Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Jun 1963, p. 1

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3K5 smo Begins Military Buildup anM 11ml In XOMT flInllnnd lll llnw lnlo Tlmllnml lulny In lmzln cvenlunlly wlll MAI mom men lml HI Jul mm 11ml Inldlcu ll nunu Innllnnd IAI nmlmqwullh and us mmhnl Hoop nnw Into Tmflnnd Iodny In lmzln SHATO mlmm buildup that cventunlly wlll nu mom men mm mm nallom TM inurln lmnpl Mil 1qu mm 11ml We in Hm Nunl nIrmund the em hold Ivy In Southan In Tmly Oulnlnllw bum ninl Jun 11 Police Use Tear Gas ADEN MP lnllro dullle Flhl otlxmnn wIlh rmde urnlrsllnl um Nulloru uuhrmnmllleu lnlo Mm Manon II II mun um um lull IIMm hrml lu Inuit up durum mm lrxmllld KINGSTON 0m rm Klniutnnl old he nldul In nnmln mu granted tn Mnynr William Mm 111 lrmlnm he films anu Own flulmrnl Ir menln 100m nnnlvay mllllln null and um am or flu clly Indy by mm In nmnlml conjunrllnn wllh thy ml TORONTO CI Mayor wu ulcrlnl pruldrnhnl the CA Munlrlmllllu Amqnx nlxm v1 erlmol IIlrlrk whulwr 01 Out Princess Regiment Gra ted Freedom 5me 0W Klnntnnn nhl Dartmouth Mayor Choan Head awn Tho RCMP dcbnla mm in 1rIovnncen mucus palm Icnlly mndumd when than now crnmcnl lulu or run lup pl of unendan moneywere dlmuucd 1m money blll was IHII brlnu dcbnlcd Frldny um will coma up again Mandny Cameron mld ho was up East Indian Beaten By Mob lnnluwnmn MM uncr nolllnms PC Bow Rlvm mid ho RCMP one the worldl lineal pollcu arm II wnl nmsmy lo mainlnln vlnilnnco nxninst Com munm xuhvcrsian rum whal uvu wurm £ij gummy magnum Thu eplsoda In the Frldny lion the Caminuns was pm vnrkd day Jusllco Minll tr Uuncl Chcvrler who am IWCH lo pnrllumem or the GNP was absent but sum Secrclkry Plckmxlll laid ho will mnk nutmeg lnlcr eron velornn so cial from NnnnimoCowlchnn 1m Islands cllcd lvm cases In data declare Um right now the slluallon nothing than In gisgmce Orllknw MP for Win nipeg North snld fishing ex pedluons by he Mounties Io unlvmme and elsewhere all are Ealnz nn The arm has one lar be yond ll responsibllllic In In vesticaunz such group ma Voice of Women and Ihe Cann dl rum Munch llufllllle NhlannlLcndcr Dcuxlu la Iglhpgommonl OKIAWA CDThe RCMP drew number brondsldu from the New Democrat Frldny about nccurily operation FIRE DELIEVED started by ixchug rams through tenement 1n Montreals ust RCMP Fishing Trips Termed Disgrace 99m Year No Us NEWS BRIEFS For Examiner Want Ma phum PA Mm The tulephnna number to ell or the Buslnlu nr Editorial Dent Is PA 66531 Inllm rhulml Frill rmde urnusllnl mm unmllllee Mo MM 11 Miro whn um In la hunk up durum IN Auh lawn 5mm relmnl to Allavr Unurd rrnwd Ihuw lmlllel and at am hull In In Mr ha urnllon Thlrlylour mull Our Telephqnés Mayor Imlry mm many the Cnnndlnn Fe Mnym Ind nlxm vkovpmldml duler Wm Muyor ml 01 Ind Mayor nnnnd Turpin Hull RCMP llthlnl mm ma lkow who Ilurcd promlnonlly In tho 1061 pnrllu mcnlury llnrcup uvrr lhu name us Ian dam to wan muulu Tho you HI whldl Mr Cumcrcn snld he llnnlly had been permuted to Ace mono ouxly llnkcd lho youlh with man thu mm mm who had run Igninat Mr Cameron Cfirnmunlsl ltlnndldnlg In ma Ho alsoJold young man 1mm hlx mmllluency Inddcnly dlschnrzcd mm the navy with no cxplnnallonanly because Inge ldggllly ho west must MP unu but mmplcm palm cal lanornmux Wnuld have lhal flew and lo ltlld people out on 1h mppaudly very trillcal unnieroua tnler rlso riding herd on aubverl vex In Cnnndl pmplu who are complete 11 noramuxcsls to my and dls tactml msmgau waryrm nd picked lhcm Mr Cameron anld ha was told benuso they were NDP supporters