Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 May 1963, p. 3

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noon ararzarcmans carry an injured piiot from crashed plane during demonstration at Camp Bor den Air Force day yesterday captivated thousands watched air ioroe personnel perform ivnarious phases oi their train SHOWINGA group at Inter ested visitors to the Air Force Day at Camp Borden the cock iiiDcrring Golden HaWks Make Hearts Pound its bird Yes But its also plane Yes What kind at plane Golden Hawk ut thats bird Yesl You mean they call this piano bird Yes And look there theroa son ther And another and another and another Yes those are the RCA Gol den llawks Sure is something Well what do they do First oi all they make elambang appearance by In troducing tho Rod Knight who solos about hall an hour belore the flock oi lets straw And then And then you hear them before you see them and Air Ground Displays Hits OfAir Force Dav Some people like speeches some dont Yesterday oiticlnls at RCAF Camp Borden decided that the ihrongs gathered in llnnger i7 wouldnt be interested in iormai elcome speeches lor Air Force Day instead Group Captain llllton gave opening honors in the Air Force liand which re eenlly topped all competitors to Rand competition In hloose Jaw dark By 130 hniihour alter the opening good size crowd the conversation could continue But the essential point is that the Golden linwks leave no team ior speculation Once they arrive at an alrileld it takes masteriul mind to re move onaa eyes irom the skies Whyi Because one will nev er know what will be performed next solo llypast at drag horse speed tor jet or tour polnt roll by two streaking lets less than 150 teat abuse the rare way PliENOMENA crowd estimated at near ly 8000 onand oil the station ground gathered to witness this aerial phenomenon presented yearly by the RCAF it was at Camp Borden yesterday The Great Controller must have had an eye over Comp Borden during the momlng because shortly belore noon that would later grow to hott er then 8000 assembled In two hangars to witness ground dis laya poke theirnoserlnslda llct cockpiis watch movies buy popcorn and look ior lost child sea in one hangar the public took ilrst hand look at how para chutes are packed aerial photo graphs and how men survive in the Arctic hlcakncss ORGANS 0F JETS in the second hangar the vital organs oi Jets and other planes Could Cruisers 5Pollute Water OTTAWA Special Qucse lions about pollution at the Trent waterway system have been placed on the Commons order paper by Dr ll Rynord lili PC tor Slmcoe East The Orillla surgeon Ir asking lho government it the De art limeot nl Transport la consdcr ing providing sewage disposal systems tor the lncrcaairu num bor oi largo cabin cruisers us lag waterways such the Trent lio wants to know it there are any regulations requiring cabin crulscra to install lacilitlca Cant Identity Man Killed In Collision An uoldcutliird man was kill rl thocar collision on Highway Is our concession Orillla Township lint night Orillla Oll detachment said the rrran war proceeding cart on the highway and war to col ltrlon with wrlilmuml car gitrln otyeharrrld Nllowarri urrcr nawort or wash ht Orillla lullta arrll It on aim if radon rol irinn Darnnor lo the Ainrworlh car were uttrnatol at 500 and damages to the second car rrtt malrrt ot H000 lrtrntlilcollon rarun at tempting to ideally the tired man lhrl arrivient Ia lttlrtI tortali which would prevent the cone lamination ot the water by raw sewage and it no such rcgula lions exist It consideration is being given to making some Dr ltynard Is also asking II the government plans any steps to control the problem oi lung cancer as the result oi cirtnr ettn smoking What steps has the Department oi National ileaith and Wclloro taken to Iniorrn the public particularly teenage at the delinito link betwcn cigarette smoking and lung cancer and the dangers to health and IIIoI tho Orillla doc tor la asking And on the matter at tho ahlp ping oi the CNN alrerott to the Canadian bases In Germany Dr Rynard is asking what mod llicatlons were required to be made on the planes in the latter part at last year lio also wants to know why such motililcatlonr were not maria in Canada rlor to shipment what the mod ilca tions cost and what wages will be old to other than Canadian wor mcn ior doing the work Tho questions are among about too that have so tar been placed on the order paper tor either verbal or writtru answers lrom the govcmmrnt lt II expected to be neat wrelr hetero the ques tlnna come up lor reply In lira Commons TRANSFER llrJA AIONTllliAI tcl SstIiiai Waller ll Lola t1 critically ln Jureri In terrorist Imrnlr