Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jun 1963, p. 2

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Discmrér Fbur Résdits Operating Illegally wet and operatingv41 out 11 cenpes 1n the French 11le area about 40 mlle south Parn Sougd yestgrd 353 Ewan Cntflcafl Minister of tha Ontario Arb ment of have and fuglclly meat of Travel and Publicity told The Ekamlner Until we gegdlh settled lherell be re porp all He was referring to all ear lier ivory printed in the Globe and Mall concerning meal bylhe French Rlver Resort nnclallon that ll wouldnt com 1y with the Departments Tour II Act of gelung licences Ha xald few days ago that in preliminary report no es tablishments classed en lauds resorts were operating wllhoul licence second story In tha Tar onlo paper our resorts were 0qu to be operating without licences Mr Cathcarl said they were not xesoru but merely an flmng establishments Klwnnlans and leir volunteer helpers wlll canvass the ham ward and on Monday ward and on hlcsdsy They wlll he olferlng tln al aunt and jars of peanut utter or sale Ne proceeds go In the clubs welfare mud mainly for lreatmmt and can olcr1pplqd Clllldlalll Slnca Ihe on unable canvas In Camp Borden this an more money wlfl have to ralsed in Barrle mnzl cur rent nhllgafinm or lls service wag Mule cqmmunil¥ Praiac chairman Ls Jack Gleason misled by Fred Pear sania Berg Allen reasurer Even same ol the barber in Barrie are wonderinl what The annual Peanut Blitz conducted by the Kiwanis Club of Barrie will be held Monday magi Tueday night next week only abom Iva week ago the public was Nomad of 11 25 Increase in lhe price Idult huhum Few public gmmhlcs were heard Then this week It was amclally noted lha the price Increase had been done away WIUL Today as ymerdny at any other day haircut can bu had 1mm 31 lo $125 Apparenlly he Barrie Bar berl Assaclnllan has nu leelh in Its conslllullon Although was generally agreed all shop would nlse prlcc munlh agn lhls was not done It seemed shun began lo drop the stipend You can get huhcu todny or the lame prlcn you did more lhan month no You may even hbulal mum Mum um lumxnlnm mam 4m Mom um Illll TIL mum ILA 01 no lalm Cdn Inn Bl Cum Cd Brunt cry tun Carma cn Chlmkll Sill II on Am gm my nod Alum Hum 00 Nil MM nm Com mmnm ms Numorlh 101 Jl Narmmll ht III In Nanhnl curly cum can up an punm Im an uv cm llvnnfll In Promflan mm mm nun Amu ram no an ml 19 knew my nla mum Nu um lama mnn 1M mm Mmumu Jo mun mm mama Mumm mum on rumba IN Mum HIM lo wmm In nm In anon mu Im nvl Orr Amvl Imcll Albull flu Trunk nnl nl unnml crn chlmo Nmnul nanan NI Inn Avnmll manmm down II mu up Ulmuu dawn Jo mlomo nocl lxc um ntnxl Mal darn II Gold flow at drum DII down ll film Co lhl ht ny Barrie Barbers Bewildered Cut Cost Cut Are They lull her niacin S1 lllryl 0mm MM WI Inmurlfll mm ponihlw la umnd mm 11min lhe rm 130 In In mornn Ho Wu rmrlnlly ammo llamm Camila Io IL uml lhe nqultm him mnueu whlch will he ehMIA on Nondly Ha Am and lulu pm In mourning yloxl will ml Juno Na hm boon mm man Mlod Tdfllly Bunivy ml Sundny In ng JulI The nlnuhy lnwynlng perlod In III lInIInm Pope Inhn XXIII llllnl Iodny man flu Roman Tnllmllc wnrld KiwanisTecmuts Blitz Is Monday Tuesday Observe Period 0f Moqming LIP nu Donmun llunl 1m ml 19 um Fm team at chnvmers TODAYS STOCK PRICES Comma by Flynn Dunlap at nmlr lo 1m nu IN nu any mm mm Dam Slan Dom hr Di rm OIL 10 lhmn nmu smash mm on mm nu Mln Imp Tomcto 1m on In mm mm NO mm mm mu mung nary Jam cm pm Km Imm vunun Linn nun Amu IAncnIm lama Mmumu MtKomll ulsl mum mnvlrlul rm Mr Cathcar laid Ill second report from leldmnn indicat ed Hr has cottages and mar ina Only the bufldln are 911m but he Lu not opera ng NCharem Progressive Conamnuveparly organizer In MI riding owns marina an