Hulllmmo Nu Yqu lhlum Kill City hum Mde lfvlumlvun ul lllchmonJ nullulo II hulbnlmpuhl llmhrllrr ll Judanvil Hymnq nl Mlle NM Tommn nl Mlunlu null hldly flulhlu Ilnllnnnnulrl ltvlumlml lllrlllmmvl Ilnrlmlrr lmkwnlllr nglmw Hill mi Tuman Mlmu Iluflllu Emuum llldunnnrl Ilurhulrr Taranm Intfllnnynlll llrkumrillu Culumhm fluulll Frldly Pillxhurgh New York Chicano Phlladnlphll San Francisco SL null lloualun Milwnukce Lol MIqu Clnclnnnll thanI Pltthrn Todly San Francllca rhhcr El longs lTuylor nlc rs nulux 72 Cinunnnli day Mr Pulllhurxh Friend NIW ank Cum cmcuu innanh MI at IMlndrlphin flionur 00L Holulnn Juhnxun 17 at Ml kto Illurdclle MI San Francisco Si nub Lo Angela Chico Iiiiahurzh Cincinnati Phlladclnhla iililwnnkco iinuslon New York Far was Duns brought up ham Hawaii Iheday Bellnsky wu m1 down who suppliad Dslvu however remained an Angel And now that 130 been dropped has been thrust thin the starting rotatlnn The vlctury axalnsl Orioles was Ounskl first in the malors as starter and In roundabth way Ecllnsky was twoald contributur er Oslnskl was sold by Kansu Clly Athletic Io Anxtls last year In return as Angeles was lup pflacd to hand over Belinxky It tho and the season but Com mlssloner Ford Frlck vetoed lhI man because 01 Irregulnr Frgcgdm 0mm flundn Chirnxo nl lhllndtlplln Pillburgh New Yurk lm Anulu In Cmclnnull llmuon nl Mllhnuktr 6m ancim ul 5L laul Oslnski lnvnlved In the Con lroversigl trade in which Belin aky was ticketed forKansu City romhlnzd with rookla ChaneV Dee and led Lo An sales Angels lo 74 victory over Balllmre Oriules Friday Man that extended Orioles lose Inn alreak Llhfeg gamey THE CANADIAN PRESS Nabody about In ill Bo Be Ilmkys hrcgans but by Hill qulrk fate Dan Osln sk may wind up taking his plutg By MIKE RATHET bummed Pres 15pm Wm Jockey 13am Wolskl nlmm car wlth plln at he lle on the rack alkr falling ram III harée In the Iixlh race It Belinskys Successor Hurls Dodgers To Win Amulun In chm an II mi MS 27 In My Cfl mum Nonth mun puma1 mlllunnl BASEBALL SCORES Milan 24 11 604 21 In 5m 2121 ll 11 In 10 JOB 10 ll 31 36 11h IOCKEY INJURED IN SPILL Nu Yul lv mmnnn Hmlnnl Im Lmrn In Ilnlln Im qu II and all Hlnmmnt Ilumrh ml Ilmrll Mum 111 Im mull MLLmrr llll Ml mm ll Al Alllln mnnm ll Inrlnllll MOOIlNll II Miller Illchm Ill llnulvmk HI Mull 1M Prnnnmki 1i and whom llnluuny I71 Warlhln Ian 17 and lrllch Illl Unvll Johmun MI and llnlrmnrr ï¬hnw 1ND Clunluurr Ilth and Tom llIl MILll Amnn Hm WIIIDoooIlll XWWI XIIOI Schwnll Izm ml lulllnmnl Wm Hutlllllh MID Kenxlr ml and Colrmnn Illl luhLynrh hlrllo WI IN 009 I0 lhlll lMMWfll ll lhxhl HI Mcmnlrl 19 ml Ilerlcll hhml 15 inm III llaldulum ID and Dulrynwle Old wanton IN Wml MlluuNI MMMl am Monday Chlcuo ll Lon muchI Mlnnnau nl Knnm Clly Only nmu Iclmluled anonil Luna Pllllburlh 000 XM Null 0000 dell Andmon L0 or Fay Ilck II Mlnnmll Km Wnslnnulou Duckwnnh 12 al Human Cily llu om hmu Sandy New York ll Cluvelnnd Ilanu Chlcnxn Dwell Mlnnelnll Wnnhlnunn ll Knnus City Bulllmarl It Lon Annnlu mu mind Um Relulh Frldly New York Cleveland Vuhinzlnn Kansas Clly Duran Minnnmla Boslnn Chicago Balllmm Lo Anlelu thuhla llldmu Todly nalllmorv Eslnda Lo Anulu IMcnrida Mt New York Woman Cluvelnnd Donovnn 15 Bonlon Mnnbouqueuu 64 Chicago Hubert Bailon Minncwta 1m Angela Dclroll Clevcland Washlnzlan inrd