlyed Mr Lee outlines Illa buslc re quirtmcnu or rue diving phyxlcnl mndlllnn emotional makbup same swimming ah fly and probably the mask Km pagan Acamnon tense This vlvldy Illustrated book Iclually that encyclopedh nmnl hchnvour under wnler hi Idjuslmenl lo the new environ ment md Ms cqulpmml And lechnlqurs me Leel dulro or ndvenlurn nnd love or the In In very evident hl INK in nwn upcrlencu naitgnfl pg Ill Ifon nm back Is wrlllcn or people uhn own boat Ind who would like to know morn about design canxlmcllan and mnlulnl Hull onla AbanlA The author dlscusse techni qucs problems and dclnlls of learnlnl tn xnorkel seloclln and using proper equlpmenl spearlisnlng and It hnznrds Aqua Lung equlpmcnl Ind It uses wall us many olhur as part lhl sperm It was in 1942 um Caplaln Cousltnu Ind Emlle human to lnvenled the MU Lunx Ind unlocked same ol the mmulu 01 hr This new awareness at the In led lo Iclcntlllc maul on the Inc old myiler llml alill Icmaln Mdded ln Illa dcnlhs Thlx book contains htlplul pho lumvha line drawings chart and diagrams The aulhor also alrtsm My procedure uhlch Ire recommended by ma LS Nnvy Mr Lee mention the new development In equipment Ind technique of dlvlnz well an dlvln Tmmvlnl HIM Ihlrh pl hour an mm pm In In nu hm pmblnm on hl m4 mum1 mm In lbuul III mu mm 401 at mu would Innlon Juan mulu luullptu uy um pn lent lurccmcnls Iu nlroad nnchcd In lmpreulvu mm my lpukumnn or the re unrrh cnrnornllon ll lhu drug lurn oul In be lhl Aurctn we hnno Hwy hr lhen they muld urn mll Mom pound or urnIn BIBLE THOUGHT flu Laid InnII Ihl hufl mil ml ill And card IN MI lalnuernlnh The 10rd wlll mun Ill peo ple lllcr Hr hu urelully wtlih ed lhelr wurdl Ind lhclr 1m 1m mulls angle ha herd whlch now numbcrl 10 lo 1000 bch Anlmnls ll h1gth In lomllnv lu loumlnlinn luch row lhs Glllowny breed mm the xnulhuul corner Scnlllnd Thm mm the mund hurdlnm and at land forum on hllhldu or llvelr nnllve uxu The Hrll rm II made wllh Ihllt Sllorllmrn hulll The ltuuh uh hum me an hm round wllh Herc nrd Ind Mmdccn Mllul bull Ind Hull pmvldu lhe 0nd pm dud ha dlulinrlln Glen In IMP hrrd 111m Inlmll lylulxh my color and tomblm he In Iml qunl Itlu 04 III lhm or our bmdl vlmlch um In lhrlr produc rm mu muh 5000 mu wllh Laid II Ihl hut II II In Immlnl to il uy ml card IN ll MI InnJlflmllh Momy rcmupcd by IM pn ltnl lnrccmcnls has nlroad nnchcd In lmpreulvu mm my lpukumnn or lha to fh cnrnornllon ll lhu drug lurn oul In be lhl Aurctn we hnno Hwy hr lhen they muld urn mll Mom pound or Irlul LONDON CHA Sardinlan mould culled cephalosporln my man produce of anu blnllc druu wilh greater vo lenllnl than yeniclllln The In the new drugs In About ha mirkcled In In Unlled sum aecnnd 13 um dcrxolnu sprud clinical trial In Brilnln The mould In related ha pcnkfllln lamlly but has dillcrenl chcmlcnl IIIUCIUIO Work on It Hm hngnn ll Ox nrd Unlvenlly yum nun When uphnlospotln looked promhlnz Hue uovernmcnl Ipunsarcd aninnll fluenxch Davelopmnnl Corpurnunn mp pm In look om pnlcnl hu Ind puurcd puhllc mumy mu urnm rucnrch An American firm he llevcd la hlVl paid £100000 mm yum no Inr new lo the mum lumwledxe Since lhm lcicnllsls hm discovmd how la nllrr lhe mnuldl IM knl alruclun and mm 11 syn lhrtlpnlly Potential Drug Rivals Penicillin The Royal Navys nir cnfl carrier Giorinns was desiroyed with ins oi 1200 live yum ago todayin lawduring the evacualiun of Allied forces lmm Narvik In lh Secnnd World War Will the carrier we Bril ish destroycrl also wen lost in ha union in which the German baiiieshl Schum ham Ind lilo vac ll bullie ship Gnnlsennu look part Some 30 men escaped and iew were taken prisoner lmKlng Cnml relurncd to ma lhrone Roman IntCanadian poet Elisa Cumin died Jug suns By The Cnnadlln Pm TODAY IN HISTORY RAIN MIN IN MONIMLML By JOSEPH MOLNER MD For mmple In night at dinner he hld xeven pork chops mashed Damon corn broc coll bread and butter And two plecu of bnnlnn pll with WhIpped grqam read the paper or half An hour and laid he wn aurvzd From lhen until hedllme he consumed four mm but nnd might and Deu Dr Mnlner Perhupx gnu could axplaln why my hub and an so much He lam or work early and only will bowl ml lot bmklm He came lIlI unch Hehworka dgskall Hunger and nppelll are no lhe same Hunger is lhu ds mnnd the body or lood Ap palile II the wish or Bublu can experience hungzr but not real nppellle for any pmlcu lIr load In hlg boy Ilka your 11 SM thll thl problem probably psychological How Inn ha ha been nlhbllng an pmdlxlausly lm lurpriled he welsh ugly Then he wu angry beenu wouldnt