and obviously very close the Cnmmunlst parly and lhercfnre lhcy could quite sully Illda lulu lhu Communist puny and b5 wrlcomed with fipgfirms lproachcd he day nller tho Aprll election by mnrrlad couple The wllo had been vlsv ed by an RCMP lnkelllgence omcer The lel lumcnnl suggested to the wllenlter certalnlnx she was lwms alone aha sh my on her nelzhbnn and her huxband spy nn fallow lagers Mr Cameroh llld end No one WI Injured but avmale the bulldlng CP 16 famlliu were lorcad In wnrophalo Arab Riot Dartmouth today kn Mnyu um hPTfiarrip Examina mm plum Inchan rnnllnu on plrkellni In tn umber IM rnurl nlllnl Dur lnl 1h plrlusllnl Nurn flu dmln plmmi In My In Imy Udell but ludm uld um mull lho 1er Med Nev mm rnllrd RM mod mh man drmnmlvullon More Hm cllyn lwn whlln henlm In ImuL Hwy mrt mm Um me1 nl Flmmn Aulrullurnl and Mechnnlrll lrnlvmny Nurn lrlwzl whpro Hwy mapwd plum lur lawu urns lha Ilmnlm to All lunvllnr drmnmmllnm mullan In ml mm Ihnn mo Human um um Tnllnlmuu ermu have won mun prnlrrllnn lar mulllml plrkrllnu lha rllyn whlla muvla lhulm In what Hulr Iuwyrr ullnl Iwur In our vlrlory aver xurunlon look vollco more lhnn Iva hour In prom prlloncrl lrl Evanwho lip nrrd nl mm nlnhl rally alcrdccllnud to my whnl lurm wtckcnd Im lull would take Mndnnr Even Ilnln Held nlury or lho anlonnl Anocl nllon or IM Advancement Colored People urnd mnllnu auto In clvH dlsobtdlrnta campaign Negroes Granted Picket Rights Ht Tallahassee White Theatres Mnynr Allan nmmpmn nunlnf rejected Nngm requul or hlrntlnl mtcllng Candnlom nru loo lenso nnw ho Iald Ion today aro than 400 marching Negroes many thorn curatorswere nrmlcd and lnkrn lemparnry dclcn llon centres JACKSON Miss AP An lnlozrallon lender cullad lur newl mnrulrnllnnl In Jck mm Hubby Splendid Hut who helped you 11 out ma oven Bride rm all by myself He said lending unlvmlly professors such as Queens his torlan Lower have do mlbed RCMP Inlclllucnce pm cedura as collecting all types of tumor and hennny lrom Irm sponslblu Roulpcn no said tho RCMP security divisions undercover search or communists and mmmunm ten denclex among students leach era arm member various or Kankaflms threat to demu unlitfl at nssoclnkhm and acllaxpruflon expeditions on university cam pum and elsowhera nuuay aplcnmdl nu who Brlnsx dclcnllan vcampaigned mlpcd you 11 out the 925de Irva Cyclone Strikes Arrest Marchers Over 1000 Dead CHIIIAGONG Paklllan Wednesday lhu alllclnl llgum moulcn Unnfllclal report Iluod at 5000 reaching here today uald mare Tho Alsaclalcd Press Pak lhan 10000 pcmm wm be stun laid nWflI lrorn local 01 llevcd lo hava been killed In rials lndlcalcd ha number cyclnna Ihat awcpl Ball Png dead was more than 10000 warms mafia$23 deem an lhl week No word wn hrnni lmm Ik JACKSON Miss AP alozrallon leader callad HERES ONE Imndo lhls Puddan Mo ouiei nchlevnl ml Ind mun vklnry lna mendaue vlrlary In lha llul ml only Him In Imrlhfln ml Hull Um mm at Nuro lo pith while llllblllhmflll Mon mulled Ind wl MIA unlrr Friday he lnrbmln Nun la rnlrr Illa movlu wllhoul pormlulnu mm nunmom hm ulluurd plum Tnlyln Elma umI nl llve Inw nv nprmnllnl tho Neuron MEDDIIIEI llllflfl Illcull nurl Judie WIIIII mmllllcd nunndny utruhllnn nnlrr ml lmhmln lllo Neuron ulrlwl dcmnmlrnln block that loan Ind Iltlownlh or nlhumlnn lnlrrlm with llw whm lhulm wuuld In ponceltu ILud In fmm Mum and lb INXIRL Wllklnn unkl mu only lhlnu miulnu the own pd about he Ntupo mun mod by pn Ilro and lha ltmparnry dalm llon ccnlrnhnu wlm llrclchtd Iraund uhlhluon hull an the mun Mr yrnundl Roy Wilkan of New