Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Jun 1963, p. 3

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lt ls heartenan to learn that there stlll remnln place on Iaveral farm or the althlul wark horse Most owners who retaln at least team of norm do no or one or two reasons The rat and ehlcl reason or keeping team ll lhal mast Mowners feel that law lob round the larm can still be dune more elllelently by hone than by tractors And secondly most people especially young people know here la an attrac llvc personality In most harm that almply does not exlst in tractors Hurst1 really come lnla lhelr vwn when It came lo lmullng Ag nnd posls out ol lhn bule You we can tukn Just ma lInrse away buck lulu lhu cedar lhlckm where no traclur could ha drlvcn What we do ll cu lhe codar recs dawn mark lenglh lhnl wlll allow us lo cut lhrcc nr lour cma posll rum each lhon lmul them out ha hush wllh um hum Unln lhe hnrul loxclher we Inul hnnvy beach and maple mw loxl up loll cpl lot You lust cnnl heal hum when come In gculna nu curly start on In lnnd In the spring says Mn Henry remombcr one year when sprlng was late and we couldnt work part Ilcld wlh he no hr we had lhe horses harmw One farmer who sllll finds tonslderahle and varied lighter work around the arm or Ms learn of twin harm named mud and Nullla Jim Henry Thornton CANT HEAT THEM Champions or the seventh time In nlne nnnunl central cnmmnd rme shooting com petition are hue member of Camp Bordens Royal 34 nadInn School Infantry Front row 12 to right THE Ann SI CAN DO THE IOB Still Remains Plade For Faithful Horse Hy BRIAN BAKER BAll PlANING Mlll BORDEN SHOOTING CHAMPIONS One the most pleasant mm orlex at summer on most farm was mklng hay wllh one horse sulky rnka under bright summer sky creating long Iwccl wlndraws That Ilmn L1 pnsf but Mr Henry 511 um he mnlhod lo glean his hnyl field after he has llrsl ldfl raked the hny and taken on wilh buckrnke Follawlng mu wllh lhe horse drawn coltrip pod mlky us much as three win 13an per Held can be reclulm The team came In real handy at hnrvcsllnz llmo when haul the train In from the Held In be Ihrcshcd course now Instead the old hlzh lmnllrcd wagon we nnvu Ihc arlalnnl wt gen cut down and Hum wllh rubber lier when or elasch IE nyd lower loading Unlll mm 1949 we kcpl nlx harm In do the work the meter docs naw 1H surprising but that Ilmc hnd mum land to he nlowtd and culllvnlcvl lhnn we du now or remnvlng mow mm lancway or lhu milk Iruck and illll can be med behind the hoim or levelllnfi fill or Ira ve Up until two year ago the team was used an an eight oolwide scraper bum by one or the last me blacksmllhx the late George MacDonald of Thornton This scraper hull almllar In one the old llme selmppinglhny rakes was Ideal PLEASANT MEMORY Slall Sgl wllllam Ladlmnm ell Ple Marlon Buchanan Ll Ken legren W02 Fred Ducky Howell Sgt George Korejwo Cenln lull la rlghl Sgl Ralph Cnlhllne LCpl Rullle llullan RSM W0 7h lnwulI poll ml Mm In pm In All Mu mum In Ith hum In 01 dllflnl MUM mm man My man um mu Ce PA M476 BENTLEY AND COMPANY vA um Colllcr sun 02 Analhur lnrmer Mervin Bra den Egbert also finds mm of horns uselul In his can It or plnnllng rain wllh horn drawn Iced drlll on rolling Holds Thesu horses were onus used on tobacco farm haulan the lobach boats up bclwun the mwl 154 Mr Braden So now you can trust lhern uny wherc In the wlnlcr they me used by loner lrr haullnz out Inns out In