Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jun 1963, p. 14

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Gods CareVFor His People ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON ROUYN Que CF Real Cannellu deputy national leader ol the Sodal Credll party sald Frlduynlght he ls mklng munlha rest at home on doc tors orders He sald he all dead tired Alter lha April elecllnn cam palgn and went lo nearby No randa hospital or lull check upu soon he could Mr Caonelto dlabellc The author Psflm 105 re minds hl listeners that God bus niways taken marvellnus can of HI chosen people God remembers always Hls promise lrequenlly confirm ed the land nt Canaan to Mr Caouelke mbcr nl par liament or Villcneuve says hell be out oi politics until the end of the mnnlh except by telephone but In to resume hi lull sdledue when he re turn in Ottawa CAPSULE NEWS HOLLYWOOD AP Zasu Plus SJ the wnvcryrvolccd cur medicnne when career spanncd from silent movies In lclcvlslon died F713 Ll vlclfrr ofcnn£Ir men lnmly mum in mm Miss Pius fnmnd for her nu ery hands and plainla Oh dear me last worked In the talevlnlnn series on Suzanna She wnn marrled In John Nnodnll real eslnlc broker of Pasadena Cnlfl anll cnr lpcfdl made by Mr Juulce Thom pm dcnl lhu Exchequer Court of Canada was lrrmnd rcmum hla indml Frldny hy Prim Mlnlxler Ponrson ZaSu Dies on hn qursllannd the mummy at Mr Jusllce Thorson mnkhz such speech In vlcw flu poslllon ha boldl mld hla Moment um um United 5mm hm flnrlcd the mndum of the nuclear mm me did nothing but ulva Ild Ind comlurl polcnllnl enemy nrnmplon tonllnlcllnn firm will hnnnr $11th rnnlrncl ll wnl Iwnnled by IIrnnllnnl lub urban rmul mmmlulnn or re mmlrucllnn lwomllo no on at mad Inulh help ll nmmuqml Frldnx Begrefiable chmll hnurl Mm Arm Ilmng llrnuwn ampnn lm rd who lander mu Kc low ul van mlcml wnl Planning to CIA Homc Piplocllon Polky courlng can onh of your homo could Illa Imun your camping oqulpmnnl nlml Ion by llrl or Ihll or umln nlhor parllu For full Ilelnllu nhnm ClAn urban Home From tlon pollclca call Camli Out Somoiima During The Summer CIA Cant Wilhdraw WILBUR WALTON 51 Nuwlan PA M000 Illaum In Zmhl Dunn Caouette Takes Months Rest 7mm cmrm gm nnANrxonp gm ZASU PITTS Emu mum awarded the contract May the firm asked thnl Its bid be withdrawn because an error the lender LAKE CHARLES La AP The new lrlnl orderzd or con victed murderer Wilbert Ridan will have to be held leasH miles mm here DistrictAI larney Frank Salter has run naunced Abrahams ducendanu Psalm 105 Genesl 117 The nnlhor recall huw Joseph was sold lnh slavery ln Em in that when great amine came In Israel Jnsephs hm Lhers could come in hlm and Ridean 20 sentenced to death was granted new trial by the us Supreme Court because Lake Charles television station KPLC broadcast his confes sion before his trial OTTAWA CmThe Canada Council announced Friday the awnrd at art scholarships 71 Canadian palntera writers dancers singers and actors to enable them to undertake lur lher sudy or creative work In Canada and nlgmnd Trial Moved ance whcn necessary 11w achelaminate valued at $2000 with travel allow TORONTO CF 0nlarios Mlnlmum Wage Law comes into effect In the Toronto llamlllon and Oshawa areas June 30 La bor Minlsler Leslie Rawntrce nnppunced Friday 71 Awarded ml said or dcrs covering the rest the provincr will be Issued alter study of mndillms in other max completed MONTREAL CF Jun Buuvicr 28 had his drivers permit suspended or life and was sentenced in our yum in pcnilannrJ Friday inr criminal nczligcncc ln lrniiin dcnlh last year New Law was bullcvcd in be lhe first llmv drivers permll has been luspcndcd or llle under um Cu Mdlnn Criminal Code mmmlllec whlch has been 1w boring or he Inst your on dmn plxm or the union ho Ankllum nnd Unllcd churchu will pmscnl he first hnfl It rcmmmcndallous la Jolnt commlucc on chum unlon hem June 12 The Hm hull In plan pra Imer Ivy nuhmmmlllce mm mlmsrnllnl he Anullcnn diocrw man and tho Unllrd Church or Cnnndnl London mn lercnfl known In Inc Huron