nuuge and em al bedtime Said III went to bed hungry Its the nmo Ilory evgrynlg He is 27 Ice all weluhn Im lure there must be reason far his eating so much He couldnt mlly need Ia much fund could Inc He has an an chckup and II hunky an of your list ha evening much not that doubt llhu II wnuld be worth flue pnce or admission Just In lee somebody eat that mlny dill plcklu cookles lc cream bars angle and xln 1ng ol pie One lhmg mike me oddly Wanting only howl ol well or broakin Thail clrbohy draie Mayha If he had protein instead eggs with or without mean it might may wilh him teller HI lunch Ilse ouzhl to cpntnin protein men fish FORT WILLIAM Scciland Hm under Illa nhnduw Ben Nevls lhe hlghul mounlnln In he Bnllsll lulu have been lelllnz cullle ranch whlcll the Ingest and only on klnd In Scotland Ind whlcll mmlnlmnl of In callle lllchh es ma IDOIIIIII of Album In Incl lhl nnch ha Glen Nevl CIIIll lunch Ill est1r llth by Clllldllll who turn two or lhm yam ago Iold It In the Hon Allan Macky Inn he Ean or Nluudlle 1110 rlnth Ipnwll our 0000 mu cl lho Invcmou Ihln cnunlryslde bordered on one tlde by the River Lochy and on he other by lhe lowerln mm non Nevll null Inaw cappcd on lhll lunny day In my MODERN METHODS much It oper and on Ilrlclly mndcrn mclhndl prrllmlarly In the fleld 01 Kerr Mlcl ll purpon In Ihl devel opment rrnwhml lypu ol lnllll comhlnlnu hardlncu Ilflulnnd lhe wlnlrr outclnorl wlth he an anh In nrvducn lnp quallly bar nulmnl ll MI of manth TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH éheese REPORT FROM ILK By MdNlYnIB lOOD Husband Consumes Enormous Meals Operate Big Ranch 0n Modem Methods He might have ochacha nomnnh which empties rnpldly orugow blood sugay Whatever alnce he has an an nual physical would let thr doctors ideas on lhls extraor dinary allng Maybe your hus band hasnt though it worthy of mention Dur Dr Mnluzr there any truth In the rumor lhat women whu wear hard roller every nl to curl their hair In court nl mental lllnen ram canslanl pressure or damagel MR5 Nu tau curler mlm loom the hair or mllht make the lcalp ml The damm could he only scalp deep Theres thick skull prolecllnu lhu braln Der Dr Molner then danger nl contracting disuse rom washlnx dlapera lick perron who bcdfasl and unable to control lhe kidneys They have an odor What capm HIME ii is uuully due Io ammonia which is laxmed by bacterial ac lan urine li iniecilan Is presem there will be germs You can protect yourself by us in rubber or plastic gloves ar by uslnfl lnnx iarceps oi some sort conlnlner wlth weak chlmlne mlullon the has many household bleachcs can bowed to Ilerillze the dlnpcrs and decrease the odor unlll they are ready to be laundered Del Dr Molner Please wrjke Ibop minimalismn3 rnnch Ind herd are hr hull or ulure The herd will he lynlcmuflrnuy lnmnned he number lfllmllll In vnlml In lho mum brml 1mm And cnrh ycnr humlmln lhur prlmc hccl uulu will no on 11 lhr mlrkrl urnnmlr Scollnndn Already high upma lun lur ha prmlurllnn ml lnlnl meal heel MMNTMNI LIFE In lllr ll Inmnlurd plnnldan drllllnz pnluru llllrronrnplc plum and Inlmnl de Inlmals ceding on Ifl open samcflme rugged slope Glen is operated by farm nunager live Iluckmen and buy man people In Ill Helm was taken over by he on Allan Mackny It had wnrkln lore but was Hm rich mnnl hobby whlle now nurer cummerclll hm rnlslnz buslncss opormd to be prolllabla The hard dlvldcd Into Inur Knan equal lite tnrh under lhe can an the Ilockman wllh head flockmnn lhan overall Iupervlslan By CMIIIK Ind lhr use at ullla rlds an be road In our Guam lha herd kapl Icparala Al nll llmu Ind Mil Ilnckman monslhlr or he cure of hls own qunrlcr One dullc Is In min In and counl hls anl ma every day Thls par ticular lmporlnnre In wlnxu when lhtrc are heavy Inow hulls III II cnnhlu qulck march lo he mule Ilmuld onu mimau be misslng Ian lha nrolrnm ranch lcrclvvmrnl lhe plnnnul tx lension of he lmprmml nnulura men hy rcplldna he hcnuwr 1r Hm hlllsldu wllh thhpmd Imnu urnscs law many of Him luxh axtcn llclds whlch lmd Imus crmltd on the vuuxh hlllnldtl and my looked like Mrnl pnslurc Innd Asuxmausm Just way ol saying that the curvnlure of the part of the eye through MIMI Huh passes the lam not correct This In turn dlslorls who you lee An exaggerated example would be looking romelhlnl lhrough the curved glass 01 bollle lnsleld Ihrough urolully ground mgnllyjoz glaas The distortion tn the eye in nu nearly that grant and It ll umlly command by wear lnz glasses am 17 flaw

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