lluulla Tummy Illula ll Lol Annln unnot Klnm Clly elmll Clevllnnd llmlun Wnlulnllm New Ynd llllllmorl NEW Imhvvurfolu mm Cunlgy IIm ul uh mum Mnnboyu me3 pm Wmhlnugun Rnlllmor uw ollt lhlcnn Klfllfll my Allnnmun Ilmhm ww rnln Lul Am Human 10nly um Ichfllukdl lmlllhle Illrhul Tody Sun lrnmIlcm Sanford I7 and Fllhrr 36 Chlcnko Ellworlll I7J and lohhh um Milmmkrr lelm 1M nl New Yulk Jnlklml Clmlnnnll Nluhnll will And Mnlumy 474 llllnmrum Frlnml and Hum In lulnluhl hmll Sllunmnl IllU ll lhllndrlphln Tulp 1H Lu Angel Knulnx Hounhm Johnna lJII Thumb KL Imu Innmxphln Cmdnnau nl lllllmuh Fm anuuluo nl hlruu lUuly 1mm Idmlulrd llouslnn 121 415 New Wm 20 571 Ilnulll Maudy Hun Irnncluca Wan Mllwnulma Nrw Yar Clnclnnnu Iluaburnh 5M anchco 5L Loull Chlcnza lm Anacch Cinclnnnfl Imburgh Philndrlphin Mllwnukco llouslnn New mG Rumors are on the move that Junior hockey club wlll operate In Barrie this season No one ap pcan to ha in position to confirm or deny this re port Certaian In city this size manï¬ people must be interested trying to rovide hoc ey tor the tens Bennett Couison and no ertson have done it or three reasons theyve certainly given their share its time lew other pcopie stepped forth This apparently isnt the case here but it works both ways The com otltlon must be keen and bal ance is so necessary the operation of successful hockey league Without these ingredients the clubs will suffer Don Coulson and Ken Robertson are the other two club ofï¬cials who withdrew Bill said yesterday he couldnt speak for Coulson and Robertson but he pflrsonally felt that in order to ice squad this sea son there would have to be considerable cash in the bank before the schedule opened honestly dont believe this city wants hockey said Bill The havent shown it by their attendance Perhaps those aye of the great Flyers teams spoiled them cant explain it but do know that the head aches involved in trying to operate club are not worth thereturns AGAIN MUST surrender to inadequacy in not be ing able to offer any personal comments But this 15 perennial problem ln Nova Scotls hockey New leagues start and outprlco themselves in lew ears lts hnp ening right now Amherst Ramblers ad sirong llen Cup contender for couple of seasons but folded because of financial problems in bringing in new players They were too powerful for the rest of the league However other clubs in ihe league ap ear to be all tright and Bill claims the reason or this that the at tendance is higher Surely city this size can afford to support an intermediate hockey ciub ed to Niagara Fails we rounded up an intermediate blub in one month and won championship Theres no thanks all hockey executive receives is abuse and criticism Even this isnt so had from the people pay ing their way into the rink but its the eopie who just hear the scores who get on your hac BILL POINTED OUT the average attendance last season was In the vlclnlty of 700 fans per game evl dently this isnt enough With only one home game week everything has to go right for club to break even couple of storm nights and the attendance is cut considerably and he schedule doesnt allow much margin for error Asked if the executlve would reconsldetl some folding stuff could be raised Blll replied Don Coul ion and Ken lRobertson are really tied down wlth thelr work would only be too glad to hel out ln any way possible but honestly cant see ow the club wlll operate lhls season II THE CANADIAN Flu255 THIS LEAGUE is startin to outprice itself he Said its evident that the ans in Barrie wont ec cept anything but winner and in order to have one imports are needed This costs money Anyone who thinks erating hockey club is fun should try it we all ed hogkey and whenihe BerrleFiyers nov Hockey hit yesterdays sport page with ahang when officials of the Barrie Bay City Falcons this towns entry