lho bush llku harm for acedmz hccnusu can lhen Ilny behlnd IInd wulch the drlll to raise and lower and In In that all mm ham are open Mr Brndnns present card wfll plan llva acre of zraln In an Inclnoon Hawcvcr term or 2am would enslly plant nlna 1cm cl mm 111 me xuma llme 10 In would my me along calm that was and or ban Inx tha clock but bad or he driver lrylnz In lump up behlnd Ne polnlcd nu Inn in Winter hone will Ilruggle lhraugh new bank lhnl tractor would become hopelessly boned 1n Another inlmsllng and pan ulnr usa or harm Imxnd In rlnwlng plawlnu malchu held In the all urns he domlnlon ranxlnz mm lha hlcounly level to ha International luvcl of Barrie nobody repairs harn use He describe how Ms man Calvln butcher use mare ham en all to keep the harness lth Sp good workan condition MAY DISAPPEAR Mm Henry bruughl up lhoughlpravoklnz mmnrk when aha laid It In quite pnszlnle that wllhln 15 yum childlcn wlll not know what ham Sm Tremblay Rur let to right Cpl Yogi ONell Pie Dun Glbbm 5K1 Bert Reed and 531 George Wilk znion Nullanal Defencu PM u1e 9mg mg KL II Ilmpl matter to land team and plow Into truck And to tha plowing matches but he rcmembm the lme when he had to load he plnw onto 11 highwheeled lrnmimmed zon Ind drive In the plowing matches Once ha drove dis unca 25 milel from match held at Brampmn to his home Just mar 11 am mm In lha morning to it home Irom Ihod banquet held at th mnlchn an He wnm ha rent cure lhwld be taken hand Ihnuldm today whom they are uud on heavy walk hecnmu harm no umflamed In huvy Inn wnhnucd work qulckly lul ar lron hllllmd Ihnuldm ll gigbouldmd not wall pud Mr Tlmbcrh who pment has Iva harm lay lhal hnml are becominl more valuablc load mm 01an for 86005700 And ma Ihow tam nlllnz or 1n the lhmunndn one dont have 1h Lama chance now that lhey hnve Ia mu hard work d0 not when ll came ml championship fight At one time when nearly every arm kept Icam or two least man nluwmen preferred to lull in Ihcir plows in mulch and then use norm or iered by lacs hrmerl which worked out lnirly well Due in ilIBxSCSICiiy oi horses of my description Ihere are law it any good plow team available in lhelmmcdlnia vicinity oi many plowing matches and therefore it win ior those commplot in entering compeiiilonl thin coming all to make Irrnngfl menu to have their own team Ii they own an Irucked lo the lite oi the match During ha nervlca he neu men of bnpfism was Iolem nlzed The son of Mn and Mm Olive Minty was ucepted Into the church as John Edwin Minty The sun at Mr and Mrs Mallard Handy wu hap uled Mlchlal Nelson Handy Into died war Interrupted Ihe plum The heart or any plowlnz match today the 1mm plow In section remark Mr Tim born At plowing match you need good steady tenm Whnt you dont want the loud hone uh hum wallan on the un plowod land continually bump Ing tho furrow horse because thll make It dlfllcult to keep straight furrow came wu donated by Anderson Grassland In memory of his wllo Bella An demn The carpet was given through the Ladica Aid Society or whlch Mrs Andemn had been member or over so wars The moiety hasm¢ted plaque In the enlrmce lo the church as mark apprecia tion or this gm For the Iarvlce Mr Andmnn had placed two hamla red mm In the church Many Irlenda of the late Mn And arson We present Mr Locke who attended Knox Church and Sundly School as boy apoka an the new My ufchurllyrlmung mm urvlce of dedication new carbon was held at Knox Church Flax