YnNTlllll GROW MONTREAL lCI Enlrlrl lot BIundul loth munI Invi IIHMII In And Held mu nl 0n 0mm Manlml lnlmcho luflc Alhmlc Auoclluon havo Adm nurly we from 4D Ithooll Huml cnlrlu tame 1mm hluh uhooll and DI lulu In Inn ruler Manlml um school In Win Klu am Ind Inlh 0nl luv Illa onlmd conlMInll huqucrquc Aanumuo NM Cum Cote Dullu flopped Flory OlluIn IIpr MUIndChlc CII drrwood Glugaw oul lnled Von Olly lhllndelph 10 Lllhlhuvynlnhll THE AMOCMTID PRES mr enllï¬o Anmhï¬‚ï¬ Cooper owncd by Ed Koflcnuk cl Vidarll BCwll UIIM In unglfjcll clga ped Lolua Ford Ihhu he Brlllah green raving color that Amcrkan driv en comidcr unlucky mada only on pll atop lo Jonea hm Gunny alao had to make me all because wheel ummd enough on lha Imnd llrl change Ha flnlahtd uvtnlh Aller charglnt hardest tor houn Jone crosacd flu ï¬nial Una uconda ahead at Clark No In world road nclnx standing In yen and Dan Gurney anolhar Grand Prlx rim from Coll Men cm ran two three behind Jones lhrough Iho Illa mm ha rm Uglyqu UIELEM Nu omclal mun coqu bl ï¬led until race ofï¬cials met this morning but one vumn Um race mnarkcd complaint are hldlllon Iho night alter the race but 11m nlzhla llnp lheyn ulullly arzuuenf cum wu ans than who complllncd alter the race um Joun car was uplulnz all onto Ihe luck 5m below he look thn winnerl checkercd flu the number In pham Inun luolln at 0K Um cr Jones who had won the pol position for tho ncand Ilralzhl yen wn noted In Illa me bul bid to dflve hll heart out In bell Scoumul Jimmy Clark in mnnzlnu musFord INDIANAPOLIS AP Plr new Jones in In Amman WUard Special and kepl re putlnz Jun cant believe It The 29 year old Torrance cm driver moved like man In dream Thunday after his record victory In the rich India napan mm Memorial Day dame He appeared dazed by the grindlnl ordeal PIGHT RESULTS Parnelli Jones Indy 500 Sets EMILE on hk lace And wrenlh around his neck In Parnell Jane nits In mm the winner lropby aner win DANGERFIELD MOTORS Iona M527 pamdlnn entry The lollmom klnz of lhe countryl sprint Inch know he had to hm tho track record Dll mlunnhour to win He Averaged 141m mllu nu hour In le wreck that creed the lleld tn hm un der lb ytllow holdyour poni tIon Huh or Ilmul 50 mln um Clark Averaged 142752 Jone wont know how much he won until the Indllnapolll molar edway cuu up um pm 1y 850000 at to zhla vlclory dinner He know he won 25060 In llp prize money £21 leadlnl 137 the rnnen 200 pl Kollennk ruled to quality hlmull In the prorm trial but wu unable to build up enough weed and Acquired Ru warlord Koalennk in bl entry wn forced out Inu thy 45th II will an on Ink ulna the Mmfle race tha Indlmpous Speedway yester dny Jane was pictured In In wInnerI drcla uterwln Pr Mamas Nate StoCk CUSTOM BLENDED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Thoma Mam Dlufllllr Umlbdflovnnio mm whlsklca to crth the superb flavur of Adams Privath Stoék So be sure to try d1 custom blend presented nits 275ml dcmnla populm price great whiskies in man 11mm ch ago Adam distilled 19 great whiskicucach with im own distinctive charactulstica muldicnagcd than in special Oak cash Now Adam has manled these 1h old mark of 140291 by Ian years winner Rodger Ward of lndlannpofls who wan fourth his year erd bidding for his um win was making h1 mh um um 11v flannelbroke ch old record Nobody wn but seriously In urle cmhen speédivent in record flea mm miles per hour AP Wirephoto Wins 52111 mm the PLAY GOLFat ALLANDALE GOLF CLUB BIO BAY PQFNT ROAD RR BARRIE PA 6047 wanxnns mo maï¬a ngpumysugg cnmmonsmp GOLF counsn oPny you play Prlvm membership QWeekdnylwnumenu Special mu 511le bar Pro Shop Club cart or rent 60 lessons Junl July Ant Jun VDrlveu he Cunadlan event wlll Mart mm zrld the amp of mm mm left turn lpeld downhill then make But victory on lho lealum nz hrlckyard track It Indlanl poll when Jones averzed 143 mm an hour Thursday mun mule an the twisting upMll unddawndnle asphalt track at Moapon when an best lap rec nrd of 9442 mllu an hmu was ex lug yet on or the Indian lllwlnnlnz pau ll ex pected came Imp Dan Gut may of Costa Mesa Calm Ind world champion sports car