It is beginning to become apparent that Colonel Vlsdlmlr Penkovsky recent ly executed as traitor in the latest Mascow spy case was in fact double cut In addition to serving the Soviet nton ln top intelligence role he was apparently also desllng with the West the Russians themselves have charg mlgh Penkovsky Soviet spy very coret obviously Important turncoat rings he Bengiived Vigiiqnce Seems Indicated By Spy ExeCution 10 YEARS AGO IN T0WN According to figures compiled by the Canadian Ship Owners Association and the American Merchant Marine Institute there is an enormous difference in the cost of operating Canadian and US oceangoing dry cargo vessels and sim iiar German British Norwegian or Italian ships rDally operating cost of Canadlan owned and manned vessel the study shows ls $1300 Well below $1010 per day for simllar US shlps Yet for comparable German vessel the cost 15 only $844 whlle costs for British Nor wegian and llallan vessels range from $842down to $620nper Barrle Examiner lila 25 1953 Bar rle Sea Cadet Corps pra sed at annual in spection by Lt Cdr with RCN Lt Lorne lichibbon commanding oiiic er Barrie Dancing Academy held revue Canadian Capers under direct ion Mlsses Lola Rose andTeny John son Toronto Soloist included Elspeth Cameron Sandra hchre or Wend Feh renbachiilar aret Aye teElspet Cur rte Carol Qu nn Robert McLean BCl grad received degree BA Sc at Var sity accepted position with CGE Ho ward French police chiei oi Tiny Town ship asked council for extra men to clean up teenage drinking and rowdy lsm Theyre the same bunch that were driven out of Vasaga Beach two years ago all from Toronto Chtei French said First Vest Gwiillmbury music festival tremendous success at Bond Head Memorial llaiiiauihicleivey director qula Wm This enormous disparly in costs due In very large measure to wage rat Simpkin Barrie Examiner cor respondent for innistil sailed or England to eover Coronation for Ontario week Ig newspapers Stroud Bruin won ntarlo rural intermediate hockeï¬ cham rlonships Edna May McCuic eon oi vy chosen Miss May Queen bf South Simcoo Junior Farmers sliors at Hickory North Carolina wero Mr and tire Parsons oi Barrie guest oi THE LONG TERM Moose Jaw TimesHeralle Vllh Cenndlen grnln surpluses once more accumulating even the present high level exports to Chlna ll would seem to be hlgh llme the longer lcrm pullclcn were worked out Such pellclcl mould rovldo or curlnllmcnl ol 1ng culture Eroducllon lo more rcnllsllc and minagca lolo any nolhlng of saleable oulpul levels coupled vllh expanslon of Canadas manufacturlnr base so as In nuke he counlr lose vulnerable lo lhe lllllllnf lldes at nlcrnnllonel commodlly mm WHEN THE CHIPS ARE DOWN Wlndsor Slnrl When lhe chlpl em down lhe Unllcrl Slates does not need lo worry nbeul where Cnnndn wlll be Pmonx llke WVIyne Mom Dunn llusk leghl Mar lln nnd nlllm Ahoulxl know lhnt Cnnuln ou My $3361 uoo lain mm mm mama mu mm In III mltl lot you mm Unl out An 1mm cum Ium 11mm humd donn on Vinv iii mm mam2 mum ulllunu Auhu in Claim no magma 1wu rm me la ll Mm Iul rm nr mm not nu anme mun new In ml pumnt ml mun In IINNIIII III ILAmRl auml bu l1 Merfllll not null IDOL mm NILon lurllll mmnllu huh Wang Mum Warm The Barrie Examiner Iuesl ï¬uhiished by Canning Newspapers Limited is Hayfield Sireet name ongario tea DY bpy Lxecutwu become apparent Penkovsky recent nitor in the latest as in fact double serving the Soviet ligence role he was ling with the West mselves have charg ected exposure oi ltor has shaken the in the West to its ters in Moscow are iemselves the yery of how much the aid and which spy sed ecent neWspaperar ticie which appeared in theUnited Stet es at least 