Cmulandh Guest lpeflkfl Rev Locke Mnduy nddrmedn capacity congregation THE BARR EXAMINERl SATURDAY JUNE 1901 Church Carpets flreDedicated complete 550 11mm 50 up Mnnlcum 150 Extra Charge or long hnlrinnd lnnlncy blylcn Shampoo and So Speclll Shampoo or Cream nlnso llalr Shlplng Permanent Vnm complol This full hcndl shampoo and no extra Touchup Ihnmpoo And let oxlrn Blanch Inrl Toner complete lllmh Ind Toner touch up complete Cockle Shampoo Sllk Sllvor Lovlng Caro Angelas Hair Stylists PA 61442 Giovanni Perri Hair Stylists PA 87443 Joan Garrick Hair Stylists PA 84661 Robert Sams Hair Stylists PA 6150 Venus Coiffura Hair Stylists The Barrie HAIR STYLISTS Assbciation Announce NEW PRICE SCHEDULE Effective June 15th 1963 PAM COFFEE ll CENTS Moro mlaumnls Ihnn wan orlxlnnlly expected will mm the prlce 01 caller 15 cenll per Np beginning lhla marnlnz Among those who will chum 15 min urn Lnkuvluw Supnr Mllk Bar Douza Inn Flah Nd And Unltcd Clgar 5mm LADIES NIGHT Paul lllchrmll moml ycnr lhcololly aludcnl ul Emma nuel Cullen Tomnlo wlll bu um gum lpcnker In lllh annual Indlcs nlghl banquet ml the Chrlsllnn Business My Common Barrlo The event wlll be held In Ccnlnl Unlud Cllurch llnll June ll at 630 pm Mr Mccmoll lm done txlenllva work Imcnl drul Id dlcu and pmlllulu find an mlnlllcr wllh llla Presby lerlnn Church Leroy Honor Sloullvlllo will ling Robert James Piayford 57 year old taxi driver 1mm iiilis dale died the Royal Victoria Hospital yesterday aiternoon An nulogsy established heart iulluro cnuma death Acrordinz to Provincial Police Mr Piayiordu car veered oii the road arr Highway 11 about three miles nath oi Barrie and Iiruck telephone pole Mrs Parneia Orr 71 passen Ier in the car told palicn that the driver had complained ai that pain N991 anon Last night at 930 hm car pileup on Highway lli iwo mllel mum pi lhu 5th conccb lion 0m resulltd In the death early this morning Mrs Luv erm iiarli as oi 264 West Sec ong Sireet Hamilton Provincial Police Corporal liaiihnm Bunin detachment Mid Mm Han was believed to haw died as mull or him a1 injuries postmortem wns Icheduled Eugene Mllne team cllnlr man said he canvassvra and uncle namcs cnmmluce hnd 7502930 pledged out which the team have collected £7873 and the Apcclal name mmmlglsg aux239191 32011255 ML Milne urged all workers In Ive It one mm long push and the remainder by Mgday nightl ylclgly gluperf The lop loam data head ed by Jack Cnln wilh $4224 pladzed Top dlvlslan Is Tom Yam whnsu lroup cnplalm obgalqu 310468 pledges the am campaign lean dlvislunl and mllun wm unlined goals Teams were to try to reach tho LOCALK GENERAL Mn 0n ia reported In IE aclary condlllon In thy hospllnl lulferlng 1mmbmken mm aqd lace cuts AI of last night the YMYWCA was 3000000 short of 0475000 building lug ochcIlve Two persons are dead ho mull alum car accidents ywemay at noon and Ian night Seven were taken to hupltalu Both accidents occurred on Highway $275029 Pledged In Campaign Two Persons Killed In Area Accidents Accoiflihl to wltnum south Wln Law prIncIyuI oI Oakley Park MI honored quota buster and 200 porlcenter IIng Law IIIHAI mews 0333 In WIN LAW ma cs Md slnglo amount recurde Im an IndleduII worker YWCA 75000 Ile tum captain In Jack CIInI report dinner Seven man were taken tn the houptal In Bartlet It was horrible he uld chrll Ind wreckage wu strewn about the highway for mm than 800 leet Ind ltneup over mtla Ion noon develop ad In both lanes