the French River at Jnmot where according 01hr payer he has accormmdaflon for lulu rents boats and sell hall other operators discovered by Deparimcnl oi Travel and Pub licity ofliciail ware Henry La brossc who has camping ground on Highway Ted D954 champs operator of camping ground in connection with iha district oiiice oi the Noelvilio Chamber Commerce nnd Gustav Hus who rent lent space hunts and coitago near Bixwood on No WI iiighwayn My orlglna prellmlndry re port said there were no estab Jshmenl operating without licence as of that data Wednes Team No Tam Bobler Glarlle Grmln Bob Harrls Bob Hodges Dr Dale Hodges Dr George Leggelk Harry Nutter Rev Ros Adam Team Nol Blll Judges Earle Little Roy Macklem Maurice MucLarcn Pm Mc lnlmh Ab Mullah Geulf Dav have been selected first named chainnan asAlullgw Team Na Charlie Rogers Ray Burgess Hill Crulx George Dnnlerfleld Tony Demla A11 Edmunds Jan Butler Boyd Ruberlsnnt Team No Gard Necdham Ted Nettlelon Andy Summon Horace Pratt Fred Smith Waltu Stacklny George Cald way BohflNekorL llnd that sums shops will cun Uqup ghayge 15 more ltl cnnlualn Barbell admll lo Abgln hewifilemq Ics Team Na TEmIe Irvine Ros Slephena Emmnn 5mm Besldes lsnl thebarharihnp supposed to be place infor maUnn and enlarlahmenl Humid Oriiiia man Ken Fraser died early today in lhe Soidim Memorini Hospital Oiiliiflv mm win poiicc laid wm soilinflicted wounds The pubilc It scams SFT 51° 0111f Wm Orillln Town Pnlice Mld Mr Fraser who lived at Alhcr Icy was taken from rlemfi residence an Emlly Believe Man Caused Own Death lnc null BARBIE BUSINESS COLLEGE m5 um mu my In PLEASE SEND ME rum MImCUIMsAnbUT Ybuk scnidbifv wmmm ANYOHIJUMION ON MY mm mm xo NAME uunhvt ADDRESS Monlnll Low or om Earp mm mm mm nu shmnlnn film Cu TnlDom nk lhnl Cm mm MI Tnfl Mn YOUR GATEWAY T0 OPPORTUNITY ESTABLISHED 97 66 TORONTO STREET BARRIE COMPLETE COURSE FOR GENERAL OFFICI AND BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT EARRIE BUSINESS COLLEGE 66 TORONTO REIT BARR PLAN NOW TO ATTEND THIS SEPTEMBER day No direct churn wasle en or name released My re port loday was thaw were not operating while some of them dld have operation on their may According to the paper The npernmr of llcenca mart Hnrvay Schell complained bit terly In the $10 licence lee he pays every year lime better than the All let piece paper They not only get my money but they send man around to tell me huw nhonld run my busilneswf To ls charge Mr Calhoun nld Wa have alwayl consid and advice as par of our nervlces nndered The Gnvem men of Ontario and Ontario has grown to the palm where haphazard Mslneu cannot operate any more The safety tha public must be consider Thin is being investlgaled he concluded In his telephone report to The Examiner Kn WE Elke Vleder mu Lang Ma Fflfi 1511 These wlll be supplemented by sumo lllend at under privileged children whn Will be volunteering lo help the club member cave the streak ol the clly and dlxpou the pea nul Inpply For an pm few weeks mem bers and volunteer havebeen vnmhhlng and painting the clubs second cultage at Blue Mountain Camp for Crippled Children The collage the biggest Ind newest at the camp and valued at morn than $10000 Emmi Cooler ah that movzd lowly southward Into mullmm Ontario Thursday Wu preceded by mumed thunder storms that pmduced locally heavy rain hail Ind moan zust vlndn TH extreme southwestern corner Ontario will conunue warm Ind humid with thunder nnrnu azaln today Elsewharo temperature will be condorh nhlycoolr todayargd Smyrna Luke Humn Lake Onlarlo mama Gwrgm Buyanll button London llnmllton mm early thlx morning Ind nxihed In the hagmfl He nem rezahed consuma ness and dled at 730 Ponce laid the wounds were tamed by revolver Coronzr II Dr Baillie ol Orillla lubllc School