York oxecullvu Iccrclnry of hu Nn Honnl Anoclnllnn or lhn Ad vnncemcnl Colour People nrrlvtd hm or month won Inu lho menu were mldo NAZVNN mecs The llnnl arm aura 21 Juvcnllu ndnlls Thu amup nnxlnn In yum mm 12 lo 29 wan charged with pnrndlnu wllhnul perm day nfler Ilm rat anor dcmA onllrnllon In Hm Nezracs ctle mm Ilruula hem Thoriormerliinu Man chiti uin who spent 10 your undu Briiisi dcicnlion campaigned lur Ipecdy independence ram Britain Iha Kenya Mrlcar Nullnnnl Unlon wen mind of ml in pnrllnmcn ary elecllons Monday and tha right to farm znvurnment un der British contml In um East Mflcmcolony British Governor Sir lilnlcalm lilacdonnid administered the oath oi nilica bciora vast crowd of cheering Negroes Many wore monkey mu nnd nther tribal drcss Some bent drum And blew trumpets finial any of the hnypiest momenttél my iiie Kenyatta hid We are embarking on tho iinll brie stage which will lead this country to indcpen denco Britain has promide Kenya nulanomy but set no date tori lull independence NAIROBI Kenya AF Jomo Kenyatta lormer leader be null while Mau Mnu mmrlsk was sworn In Iodny as 1110 Int prlmu minister of uellovcmlnl Kenya fan nameless pymmanluc roaming the eastend of Montreal has set many fire In almllar shed dur lng the last seven weeks all of mm early In Ihu mornlmz IanAllie have been Second and third alarms were sounded In quick succession and firemen fought the lambs or about two hours beloro gelling Ihqm under control MONTREAL CF Ins sprudlng blaze apparently set by Montreals llrebug lorccd famine to evacuate hlock long tenement house early lo day In um clws east end No on wag Injnred The fire started In shad at tached In the rent of he ruc tura at Hennan Avenue and Ontario street spread quickly canal hea ngnnge ExMau Mau Chief Swom In As PM 16 Families Leave When Fire Spreads Blrrlo Onflilo Canada Snurday Jim 1963 1m hmu Mlllunlm Itru lo vu dlmmzd by Full Kennedy ml Mn Mlnhln Purim ll lhlr MM linl In yum PM Man 11w 0mm lmnl In de U1 rr Lnlm th Iln lelh II lwcn Ihnn 0d nun dllgula lnvnlvlnl cum any lh autumn Immu tlam Unlon whlth om pm vldml mm or lhu mceml vmelu and Ibo Cum Mm Ilnn Unlan whlzh um bum 1mm gum mamaon Ill manotonauu lbw Illylue Hm l7mnn new tonllnuu lo drnw my en mull Iwnh lhu duh and la mm palnunl llld Nuance chum ll rnxln nmumi 000 day mmlrd lupl John llmman 1151mm nL nm innndlnn Ind Unllad Slum maul have lruwmd nlxml ho dlnulu Hm hnn lrn lhn uul rhlnn hluh nnd amply In lhu Cnlumcl luvur near the Comlmntnl lulu Com mny lltvnlor lulrrnl rourl order luu lnllrd Hun hr End hi CHICAGO MlA Cnnndlnn mluhlu the owner Shaw uu hem mnroonml or 40 dnyl Inn 40 mm Report trltkllnx In from lhu dovnslnlcd area lho mum rum Coxl mm about no mllcl down lho my 01 Donna musl lnld lhn dcnlh all hurl mounted Ihm to 5000 In tho mldlt conlllrllnz pgrlln IPdulh loll In tho cy one whlch Iwrpl In freighter Crew Continue Duties But Ship Marooned Forty Days Ice Ferguson said he would In lhnl had the sign hccn min the right way Crons harry would have Ilop ed ThSuccldcntnmne at lha lnlersecllonbl Ihe 2nd cancel slun MoranTownship and Na Highway about Our ml IsouLh ol In um Edmund Jennings then 16 was driving his parents who were in tho iron with him rum Pcler bnrnuxh to Barrie and was lrn veiling north on No 11 High way Crnnshmy was driving wul on tho 2nd Contcsxinn mad and llm two can collided In intersection It was found after accident that Atop slun wu backward lnclnz No11 nghway lnslend Ihe Immc Joining has since been In Queen Ellxahclh Hospital In Toronto Hg 15 fodfigaugh you the