didnt need much up pnrt but he Int all lrvm two Ollmkgnol only to mull lar th llm malar league victory but also collected bl Int hll in the bl league Ind scored lwlce He allowed Orlnles only hm hm in seven Innings but needed Julla Navnrmn rclicl help Does meanwhile brought Ills averaxa lo 385 wllh liverhlls and ï¬x rum ballad In lor lhl lbur zlme he has been with Angels Mm Pnppna look Ihg loss Jim Running checked Minna min Twin on seven hit or Detroit Tigers victory that ended iwim MHzmu victory mm tha thirdpile Chicago Whiia Sax blanked Boston Red Sox on John Buthlrdla lhreehltiu and Orlando Pena allowed only iiva hits Ind hit grand Iiam homer in Kansas City wniiapinl Washing ton Suntan Ynnkm cloud the up by whipping Cleveland indlans 40 behind Whllcy Fords lhrcehib tar an pilnhcrs nlzhi tha punch with ï¬lm hm In cludlnz homer in the filth In nlnu that proved declsivc Thu defeat dropped Orioles Into Mo wln New York Yankees or lha American Leam lend Komnto Greenwood luck would was aboard mu Wren when the horse alumbkd over another hone Bobby Brier 22 27 19 23 in 17 115 15 35 50016 55 85 Wynn Im mm Mr lmlrn lnnu In mujnr Irulmv mmr lbnl Alanl with Wuhlnllnn 54mlan In 1m III mm amen hm wllh he Indium lmm 1919 Human ha 1M1 nnummllrr which II Irvin In lhkï¬ln Whlll ML 11w th 5m nu Mm rondltlonal mem MI mum lnul Id III bully HIM hnuanr nniu hm Mnmlny In um mnlmull nndllml Wynn an mnnulvr lllnlll Tuhlwlll will erMI Mum II In WM in lrlhol lrlm nu In 300 mmv nular lulu vlr lmlu luu urnd In lmm wllh l1mland hullm nnernl min Ivrr nha Inul Immunmi lug JIVFJAND Early Vnn who nroda but am munl Hdmy la rnlnr flu dmrmnl clrrln ulgrlum wllh Narum to and Grlllln Schlllrrnam Ind loo Tornnlo 01160000 Mlluln 100209 Jam Hrnmh 111k Tlrlrnnurr 12 Ind lllthm mu Tcr chluon Milan 11 and Cumlmro Krcumr 115 mm Nnnlm when 000 002 ll Jldlllllp 010 Wl MMOWO ouooom¢ MI Gllddlnl Ind ï¬ulllvnn Kmll Mi Ind lekL numla Ill M000 1O lndupelll MMIMl ll wk 12 and Plukcll Cul kn l1 Molt 10D Ind Smmldll HR iolnurdl flynruu 000000000 Arkl OllMflht Inlmuflnnll Lam nlnmhul 0W 0W ï¬lol Richmond 002 000 001 Bunnlng MI and Trllnda Perry 2H nnd nanny ll MInnnmley UOI nlfllmor MZMOZO II In Antelel MIHDWlHH Pippa all and Or llna Oxlnlkl MY Ind nadurm 1m LADm Rudolph 0mm Cute Burnsldn and Hum Penn NH and Ed wards Hm WatOsborne Lock I6 King KCCharlu NJ Aluslk 41 Im IL Bolton 000 000 000 Chlcuo 111W Mx Cnnlny MI Nichols For nlclel and Nixon anhnrdl and Mnrtln Cnrrron Dtlroll MJMOWl l0 Mlnnu 0000000011 10 35 Allan and Azcue Hm NYTresh l5 Hnwnrd Wllhlnllnn 021000000 l0 Knnnl Cily 001 Ill 00 Ill Icna grnnd mm In nixrun IiIIh InnInl unrlx nu IhaI put lhe Ihead In my Ed Charlu and learn Aluka also homcrcd for Ken nan CIIy whlla Larry Osborne Dnn lock and Jlm King cnn nrclcd Inr ScnnInn losing IhIIr lath game In 29 mm Dunning dealinz Twin only half second deieai in 14 gamen ind lhulaut loin until Earl Bniicy homered in the ninth Tiger pul it away again Jim Perry wiih three run in tin imith Gus lrinndos bases inaded ainala Icored two and Funky Callvlior Incrillco fly the other Buzhardl brauzhi his record to for Whit Sax Floyd Rob inson and Mike Honhborxer mach nlnxled home run in tin Hrs two inningabeiare Chicgo bum ii bulge in 54 wllh threerun Ihlrd inning spur inn knocknd out nod Sox sinner GoneHCaniey wings