3th on II planned or prgacll aura memo or toolhllll 7000 lhll plouzhm lurk In help ny inch uutnlrl Ill Ibo IIIIH ma Ihuw olnlln nu um nu Cn nudlan Fool nll Luuzua mu wqiflkdbolanul 11000 Ihrnd Hunt chnlrman Juk Imn mlmnlrI Hm um Grey Cup ulna IMI ynnr wlll nu nboul $14000 mu lhnn lml Kean Toronto Hr plrlly unuln lha rovlnclnl zavtnr mom rmnly wiped out he uguuxnenl Corn Ann and Dunlap 5mm Bani mu Clanch mcmhernl Iarne at tho commmce my mum ha pnrada day can llcr will extend lhn lulMllu Ind drnw more pea In And dll lollhc cly wuofllon that he Grey Cup parndo be lelchcd mm the Snmrdny gnmu afltmoan In the melau nlnhl wlll nIm be ch4 Baku II bllllnx the duly wlnk tussle an the Iccond Annual world champlumhlp lhI in was cunlutcd Al the Work Fnlr In Senllle Ian ym Tho wlnnm have been anfltd lo dclend lhelr ll ch hm No need to send the lamprey written invitation to visit Theyve crashed and ruined enough panics 1963 Baitwin football classic will ha ylayed hm nut Nnv 30 So everyone who can make cent through fishing or those who prefer It just for the wonderlul limes ï¬shing creates should kick up ruckus VANCOUVER CF Spe thl nan chanman Frank Blker scheduling lllllo lquidging and lquahblnz In so with he mimmmnl rad1 Honl wllh Grey my walk It would appear to many that the lssue the Big Chute locks appears to be polltlcal footbalL The statement that the lamprey that mlght get Into the local lakes would not be suftlclent num bers to effect tlshlng also appears weak It ls known fact that dozen lam re can In halldozen years multlply enough to ma lshlng just memory Lamprey would mean goodbye to all types of fllshlng and that lncludes the sport through the tee in nter Predicts Larger Profit For Game géanATLOtITï¬oons Mr Stewart feels that the statement issued in dicating that the lamprey did not come into Lake Simcoe and adjoining lakes from the south entrance of the Trent Canal is weak He asks How did they get into the Great Lakes Its known fact that both the US and Canadlan Governments have agent millions of dollars experlment lng with methods prevention and extinction of the parasite lamprey Lakes and streams and rlvers including 3119 waters the Notlnwasaga have been treated It seems apparent that thelocks are beiï¬g built for the It aprEars too that big gamble Is being tak en It could we be bad one Bill Stewart president of Barrie District Hunters and Anglersflonservation Club suggests that tourist resort operators fishing uides cottagers and outdoorsmen get together and ject ioudly They should go to their members of parliament and tell them they dont want locks um mm but it mus be rememhered they did get into the Great Lakes More than three years ago Aprll 60 to be exact we in Barrie were told how the tlshlng 1n dustry was all but wiped out by the Sea lamprey Governments seem to be of the opinion that tho chance of la greys getting 1mg Inlandflakes are slim LA The fear is that the ilshlng industry commercial and sport will he mined in almost no time it lamprey do come in The dis ust is that the governments should even think of lowing the railways to be ro placed by locks Conservationlsts members of the Ont ario Federation of Hunters and An iers feel marine railways should he built and the flea of locks com pletely disregarded The gassiblllt that lamprey will enter Lakes Sim coe and ouchlch ng locks reï¬lace marine railways on the Trent system has broug both fear and da gust to conservationists In the area CLEANED INSIDE AND OUTSIDI TO YOUR SATISFACTION mum xAnnNi munsnn Mu éo mz Lodxs Open 11300 For The Lamprey cu TO YOU TN Lassï¬m 18 CAR WASH By STEVE JONESCU MINUTES VA VIS We wnuld wclcnme hcnrinz mm orlanlznllom and In yuhllc any olhur even lhnl week 10 we can caardl lune lhem all bowlan tanzrcss celeb rfly Roll lnurnnmrnl Cam dlnn plpe bnnd final and curling lays Baker PflBMIZ nr Ind Truck nunx Dunlap EL l4 Clll MS MANY NAMES The yelluw plckarnl III with many nlmu Includlnl walleye whlleeye mublureya ï¬lmeye and dare Calvert 01d Rye Every drop of Galvan Old Ry mult pan on rigid quulfly control chockl bolero lonvlng our dllullory Your um II the mm chock rry gm Imooth mum on nya There no unimonlty be tween us laid Haney like