Ym ml ulunlly flunu your mm ulmue II um All you mm In do II in mm on lmnl ml at prim chum Mule on an Miami Ind To 60 In hum mum lho buulr Ilul nunllurl ll um mm mm bored 01101 mu mm an Inn Allfllm Modem IllHln dulln wllh fluwlnl Hm hm Ion hm phllllcnled 0an ml mm cums all lmulllully In Ilm AI dn In In no Bpnnlm model with Mr 11m my lullnl uhlth nrl mmlnl Ia lhn an thin Mrlnl Arumlly the urn hh wm Ihc ovumtan 04 up nlllnn Illllm vinyl WRONG MIT LIGHT In lha umn plrm Ilth In um Inr um ntrcuulh ulumul udder mm In Um mull huh at hllll Ind Ilul luhlnl In In 11 lurnlqu yum purlnce hul II maul Al Man Slull mnl rnnlrlluunon In urnllure ll Hm ll ndlpmno lo ml at dnum whlth would nnl rmdfly Ichleved In other malnll In the lubulnr me no lnr unmplu inund cl lc Ilylu lo In my room In lho honoddly mun And mewd lumllun VHYImllld Io mm yem al war In any wulhrr pm lurnllurt for mllvlmr un nflm mmth limpllclly and nllnr mull nu hm II way plum nut tranomlcnl and any way In do ml lrnnflormnnan ob Ind with Ileel lurnllun Whelhrr you mud or minor nr oul urnllur mud com plmly or clinic modu Inh ulnr Iml or lrudllionnl cm at Iron and me Km rhnnlinl I1 colar And emu will hrlnl out In dccnulur In you In BARR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JUNE ll Ill wonderlul In bu Ihll thin on home dmr he qulnlly but or must thin Jul In unlulnlled drz lquart box strawberries cup sugar few grains salt teaspoons cornstarch V4 cu water re iood coloring teaspoon lemon juice 1h plnt whirplng cream cups to tab espoons sugar Wash hull and drain strawberries Measure cup otrawberrles Into smrll saucepan reserving remain der to cover baked crust Crush berries in sauce an and bring to boil then rub through fine sieve iurn to saucepan and stir in the cup sugar and salt lllake aste of the cornstarch and water and stir into sieved errles Return to heat and cook until mix ture thickens and becomes clear about minutes Add enough food coloring to give light red color Cool htly then stir in lernon juice Arrange remaining strawberries on baked crusi leaving rmnil berries whole and cutting larger one in halves or qumers Spoon glaze over berries then chili Cut in squares or obiongs Top with sweetened whipped cream Six large to medium serving Fresh Canadiangrown strawberries up ear on most markets in June Growers are constant striving to produce big beautiful berries that will stand up well or shipping and marketing Many varieties have been develo ed recent years which are large firm and flrvor ul and are equally adaptable for dessert or ireezing purposes Strawberries and cream have long been canalder ed treat by old and young allke but lea cream whlpped cream sour cream and cottage cheese are all natural teammates with strawberrles Cream 15 cup butter wlth 13 cup ï¬rmly packed brown sugar Add cu sifted flour and blend chor oughly wth pastry bender Pat mixture evenly lnlo an 8inch uare cake pan Bake In moderate oven 850 deg until very lightly brownedr 15 to 18 mlnutes Let cool in the pan before covering wlth strawberries GLAZED STRAWBERRIES Home economists oi the Consumer Section of the Department of Agriculture combined two oi these above foods with strawberries in their recioe for Glazed Strawberry ueres end it got raves from the testers This pret esapicture dessert consists oi glazed whole strew erriee on shortbreadlike crust end is topped with whipped cream GLAZED STRAWBERRY SQUARES PREPARE THE CRUST Classic Steel Furniture Adapts To Color Changes DEUCIOUS DESSERT KITCHEN GOSSIP By EILEEN DIXON For tumllnu nyrd hllck or whllc try vlnlcl lurqunl nrd mualnrd prlnl wluu ur qunlu and arm run Ilrlpcl Vllh Iluhl men unullurl try plnk ytllaw Ind Mun pulal prHK Ammlmd wlth wild color of mucnll Youll ï¬nd our Illll lurnl lure lel uplvlll your Imu lnnllnn Ind you can hnvo lhl mum and Ike lun nl dunllnl ynur enlor Ichemu Ivary Sprlnu vour lurnllun ll entirer diL lmnl GREAT VARIETY Thu