raplo at May 11 star lranalrrrrsl in the Montreal Neurological lnrtb Wednesday huge and threatening rain clouds to sure but to cancel the fly pasta disappeared The RCA was blessed by sunny skies and brisk wind good thing that the wind was there Ever wonder what makes that trailing plume at colored smoke behind let Kerosene being burned by in4 complete combustion and pro pellcd irom behind the let And where does the beautiiui stuli go when jet blurrs by the ground The slendr goes to the crowds It there is no wind to remove it irom the area Yesterday still Milenahour wind clear ed the area almost immediately alter the jets passed thus cn nbllng the now mesmerized crowd to witness the next teat la the old days pilots said youtly by dead reckoning Today it you dont reckon right were exposed to the scrutiny ot the public eye At one side oi the hangar you could see iuel system in operation and on the other side take look at the rervomcchanlsma controlling laps and ailerons lirelighting display in which Illa Crash Wagon was displny ed iasclooled and warmed people iar about is minutes The crash rescue personnel poured lots oi gasoline on hulk or broken iuselage especially pre pared tor the occasion and sci the whole thingsmalig on lire Then they proceeded calmly to put It out Using watery loam ioamite irom onc truck and dry chemical irom an other lnick osbestasauitod lire Iightcrr put the blaze out within minutes PLANE PARADE flying display was the next scheduch event Led by three Expediters succession oi planes huge and small trailed by lor over hall an hour An Otter rescue plane pro vided most oi the puzzled looks in the crowds eyes The Otter regular plane with two wings and an engine equipped with propellor llrw by at breakneck speed at about 1515 miles an hour against heI wind like helicoplcr llut anl its designed to behave almost like one however and the Otter can take oil and land within 00 icrt Just the thing ior raacuo And then another rescue piano look oil it was on AlbutrDIa sea piano It took oil almost vertically with hanshccliko howl irnm ila tour JATO bottlre tthasslatcdtakeoil When one lane lch try an other coma ong almost Irnmctl intcly First the Espcrlitcra then the Utter the Allrntroaa tho rte sure helicopter the Cosmrrpoii ion the training Chipmunks and then the lied Knight and the tuition Hawks in DAV This was the l7th time that Air Force Day has been rele lrraied by the CAP imup Cap tain llllton said It la the tiny art aside so that our lrlrrrdr may have an opportunity ot visiting rriit us and seeing at tlrat troan aamo oi the work an And it was great straw all you never youro commanding iiiark Vi Foo Sabre Jet palgn pledged to tho thYWCA riivirinn to John Ilun consistr at Jack Cains team and Toni Ynlos division With total at 770 reckon again it And In the old days pilots said You iiy by the seat oi your pan Today in Golden iiawks pilots leel there is lead in the seat oi their pants as they ex ecute single or double loop scarier ronca Gravity iorcos imposed on their bodies often equal the weight oi an elephant as they manoeuvre their ships iri tight 360 degree turns vertical or horizontal And throuyrout the time they must retain complete control oi the plane Sounds astounding lircao pil ots are outstanding The seven men chosen each year two soloists iour flight iormailon pilots and one spare are drawn from the ranks ol jet pilots serving with sound runs and training units oi the RCAF Their average age sothey have an average at 12 years oi service with the Air Force and all have been stationed with Canadas NATO Air Division in Europe Words are not adequate to do lusilce to ilypast oi iour trim ships and highspeed low lcvel pass by two soiolsts COMPLETE THRILL Sutilce It to say that when the oneehour high speed show was over the people didnt know which way to turn and It took the crowd iew seconds to reject dreams and remember they camo to Borden in cars Pledges lit $225000 Less Than Hail Vlih llva days remaining in It 3475000 building tund cam smmrao has been Tho tcams organization has collected total at 007100 in its goat oi 890000 and the spec iol names committee reported it had received pledges amount Iog to another 0000 This brought tho special names total to 1175000 slightly less than one hall at its 05000 goal Thirteen new quota busters wcra recognised at the report last night meeting at tlro Cnn tlnentnl ion They were Jack lhiiilps tloward llomillon Dr Peter Deon Walls hiili lowcil llcid llill lorter hiel Wallace Walt ltcrt Cook Edwards and ltira limco Owen Stan Aiktns Austin Top team was lncir Cains which to data has brought in 500 Top tilvirinrr honors wont to Tom Yoira with total at 37 7o tum owny irom