Enrfllnlly lluuilml Eummly Emomlrd HumIn 5an hud TruuhlnIm Elly humil Han mMnmu Wrongfulle llnlllnn Avnllnhlo In nummm dillemi olmanl on In your hm oi1th ibï¬niflin DOUGLAS CONCREY WWW Um Mn ï¬lm In marrlage by her mulln Murray MlcPhall ol Sud bury the bride worn lull lamb Kown of French lace over lull and talleta Icalloped neck llne uppllqued wllh nqulm and penrlr enhanced the bodlco ol be own The alcave wera llly point Thu bnullnnt skirt lb 1an lenlured lrlpln Hm Ip pllqucd French lncn on tulle 1h back llbr vell nl French tulle lllmlun wnl held by crown ol pearl and crystals Th5 brlde carricd cascade ol ycllaw ro ux ardenla and nlcpbnnollr The bride in the daughiu oi Mr Mrs Patrick Alexnnder Dnlran oi Pinon Nova Seoul hridemmn in the non oi Mr and Mrs William Joseph Dlonovan Queen Street Bar FRENCH LACE GOWN standard of while Innpdruon and yellow mums adorned Si Maryl Roman Catholic Church when Min Eleanor Munwe Danon became ill bride of Kanneth William Donovan Rev Stanle Blackwali ofï¬ciated It the maxulna ceramony My ID Mu Powell provlded lhu midi nzusln 411mm Mix Georgina Benoit End bury cumin thabrlde wu maid of honor The bridesmaid wen Mlu Dianna Poole and Is Dem1y Donovan lhl hrldcgmo er ndn or Ilmllnr Ahrlmp pink ahealh sown urganm nxhloncd vllh over mm nrznnu and nylon lulle Their henddrcsm wm halo ring xhrimp plnk nylon tulla and velllmz Th autndnnll cnrrled cascadcl whila Ind bran mnml Imr Hlvlloway Harris wu nraamyman Thu ushm wcra John Jonnvnn of Toronto In bridegmml brother and Ron Warn of Barrie vDonl uy Tm to how my whm yaw gm SALLYS SALLIES Vows Exchanged At Manning Rites mom PA W1 mamm For travelllnl Hm brldc than lemon yellow Ihulh drou with maldï¬nu duater coat She com pleted her lnlemhle with while manor Ind coxma of white undenh 0n alum mm the weddlnl trip ta Nlum mm the mw Iywedl will wide ll so Owan sum Banlo Guam attended from Nov smtln Sudhury st Cathulnu London Port 0mm Scarbor ough Toronto Olkvllle New Town and Camp Burden Junlcc Lynn flown Tot onto dnuxhler Mr Ind Mn Gordon 1mm of Dnllan Crclc bl muriudlo mu Leonrd fllmnl Om 01 Toronto on June briderurbn II on lho Ill mapllon wu held Baynaln Ladle Racelvlnl lha guests the bride mother was mind In own 01 0mm Ice Inca Ind mm Whlto accen arlel mdu coma while urnntlnnl complumented bar mumhlau Th9 brida roomlmolher mm won pnlel green linen lull accented with while canalion and coxIago ol bran mum GAS Ybu EStill Can Beat Natural JUNE RITES lho Eu General Holpllll In Toronto whlla her Incl non of Dr and Mn Leonard flcmul For Wllllnm ll ntlcndlng Olzoodo all In Tur onlo Tho waddan cmmony II In bu canducttd In lhI Ornlln Pmbylulln church The Impressive award cm many was held In pilgrim who had guesu melt mother and friends Mr Andrew Mcflrem was mhlreu of ammonia or the ovenlnl She lnlrodured tho mam lnrllll committee Including Mn Wlllllml honorary member Mn Lanzmln chnlrman and presldrnl of tho WMS Mn Fred Wauon lecrelary Mrl William Smith treuurrr Mn Tom Brow PI Mercury MI ohn Smth publlgllyr Mm Hun no badm and ripe Wm presented to Plon eer Glrh for nohlevemtnu at lhu award nights Iponsoredby he Emmanuel 3mm Womenu Mgflongry Society