800 top Soviet operative in various parts of the world have been summoned home Apparently anyone who had any contact an where with Penkovrky he been reeal ed Theserevolations are interesting on two erate counts In the first place they vide some indication of the an peren size of at least part at Russia worldwide spy and subversive appar atus Then too since the exposed agents will presumably be replaced security forces of the West will have an extreme ly busy time in the days that lie ahead as Moscow strives to rebuild and rebury its underground network Renewed vigilance on the art oi the West is quite obviously ind cated Cost Of Canadian final OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE shgr Brian Slalghthenem Manager munsnuhmv no 1m 4m tlcle which appeared in theUnlted Stat es at least 800 top Soviet operative in varlous parts of the world have been summoned home Apparently anyone who had any contact anywhere with Penhovsky halheen recal two erate counts in the lust place they vide some indication of the an peren size of at least part oi Russia worldwide spy and subversive apper atus Then too since the exposed agents will presumably be replaced security forces of the West will have an extreme iy busy time in the days that lie ahead as Moscow strives to rebuild and rebury its underground network Renewed vigilance on the art oi the West is quite obviously ind cated es and to the number of crew that must be carried on each vessel under the agreemean with the unions concerned As far as Canadian seamen are con terned wage levels have been increased and working conditions eased Yet con el oceangoing mums drf cargo fleet sailing under anadian co on has declined from 48 vessels in 1953 to tour at the present time virtual ly no Canadian seamen are able to bene fit tram the improvements Indeed had costs not been driven up so far by unreasonable demands it is reason ably sate bet that more Canadian ships would still in sailing and teat many more Canadians would still working on them Mrnnd Mrs John Steele who had earlier aitended the 30th anniversary party of Kimnis Club in Barrie Mr Par sons addressed Hickory Kiwanis Club USCanada international friendship slrengthenéd by Barrie visit the Hick ory daily newspaper re oricd Miss Janellinds womens ed tor oi Harris Ex aminer travelling ihrough Europa sent backiqaiurearliclg and piqluresoi ltllsse yn Clark Lorralno arlon and Shlrley Walker were local girls graduatlng from St llllchaela llos Eltal school of nurslnF Janet Eliza eth Howell Was nurs ng grad from Tor onto General Hospital Dougall Enrrloa oldest natlvcborn cltlzen at 95 returned home from wlntcr ln Florldar Ronald Butler chosen one of 24 Canad lan Boy Scouts to attend Jamboree ln Calliornla Lloyd mttord produc ed great school muslc Iesllval ln Barrie Arena wlth tho Coronatlon of Queen Ellzahoth and Centennlal of Barrle Is themes CNR Museum lraln attracted 153d7 vlsltors on vlslt lo Barrlo Mrs Gerald Klnsnlla only woman entrant to land fish In Derb Wlndsor Arena owners ollor Hap mms locntlon 10 mayo F1 or from Barrlo Mr and lllrs Albe Garner hold Booster Party in Dolrolt or Barrlo Contenntal Old Home Week accustomed to being riï¬ht up here on lhe ht ol the line on the guns slarl lo stool Cnnndlnns hnva proved hcmxelvcs In hallle They have shot their way into the war records whether It ha on ho grpgnd 9n the slant on In lhuahn1 ground on the son or In llw alr Vhen ll eta rlghl down to hnrd an mosl Cnnn Inns are hopan In clr henrls lhnl ll war comes Cnnnda wlll no he the lone represenlnllva ln com Yel for lhll one eemlon nur llouxe ol Common wn Iprlnk lrd wllh llu umrollm men who concele Ind pollllnn wen