lnspedar ll ll lllncklem vm guest speak er the sham Course for School lnulecl held In cum JuncUon wllh lho 4th annual cunvenllon nl the Omurlo Udmn nnd llurnl School Trullecl lu aoclallon Nlnzsu lnlls June Mr Macklcm spoko ml Duh ztr Spot in Educatlm wllh Apoclnl Inference lo lhn dullu and mpansibllillca Ichwl mum Inspector Speaks On Danger Sports PAYMENTS THE CITY éFIiicaWIILIL PEfi mass ADDITIONAL nouns FRIDAY JUNE PM In MO PM SATURDAY JUNE AM to 12 NOON ONVENIENCE AND TO FACILITATE Bring in MI Tuv lllll FIRST INSTALMENT OF 1963 TAXES IS DUE BY MONDAY JUNE 10 WEATHER FORECAST PAY EARLV AVOID THE RUSH cm TAXES NOTICE Zane of the Georgian Bay Deveiapmenl Association will mm next Wednesday at Moun taIg Viaw lion Cojllngwood The meeting sun It pm will be hosted by the Town of Colllngwaod Induslrhl Commission Guest weaker will be Shaw Ontario Development Az ency Department of Economic and Davelapment 1hrano Mayor AMcDén3ld ol boll ande will officially welcome the meeting Partly cloudy Ind limo cooler today will few brie shower thin niurnoon ny with dandy periods and little change in temperature Sainnloy Winds northeast 10 lo 15 Marine Fargonu Lake Huron Georgian Bay Wind northeast l5 knots iodly becoming easterly is In no or night Partly clnudy iew brie showern likely fillIII Foreom Temperature Low Indy high Snlunlu Windsor fimu London Kitchener Mount For MMMm mmmL 5L Catharine Toronto Pcterbomugh fium Killnloe Mmkaka z8$$5£3$$8¥$839 Zone GBDK Meets Wednesday Kt Collingwood Dnvld Young Ian mind And builder of lhll display at an observatory planelarlum and radar installation lhDWl H9AlLE HAIRCUTS Adulhl 100 JOHNS Bubr Shop 1mm Clly Tnhnrlr fimwwfififi 58 53 55 55 50 55 YOUNG ENGINEER SHOWS HIS DESIGN BM those persons who find it on warm wlll be able to complain about the rnln Pn clpluuon expected um liter today Sum its warm and the oxteas In or it any um way or while For the first six days of lhlr month Barrie and are his env Med mm degree weather with nary drop of rain Peak empemure In the am was recorded yesterday 35 Through the courtesy the Department 01 Linda andFor esls Tree Seed Plant at Anguu is was learned um warm Int week In June the ex pected hingl However warned the report there have been some cold day and near at below may lug temperature an no un common during the wedding month For example the Department noted that must he first week June last war was In the 70 Hnwever Jum 1961 recorded low 01 33 defines he finished product mm tine Robinson and Peter Gor ald All had eniered exhibits Heat Of June Expected Thing lABATlS SUMMER PARIY CASE Ihe display of Industrial hmmhmflnumnnlomdhgornwlw easycarry my mako carrying cooling and Mag cinch So after your guoslu mm 50 nlo and Pusonor Inger beer with labaltn Summer Party hmFIRST rum MBATPSI IN F01 EASYCARRY TRAYS Serving And 11 been colder In ha month over lhe years On June 1949 the mercury tell to chilly 18 The June hlgh in the 1m 15 year as recorded by the Da panment at Angus 93 In blistering day was an the am back In 1952 Whlla heat expected In 1116 first week ol June run Is not Recorded rnlnml In the int week last year was 17 Inches In 61 and 11 In 60 Slmcoe County resldelru have taken to he benches ln lull lurcel Traffic reported to be heavy all lnvorlte swlmmlnz areasl Strawberry Festival will bu held Hillsdale United Chunh June 12 Supper will be lerved at Ive ab and sevcn oclock Admission will be $125 for adulu and 50 cents or dilldren Art Ind mm and Home Economics held on Tueadly evenlnx In Emma Public School Examiner Photo 12 50ALE12 PILSENER Strawberry Time Is June 22 Get the best of both 21 BARRIE EXAMINERFRIDAY JUNE in Continued from page one Mr Pickean sald that he wu driving semituner Camr Borden to pick up load of IreInkling loam He Iald