color laidnu ltgg and mum you lprny ynur urnlhm dark lmn combine lemon yulaw IIan In men flornl prlnI an while lmckumund or lhe wln with yellow Ind ll mnnd lmn Ilrlpu on the chain For rcservnllnm Ipply 1o Harold Nuh hmmyTruwm Ilmvlll Communloy Hall loud llmulv OMIIIG Tel WI Olpldlflh wqum Ivkufluul mlflln and owlnlm om Hall or 50 potion $1000 pll dly or evening All Nawly Decorated Sumbh to Iccommodnlo mullngs or banqum up lo 400 pmom TWO HAllS AVAILABLE Mm 111 £2000 par In or evening 1m ol kllchen It um HAllS FOR RENT end BURN BRIGHT Supernnvm or explodlnl Alan Him aboul 100000000 limes brighter than Iun Comlall ynur dlnlnl pitcu In your lounn turn Sprly lhl urnllurl um colur and mm lho culhlonl with am he colon lrom Ihu prlnll or Ilrlpu The meellnl closed with 013 hentdicflon Rclruhmcnh wen served by Mu Vnkaver Mu Hlfllm rMs McDanllh Ind Mn hur wry Lallm learned flu visitor and Introducld the speaker Mn July and Mn Dohmn bath of Blrrle The speakers menus on the work 01 UCW was hlxhlinhl ed wilh some or her own pcrlcncgs wllh gha arugulznlign Mrs nohnbii dispuyed llmplu oIVyCW illlernlure Mn v1 Maxim thanked Mrs Jory for but mm Ind prEcnlgg ljer wlm ml The olfeflnz II Men Mn My and The can to would was lol lawcd by the Ilnglnl hymn and rupemlva rendlnl 01 Pulm Resist any temptation to lat down in your Mom now aume lull control your obli and mpomlbilitlu carry on nteldiastly and you will not will Tiler mlny ndvunhm indieted or thou who are ambitious and enter prlslnlupedllly in ihg PM 179 mm mmnmx lomamw lsyaur birthday your horoscope Indium Ihat whllc lhu month nhud may no we Iha ulllllmanl nl Ill your denim ID sound Judgment It entlon to detail and high lldcl fly of purpose which an lm mer you wlll lee you unmuzh the chlllenzln spou Io um you my look lorwnrd In rawrdlnl solullnn of all prgbleml Thu business porllon he rrxulsr meeting 1h Angus Unlted Church Women was held In he Church annex wllh 14 members and two visitors anx warlng the roll call in VI McMuler win be In charge of devotion or the June mgling The ineellnl Idjuumed to flu church wh re vhilm lrom gloplq and realel warn assem bled ifnvrlwhe service conducted by the president Mn Ray Lallmcr The president xtznaed think In the argnnhl Mn Allnon or bi muggymvldedz Cmer advancement In den nllely In thu olflnz Ind allow lnl good boost his mnnlh you should mike notable Ilrlde In both monetary and accupallonal attain In Septem ber November Ind next Janu ary In not these Ilme HM wlll be Lpeclallx upflgtj on mull anunllc and dams In lnlemll well BI travel will also bé owned by bene Ilcent npccll no that all In I1 these next lwelve month In your Illa Ilmuld prove hlzhly nmtaclary Follnwinx the trelsurcrl port varlnu mmmltlu reports were read FOR TOMORROW nmtacmnklo child rn an thin day will be kind genera Ind endowed wllh exceptional wrltlnz Ibillly Angus UCW Hear Speaker THE STARS SAY 10 HIM ComII Blumpoo mull lulr 11mm and PERMANENT BEAUTY IALON By EBTBELLIM PA lJSN Rm null lllllup llluvl £65 or BREASTS 5le BVACONHEI 59c IGA COFFEE HOSPITALXTY DAVIDS BISCUITS ASST on COCOANUT SANDWICH NATIONAL CHERRY PIE SUNNY MORN lICORICE All SORTS IHFKKN 171 5c huh thvn ula name my SIEAKEUES lb 55 clrh vim Ih 69c 49c 45c 55° GREEN BEANS SUNKIST ORANGES NO GRADE CARROTS v3 No mun ll noun hp yiKLEENEx GEORGIA PEACHES TOTAL or $3000 ¢CIGARETTES EXTRA REG or CHUBBIE POPULAR BRANDS POTATOES MARKET SO IGA FOODlINER CHRISTIES IGA FOODlINER IOLBI BAG PRODUCE OF USA NO GRADE NEW med nmln mo In um hm mm mum plu mm 1an mmml ClllAlb FAN IIAIHZI ylullc mm umliunom Tm mm 1le Mnnurh I1 YOUNGS IGA MARKET Hr AT THESE MARKETS ONLY WOMLEY MULCMTIR STROUD ONTARIO ll EMA ROAD lrodurn bl llflA CARTON Ila lull Tnhlellllo Illrul 041mm mum ZN HHMVMZMIIIJ all lmlnu nl LIA HIMII MINMIL INCH 00 In nunul Tlprl Wllh Nlhlnru MIIIAIEIIIIHI IIMT pk if From at UM No 01qu II Immun buullu Dal II II lIll rlln BII 29¢ 23 09 31 if am