Provincial Police Constablu Art Hammond Irrlved on the scene on regular patrol wflhln mlnutc after the accident occ urrred Tfie remaiinder at tho 3365000 was to come mm the Ipeclal mine committee Tap team or ha even1nhnw mr was Ernlo Irvlnel noun who brought In 311 Thu top dlvlslon was Dr 9111mm w1lo repmjged $3707 Twentythree new quell but Im werc given lhelr plnl Mn Mllnm my wero Blll Mu dllnock Leon PtrrlnrdJ Fair Al Parker Evercu Emnur Al naddlck Lloyd Prnrzal Peg Snyder Jr Duvnl John Howard Fred Sarjoanl John Nulbcem John Mllchlnson Lu Terrnnl Jlm SmalL Ross Wnllwln Ernlo Wnll Slnn Burke Pal Wanna mnkcr George Thorn Rev Skelly and Mn Muriel Lamb bound car veered Into the north bound lines Palm dldnotxverl fy this Itntement but did my that Inuth bound car driven by earold Cpl Joe Comm ault Barrie cofllded with northhaunt car driven by Tho mu Hayt at Hamllton mung av cut Mr Hart car was then muck by another northbound car driven by Robert Irwin Blaine or Grlmsby Ontario Seventeenyunrold Bob Forbes who live nearby said heard noise but didnt know what It was It wasnt until bnul five or seven minute later when my brolhcr came into lha house and said than wal an anlhulancu amide toukyouce lowtrucks and voluntary wonkm about an hour and hall to clear the road of debris N3 Dachshund dogs were 1h Mr Ham car It Iha Mme ol division $9000 and flu lect Iorig 5000 Worll WHO Trml mm 07 Dunlop It It Imh Oppelln 01mm Haul TIMI II II W2 DUNLOP ST BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE JOHNSON co uMmo hr lnhrmllon arid likulom For Your Romyom CA New the accldenm Ona wal thrown from the car and nubuquemly died And mum wan pinned under the Hawaii or about an hngr but It lived other persons Injured Includ ed ML Harts two daughters Gaye 15 with lacerations to her forehand and chln and Deb ra 10 who Influxed broken hand Cpl Miko Nanny 010nm Borden nuttered undetermlncd head Influxlea Police do not yet know lch ear he wan In Mrs Dorothy Blnlnc passen ger In Mr nen cur numer possible matures Io her lelt hand drporal Commit was also taken to hnlpllal with lacera llona to his rluhl llfll lNyESflGATlND Dr Farrlnaton coroner was Ichcdulcd In permm an aulopsy on Mn Hark this morn Ing to determine the exact cause of dunth About hall III hour anal1119 threecar collision lone car Tho nnmnxer lldn Mr llnrtl car was mm black encd twisted metal Corporal Hollhnmdnld he nucldcnv was um under Inm Mggflon Med Int mm ht Illa YM YWCA 75000 campnlzn fund WIN LAW xlxhl wn hun He wn pro NH mu III nut It Ed Dunn 32 Camp Bordon was charged with our loss drlvlng II no known ll anyone was lnlured In Ihll nccldenl Good rlpa Innmm nld pound heal lcllucu mowd well It we or 19 splnach wu 20c pnund urroLu hm or lllc been 15 quart celery lwo bundm or and beam were 150 unbound on Highway 90 muck the luurd rails by Em Stalin and rammed Into me wigwt an lhevopposlla Ilde of tho mad Provlncinl Pollen auer uried cummun sense and cnullan to molnrma over the weekend These fatalities lhe Hm lwu of hummer seasan and Camera Hollhnm Md hop Iheyre the lpxl Wllh the arrival of warm Ind nuanabla Weather Burd armers market ned early this morning lo rhk undo Asparagus brought two at 39c green unions our or 15c Ind radish our for 25¢ mated with zoo per Club or cmmcm by Bum Mllna um chllnnln Mr Law recth om 81000 Ln pledm Exmin Photo Sales Are Brisk At The Market PA 474 7MP

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