in the local intermediate Hockey League resigned Reason given or the resignation was pres sure of business Finances were also included and after chat with club president Bill Bennett yester day it wasnt hard to conclude that finances in no small way resulted in the executives resignation SPORT AT GLANCE Mugu 5mg alumna EXAMINER wanmnu Money Is Needed To Operate Club Illonnl grjut BASEBALL SCORES By RICK FRASER Pfl GEL ll 10 1300 10 22 571 WI 2H MD 71 MI 511 14 14 500 415 10 571 ppd rumu Dun Ilmil An lrll lllvmrd null lhrn Mll or hm my nu Ihulnul blink 011 Whfll Su mum um lnwrll Ull nlu In lwnrun ham lhal vnmd MM In vlrlon Um Nu Voll Ynlm nul 11mm vylllnul Amevlm luau Ind III THE wrt round llmhrllnr Allnnln ï¬rming Jnrhnnvlllp Tbmnlo Lllllo lack New York Ford MD HnIl mm Papal Chlcngo Humrd 51 Hubert Mt or human 10 Al Al Angola McBride +5 and Nchon lwlrnllhl Dclmll mannhm It Clove lnnd Gun 115 Mlnnuou Sllman It Kamnl Clly Ptm Thundly anion nhln an Nrw ank mu morn Only lumen Ichcdulcdi Inlrnlnllanl lulu Baum Dlvhlon GIL Allnu Arknmul 22 Indlunnmlll 21 601 Jnckwnvllh 12 II 415 IN Columbul l7 M0 ll lluflnlu Hyrncu Illrhmond Huchrll rr Toronto null Tunay Iluflnln Cnhmmlu III noml ll Indiunnpolh Mllnu Arknmul Indlunnmlll Jnckwnvlllc Ulmn WrdntMy lllclmmm ul Columlm lndlnmmlll lnltnln nochnlrr Al All Hock flyumn l1 Mlnnu Toumlu nl Juhmvllh BELL STARS thnn AMOCIAYEII IHEM DIvInlan II 11 M1 75 11 500 II 13 PM Ih Sldm Vlnfl mm rur In1L lrctnm Ilmollnl nml In lhaullnl or hll arcnml man wen Hoha wun II In year In hlI llnl vmlllflnflll tryJack lllurrl lhc up Impo Imnn wlll ho than mnw lwo Gn Player and Amln lnlmrr Ih Kenn llllrr rlnhl the Ina And Hun mm In hum mluhl can ll nlL ynu ncwr know Nlrklmll inuwn IherlM Inlvly wrll nml luau wvlum murmur nHIcln nhunl the mnf par ulnnl nyenr um M1 he IM Ihnu maldul In lha UH Imalrur Nlrklnul chancn la ulna well Tm hlntul wlll bu man hnw over lnr Ml randy lo Illlfl hun In uMInIly llelm Inmn tar delrnw ol lho open cmwn Illnfllnl June 10 Htoukllne nu COLUMBUS Ohlo 1M United sum tn nml muslm chnmplan ch Nicklnnl ll homa lrnm lha mm war or bu ml and mlnnllan Two emu wlll be played lo nluhl In the Sonlnr Sallhall Len zuonl anmq Pnrk uvan ac Stewarts 6mm and Elmvnlo meet whlla ll no deur RCAF mil mm lhulr upstl wln over nnrrlu Pllun hut nlxhl ulll mm Truclnvo Honllnz ornnlo cnlrlc Len nvtm Hrnh Nnmeplalcs and mm Farmerl Ilanhcd In lap hm pmlflons Lcflovcu pump may lpppcd hp meet Holldhy Bowfrlilrned In Icare 279 or thelr clghm plate Illlh The Harris Holiday Bowl tn lry In last nlzhln Tnurnnmcnl Champlnn held In anonm llnlshcd eighth In Ihe ï¬eld team from Toronlu and Iron bawlln lanes Clarkan Holel exploded lur our runs In each he mm and sixth nnlngs to score IN viclory aver Lakcvlcw Dnlry last night Shear Park in an Inlcrmcdlnta Saflball League game The vlctary moved Clnrksnn Into He or Hm place with Slmcoe pr Each has six points However Cwops have played one less game sporting 31 record whill Clufluun now has mark Senior Games Are Scheduled Nicklaus To Rest Before Practice Barrie Squad Finishes 81h Billy Reny left he been named coach of Chicago Black Hawk the Nulhnnl Hockey Clarkson Posts 103 Victory Over Lakeview 27 lhlnkl ha MI win llruokllno hem plnylnl lnlrl OLD AND NEW COACH luk who look mum lhnn 0100000 ml In yrnrn luur nnmmln nu wide and In up In uvrr 7000 Hm yrur nuld lxguwrylnplmly lm unalélnuï¬w nn he tnur ly nklmplnl Illllm run llvn lnrjwo In mo wuk In nlul Jnrk ducrlhcivnrwkilno hlvlnl lnirly nhort Iron ulna Ion back nut Ind mmller And with lhu mum hnvlnn bun tinrd lhcyfl have chum Iu mm mu lhkk Iulrh nl mulh lur In uljnncd Ha my MI awn 1mm ulll um night uljullmwnl Ind lhnl ha will cnnccnlrnlu In prucllcu by hmlnu mnru leu IMIahl uhau lnr may what llrooklinn requlrcl Alkml whv II nml In Aikédwixy ml in and In lmu Imllh he lrll In necded