the guy just Ihlnk hal no citing the bent his own Ibllluu by hls Inllvluel olglhe Held Haniy présumably wu Ierrlnl lo Bellnlkyn llldnl or night In Haney nld ho dcclded In mud to have He put an the disqualiï¬ed In from whlch ha an be wilhdnwn any Ilma he agree ropon flawll an Instructed Anzel gauenl mlnazer Fred Hnnay laid Beflnsky cum to him may Ind ma he could ha put an Ina voluntarily retired 1m Had luch procedure hem followed Belinaky could not hlve been reluslaled or It least 60 day Bellnsky who had won only one at eight games or the Anzels thin Henson wn op tioned to Hnwnu Sammy mm But he decided Inter um ha dIdnl wan to no to Island Corner hurled the 13an vlctory and gave up nigh mu Lukevlaw beltedoul Mn Hnlnar blasted three double lot the winner Ind Bowman wul oped two nu homerPries¢ led um Lnkavlew Mum with three mm In many ll peannces Iiyer on thn duqunllfled It noullmz Lnkavlaw lied the1cm It In the lamb And look 21 Ind In the arch Then the mo caved In hon Lukaviaw Clarhon hammeredout men hit and turned ï¬x them Into rum Lakavlew rounded out thalr to in with alnlle run In the leth but any hope they had were ermd when two men elman runnm cramd lha pigs In thy lgventh MS ANGELES ADLo Annie nid Wednesday they wlli ask bmhull cummin Iiontr Ford Prick to Inca pllyboy pitcher Ba Eeimky on Ihe disqualiï¬ed uu be use ha has refused to ro pngt Hawaii Your taste is the 97heck Clnrkson opened the morlnz Jn lho first Inning with ainlla run but were held to one hit over the next four Innlnu by leovlew hurler Mmhnll Rich amen Clarkm Halal exploded or alx runs In Inc nlxlll lnnlng and Wu mm In Illa seventh In talk up melon Cantu und hammer Lukevlew Dnlry In night at Shonr Put In an lnlennedl Ile Softball 14mm comm DISQUALIFIED LIST FOR BO RallyIn 6th Highlights Clarkson Win Lumpe uroked threerun duubll Ind Sinbem connccled 01 homu against Onolu bul WM Cnusuy Ind Charm who cumhlned Jingle In the nth for he cllnchcr Charles wound up with three hlu and ralsed Ivyup to Thilou only Orlalcl ucnnd In the In games rlmmed Busey hu ushed hll way back Inla the neup with 350 billing nvmge the have lolld 12 punch the top the billing order and have held onto melt 1m in the lira division dunk pm longed Ilump by Norm Slcbcm and Jenv Lumpe DOUBLE On tbs morn runsllunt element an lha Iurprlsml Chmlei cum to Kansas City In yur In trldewllh MIL wnukee Ha Immedmely chmd Wayne Causey to the bench Ml It clip In his 11m mm In um malon and proved VII unlgle by the clutch Tim Amid third baseman with the quick pencil and the My stick sucked baseliinndad linlil In the lilh inninz that IIVI 1h ilflhpllfl triumph over Americnn League leading Huiiimora Oriole Wed nudly nilhi Ind mapped 0r ioias winning streak nine up They may have picked us for ninth plnce but ware taking our lime mini than nya Ed Charla the poet laureate ol Knnm Clly Athletics and um nulhnr ol thflug mumph By MIKE RATHET Anniled Pm Spam wnm By RICK FRASER Spam Editor Nick Owens indall homer in the bottom the niniil in ning broke up Input pitch ing dnel between Trueiovul Elli Handelnon and Eimvnial Leo Belman Ind nve Tmelova 10 Senior Sollbnll Leanne victory it wnn the mend game ol doubleheader Ii Queens Park in the int illt Beni le came up with we mm It the sixth to bulk deadlock and more win over Edgar it we the third atrellilt win lax ihe Finn Iquad it me heuibrelkinl ins inr Elmvlie lichen Beieourt who held True we to live hit over the lirni eight inninn lie nn up mm on Owen be lore serving up the peyoll pitch Owen lined drive to riuht lleid end liid under relayed tinaw Orioles Winr Streak Halted By Athletics Truelove IfO Owens Heme Run Sllumln nuw 45 Wu touched only or am lnnlnz lrlflu by Mlnnl Mlnm Ind lhrd In nlnl duubln by Ed Brinkmln Ha not Ill he lupport he eded mm Powzr Ind Bulluy Inn put together Ihclr Lumpen humilcnlnx dau bIe uva 30 lud In Iha lhIrd but OrloIe moved lhud In the IIqu when Jerry AdlIr llnzled In one run John Pow elll trIpIa mounted or two more Ind ucrIflca fly by 1ho Brlndt brouth horns Powzll Scheml homer In In bottom of Ihe lIxth Ied lhl Icnr Ind Ml In Iluul ml or Charla time In the lllh an wnlk Cnuleyl Ilnzle an I4 tendon pan to Gino Clmofl and Churlu