k6 Dm Frnllu and HuhInlch Tell ynur huxhnnd yuu mur um Mm nr lwllrr or or wrlo but you dMnl marry him or lunch In Mi hmMmï¬a luolnullh lhlI Ilvndlrunl all TIIUIN Wlllmlml Elm um um ml helnx Mr In lurlhnl Ills mml mm Hum drrlalnm hem and Iqu mull nut In Impaled on hen Wlll m1 Mme prlul nut vlen mlllll Inm Ilww lhem th um lul nIIhl Ihal Ihe Ink law drlnh Icth hrruuw ovrvronu rlu do Ind um um noIh wnml In ll Flu Inclnl unoke lml ull lbs Ill lnnllkl Mr 14 am aha Mll nnumu wrunl In Ihnl rllher Elu wurkn durlnl hp lummor In my mm lurr ulllun hm Ill mm mule mnlllm in up Mr lumulL Mr lhnl unlru aha would pmmllc ml lnlnh nr nirlnll aim mu lunl lu nllgge In bur Ann Lnndur our dnuzlllrr ll 19 lowly Mum and wellllkrd ï¬lm hu had lwo um cnllrln nml Ia dump n1 lnl Ilmm mm In un npmled huh ymml lady lo hard hailed woman lhu Wurld HTN NAUUINU Wevn bran mnrrled yum Ind have Ilvn lovely children have purllimo help whlch II all want becaun bcliuva mother mould ruin her own children My hunbnnd own small but Erollinhlo hunlnou near our nma About In year no he an inia Iho hnbii oi dropplnl In for lunch about Iwico wack Now hII huma inr lunrh ilvo time week and in drivlnz ma truly danl mind ilxinx him anndwlch and mint but he follow ma Around ihu kiichln wilh lhni camohlihcr look In hl eye and when hll mind ll mndn up 11 mini up love hlm very much but 30 PM no Ilmv or nmnca wlUI lhreo kldl ul harm or lunch lho lnundrm In Hm hmmnnl the doorbell rlnnlnz and mu lrylnn In cl 100 11131 cllurllhjulld mudlnL want In ha mod WI but bcliuw lhrro II lmo and plan or uvcrylhlnn Plum lcll mu aim to dalllANTlc AND EXIMUHTEI Den Ann Landerx have dellcule pmblcm and danl know where else to go or help tnnt dLscns this with nur clnlymnn or nur doctor and wellAknawn in ha cnmmun lly And ml my go out my husband would be luduul ML and Mrs Jnhn Kelly run brlde and groom were honored at eommunlty Ihower held In Illa Tollcnllnm Lelsura Hour Hnll An amnslnz address was rend by Paul Minn Ind prmntntlon wns made by Mia Rally Ann Kelly lha evenlnz was men In dancan to ha music or Ernle Severnn orches tra Iollawed by bullet lunch IMMUNITY SHOWER Muhm Hm II II bull ANN LANDERS ann In Inlandcd to tour llu mull mIII Illa ol the city Ind dlxlrch weddlnx nn ulvmlrlu blrllxdnyo hrldn pullu camlnl olIn par tlel vhllnn Ind Invellm In Item cl lnlmfl lo Human mum of Hill pm Your help In Inyplylnl lhll nan wlll he rally appro Inl Plane phoul Tho Blrrla Exlmlner nl PA £4531 and lor Ellun Dlxnn or Audrey Couhnn II tho Wom uo mumnull Mr and Mrs Larry Boyd are shown cutting the wedding uake allowing their wedding In Trlnlly Anchnn Church Juno wllh Amhdencun Read nIIchnan at the alter nnon cercmuny The hrldu formerly Donna Smllh ls ha daughler 01 Mr and Mn The Time And Place Isnt Lunch Time Phone Eileen mm or Audrey Coulsoa PA 06517 IUNE WEDDING CEREMONY PEOPLE AND PLACES ell knocked myself out being charman lumen tool Mother umywluro and War myull out mlnl um Ill had good Ilmu 0W Im In Ior ll Gordon Inld III II no and ma nnd enjoyed my hul pllIlIIy no much Illa mm In nIurn In July and lily Ior alum wcch Gordon II mu alltr nnd Iliu In In rural wllh Inn Inn wml ll moIIIer wnl In lawn he lpcnl only Ihm aven Inln wllh do not wnnI MI mullm In my home for elm watch bul lm llrlhl la uy no Immune ll mny wmk my chnnm wIIh Mm Help Menu IlEH ATV In your thancu Gordon wnnh lo marry you ha will II In docmt ynu cm wlm Ind MM hll mullmr or Io mt and Il wonl mull any lllrr em Gordons molhur Ilvu In In nlher Ilala Shu wanted com hm for MAY VIII and Gar dnn mm would luv her an my houn um mm plenly ol room nu well II cnmpflcnl maid nmcd ankInz It mlnhl boot my ll kuwllh Gordon Dm hawm Buy No and iont worryAnlmul Vllll Dont deny you dnuuhler lho cppadunlly to college ed ucation Send her wllh no Mellon Qull nnnlnz Tell her ynu have aim and mnfldmca Ind um you know mo will never