as bath Tom Trash and Elston Haward connected or two 1un hpmm at lndlnnn Itemr Jlm Grant Smile by Jerry Kindnll in Ihe third Joe Arena In the climb and We Da VAlHln In the nlnlh were the only hlts all Fame now 54 MD SIIUIOUT whlch hld Allen Hun nub Inch on Cmdn ledlnl riders hold Wollkll helmet Wolskl comes tom North Sydney 1N5 CF Vlrephoto hluWMUI Foul Inv Ihul am Clqultnd mm Mu mnvhu New mk Inln ll lnr Amulrnn IIIIM Ind with llllllmuu lllll lllulla NI Nb p11 man Ihm MIL mm In dnlnlvc Iwma Hm In ulumvh our BAIHImuI llama II nlnluu nIMl mmr In unluSlnth IIIIMU IO Wumr Amnlen um II lllt Mnlxnnu MI 11 341 Warner alumna CM 156 100 Camry KC ll Ma Knllnv Dd 171 111 flunkIlium Minnmln II nun AIM luWunrr llIlIwmur 54 nonth null4 Mlnnl pm Is Alum It rack and noblnlon Clncl Pllrhlll ODcll hn inn chm I000 ImlluiavuDiyldm Lol An nlrl 77 fulï¬l gkinner Nuthul hunt Al ll Pd Cavlnllnn PM 1272 43 Grail ELL 05 29 71 My ELL 11 113 lumn Ml HI 60 JJD Whlli 5H4 10311 60 All RunFlood 5L hull Run mud 11 Anon Man an Pnncllco Ind Myer IllllGrflll locked lnudher It 70 wen Tam McAllbltr Pine Valley Tony Mnluck Knchener Rockwly Bob Mnon landl Lonkuul Iolnl Ind Duck Harvey 01 Gyelphqpnmn Club Dive or and Nanhem 0n llrlo thumpfan mm North by And winner he Eager Beaver lnurnnmem Upland In Sul urday llnhhed with 77 1m momma rum Brnmplonl Slu Hamlllan wu outh wllh Ind lhm were Had 75 or ï¬fth plnce They warn Elyviewl Lou Molner Summlll Jim Glbwn bath of Toronlu Ind Erunllordl Ron Polllrd Harry Vlll Delpzn undon Highland and Gard MncKcnzIa Lambmn bum Ilroked par 72 bulVan Deipcn took mend pllce by vlrlul of blrdla hm on lhe Hml hale Ilnklnl 37 109 pult Hanson 31 with mar plr 70 Ms one few out he this 77 club champlon who actually played Ilka cham planl There were Icon over so on Ihl par 71 Iayaul and our player even reï¬ned to lurn ln lhelr cardll Hanson Clnadlnn nmllnur lnllm In 1950 won hls second cayecullyg 1993 tournament TORONTO CmEric Hnnarm Toronto uburbln Mark land Wood no club putled strongly to flnlah with wa Ilrnka victory In lhI In In nual OnurIo Champion Champion tournament Mi zua qum Friday Dun Schwalll Ianrhlt pllch In and Jarry Lynchl tworun homer curled Plulbursh PL rum over New York Mela 1A0 Ilrllzh Ila work by Lillde McDaniel pnurvud Ch an Cub 11 victory ovu Phlladelphh Phllllu Ind Hou ston Cnlu but Mllmukea Brave wllh two unearned rum behind Ken Johmnl laur hlmr Curdlnlla were behind nller In Innlnn but at III Wuhlullnn Lon Anzalu Dndzera to third one hlll um hahlnd st Louh by cllpplnl Damn 74 Ignowgl rq flunk IMB ucopm In mm So Muml mmmd No 1911 Curd won their lauth ï¬nish Ind the night In their In nhu when Ind moved to Wlfllifltwflulfllflhl GI Mulls came up In he Ian at lbs nlnlh innlnl with the bum landed and none out and the Amy Med He hit the yap up and ms declared out uudu the Inflzld lly rule Ilnca tho umpire Judnd Ihe ball cwld he cluzh by In Inï¬eld Ilthnulh tall man on G1 lnll Toronto Pro Cops Honors Mum In 12 Friday night wllh In Infield pop up um wen or In out but produced uwnt vlctary for St Loult utJ cllmhlnx Cudlnalu Curt Flood lcnred on the weird plly glvlnz Curd triumph over Iron nmninx San Franclrca Glam lhl boollld lhem mo recand 1an Lyme Slln Mull hll balledflm 192 mm and NonlJm mllh nnk the oddut at Thu Mln mun HACKLEMAN MIMIcl Prul Spom