accident Cronshcrry who llved in Long Branch and previously In Pel erlnw was un cmployeu of 0w Dcpn ghwnys Mr Juslice Fergusnn yesierdny in Whitby Ontario found the Department oi mah way 80 per cent negligent and Crnnsborry 20 per cent negligent in he accidcnl in which Robert Mnlcnim Jennings 54 at in ime vicepresideni of Canadian Ganernl Electric was injured and his wi Mary 49 kiiicd inslunliy BARRIE former execu tive who has been unconscious since belng severely Injured in an automobile accident Nov 196 has been Iwulded $149 095 against the Ontario De partment Highway and Gary Richard Cronsberry now Calgary Cronsbcrry was knocked un Award $146095 To fixOfficial 0f Barrie VCGE tnmmmled No In about bum Whm umro not varilnl or Ilamllnu ulch ha low pmlu lhey play mdl md ar ulch TV ml unarl llvu In Ihc Wel IIM nnl um flay chum Io vim their milk when In mnl In Ihli llgn nullpoglmoly urn have been led nld laul Nahuu Im Io berm Ont member lhe ho new and CMU ml 11 Illti wllll mcmmrnl nllormyl llflllcd mnhmpl pvocmllnul Flldn nulml the min warlm hmlnu luu born up far Mon ur have been led uw nqursl US unmn mt nllumm 113 mm Court In Chlrnun qum lem ronry Anjtlncllnn Vcdnudny dlmllnl lhu xruln Vlmhll la ml llunlr boyrnu llul membm ICHHI Individulll hm do cllgwd la do In Member or zrnln eleva or wuvkm unlan emplnznl by Conllnrnlnl Mrd wlm HI Ind Mum lo loud Um Howard Shaw The Howard Shaw Irrlvrd In Chlcnszo Aw 22 In lulu an tnmo at 1min and mid batk lo Cnnndn All mndinu rlto crop In the am wnrrcpnrled do Ilmycd Same 9000 mm bonll Wm reported lflflk No enr mm lhlckly populated allnhons lnndl Some 00000 persons In no am of an ullmnlcd 50000 Ermm worn nought la have lhelr humel hndly damned or ycd Tho snclnlcd Press nl Puk Ialun Ink nWfll lrorn local 01 llcinls lndlcnlcd ha number dqnd wns ynora than 10000 vnunruyaah nm and Rebecca Mnud Mcnzlcx pnrcnls Mrs Jen nings were awarded $1500 each under the Fulnl Accident Act William Edmund Jennlngs was awarded $8000 or Ihu loss of Mn molhcr Mr Juslicé Ferguson award ed Jennlnxs total of $0955 ln damagew but gnva hlm to expectancy of five yam and deducted from the all normal llvlnz expenses whlch hn calcululcd at 010000 year making henclmvn $11809 George William field high way department pnlralmnn sald lhe rand had been pu rolled alter Halloween and Inn he had checked the sign In ques thlmh 11nd ennui naming wrung wl nuth Moore at thu time pravlnclnl pollcemnn anach cd to he Brechin detachment had said threw boys who at lended lhn chonl had been In terlerlng with the sign Um day aller Hnllowoen and that they had pleaded gullly Mr Jusch Ferguson potcd Lords qund that the Department Highway was dutyhound erect and main nln the slgn Parker ure laker or school at the north east earner the lnlcrsecllon laid Ihe sign had been pulled out of lhe ground on several oc cqsions Cronsbcrry had lived at PeL ferlnw was lnmlllar with he rand and knew where he was golng Mr Justice Fergusun mid but he was not keepan proper Ioukpuh conscious in the accident and had no rumiicctian at how it unturned Mr Justch Ferguson iound that he Iaiied to stop and was xuiity negiilence that cagtribujed tothe Vaccirienl In TMyvo Bun mamI3 In mum dock lot M41 dinleunubyllv 1U MARKINO Hm II CumIn Join human with Ont Cnnldn MI flung lhg lg Howrd monslunnr Rev Oddana Tncnll who xnw lhe ponllu while he was consclou curly In the day snld he told hlm Holy Father you seem rcvlvc Ho MIN the Pope mpllcd hnvn been able la allow my dcnlh mp by am Now an going Iwcclly Inward Iho on In zInI rcctor the Vatican