you down LENGTIIY VIBIT Dru Aux Im ywnl widow who loin wflh an Incllvo hlchelorobjccl mum many Ir 19 whatth II or pnllern and you will not chnnxa II II her lralnln Inn bun good you need nut worry ll ll hnl not been good wgnylpzwnn help whm no no my udvlco you my not bl ennr In thaw to her Among those altzndlnl he bllnd bowllnl mnvenllnn held Saturday In Gall were Mr and Mrs John Corbett Mlu Jascph In Green Jerry Smllh nnd Art Hownrd All at Bnrrie Later Iha vlfllon were entertained at Ina hum of Mr and Mrs Wnlly Kanncdy Kitchener armcr Darrin rexldcnu ML and Mn Lnrne David Ian and daughter Charlaiie iii Maple Avenue war in Torania on Monday They ailbndcd ihc graduation exercises at Canvm cation Hall ior ihe Taranio Wuiem Hasniial Schoal Nurp in Their daughter Mia Man iiyn Davidson was member iha graduating CIISL BOWLING CONVENTION served by the committee The bride 11 the former Emily Doreen Miller daughter 01 Mr and Mn Dave Miller of Barrie The newlyweds are making their home In Cookslawn Smllh Barrie The hrldegmm the son Mr and Mn Boyd Burrle The reception was held the Conllnultul Inn Following the weddlng Hp ha courle will rcsIda 136 Speed welc Avenue Guelph Fholo By Erlc ol Camera Cram Inquire about our low hummer wlru mmlrl pm It mnlzlllnl AGAINST MOTHS HEAT RI AND THEFT Only lunlor ullo mid and Ill urn urlunlvrly kmm haw lu lain run your furl duvln Iummtrl PHONE Ill 0an UN fllMOlIll 10 CALL mm ron Inn rlcxvr mmmo on on zvznmu FREE OLAIINO AND MIN REPAIR ulr 1M PROTECT YOUR FURS WITH COLD STORAGE WIGGINS FURS on Ihl Inn or Mr lllhtr br won lull lznzlh town and nlln Tho moulded bod ol lnu lcnlurod llly polnl Ilmu llu boullnnl skin III ovm Inlln llnurllp vol Illk llluzlm lullo wu held by caroml of anII Ind quulnl Tho llrldo tnrrled bouqunl al red mm Ind wh kphnoun ATTENDANT Min nmfnnm 1mm lho Iuldel mull wnl mnld honor Mlu Llnda Dundn 0H St Andrewl Anlllun Giurch Alllllan wnl decorated with hu kcu or while and Ink muml Ior lho weddlnl III Shiran Loqu Dundu to Paul Normln lhnmpmn Rev IL Symon ofllcllled It ha Alumoon cow many Thu brldl ll lhl dluxhur Mr and lln Allrcd Dundu ol rm Allhlon Thu hrldrzmom Is Ihu Ion nl Mr And Mn Jack Thompson 01 Million Min Jean Mnchnnnn dough of Mr and Mn Lennln codflnflon rle received htr blnhelor of Iclenca desm from Vlclofll College Unlvenlty of Toronto at convocation oxenelm May 29 MI MncLennan bl Icczpled cachlnr potluon Condo Funk th School Toronto Thu brldal mulln Mln Lynn Gmle unx Pmm Lovc and Thu Lord MK Shepherd Iccompanlad by in equal Mn llrclL TRADITIONAL GOWN RECEIVES DEGREE With forethought In menu plannlnx you can spare the cal orles but prnvlde all nulrlllan emntlnll Del lhe care ha menu revolve around the pro ccllve foods proleln each meal lean meat collage cheese ï¬sh or antplumwhnln or sklm mllk lece II day or more lervlnzu vclelublu Ind min Then mu out the day meals withlwhoe min or an rlched cereal and bread Ind Iprend lhll can be don wlul My husband wnnla me to lose WMEM and want to du fcralelyhal la until all down the tabla Then met all about It My two llulaglrll are gaining on much welihl also dont want them In now up In be dubbed lollies Maybe cook meal need tha whola family will bane Tm young mother he an rived at the right solution Bu ele lnmfly menus that nu tritionally adequate but minus plethon calm1e are bnon to everyone The extra In calories can be far the more nctlve or growlnl member 01 the tnmlly With hi plan diet need eelmnnlyred THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAYwTUNE l1m IDA mm mm Isnt then same pattern by whch dallclaus nulrlflous meal can be planned that Ira not loo Man in Hindu Whnk wrong with our wny ut Ing that make meal so atten lnz One yonnz homemaker In her midtwenties whn weigh 105 pounds writes Wed At Alliston To Live In Toronto KEEP IN TSHMRIM For older Ind ran an pullenlu melenl lncflllm