Inndlm plum Permit Suspended Anglican United II In dulflmd or dlmxulon and lnlnrmnllon the level ho synod and mnlctrncc rnlhor lhnn lhe nmlnnnl Icvnl drlrunlu wrm lnhl nl Ihu ton cluslon Friday lhu nununl onka ronlrrrnte To Present Plan LONDON Onl CMA qh QUEBEC CIDPremier Le sage speaking Xn the legislature Friday said persons may be heldon orders of mroner with or wimgut wqrranl He was dlscusdng detrnllcn in Montreal pom picked up by pollce in their action to break up be Front de Liberation QlLebeoois Joseph by then in high posi llon could supply them Psabn 105mm Genesis 5L God later sent HI ser vant Moses deliver His people mm their bondage in Egypt Through Moses They are balm held on war ranls issued In cannectiun with the death April 20 of ONeill an the result of bomb My Mr usage wait there had been criticism in certain Moni real and Doronio newspapern ni lhe incl he dclenuom Wars by coroners warrants He said crrlucism was over the at persons were held with Lesdge Says Men Held On COroners Warrants OTTAWA CF Publlcallon ol the longawallcd report on Great Lakes lnbnr strife has been delayed by um mechanical problem printing ennugh cop les to mm the upccled de mand wurcc Enid Friday The report at Mr Justice Nonls an his sevenmnmh invcsllgnllon nl violencc and disrupuon in the lake shpping Indusuy ls pxpccled to be masch documenL Since severe thnnsand copies will be needed It has been ds clded In print the repan rather than mlmmgraph It In smaller quanvllly mm docmem The dlspute between the Sea Slnce severe thnnsand copies mn mlemnuonnl unlan will be l1wied Ms hm d$ Cum 1nd and me Canadian clded In print the repart rather Lam hm than mlmmzraph It In smaller marred by valence sum and Want disruptlnnn to shlpping 93 19 PM may It has reached the point now not be made pnbllc tnr at least when he Candi government WeekPossibly longer Ls mncemcd nbout the eltecl of Labor htlnlslcr MncEnchnn the shtpplnz dismpllun on hnd lnlnrmcd Iha Communa that trndc between Canndn and the he expected tn Issue the rcpnxt United States um also on the 5nmcllme lhls week This tnr hlsloric pflnclplo freedom 01 get has been wiped out now by the suns Printing Delays Shipping Report By JACK PICKETIS ST JOHNS Nfld CPDM orneyflcncrnl Lesllo IL Curlls any RCMP repom Indlcnlo Iho mlnar rnclnl lmuhlc Um hnl nrhcn nl Slrnhcnvlllc NM has hum cnulod mainly Ihrcuxh rnclnl dlscflmlnnuon on he pnrt of Unllcd sum per mnncl from ncnrby US Alr Farco bnsn Dm RCMP mums nrnsc out ml lnchknl May 25 when about 11 chro mvlccmm wm momd bamd lmm ha Clam Club Slrphrnvllle clnl club Mr Cunlx In statement In the Nowloundlnnd leulxlnlure lrldny Inld clulla and mlnur null lmvu been trylnu Io do Ulclr but In nvold my dlurlml mllnn but lhcy hnvo nnlumlly lamellmu lull ohlluzd lo ylald lo InMum lmm Um madly lhrlr pnlmm namely whllu mvlmnrn Says Racial Trouble Caused By United States Personnel zuea descended on th Egyp tlm until they begged the Israelites to leave Moses led them nnh Indra with spoils Psalm 1053138 Exodus 37$ God took care 01 HI penpla on their 10year ionrney 9utAcharge with thick name Th being held the premier said had the right to habens corpus 11 they believed he po llen uded Illegally they didnt equn ask or because they doubuass realized the Minty COMPLAINTS SAID STRANGE It was also strange ha con unued that there were even complaints police had no Iden ufled person they Intended what law require in he added Isnt it obvious that when they must fight to crush mvnluxlonnry and ward movement It In llme or the pm llce to use all the pawn even the exceptional one which de moch permit to be used In ha decision print tho nporl or wide disujlhut The report he evcd In in vnlve mnre than 150000 words nbnul lhrce time the she cl In my WEE lllghlevtl 2mm resulvu long and bum slmxgle an the lakes have been suspended pendlng puhllcnllon at the re par mmum BY woumcp Mr Curl laid Hnnnon us Air Force use olllcinl hnd been In musullalion with lho pmpriclon of flu mnln club and rcslnurnnu and evch lhlng poulbla wlll