driver Graham ml of London Gurney who lapped the Mr sport clrcult In record on minute Ieconds yur no Hullth savenul In the Indian polls race gm Norma With boih drivinz Loin and the withdrnwnl Fermi driver Pedro Rodriguez from iho Cnnadlun race it named lura victory inr the aiuhhy speedy British earl which have wan all major events lines the 245m circuit Mospon circuit Opal an ego mu mu mu Filteen Lotus can In en lend 1n the Cnnldhn me which expected to 33 1133529 can an Hygflrcult Bolh Jane and runnerup Jim Clark 01 Scotland enlunla In Saturdays Canadiln even whlch trial Marl lhll um ORONO Dnl CPCanadus wring auto tilmnqu lniemallonal sperms even at nearby Moapor Pm look on new lustre goday after Iho vic lnry Indlnnapollx of Parnell Jone 1n Thunduyl Memorlul Dagfag Dyiiférs Prepare For Toronto RaCe 3mm um Hunk an ma merrate £00m lavage QUEENS HOTEL VISIT lent 645 Slmoce Coop meet Smiths Dairy whlle Clarkson Halal Ind Consumeu Gas meet lnjhe 90an um wlll he the third game In two night or Cansumem They ware lnvnlved In two thrillers last nighta scoreless lie with Lakevlew Dairy and 20 1m to 51mm Camp No name are an up lunluhz Iha Intermediate Sollbnll Qpcenl fark Most threatening among ng nadlnn entries L1 Ludwll Helm rath Tannin mechanic who expected to get his Porsche R561 back Into campefluon Hellmath lop Clmdlnn rnclng dflvar of the umn spun his mlchlne In Mospon even two mu Ago TunIh competition expected to come from Wayne Bumelt at Chicago in Ferrari Tent adamant tn the Int two year the mating Musport coum has nlwuy pbroven dlndvantaze or the In Ind powcrtul Faro tarts which an at their best on the Itntzht stretchcs my to 150 than Eï¬her Ierlu Huh turns brlnu them back I93 Islanan may rimtum It the top of Another 1111 and move Into Him car nun where speed or monvthau 4o mflel an hour will Inndthem Ihq hay bales Alter that um Lcurve In Ilralght wum when gm carglcan mqve Intermediate Games Tonight Indianapolis um Bock Jacksonville Columbus Relnlll Thur Chlcago 111 New York In Phllldelphia la Plllnbumh Lo Angela Milwaukee Houston Louis San Francisco Cincinnati Inlcmuunal Lulu Southern Dlvhhn Atlanta Chicago Pltlxburgh Philadelphia Cincinnati Milwaukee Houslan New York San Francisco La Anzelu Louis um Washinzlon Minnesota Naw York Bunion Cleveland 42 Chicago Baltimore Kama Guy Detroit Lo Angela Glmel Gumlily Baltimore at La Antelu Washinmn at Kan City Detroit at Minnuniu Boston at Chicago New York at Cluveland Nulianll Ema Baltimore New York ChICIKD Kumu City Hinton Minnmll Lon Amide Ieveland Washington THE CANADIAN PRESS BASEBALL RECORDS American EEEEEESSS 1a 39 375 12v NLGBL 30 17 686 24 15 615 26 ID 579 mumman Hansen White Sox homered to map No In 31 first game vldory aver lndlans then singled llama nm In fourrun flflh Inning uprillnz lhal ave While Sax second game triumph Ofllflu Walled with 54 total and Midland was second with 590 Five strokes back were the Barrie ladle and Caxllnl wood lnllhed omlb with 681 Low ms or the day went PitchingHunk Aguirre genywan Ml ï¬rst game in weeks allowing only laur ML In shutout la Annelu Angels Orlllla will carry 41mm lead lnlo tha mend Simone County Ladlea Field my next week The Int Ileld was run or yesterday 01111 and as player computed mm our clubl Orlllla Midland Barri Culllnzwaod Barrie had 12 entries Drillia Leading After lst Round STEVENSON DqNLOP ST BALI STARS this or the day WEE WEE Ed Beard Law net or theflrst ulna wll Gloria Wilksona as andnn 110 second nine Bety Clynu of Bar rlc had at The Emla low Icorm wen Grace ough Marge chkllnl Ede Cathy Lorna Bell Belly Clyna and Pearl Dangerï¬eld ALS SIGN THREE MONTREAL CP Manl real Alauenu football club an munczd Thursday the signing of three pluyurs mm United Slates mlnor pro Icaghu Eulrd Chuck chkenon lull hack Jack Nichols and ward Low mu or he Hm nine hale Wu nsled by Jun Mur phy Or 1118 who had Mldlandu Jean Wnllaca had or low ms an the mend nine In Ban19 Grace Ouzh who turned In note of as omnn Jenn Hol wangecanj an Two Orllfln golfers ï¬nished onetwo or low net honors They ware Inna Price wllh ea and Helen Booth with 71 PA HBO