Pioneer Girls Receive Awards At Ceremony Hosted By WMS CHURCH ml the nlllnl or in wedding of Damn Ruth Taylor lo John William no imnl The bride is the flush ier oi Mr and Mrs Leslie Taylor oi Rose Street The Guide for th guuu wm NOTTAWA UNITED Mn HBHW MunEunlu Suldzr and Mn Andraw Mm Omar nullled by Mlu Marlena Trgay andMll Judylnnpdgn Mu John White Iva In Illun lrated talk unlng tha hllckboard to emphasize pertinent polntl her lupin She won on Hunt and Ink no mailer how ynunz out he or cm Ihed IUlht The weaker told Itary oll Inmllï¬ Ihal lived by the and ow on on dark Ilormy night llw mnlhlr wu troubled In use Iomeono wu out an flu stormy waters She wondered what In could do In help Sh looked at her link lamp Mr would no thI enough Iluht but Ilnco Ih Ind nalhln elle Ih put It In the window her homo overlook the water The next mnrnlnl In the harbour wu In anchored Ihlp PM caplnln had nun lha any llghl mm the lamp and It had lujded hmalgly Ml Mule Millerblind um unsympenjml orlha Iln GUIDING Llfllll bridegroom is the Mr and Mn Wiiillm Robinson bl NoliIWI Follow ing the wedding trip in Blind River and Coppcr Cliii ho newlywed raiding on Almn 51ml Aim KAY ll Dunlap PA Mm 499 to 1250 hhw mam My Khl éalonlit Group oi Emm unl 5mm church unlu molhm Ind Dlll qull lhunnunl Iwml pmantltlom Timvent wu Ipomqnd by tho Womens Mlnlnnnry 801er tin church Gua wm welwmed by Mn Lo Bommm Mn Wlllnd Or Mrm FloranctMurny Ind Mr wmhm Chlpp link at pruenled with var Mm Dianna Bell mum of CurlIt Blblu mm ma the menm from Mnlthcw vene to 20 She baled her nu on on word unbcllel or lllllanau or ï¬lth II Inch llllh word with Iron menu In AM the Ipclker Jun balm Chill unaud hm wordl Inld Mm Bell Ho and hue dllclplul Pmr Jnmul Thu mutlnI agened with IInlllnl allowed pm and Blbl qulx Mn Rex Knllhl And her dlulhlar Ruth mung In In AWARDS PRESENTED Colonist Group Receives2 Honors and John hgd bun on tho Mount Trnnlflzuullon Tim wIIrV mud huvunl Icenn Tho Lord wu quNd more Ihtm and Ill mm he nm and MA Imam wu ul whl 1th The mm eon lnuod or momant my mum thny hid ban in una ther world Pom wu with ly ovorwholmod with In In had on And nld In at lhm labelnuclei on or Mom and on of Inl vm wu too much or him In overlooked lhI he mu hll oumy Into lilo wu not yet and ed and more would dlmoully whim hecnuu fluballel um Min Bolt She concluded hu oplc by mm mm nld hm com um My mlxhl hm In And that in meM have more npundnn ly He prepared the my or and pioneer means am who on Mon to pri pm Iho way or moth l0 DUNLOP IT THE lï¬nllm EXAMINER THURSDAY MAY Mn Somme thanked Min Bel Ind uplulned whit he Ir bid to do In order to ulvo their mm and mks Mrm human prmnled the mm and Iltcndlm Iwnrdl MultanIII Ind Mm somth THE MORE YOU GIVE lllE MORE WE BUILD $475000 REQUIRED BUILDING FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY DRIVE CLOSES JUNE HAVE YOU aEEN MISSED IF SO PLEASE CALL PA 66421 OR MAIL YOUR DONATION IO YMYWCA 26 OWEN 5T BARRIE UBPORT YOUR COMMUNITY YMCA YWCA BUILDING FUND prenenled the Fnlh Flnderl nnka MHIICII bickzround wu pravlded by Mn Munw Mn Llnlmln me prlyu dodlcnflonl Ind Mn John amllhcloud tht mullnl with FA 6011 Menu kw Ar 143 at as