be dono by all partch to nvold any further Scmnl ruclul dimlmlnn INSULT OFFICE Mr Curt sold Ncgm nlr om cnplnn npoflui he had been rtluud urvlm In my Insulting manner at lhv Clover Club npcrnlcd hy form v5 nervlccmnn Thu nln had lunch at Slcphmvl lo mtnurnnl lhnn nomad ll lhe club when he had two been boughl or hlm nl lho 2an by whlu min lln enduvored In turn to buy round beer and mum he holpimllly bu wn rduud urvlco by lmullu rmnlnyec who MIPIM In hnvu old hlm In rm nulllnu manner ha club did nnl cnlcr lo errou By Alfred Buescher thrqu the wilderness in their pmmlsed 13an To provide them with water He once opened rock and made wa ter gush JennPsalm 105 Exodus 17 GOLDEN TEXT Psalm 1381 all countries where L1 put In Egan figpremlerwld ha polka by lnslnuallons had been at cused of Inmmpetenceland nex He skid the lien must have Ihe respect In support at pub c9p believe the pollca today merit more than ever the es mm at their Igllow clllzqnx To slan or us men sinuauons againsl which they cannot delend themselves thing we slmnldyandm TV would be necessary to reveal acts that their duty and the general Interest obliges them to keep secret 101101110 CF mnvjnry ulul was ordered Friday In de clde whether widow living he hind the Inn Onlan should mm mm the estate of her husband who died In 1948 at Welland Should Estate Go To Iron Curtain Mr Jusllce Leo Leandra ville ordered the lrinl Inln the case01 the estate of Nlck Panza oi Welland and claims OTTAWA CF The 31th week the new Liberal gov ernmen produced act 11 de cishn ha will have lnllmn tlnna repercusslon or manlhs or even yem Chic among them was Prime Mlnlsler Pearson nhnounccd lntcnllan la declare IZmllo flshlng lone lar Canada next May to replace lhe exlsllaz lhrcemlla llmlL on vlsllor Dolmen Producliun Minister Drury returned lo report nxrco men that nnllhcr Cnnndn nor hu us will allow their bnl nncwlpaymnnll dlflltulllu lnlerlm with coullnucd pm Krnm ol ddcncu producllon lhpdnx Ru mmwn mm were quickly 00th by Fish erlcs Mlnkler Ilnblchnudn sub cqucnl Hunmam actually mpcllllnn an earlier Pearson guarantee um hlslnrlc and lrndllinnnl US rlxhlx In Cnnu dlnn wnlcrsrwll ho rmnzphcd In my Commonl lhu Knvorn mom made progress on two do US Rights To Be Recognized In lZMile Fishing Zone hem mm mm lo 500 pm on Iho Main Floor Plum phom PA MN lor In Ippolnlmonl VlII mun lpwlfl lluvlnl AM cnnln ml Tu thy In In AMlmflyk Ilullnl Tul Hui Multh nu ur xxlu hn unduru In wlll durL mud dun nut 71 mu AMY MunIvy llhnul II qnnmd pm we dunI Mka In ur nun rumm Iml In Mk lhl hon Mum IN nMA hm mu ml In In cmlu um bCMIPIII MIIM Manama mum hmnmhl wal In dull undoumw null llomn ammumm In unnpd Ir find umauloUWIlm EATONS in Barrie RETURN VISIT OF announces Iho MR nun KILLIR Hurlnn Md cannula ANDON 012mm Queen Elizabekh today besloweu the femaleequivalent knlzhlhood on prim ballerina Alida Mark ova and diplomat Barbara Salk who hfibolh legs mpulnwd alm belng appointed Brflalna first woman ambpssador Both woman becnma dame commanden of ma Order the Brllhh Empire In the traditional Us honor Issued to cele zrata the Queens olfldal unh ay ll IEIE BARRIE EXAMINER SHURDAY JUNE There were In women on the list 01 an hauntsa list thak ln eluded prop prominent In the arts politlm scholarshlp Ici angel my and lndyslry 680 Persons Are HonoredBv Queen Miss Markava born Alicia Mark in London in 1910 has been choreographer oi the Met ropoliian 13311 in New York since she retired irorn aciiva dancing lhia year alter career with Britains Royal Elliot and the Sadier Wells Ballet WAS NAMED AMBASSADOR Miss suit 50 served with this British Embassies in Washing ton Mascnw and Tel Aviv and was appointed amhnssador israai mi this year ppontm umbassa dor was cancelled at the atart ol the year becausa tha am putntlon me at her legs be cause of circulatory troubler In April her other leg was ampu tuted Bath amputation were understood to be below knees Wnrld mlddlewcight champion Dick Tiger at le0 113 nyearold onetlma groc ery delivery boy headed the HS nl amlretcsfignuged