the 30000 will Top rrcllon wont incireater whose rec pit at canon airplane was Corporal WS eldal Chile drea were as crested as The Things We Say was the title or an enlightening address at Barrie Kiwanis Club dinner meeting at Community llouse by Squadron Leader David Reid chiei telecommunications oiilcer ior RCAF Station Edgar Program chairman was Dr Dale Hodges it people and nations are to live in harmony with each other they must have proper under standing qi what they are trying to say to each other SL Reid polntcd out Lets pay as much attention to the value at words as to the value at dollars The arealtcr said there never was tmo to mankind such as now when It is possible tor people to communicate with each other The world has been re duced to the dimensions at an 10th ccntury European country You would think this would rt suit to reduction of international tensions but such is not the case You cant blame the com munications media ior this SL Reid commented The inven Iiveness oi man has produced great numbers and types oi auto matic means at passing interm ation Hut at some point we have got to get back to the language which we speak The way we have been using Words it is quila poslbie than could be misinterpretation oi the mean ing between two communicating pcgple ho speaker indicated that the Chinese language ior example had been reduced to simplicity iuil words and empty words parents at the annual event whlch ieatured the Golden Hawks SQUADBON LEADER Says TiteThings We Say Can Lead To Confusion acting as links English is much easier language to learn That Is it is much easier ior Chinese to learn the English lan guage than tor English to learn Chinese DEST LANGUAGE The English language In my opiolonhas four basic deslo able qualities SL Reid said First It Is capable oi being used to express abstract ideas Secondly it is euphonlous sounds good Thirdiy it is the most llexlbla at all languages Finally it is good tor swearing and by that mean without ob secnlty or blasphemy Everyone should be able to swear solid ly and soundly but politely The speaker said part at tho iauit lies with our education in the use at words its decried the various and many misuses oi the English language which are heard on the air waves He did not exempt the press litany terms becoming com mon today are abominations oi the language created and loster ed by the advertising writers at liladison avenue For instance the use at the term wise al ter so many words such as money wise travelwise cte Sometimes think we iright ea children away irom the can rect use at our language he claimed So what is the lussl Well we are Just cheating our selve Squadron Leader Raid was Introduced by Jack Stetson and thanked on behali oi the Kiwan is Club by Boyd Robertson Essay About Fair May Mean Money number at cash prizes have been oilercd to students who on itcr the llarrie Agricultural Sw eiciy essay contest this year lira Ethel Brant litonture greategrnnddaughicr oi Joseph llroni iamous chieltain oi the Six Nations lnrlians has oiier ed cash prize oi 15 inc tho best written essay by school pupil up to and including Grade it other prim donors The On iarlo Assoclntlon oi Agricultural Societies ilvo prizes ranging in amounts irom $0 to ti the Barrie Agricultural Society three prizes oi is it and $3 The liarria group will submit the winning essay oi on area pupil to the district level ior consideration ior other prizes The rules are subject What our lair can do tor the com munity best essay written school upil Up to and Incl Ing tlrnro essay length oi about 00 worn and must be rcrtiiieri by lrhchcr that it is the work oi the pupil The winning canny pint be isulrmiltrrl in the tllltltl repre scniaiiro not later than Oct 21 Iiy the agricultural society and in order that tho ctsaya may Ire Judged to time aturhuts are requested to sulnrrit them he tore iti Ill rhoultl lie ntldrrssctl urer Dorrie Agricultural So ciety Box 217 Barrie hlns lilootura is aLso an hour orary president oi the womens section oi the Ontario Associa tion at Agricultural Societies Shir is regarded as one at the greatest living authorities on lndlon cultureand history she is the author at several books and has appeared across Can ada and the United States DEATHS Dy rue cauaorau rnrzsa New Yorkhit Julian hotel wile oi the editor in New York oi North American serve Iccs tor Reuters news agency Now Yorkhire ilarriet Lira ltrclalcr or widow oi tamed violinist Frltr Krelsler llothralrr Ninthll Leigh ton Gostcr so iormcr manag Ing director oi Canada Lilo ln arrrnnco Oiiiccra Association Port Hope OakFrank Hum 7t Salvation Army at llccr ior more than so years Regina George Robert aon 7t lnrmcr secretary