or prlvnu or lmiprlvnlu llo ml rnld In In room llemnlur cd Num In numnnco STAYNER NURSING HOME STAYNERi ONT MARSHALL Rog PHONE Nutritidus Low rQalorié Meals Will Benefit Familys Health PA 84868 In lrmllhu dMumI mu Mun lull with mu culmrlu iiin Bo van Mm Caro mg Eprlelgh Crop Mn luck Wlllwh Mr Ron Slewm Mn Lorn Wlu Mn Erock Mn Bluldry Mn Horton Mn Clllford Tn vll Mn Hun Bnmntr Mn Ran Spencer MIII Mummu McKinley um um umumu Thu but mm Bob Mildl ell Pnul Dundu land brawn Ind John Dundn Sud bury mum at bridl wm um The rm lion in held In In of churdx Thu molhvr melvod mired pink dreu wllh mllchlnl ca toll Whit ucouorlu Ind comm mt unlukuu nu ill ed have um up mldencl Toronlm Convener Innunl om Ill Min Hemman fluted by coccnvenu Mu Doug smith Bum Illa counln thu bride wu brldumlld 11w flow er Ir wu Dlnnno Dundu Al hr 01 hridl Tho hfldll brother Doullu Dundu wu rig bollgr Thu maid lunar Ind bflder nuld won Ilmlllr own ol mu nylon thru our Hell with helddmm In mnlchinl tonal Thty curled bouun plnl In will urnlion Receivan uutl war Mlu Helen Shunmm admlnlflnm Min LlllIIn McKinnon Direct or at Nunlnz And Mlu Audra Minn Alumnae Pruldent The In lnblo wu prulded by Mn HodIeI Mn Garvin Mn Dilly ï¬eld And Min Jun Batu Thuiuienc wnfilildr thu Lnldlaw mldenco yuurdly alt ernoon RECEPTION mduluun In wn bald by he Nunen Alumnn or mem bm the manning clm 63 of the Royl Vlatorh Hon plgl Ind Qualr pigeIIll the mix nation pick up In angel load or mange cake tax lrut These mike excellent birthday ukel loci Stock up on low cllorle pudding Ind gell une denem with Ill these euenlinil in flour kitchen you can new In ciom Ippetizlnz mull Ind mm the Hindu Iven tux0m App nutrition mowhaw keen new portion right and you will outwit thl calorie with morn hulthtul nuns The Inn of prele mun food ll alwuyntgmant All they can be load with hlddan empty ulnrlu 2wa th may to at tried menu Huh casserole dishes Avold mm in heavy cymp and velelnblu in upucel llltle II 1300 eulnrlel dd xlvln luwny or um calmIn 19L nondlgtp There Ire tricks too In lhOP plnl One Inccelslul dialer warm Shay or mettle Il lar you hive eaten nillying bruklaat or lunch An empty alomnch hu no lam con lelancg the meal counter lelm lun hm clouly lflmmzd lean him nor liver chjckgn gurkgy Inn to pur chase amount in Iclunt neudn When than mu ll llo len aver the Kempmlon to 0mm II Incgealodt For vegetablel for 1h mun Illd yellow one thlt grow ï¬lm the ground Select Imnll potato or plan to cut hm one In lull Select mod llu Ippks purl Ind lh Alumnae Hosts Graduation Tea flu hugegul Jujlgfled 1m MC um llama DOCIOH Pmcrlpllom Accumva Flllcdl PHONE PA 6859l IIOURI Mm from 11me no Mn mm Il Mr NEW OFFICE ll Collin $0 SHORNEYS GUILD OPTICIANS Toronto SPECIAL PnlClDI sum flul ll raund pallo mm lover In lumth whllu bllud enlmrl Ilnlnh Removabll Ian Bu vnluul PERFECI FOR PATIO OB GARDEN 1mm 5mm Ilnmlnum umchnlr woven with quillly Poly silver Mllu wabblnl Mulching colvmd plnllc Irma Greenwill yellowthu or rodwin MANHIE RELAXATION Faldlnl llI umlnIIm Chllutle woven wlul nixon nullity Toly Silver Mlllr Wehblnl In greenwhim yellowml or redwhile Mulching coloured plum Irml ITURDY LIGHTWEIGHT BARBECUE with Admitbl thromtplllad rid Muck powerrpreu Id Reel bowl II from umfll nllar nwn Id lteel bowl 1mm mm Lam bnnd vulml MANSIZE GARDEN OR PATIO FURNITURE AT lOW LOW PRICESI PERFECT FOR PATIO OB GARDEN 1mm 5mm Ilnmlnum umchnlr with serflzjlmv saws um vusn OUR NEW ENLARGED LOWER SALES noon BUY NOW AND CHARGE IT NO DOWN PAYMENTI ndlo 111 awn GlFTVAlUEStFGR DADSIDAY 1188 $88 ZEllERS lIMITED 60 DUNLOP ST EAST um ADNITMILE LOUNGE Huvnluly mm mm nluniy lulmIIrlml mnnlrudiun um pm and UKMWQIIM lam lnr Ilur mm or ML anml ELCHAT ELEEPINO IMO anpwol nylon Ihcll dh woul Illlvd my Ilanmlflu linlnl Rubber but Own up lo 71171 blank Green bluu rod CAMPING OR lOUNGING lElSURETIME NEEDSI PA 82439 77 97