mnr cl mnn dulruellnn In men hose lob when honor hnl lromNorlh Amcrlu lorlwo ar moro 91 lo mp long hardnml dangerous ycnra CANADAS SERVICE VOTE 011nm Joumnll Arrangements lo lxrlng llle aervlea vol er wllhln lhe normal clrclo of secret val lng elongsldn clvlllnns wlll requlre amendments lo leglslntlon and larlln men hullm have look Bl thorn 50011 Thu frequency recent electlnnl hns emphnslled lllo undcrlrnblllly IYI lum Wlllch rlelayu or week lllo resump tlnnflol wnrk by reelocleel unvernm mun nerhlpl 0000000 Mr lrllowhumunm Mlyhe ll wuuld not be their own chole the hey would an lhll ll lln nnler wm lo be Ivrn lo lhcm lllylu they would only klll enr mlel nl lhelr Nunlry And our country llul ll my lumlly In em lnrlnrreled by hydmen bomb vulml camlarl wlll ll In Ilul ll wnl Communlfl ll lunar lmnh rather Illm An Amevlun llrlunnl bomb lnll than urnerll were lulndln our lluull Com cr 1h 1le Ubnr Vol ï¬chEhy ngw anyornmonthhlg lunlmaltlclcnll main objection lim prescm service vuio nynlcm In iho injullicu not only in iho norviccmun but lilo principle oi Iccrccy oi iim hailol WONT GIVE UP THE SHIP Ln Nnxknu llornncal Elghlccn monllu ngo Ihe olllcm Ind crew of lhn Andlnnnn abandonnd lhclr shipwreck voml La Spam but lln lhlpl do all rerunc to leave mm mm brln him loud and occulamll ho lwlma 30 min to show for vlnl Recently nl or IbOIId IAnlml an hlp lrlml to give hlm new homo hm but lho don couldnt ldnpl him It run away and lem buck to wreckln any contact zky has been arevelatlons Innate nouns ct an where with teen ed are Interesting on In Qhe figs plnca PATRICK NICHOLEON WAWA Watchan Illrsluddud gathering mm autumn at lha opening thzlr conferanu hm ma xlmck by the thought how lucky we In Canada are In In reel 01 domlnnllon by lhl un OTTAWA REPORT The mIIlInry have played pmmlnenl and aim decIsln mle In the Inn hIslory over throwing nvcrnmenu Ind un up puppet dIcInlon In the counlrten Central Ind 50th Amerlcm III brasshall In Iho Penman nlva uflcn bcen nul pccled oI exclflux Influlncb when warnan or notan the VIth House In Wuhlnmn But here In Canada we IIIVI nlwnyn enjoyed cIvII ovum men Ireo Imm mIIIury dom Innllun So It wn manl to the mlny unliorml Iclllmd among lbs 15 nlllonnl delen Mom gathered in lhe Houn Common or he openlnl NATO Confarcnce ll was mm enlnx In he mmvinzcd ghoul in lhtlr lavishly bevrib boned Ind aldllced unllormx who formed the solid block 01 NM wmmlnden lllllnl nmonl thoupollllcln How lully mlth havu hap pened that may men our government by virtue MI Nu bullet box but hi Iubmn chlnI gun STUDY BRASS MT We tSr Hannah m2 crflu And our democrnlln lav eqnngenlg eépccg to harighll hi lndlvldu How Ianun an that we no not Iub Jtcled to umcrupuloul bru Inmlu mlllllry diallor lhlp How wonderful um thou who oppau lh unvcm men luvs lha lrccdom la Illnd up and uprm heir dmmr men and lhcn un wnlk un moluled In lumth Ilnmenl Hill mud bclng thrown lnlo In Inlule Illnmlon LntlnAmerlcm dunxoon It In whlm of un nrnH Tn hou urneull lulndln our null Com mon III In Hull lullmon In In tho lrulc lllluu at our mllllclnmol all pmlu mmlrm la MIMI Presence Brass Very Frightening MAJOR OIL COMPANY hu hlzh llllonlfl uh vlu Mellon or lem In 1mm Excellent prol pecu lbr right man For tuflher pmlculm up ply lo OX l5 BARRII IXAMINER SERVICE STATION EOR EASE Yum term ol pucetul to ex stance throughout the world sun was uww Whiio Prime Minimi but Pumn wu wanking menling iul words oi constructive hope to Hi delemu tho phalanx oi cumin rpm the NATO Su prema Command In in our Pan lilmenl looking glorious with their medall but mid ghouilyh in one learn in the army to lleep with unel eyes open thlt II whli the Genmls mmed to bo doing