oi the Saskatchewan Wheat iool llalltas litrs Warrana lowor as registrar and dean or women at the University at from the management and stall of RAYS SIMCOE MOTORS to their many Friends and Customers Mna unornarr Hayward oi Alliston linds unique place to rest her icet in the fickph at display model of CFi00 She was one at the many visitors to the three hangars in which displays shnwingmany phases at the RCAF were exhibited Es aminer Photos DOnt Approve Prefab Home On The Street Several Eccles Street home owners last night protested an application by Cardinal Homes Ltd to put preiabrlcated house on the atrcet Appearing beiore commit tee of adjustment in council chambers Davidson said the house is now at Dorrie Shopping Plaza Describing the house he said it was at irame construction three bedrooms and iuliy insu lated lie said it is It by 42 leel and the only violation is the required square iootage Asked the value ot the house he said it had market value at about 311000 lie said it was built on speculation and will be auctioned Neil For main speaker tor the home owners said As the bylaw states there has lo be 1050 square leel it is zone ed R2 which has tho 1050 mini mum Fine homes hovo been built In the last iew years and we icci that reduction will act precedent There are some late lelt in the area and It may be decreased siili iuriher SEES DEVALUATION We icel that this will tie valuate the bylaw and this In turn will devoiuate our proper ty Wo leel that Cardinal item as Ltd has not purchased lot and stands to lose nothing We leel that Cardinal llamas or company should not be given rclcrenca over the individual oma owner iWe leel that speculation here will be the death at the neigh borhood Hence we should have the beneiit oi the bylaw Rory ODonol property own er said agree with the prev ious speaker but might also add that iicclcs Street has been quiet street and it this up llcntlon Is allowed there will be traliic problem with people driving up to look at the house think we should have the benciit oi the bylaw Mr Davidson lor Cardinal Homes said As to the else at the house dont think it met tcrs too much small house might be more expensive than much larger house As to parking on Sunday it wouldnt be open on Sunday One at the home owners saLi it just doesnt seem quite tar The rest at us have coniormed to tho bylaw Another said go along with the others Any houses built in the last low years have con lormcd to the bylaw and dont see why house like this should be permitted as it would de prcciate tho value at our house Decision was reserved Alter decision is given there will be twowcck period in which to tile with the Ontario Municipal Board OBITUliiiY RERECCA ltleAULEY Rebecca Dorothy lichuIey or at 115 Hayfield SL llarrlc died at her home She is survived by her only aistcr lilaydee Show at liorrla llorn tho daughter oi James Edward liicAuley and llcbocea Park in Durham she became public school teacher and lived to New Liskoard Surihury Sault Sie hlurlc Sprucedoie and Bar re She was active in tho Womans Auxiliary oi the Anglican Church and took grant Interest in tarcywnrk and ilowcrs The lunerat service was con ducted by the Rev Wnlicr Dyer at tho lcthiek Funeral liomc iiurlai nan at St laula Come tcry lunislil Poilctrcls new P62 has the most wanted plus features SAVE your Dollars and lay Hm 0000 over most other types of faint 3ch on maintenance dollarsno chain gears belts toys or our boat llall besrtngs uwd throughout Hg My hot drying ratedme with 50 in lathn Morle or raht around who ottondcd and contributed so much to the success of their recent GRAND OPENING SPECIAL THANK YOU lOit lliE FLORAL DISPLAYS RAYS srucor MOTORS iTD 0t lliFlN STIIEtTl lA 52311 airrI Ivy iii tonalahlr John llnyd NM su rrrarrarnm umonv IITAWA tCllTlra olllcial onevolume history ot the fans olian Army in the Flrat World Zilar will or translated Into lhl Fremlr language the army sold irrrtncariay The book pulillahed in English in loos umler the title VCanmiIrn tlsperlltlnnary Farce tilltrtl was written by lot Nicholson lormrr di rrrtnr oi the historical mum at the armys grorral stall Coda ruling its floutgrill ALI the hay Ibatr Doramu II was dry your teeth and peeled trait at not tray or grotrr windrom tutor dqhg without stuttering grin or leaves Vol blamedreally attached by one man Marries stools bath piecemeal fleygztmwfimw 3a Poll outdoor rating width PARIRIDGE an raacrott seatIce Highway ll North Barrie Al PA Mm she Imptat uu not home all our parking an todays modern rutum mu drulnl mP OMI ill hidy will pm it BAllPlANINGMlll Com Unite It Mas PA $2496 4110 out nr guiltanIAlua stumnmwuWmams

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