newspaper IOssvr vnluro Romano came from he HI hour bent Illfldlly dc spHuln scganicrlglg Infill houn In he had been In his previous rclurn lo cansclnusnm lhu ponllf was reported serene once again And once again he an can said be blessed those pru an In lhe roam Ho olfcrcd hl llfo nr lho church for Ma tub menlcal councll In which he straw or Chrlsllnn unlly and for world penco Doctors mid such up and down ware m7 unuauui or fer san gravely ill with porilun iii The dread infection struck the Pope during his struggle with stomach tumor which had caused he hemorrhaging Pcriloniiin an inflammation oi tissue Short of miracle he could be expected to die any mo ment tho Vatican rndlo said Just after noon lmplurlni the worlds 500000000 Roman Calh nllc lu pray for flick supremo spiritual ruler lna 81ycamld mum first last cvnsclousneu Friday night 1040 pm Early this morn Ing he regained unm lhen 1de back Info ha ooma shortly after 5m Despite the astonishing duel with death being cum by the ponliiis sturdy heart his duty tor had said earlier doubt ii he can live until this even mg VATICAN CITY ANPope John repnrlcd at dealhn door regained his sense lecond lime today The Vatican press omen aald he recovered Wnsclnusnls 340 pm Home umonlmust Iour hours after Vatican radio anld ha could die any mo mom BULLETIN VATICAN CITY 1Rwlem Allin Pope John today can llnued his nmarkubla but tie against dun by nialn In comeloulnen time And Mnlnl prelnlu by his hldllde In pnyer Vatican Doctor Doubts Will Live Till Evening Np Mon Thyn Fir Copyl4 Pngu Sunny and warmer today and Sunday Indexalarms Sunday night low tonight 47 High to monow 30 Summary page two ol the Canadian Mnrm Union Dad laden In the mlmn llletnulonnl Unlmmd the Iondm mml Ind 19 an Ir lnl MIL WW Unomclnl source nl lhu Vntl can laid the Pope hnd mflmd crlals In hmnlhlnl bu wocn 730 nnd am Thurwn lha rcnmn nn oxy ch musk lmd bun placed on hll taco nznln Local Weather Dr nu arrlnl lhl Popel personal phyalclnn who wns culled bnck urgently Fr duy ram MI home In Dolounl returned lo the Popes bedsida lhls morning Ho hndlefl or several hours during the nth tn ml an ll Innndo Cnrdl nnl Ccnlo rccllca the my on lar tho dying emm III Popes apartment Cnrdlni Ccnlo hnd recllcd the prayer oLlhe lnpcFridny strong llbre 01 he Hal Fnlhcr can no la balm ngnlnst hln Illness The Pan seem lmnqull and Met lll hrcalhlng regular llls condl llon ol dazlnu contlnucs but la verllled that he has lost con sclnusncu Thu Rev Gluseppu Cnv ugnn canlcssnr ll bedside Tho Popul brother an alternating In prny Archhlshnp Antonio Samara sccrclury of the Vatican Con gregnllon or Exlrnnrdinary Al Elsi lcn ha Popcl apnrtmen an Thirty minutes Inter cnme hi announcement that Iho Rama Catholic ruler had last con Iclousness Later he was gripped by In tense paln and at 745 H111 Rome limo 245 am EDT flu Vatican announced that the BI yearold pornqu had alien Ink stale dnzlng and was balm glvcn nxygen Hr Jud heel given Iranqulllizcrs one author alive source said but was re iported to have retuscd morph ne CONSCIOUSNESS The Papa had amnzcd damn earlier by cummg out of com and remaining canscluu on more than four hours They hm abandoned hope his recovery however He Is hremhmg regularly llke clock Mnnzini said HI very pale under the oxygex musk and rest on Ms btdnwltl 21 am outstretched He IA 02 Clemente Cardinal Micara Ihe popes vicar or the city Rome came out weeping Iron 1h pngal agargmenl papal npurlmunl at 11 am am EDT and said the Pom 11 serene

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