their Aces wme my Ind lame flushed lo the color oi raw heel blank Ind By DON OHEAIIN TORONN 0m the key rein 01 Medicare whelhn Ihauld hl curled by prints or public Insurer Ind how much it would COIL Thll wu dllcumd yeslerdny Iccond key In mm enca ll how In by whom lhould b0 plld or Thu ovemmenl propoul II that ucevt ln clm of dis lml um and law Income mm It Ihould bl pnld or by lhl ndlvldunl through we miuml Th Llhenh would cover wel um Ind lha Axed Ind Ihu younl nu bnllnu would my premlum In public uency with wma Inlxllnto In lnl lrom un tnmolldlled rev onuu Thu NDP um compulxnry Inluunct or Ivarybody wllh ovtmmenk ln can wel nn Ind Iveryonq ln pnylnx low premlum whlrh would bu Iullled very caulki mbly rum mnmlldlled enuu lmulnly throunh will wrpanllopl Igll QUEENS pm run whither today the Ilnll hnu any km luhlllfh ll pm oi lhn ml mtdlul rvlru 11ml ll whzlher ll would my or pm ol your And my mail com 0r liken uvuwr ll whethlr you thouhl guy or pun my com ul mrdkll Illenllon 11a ovummcnl nu Tm Lhmll ny Tmy yen nnnly their man lnlvrul would mum hi ln nulnl mnllcn lmuuuco lo polnl uhm nvoryhod un hm ll wuhnul ll beinl burden And lho ij lay my yq 11 toum would lhll rnvoruu Ill IVIHINC try mum lhll ovuy In In In pmvhlq hula tnvc mul mum chum ldrl Mllhef mlnl hlvn bun mm quL BETALIRTION Parties Disagree 0n Medicare Plans maskllke as their brain were closed In the word at lheh mmm On their Vdgsks ronl iilem ay lheu aymboilc brass hats the uniform caps oi lilo US Britain and Belgium wilh their brassencmsicd peaks ihe smart liarszuddcd kcpis oi the French the whilrmmwncrl up oi iho navie oi Canada and For iugal lho sliii oilvurccn ar rogance oi the German Reich chhr hat the brasslcss green cap oi he Danish Army iha pain blues oi air iorce caps And on ihcir hreasis so much muiugoiored ribbon that they ouLshone Josuphl cool oi many colors All very impressiveand all very irigilinnlng in its sIEnlii ounce Wouid that they always xii aleepliy in caniercnce moms and never retire in their under ground concrcio iariresm to use red elephants and press bloodvieiling huitonsl Then an deep wclnl ques Ilons which want he dlscussod here and now except for lhn comment that at he sluge our Ioclely has reached today somu lorm state program mad cnl Insurance would mm be generally recognlud one In obllguliuns ol gnumman dont cl people larva so dont we let them null or 1an nl mcnnsJ It In In an nuutlonnbla lust haw much Ihuo have been cmldemlan In lhnnxhl about mtdlcnre In Onllrio Ta lhu obscrver most cl lhll Ibouxhl has hcen hnml mm on pullurnl considemllons than mclnl um For lnslnnce all parties MW Ihled lwny lmm deterrent and ytl this would mm In bl loxlul devlcc Not lo dnler pcnpln lrom IO 1n ta lho dodnr flul lo Inwtr lho ml at Um planor um pm whlch wnuld bu pnld or ram public unds IM rm mumu WMhoul Obllllflan IM MITCHELLAIRE EDGAR om PA 666 WRITE TO VBy JOSEPH MOWER MD Den Dr Molnerx My daugh ter hurl carbuncle on her chln and than km or our bony time TO YOUR GOOD HERE She wan to one donor or nvml months Tho bolls hmko out worse on over Son by been to mother doctor or in months and the 1m now gotten rid of the bqil You onco described III II mph inlecllon chh tho In doclnr said Wu What treatment And will the gel ball main from her clolhlnll Mrm RCV Staph Gems Can Be Very Virulent The slaphyla cu or staph germ comes to us not Hkn In invading mm but like mum of Incak lhluvel It doesnt weep Inwlmddzn ppb demlu like flu It just hangs Hound all the lee walllnl or chance 90 cause tmub it has he cunirnry ability devciopinz resistance in mm of the nnilblnlic drum which are so heipiul with other germsi Some the dnlg re inin ihcir pnwm better