he didnt remember what day llwas but noted it was around the llma the Harris He nld an airman allowed hlm the boxes or plug Ind pul tbem on tho floor of the cab and llalod he look than homo nur dun Inter n0n crossexamhatlon by Mr Murph Mr Pickeran admit ted that the mlnngemenl of Strathdee Transport ahould have received them but replied he didnt lhlnk about whether that were Ilolen or not when he loo them home never even thought About laid Mr Pigerlnx COURT SYSTEM mmy Afternoon Mr Mur phy resented his use and Mr oDr stall completed his Wad neyay aflemopn Thu same Amman both lomeyl preunted their tumm tlona of the case In 40mlnule deliver In the judza and Jury Thnndny morning Judge Carter told Ihe jury they must conllder three lnmdlents ol the chem helm they could re turn verdlct gullly They were possession31 clear ghe accused did have posseselnn ol the plugs whether they were obtalned by theIIynu must be completely mulled of this Ingredlemand whether the Accused had knowledge the In ladbeencommmed1 11 thalhr leave reasonable doubt In your minds mum In Icqulml N0 EASY This has not been an easy can nld Judge Carter There have been number at wil nesxes and the evidence was coppllcalqd He read the law applicable to the case and alsa read and explained the Criminal Code definition um The JuryV mired at Mon and returned their verdict two oclock Thank you said Judga Car ter have no quarrel with your verdict It has been an arduoul case and Im nulls led you have considered the Pulse smurf To Mr Picked he said think you appreciate my ob Imitation of you and you up preclale the suspicion circum stances under which you at yourself lnvoived lm sun has ban an ordeal on you Ind your arrqu You le me any with yau conception of th wny our ad mlnlslrallnn ol lusllce works nniyoul bur hiya gflndf Mlei the use ME 1th pointed out that an accused cl men given every passlhle cnnA aldernunm and has many Chances to be proven Innocent baggy tunes by Judge First than the alllcer who being conscientious peh Inn thinks heme he my chm59 He uaId then Ihayol leer normalLy canlerl wlm the Crown and alter that the mu In taken up with the Justlco oi the pence oi the cues And charga hamt been we lunher My lies with In justice at the peace added Mr Muxphy He decide it chm enough evldanne to war rant laying charge Mughlrnlea cnur allows the laying charge when In serious oflence he accnled Is given choice of trial by judge ornlly judge sud Jury flien ance again mm check to insure hi innocence there in grand jury henrlnl deiennine it evidence warrant man being Iried by his men ha mud lury returns two bill it did in Mr Fidelinn case lhen when the Crow me before the nut jury the delencevhw yer may mm or Inqulml He said the judge then de cldes whether the we will bu completed by the Jury or whgpher hell end It then by ry then the Jury tries him Alld Mr Milrphy And then then are the mum of appeal rluhl up to tho Su Prfizmswr of 92mm Mr Mu by uld 11 the abovemem uned aller check were taken In Mr PIckexlnul case have no quarrel with 010 dailslon ol the My The cmin witness alonc cost the county over $500 and the Jumrs ice amuunted to an other 5500 Oiilcial source mid this case which lasted iuur days mlghl possibly cnsliho federal government nearly 10 The dedication new memorial bzpllsmai ant and nlmr pleca will he feature ha anniversary service at Hlllsdals Unllzd Church June 18 lha speaker mnrnlng new vice 11 oclock will be Pestm Frank Hobln he dedication he new church iurnlihlngu wili inks place me waning service seven oclock when John Brun ner pastor of Minexinz United Churdukwlll speak Speclil alngfnz and aulheml by the chair have been prepar ed or prescnutlon Two Dedications Hillsdale Church

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