gamewinner gave the victory to rellnvu Blll ledler who nupped Onules on one hl or Innlnp ln brlnl llll record to In ayeopening ngLn so LEAD In the My other Amcrlun Lune lama lcheduled Chur lry Dzu threadml double paw ered Lo Annie Angel to 42 victory aver Dam flun Minnesolnl main Twlnl equalled um enlnl No In row by wIlIopInl Waxhlnmn Stnllon IDl We Power hit grind mm homer Ind Earl Bailey hmrun Ihol In my part chk Stizmlnl twill pitchlnl IheIr edge to three game ovu Lhe ucnndplace New York Yun has rnlnnd out at Boston Bal umarea streak hId been um longest In the mllon um lu Ion In the leth Elm 10 lulu manzed the It two batten on hue but mother double play not Henderson oil the hook min In the month EImvnIe hld two men an And two out whan Leo Belcmm wu Hendernon wu in trouble am In lhe WI when um um lwa butler were tale on bl and an error But he finned George Slbbnld and Lou mum and no valid on popD my ï¬rm Trnelm pmhar Henderson came out of few ml um 11ml Flnt two ham to Ice him In the Inlllll Innlnz Cllfl Volllck 1an Lou Belemrt and lulled H0 at hi on when unlu fielder Chqu Hutlnu hluled In 01 Ray uolds fly bull Ind doubled Vol llck who tried to more Alter the clich home plat form only run the gums Dues playing his secnnd ma jor lealue game broke 11¢ unlnu Tiler wllh nu key Ml In the 1th lnnlnx Angel had learned he Hrs run In ha mm on Alble Pearsonl humor laser Bill Fnul Dean Chance In the wlnner with Julio Na vnrrol roller help over ha all Inninn lonmt victory llrIflK nnce they won nine In row In as the old Washington Seralun The new Senator nlded Twins luulan walks Ind cammll llnz three errors Elmvple went down In order In the nlnlh Ind then came the b1 blow Owen lauled aw pitcher belare enlnz hold at the one ha llkcd and um It rolling past rllhr llelder In Turner nrrner ï¬elded lhe ball Ind Ilrcd to Doug Stone at sec ond Stone relayed the throw in the late hlzh and Owen IIId under tag huelovu didnt Ihow my Alana of reachlnr Belcoun nu ill the mm In an when they two men on Ind one out Owen arm Funk Rawn and MI ï¬elder acme Slbbnld mlda meshInn catch on Bill Hen dfmnl drlve lo end the In Inn munu thmlenad mln In th elzhlh when leado bane nuner dulled only be lowed out It ucond Lou Belcoun flied out and Reynolds went down Mum In end tha Innlnz Free mounting by oxpqnft tire men 2537Houn ï¬mm uvu upon 9y mnva 15mm 93 io FIRE SWEEPS CLUB ITASCA ll AHFirs of undetermined origln awept Iha lush Itasca Country Club west of Chicago Wednelday Inlur In one employee Ind causing dnmnge estlmmd at About II TRY EXAMINER WANT ADE PHONE PA 82414 nm on xs Second time Elmvale 0000000004 Trueloye 0000000011 Plan Jack Valr hurled the Plaza victory He pllched flne lhme hll ball over the lrsl llva ln nlnu Ind lulrered his only lmubleln the alxlh when Ed gar plcked up the Mher hall of their le hllsl bounced from beth twlce Plu opened Athe Icar ln with nm In the Mound and Edie lied it In lhe lhlrd Bar rie Plu chned Edm mm AlSmILh with twtrrun Illh jnnlnl lo move Iheld 51 Bul again Edm cums blck They soared two run In the top at he 1th And it wn ball game Knapp couldnt llnd the plate In tho bottom hall the Inning Plan neared lheh Iwo run without hll Knapp issued threa wulks and both run near ed 011 wild plgchga Wlld Itch by rallel pitch er Ralp Rump coal Ednur detenut hands Bar Ila Plun and kept the Plus he undefealad wfhll Wll AXE61h um can Ies In which Edlar ambit Bar riejlau Bokh club entered the um with 11 wonlost rdcordn manna No reasonable offer refund must sell these tires NOW Dan Bauchard Store Manon my £in ï¬mco mm The builtin convenienc es of the Beaver give you go anywhere travel free dom wherever you go Its sturdy road proven con struction built in wide range of models lnaum that when you buy Beav er youhave bought the best Bmll Let us Introduce you to the ï¬nest quality travel trailers In Canada today SPECIAL LIMITED OFFER Durlng May 24 In June III new Travel Trailer wld will Include the famous REESE Axis Mlch FREE PM In lu ual tree accessory Item FL ID DESERT The Bmhmen mm Imlll nonunmnlv pooplc who mrvlved lhcldvenl other men by running Into an Klllhlll Desert Going Places RUSSELL CHURCH MOBILE HOMES No II Hwy Soulh PA 080