WrIL flu VII llrr mrnlqlly npll myflully Inaan In lho lunrlh mund DISK You fonlnnd Org Thu rruuna hnn rhccln thonod due lo wmo wlnlcr havoc New Lowell had Lllelr llw run In wlth only ane out and he llclnz runner on has but Barker gmunded an and Mack muck out end he lhmul Ulann run up 44 margin In flu Im Innlru and after New Lowell hnlvcd ll wllh pulr lII ha nccond Utopia push ed hm mom run mm In Ihe lwnh or mnrflln They Icnrcd whnl Inlcr proved to be the wlnninz run In In 1th when II Lnycock Iinglcd homo lecr whale mind or Ulopla but needed help mm Lawdcn In Um nlnlh New Lowell staged liverun rally In the Hun lnnlnz but ll wasnt enough lo overcome an earlier dellcll when hey bowed 37 to Ulapla last night at New Lowell In South Slmcoe Eme hnll Llanuo comm ol the flame Lakevlow Iled It In Ihe lhlrd and thats Iho way stood unlll Clarksan un loaded Ihcir heavy nnlllcry In the lflh and 1th Inninlzs Ripale Io Ill mini and Lakéviéw zrabhe load In Ihe first Innlng but Clarkaun cgmg upwlth lwq If their hnl It was he fourth loss fur Lmkcview In ï¬ve stark Their only point he scaxnn came as result scoreless Ho wuh Consumers Gus lnrrlnh and Lavuruvo wm League One the ï¬rst Io congratulate him at the NHL annual meeting In Montreal Utopia Registers Baseball Victory Rolley Corner Vwelil he d15 MIm Applllmu cms KELLY smvnca cams PA 3712 bolh Ian Hdgmnn hmltd lho vic nry whlle Terry Hodmn took ha Ion III hlflcl In tho mun WM Jlm Kenny St Andrnwl whn unmhcd mil our hm In our nymmunm nnl Iho Amrcd cur rum 5L AndrevI Icmd Ilngla runs In ch ho mu lhrm Inman bu wero down 51 lhln nlnxc nn Crmnum Atom 1er In cash of flu um and lhlrd and am In the strand AMfflWl llnn enjoyed hclr luvcnnm mm and went thud HA5 will one more run In llu Illlh lezhunll llnnl um um In tho lelh mtnrrun lllh Innlnz paved Hus way for SI Andrewn In HutIr 1L1 wln over Crnlzhum lnsl nlxhl In nnrrln nnd Dll rlcl Church Softball ungum Ulnpins Dunn led all hlum wlth Iwo singles und double In fnur rips Kunwcll and Houzhlon cnch rtgislured pair In Ulnplal lzhlk barrage New Lowell checkmi In with total of eight hits but not one bnunr managed man than one Wilson was Iha nnly Lakcvlew butter with man Ihan one Mr Ho cracked nut alnglcs In his last two fly or woAlorlour nlghk the New Lowell hurlm with Lovograva taking over In the XML lance or Clarkson whlle HEP old Richmkan and Marshall Lumbincd for he Lnkevlew muund churcs Raycrnfl led all killers with single double and triple or Clmkson McCann and Mc Cmne each had hm hm St Andrews Winners In Church Loop Dllnlol IA IlHl Wu llnhlnl In will In amt llmw wnlyl mm mum um mum was Rudy Pllnus former Black Hawk couch CF Wirepholn Cunum Strung RACOUETS Rog 50 Spuhl GARNERS WHOLESALE SPORTS L95 RACQUETS Allen Icorcd the lylnz run on Ellnu douhlt Rellcf hurler Sam Jones lulured his lecnnd Ins aznlnst our lrinm Both luau were Io Tnv BED WIN STREAK It Ella scared the winning run or lrnvelm on Johnny Uphnml baseslanded clout In center field with two out Maple Leni pullcd ahead In the up the nth on loadoff lflple by Neil Chrisle Ind lamIce by valg edcllBu Richie nocheglcr marfped live Kama vlclmy sl nr Crack Monarch posted an 115 via my over Newmarket while mu crest Juveniles were Ihe vlc Hm Vamcs 2013 Arkansas Traveler edged To ronto Maple Leah In Inn lnxs Rochester Red Wlnga nlppcd mulhcm dlvlslon lender Atlanta Cracker 55 In 11 na lugs and Syracuse Chlall slipped by Jacksonville Suns $5 In 10 Innings ln rtzulnllnn length names Columbus Jets blasted nullnlo Blwm 21 and 13 In double header lrlmmlng the lead al the nonhem dlvlslon lender to on game over Syracuse Rlchmond at lndlanapalll wls ralncd out Edgar RCAF pulled he IIme the season In their home park last night when lhey handed leaguelemma Barrie Plnm their ï¬rst defeat In the Senor5nfl balllgeagum It was close context all the way