Writer BALL LEADERS BALI STARS Cards Move Into 2nd By Dafeqï¬ng Giants lmdr Chime Clnclnnul Ind Flood mun Mammal re luced winner Bob Euhl wit Iha ban lull and on out in an oltmh ln4 Mn the Cub Phillie Iqueaker aloxzzed that threat and Illnnï¬d PM Ihe um mu ninth Ln irockl double In ha Schwall madl hll record and pasted MI lacond Ihulout allowing Men only our lnxlu Curl Wllle checked Plum on we mu elm Lynch nrped III homer In Iha luventh Now In wflk CDBHIMBZQWIKL to come out In the uvenh when Dick Tracemkl Ilnxlu hounczd ofl bl Ml loot Ind Alln Wonk lnglqn lflllhtdi Vadn leon Bob sklnner Lpn Cardenn And Don PIVII llch ahmd battlnl honor or Red rleIhander Jlm Mn Ioney Won Ml seventh llalm twa 1mm Flynn giomma lenn humeer And Ilfllllfl Sklnner go thru hlu Cardenu knocked in two rum with Ilw glen an Plgvlqllch poked mm ï¬fnln um gave 1255 931mg Mn my bad to come lo run In In lelh Ind pullcd even in tha nevenlh whenllll Whlge Immeml wllh Imhn on Flood opened the SI Loull nInlh wllh walk thtn WM and chk Gran In on when 01in lulled an lwo aucccuiva om play nllempu Up mm mm In came Flnod andlhnlwnlt Bob 6va Inn was the winner In relic and 17qu yargn tho loner flu and Pavlallch oked eglaziledlln Illyegl WHOLESALE RADIO AND ELECTRONICS ltd muqu mmm Amman Mamon IMII mNu lDNNVLHMI In Barrie Phone PA 6149 and Orillia Collingwood and Midland Phone Zenlth 60550 HANIIHMI IIIHCONDUVIOII umuurou 5an IOCXIH AMI TIIIMINAII TUTII 124 BROCK ST CUT III HRH IIJLIIUNKI IllI IHAYI INFO Ill Hull INDUSTRIAL DIVISION We Wish to Announce the Opening of Our New Barria Branch at DON MURRAY MANAGER AND JIM CARSCADDEN INSIDE SALES FAME CAPACITOII uowum minTn mom 1710mm MDT4 Will Hunk Anon belted hh lath homer In the mm In ln In by Lu Maya uncounllnl or Milwaukeen run productlom Prior to Mnyel Ilnxle Johmon Ilmlml Bram tingle hï¬lnu by Mllwauku relieve Tony Clunlnger and Han Plche but edged Bum with tho lwn unurned rum shuwl mar helped Haullnn run In th flm and Colinnude 12 in the lourlh on Carl WIrwlckr Ilnzln and mun Inn walk Norm Lurkerr error and wa run Ilfllll by John Bllcman mid Ind Ron sinlol Ilnuli In lhe outh dravu In ul Cub rum on Chm Show Call netted only two Ilnnlu Egypt pobghnw and wax hzld PLUOI AND JACK NATIONAL POW Tlllu Lel UI Dhgtk Your New WhulAlllnmcnO Wheel animal hock Abmbu 3mm Complain Front End Inmnllu onfluul lvmlm rowmnw DIME Afllllufl TAKEWCARE WINTER WEAR MURDOCK mu INA ronomo PA 82202 HARRY NONIYWIJJ ICED IWITCII nllMlTl IllWlTATI IT IBNII COUPON ml DETAILI no TOPPII Dull luvMo IM In Pllldvll CHM Cm THE DARK EXAMINER SATURDAY JUNE INDIANAPOLISIAP Fred Hawklns wlulen on In PGA clrcuil mm 1950 that mom undarpar In the outnlnz round the 155000 Spedway Fullvnl Open no cummen Fclday ï¬lmsz KAme Fred Hawkins Leads Touxney IDNV IAIVIOI AlllAl CC IUPUHIMI Armiucu mnmc MIDWAI WOIKIMN lnODUCTI AIMHO N111 DEALER DIVISION mono ï¬mndubm NICMHHHN lNTlICDKI Lav mill rum rowan 00M 3435 vhlle Baldinl Toronto Ihnl 3445704 ummw CIIKHICAIJ 7M0 NI mum AITATN lAlTMlIOM players whipped uar Hawklm 3B ullllzed ho nan ranchm as ruled mun ml sreedwayl par 353571 cunru payed much eagle lhnn ex pected alter Mini unrllnlb trampled by Um huxc crowd lho Momnrlnl Day 500mlle aulo race AUTO INTINNAI ALLIANtl mnmu rrAMuzele Tornngq had hum mll Act unnm AHHJHIM anm anl nnnxl FM an yflnflflé