Tiger who delen July in Nigeria agalnsl ex champion Gene Fullmer of West Jordan Uum was made member of lhe Order 01 the by widow who live in R0 he $2121 had been pull into court under an order by Mr Justice John Wilsnn In April m9 and tho mmer has bean dogmnnlfor loyengn He ordered that Mrs June Bernhard for Mrs Penzns act Um plulnllfl In lhe trial and Frederick Wal son omciul Guardian On rin net as the delendanL cklnnsm promisesmade 1n lh¢cledlon gamgul debate ha Hons Frldny npprnvcd eslnlr llahmenl an Illparty delenca mmmfllee In lhe Lama day xavemmenl Icglslnlinn to em llsh lho Economlc Count 01 Candi passed through the rm olullon slnga and mcelvcd first tending Those were the weekl major In nmcul dccl Inns brulod 60 days at declslun durlnx which Mr Pearson has pledged more gnvemmen nc Hon lhnn In any imllnr period In Cannqlnn Hilary Key declslons wlll he an nmlnced next Thursdny night when Ilnnnm Mlnhler Gordon on the 51nd day of dcclslon rendl hll budget Ipcech lo lhu Cummuns Annlher dvclslon was prom Iscd by Mr Toumn wllhln lwn wcrku Mcumrc to Mlslcr the economy at the hardhll unn lum mlnlnu mmmunlly n1 F1 nl Lake 0M MONDAY JUNE 10 Erlglshjmplra or his servlces lo boxlnm Willinnlrgven Altken so Toronmbom member of the British Parliaman since 1950 was madu knight commander oi the Order oi the British Em Pill or political and public servlcu 127 field crop checks were made in 1962 in Grey and Bruce counties From these crop checks and crop checks made from revlous years it has now been proven that pmfltfi 1e results can be obtained from spraying 10ZU10 liquid fertilizer increases of 12 to 28 bushels more per acre were obtained on grain crops from this method of fertilization One of the most important features of this type of fer tillzation is that it is applled when your rain is 68 high This feeds our crop as it is grow ng and weight tests show at rain sprayed with this type oi liquid fertilizer ncreases thewelght oi hours 40 minutes the grain from 34 poundsrmore per bushel Grain also sprayed with this complete liquid fer tilizer nitrogen phosphorus and potash also shows higher protein content Farmers usln this meth od of tertillzation are advised that est results are obtained from evening application Tests con ducted showed very little response from morning aopllcations fair res onse from late afternoon so ications but the ggest response came from spraying in the evening The use of liquid fertilizer is growmg and more and more farmers are using these high analyses of liquid fertilizer of 102010 and Z2048 It is only few years ago that this liquid fertilizer was introduced to Grey and Bruce counties and farmers who have been using it are well satisfiedi SPRAYING LIQUID FERTILIZER IN THE EVENING PAYS OFF WIMMJI FASTEST AND ONLY NONSTOP SERVICE TO VANCOUVER PLUS OTIIEI FllEQUENI DAILY TnANSCONTINENTAL FLIUHTH Tho Exp mud Tnvll Survlu 107 Dunlap am 1le PA humx In It lmlu III 102 DUNLOP ST JOHNSON 01lIMITED For TCA and CNR RumMIMI Ind Tltkch FOR GRAIN FARMERS IN GREY AND BRUCE COUNTIES Finish full dnya work your officethen board your TCA Sllvcr 0m in fight at 100 pm arrive in Vancouver at 1140 pm Stay overnlght to relax and prepare for your business day ahead When you conclude your buslness you can look forward to amoolh comrorlnhlo light back home aboard your TCA DCn Jul wlllr up cnnvcnont Jet lluhls dnlly la chooro ram plus lhu cholcu Flm Chm or Economy Clm Iccommodnltunrl BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE In your lmrl Mrnl Bf mud an lllonr Hunt Wnl Tonnla Mlrim WT CANADA muscannon Amumss Li Swéstikas Shame TORONTO CPiRnbhi Er win Schiid of Miami con mutton urged Friday that swastika Ind nnilJawlah 510 ms painiad on synagogue and other iéwislr buildings recenily be left in iuii View oi the public until police bring me cuiprill to jusupe General Public Sifim or 5mm Jewry when painted on our nyna segues Abhorrent as Ihese symbols ago la us lley age no 31 lunlu III Im ll PA 6474 PA 66525 iii

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