than ï¬bers and some main of the germ have more resistance to thg mu NPEï¬IEP we could compare staph gem in nu Civilization rendin conquer woivu and ti OTTAWA CF Govzrnor General Vnnlcr and him Min ister Pearsnn sent messages Tuesday lo Pope Jnhn expresy Ing prayers lorkhls recnxzry Vanier Pearson Wish Pope Healih 71 at the GovernorGensr nla message wTlha pcobie Canada Ire deeply moved and dismmd by me illness of Yam Iallnesg ervent prayer Ire being offered by all that God my mum you to carry on In mis aim of hrolherly love through out the world without disflncflnn or race qr urgeq Alrendy during ynur short pontlllcatu Your Holiness In succeeded In creating mid ol truth and jusllco and of peace in the minds of men good will Mr hr manage whlch was sent la the wow Mme NHF to convey to Your Holiness our prayer or your recovery so that you will be re stored to thnl health which will permit you to condone your great work or humanity or the aplrflual brotherhood In pwple and for tho renllullon ol the Meals of peace to mov ngly and lmprcsaively put for wurd ln yourreceol nqydlcnl INVESTED HEAVILY Between 1311 and 1952 Amerl can Invested more Lhnn $3000 000000 in Australia Jelnl uld lay mun love me Ill wlll Imp my tom Ind my hum Illl Ion hlm And will come mm hlm Ind mlkn cur IMI hlm 40 Hill Our heart this home God And the heart lhal cunlulm the love God conmnl the Aplrk God BIBLE THOUGHT LAWNBOY INLYPUWER MOWER WITH ll Dunlap HARDWARE zen 1nd such amnion beam but nu sunk under our sun and flourish leqst under 135 faded are conumn brgdlgz place or mum4 Whether your daughm Bidet gm l3 wringing dlgcmra anything by chnnzlng damn doubtful nghe the ï¬rst one Italted the joband the other an Just carded on the battle But than neither here not there The point that the staph arm around us I11 lme Some have very good mslslanca to it Somu dnnl Some peep are staph cmiers who may glva thl gem to other but no sullen from it themselves 0mm may Ilium themselvesjrom ï¬lms to me The llnph genn can bu very vlrulent and hospitals numb lel zspeclally are constantly on zuard agnlns ll Occasionally 11 gel lnlo the bloodstream and cause blood polsonlng It can be deadly Bul more allen it cause boil and other lkln ln lecllons Bonfmd the like can leave mr dune Illerwnrd and sore HESS an series oi boils Itaris utmost cleanliness rneaaures to keep th germ imm spread ingis mandatory Drugs will help in extreme cases lmw ever special vaccines may be used iio suit particular strain oi germ but this is compli cated task AI lo relnfecflnn from doth Ing no Narmnl laundering will provide protection Bu whm the hon are mm keep the In leded are cuvcred with Iter lle bandage but Dr Molnar What about birth control pillsi Do they cause blood clots Ind do you rccammend lhemr LVL dont remmmend any med lutlon tn whalcuda fashion These plUA like my drug should be taken only under d1 rectton from phyllclan who know th patient need and condtllan Al to clots Ive heard at such contentions but at re cent conterenca on the sublect the conclusion was that the risk of vatn clotting has not been hroved by Tina CANADIAN mass Illulu My oxqu Joan oi Arc war burned at the mire 532 year Igo lo dayin 1m after being cnndemncd hereiic The Maid oi Orleam me Frnncel most nlriking his luricai iizuren led In army at 8000 men Igninsi ha English invaders and creed them to raise the siege ul Ihe city ni Orleans The English Irmy retreated be inre the French inspired by her iizura dnssnd in ur mor mounled on black charger But her encmies delivered her in ha English and her denlh She we can onlmi in 15 mu Fredericton NB gnmrpgrglcd Peter lhe Gml Cur ol Russia wu harm TODAY IN HISTORY PA I44