Edgar took load In Ihe lira Inning but Plaza came up with runs In he mum and lhlrd In 21 margin Two runs In the nuth gave Edgar ExtraInning games proved to be the rule rather Ihan the ex caption Tuesday night as three Inlernnflonal League contests went overtime Edgar enlerlng the name without wln In lhree starts halted Plans wlnnlng streak Illree gameswhcn they chalk edhup In 54 vjctary Monarchs and Varcocs posted vlclarle Inst night at Queens Park In he opening game flu udlea Sngbbpll Lenguc Vnrcoc and Juveniles me the opener and Hun aurlh lnnlng by Varcoes brake lha contest wlde open By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Edgar BegiStiers Upset Win Over Barrie Plazd MOnarchs varcoes Win In LadiesLeague Three Overtime Contests In IL Seagrams Star Rated Best Plonnnnt mu smoother bottortnntmg Mt more anualylng mun gonulnoly no whisky populnl prloo In mat nhur cm Mm mm ngnlnnt tho lhroo lnndlng brnndn In In prlcn olnnn Cnnndlnns llkud tho male of Bmlgrnmu Star haul ann you Irlod thln grunt whisky ynt not do no soon 800 you dont nuroo with tho vurdlot Hmuunudn othur Cnnmllnm and mm bank 1le um In uml llllvluvlllun nl ludln nunuh ommul Ion CANADIAN RYE WMIBKV SEAGRAMS FIVE STAR IIIIII HAIRCUTS Chiefs plckcd up two more runs in tha loth of Icllever Wnr gawldng Bab But cd Coinmhm 11 hit nllnck in tho second game by rapping his eighth and ninth home runs ui iho season Ind driving in seven nmsi their first loss In nix extra Inning games Ron Kahbc dou bled In the 11th Inning and scored the wlnnlng run an Snm Bawens slngle Huny Funak the laurth Cracker hurler look the loss Syracuse overcame Jacksonville lend aim we Inn Ing onlezranl Scottl lwnrun homer In the ï¬fth and Snells sinqu In the seventh which dmve In the tying run Plaza threatened to lie the score when they chasm home two runs In the clghth and they Ion two man stranded In the ninth Corby Admas mndc ll known that he Is gunning for another man Valuable Player award The Plaza shurtslop slashed out our hlls nnd scored two run IM Nollie VnnLeuven and Linda Miller shared the plgchlag chores or the winners whlle Danna lelngsmn went the ill lance or Juveniles Six home runs were register ed in iii some three by each innm Pitcher VnnLeuvun Ruth Cole and Mary Lou Bishop ciouied homers for Vernon while Donna Livingsion Jane he lend uguln and may push ed another pair news In ghc seventh or 52 lend Ralph litlimp went lance for this winners though lagged or 11 $100 JOHNS Bnrhlr Shop Dunlap 51 Adult lhe dls and al hils he Blll Admus md Jml Prnll ul su unwed gnndnlghu at the KM 01 Flnzn ï¬nch had two It In our appearances In cludng my Shirley Frzslon wnllopcd home run or Newmankn Annual shareholden meellu Barrio Curling Club lellzd will be held the club hnuu lemonow night 730 Allde from heaflna ha ur tnd inanclal report the no holders wlll elect th board direclorl The board In turn wlll elect the resident to Iuccud Jae Kennedy Newmnrku got on to mt mm In Ihelr Kama Blainsl Monarchs bu top relie plldv lng by Ann Keursey alnwed them dawnnnd Monarchs own cum 54 deï¬cit to gain their 1145 win Kearney cam In to relieve stunAr Linda Russell In ID lhlrd and held Newmnrkel mrolcu averlhe Incl Iva frames she muck out 10 ha Km Pam Bird Ind Cami Agnew accounlud or men Man archa 11 Mm Blvd had our for Iva while Agnaw picked up three hits In our appearneon proved laugh lhe ululch Junk Valr and We Dowaey shaged HILL urld chore or Plnza Edgar had It power In the rlght spat Top lhree men In the balling urder Earl Marrll Terry Easlhulm and Al Smith all came through wlth two httl nng scored uneA run ouch Kennudy and Bonn Bishop connected or Juvenllu Loï¬iexlrhliï¬Ã©l me time mu Chuck Blunthnrds lrlplu lar deal In the Inurlh lnnlnn Curling Club Meets Thurs summer drlvlnzf You win cnloy even mm in CHEVY ll Convcmhhl DANGERFIELD MOTORS FOND